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Chiang Mai Auto License Renewal Date.


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One-year auto license expires April 10. I plan to renew for 5 years on April 30th, what with closing for Songkran holidays and some other business I have.

Question---my time-frame ok?---)waitng 20 days after expiration?)

And health paper, and certificate of residence---to do on the 18th----still valid for 30th?

Thanks. Please note this is for Chiang Mai, as i understand diffferent provinces may have different regulations.

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naboo and onthedarkside. Seems like conflicting replies to me. naboo says went 11 months after expiry date of one year license and they told him okay. Onthedarkside says you won't be legal if you are 20 days late.. My mind tends to side with onthedarkside. Anyone else had experience with going after license expired?

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naboo and onthedarkside. Seems like conflicting replies to me. naboo says went 11 months after expiry date of one year license and they told him okay. Onthedarkside says you won't be legal if you are 20 days late.. My mind tends to side with onthedarkside. Anyone else had experience with going after license expired?

What I get from the earlier answers is that it is ok to go thru the renewal process after expiration, but if you drive after expiration----without having renewed, that would be illegal.

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i renewed my 5 yr license today and have effectively got a 6 year licence...here's why

  • when you get or renew a 5 year licence the 5 years will start from your next birthday
  • my birthday was last week and thus my license had expired by a few days
  • my new one is now valid until April 2019

I would of actually renewed it prior to it expiring but couldn't get a resident certificate from CM immigration. See my earlier post http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/632161-residence-certificate-cm-immigration-will-not-issue/

Here's the documents i had for my license renewal

  • Passport
  • Old drivers license
  • Copies of passport Data page, TM6, Re-entry stamp(not applicable for everyone), last entry stamp, visa valid until date
  • residence certificate (mine from consulate in English, no translation required)
  • medical certificate (mine from loi Kroh clinic 100 baht)

If you are applying for both car and riders license you will need a second copy of everything

Sign all the copies

There is a copying service right at the license section for 1 baht a copy.

Here is my procedure today

  • Walked staight up to 2nd floor at approx 13;15
  • Went to information counter with my paperwork and passport/licenses
  • Was directed to the other counters and filled in some parts of the application (at this stage chatting with a lady working at one of the counters it was apparent that many others were also having/had problems with their resident certificates also)
  • Was directed to another counter where I took a brake reaction test and a colour blindness test (5 years ago there was a depth perception test as well, but not today)
  • I then went and watched about an hour of road safety movies and a couple of guys re-inforcing the dangers of drink driving, driving tires, hazards of speeding, motor cycle awareness. This was all in Thai and i was the only farang in the room. I was asked if I wanted to see the movies in English, but I went with the Thai.
  • Then went in the queue again and waited for about 40 minutes. I was the last one in the movie room, so they were all ahead of me for the proccessing.
  • Paid 960 baht for both licenses
  • Was finished in a little under 2 hours all up

Hope this is helpful to anyone interested.

As a side note, was talking to a guy whilst at immigration yesterday (prior to NOT getting a resident certificate) and he reckons that, using the new style drivers license which has your passport or ID number on it, that when he flys down to Bangkok and leaves his passport at home (just takes a copy with him)

Edited by bloody tiger
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While reading this thread I focused upon the need for a residence certificate, now that CM Immigration refuses to do them (probably because they have neither the procedures, personnel or facilities to do them in in timely / efficient manner). Also apparently CM Immigration's advise that CM Police offices will do them was erroneous passing the buck (it was reported on tv that police offices refused to do so). So, I guess that means everybody has to go to their consulate or embassy (at absurd prices to discourage frivilous embassy workload, such as this probably is).

I was hoping that CM Immigration would have coordinated with other Thai govt agencies that require a residence certificate (driving licences and motorcycle, car & possible condo purchase / registration immediately comes to mind). Hopefully CM Immigration would have persuaded these other registration agencies to suspend the requirement for a residence certificate, at least until CM Immigration can once again do it.

Alas, that does not appear to be the case. What a grand passing of the buck when it comes to solving a problem. Typical higher level bureaucratic requirement for a report (probably without a real need once again) that is not properly resourced for the bureaucrats at lower levels to efficiently administer. The left hand of the bureaucracy doesn't know what the right hand is doing or why.

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