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Yingluck Slammed For Changing Clothes Too Many Times In One Day


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Well done Madam. Appropiately dressed for each event. Or was she supposed to go to the OSCC event in evening gown, or the dinner in an off the shoulder OSCC jacket ?

Anyway who says that just because she changes out of something, it automatically goes to the dry cleaners.

Would be more helpful for Cocnuts to report on what she said, but that would be straying into journalism. laugh.png

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Truth to this story or not it does seem Yingluck puts more into looking good in public than to her job, well that's when she's actually in the country. I suppose it doesn't matter too much though as she's only a puppet anyway

Your comment is as petty, snide and bitchy as the best of them . . . well done.

Shades of neo-cons pouncing on Michelle Obama for everything she did/does . . .

But Michelle Obama isn't masquerading as a PM whilst really being controlled by a convicted fugitive offshore based criminal. whistling.gif

Everyone already knows that the PM is not the real power, and her attendance record to parliament is dismal. But, who gives a fig about how often she changes clothes. She certainly looks better than Merkel,Gillard and the witch from Argentina.

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Really??? this is the best they can come up with?

I am assuming here that her dry cleaning is directly responsible for the present electricity shortage..

Come on "journalists" find something worth while to report.

Also in her defense it is much easier to dress appropriately for the number of events in a day that she has to attend as a man. One good business suit and either take the jacket and tie off or put it on and you are pretty much set for the day. Maybe change your shirt a few times if your out side and sweating.

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Come on guys, be nice to YS. She works hard, defends her own policies and debates with critics and the opposition in order to make them understand that what she is doing is best for Thailand. She is a real PM and role model. She never walks away from her duties. She is the PM for ALL!

I think the fact that she changes clothes so often is not important as long as she performs and smiles.

Edited by Nickymaster
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The article is incredibly petty. So what!?!?

Well, yes agree .....it's from Coconuts Bangkok , a self-styled "rag-mag " tongue in cheek entertainment media, so should only be taken light-heartedly !

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I will say that she could have avoided all this by having multiple copies of the same outfit, and therefore she can look fresh without looking like she changed cloths. Like I believe most other politicians do in the more developed countries.

Most politicians in developed countries have multiple copies of the same clothes to look 'fresh'? :) Really?

If she does this, the news will be "Yingluck slammed for wearing one clothe to attend four events in one day which disgrace Thailand"!

Whatever she does, people will pick up a line on her, so don't bother!

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"Yingluck came under fire this Tuesday for making what some described as excessive changes to her wardrobe... "

Came under fire from whom? Not one name mentioned. Petty, pathetic story. How many times a person changes their clothes is their own business, no one else's. If she didn't change her clothes she'd be accused of B.O. by the very same unnamed people.

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thai girls do not like to sweat or smell , they avoid the sun like the plague.

she is no different, she wants to exude a constant freshness , both for her comfort and her perceived responses of those around her.

all those people she comingles with probably make her sweat and she'll have none of it.

sweat permeates the clothing and created a wafting effect that she doesnt want.


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Oh please, people will attack her about anything. Now it is attacking her for dressing to suit a particular event. To stop all the whiners and detractors maybe she should just dress in jeans 24/7 oh no wait then people will complain because she doesn't dress to suit the occassion.

Is she any different when it comes to this compared to any other official in any other place of the world? Julia gillard probably changes her clothes more time per day than Yingluk does.

maybe both haven't been told about Immodium
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This lady can't win for losing.

My reaction is that anytime a politician is changing clothes, getting a haircut, sitting on the toilet (without a mobile phone), they are not causing any damage to the country.


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Khun Yingluck, Prime Minister, is a beautiful lady, who represents Thailand well on the world's stage. She has beaucoup money, and a whole lot of STYLE, and the clothes she wears show off Thai feminity at its best. In short: The Lady can wear anything she wants (she's lovely in everything), any time that suits her fancy. She's a Woman and a Half.

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Khun Yingluck, Prime Minister, is a beautiful lady, who represents Thailand well on the world's stage. She has beaucoup money, and a whole lot of STYLE, and the clothes she wears show off Thai feminity at its best. In short: The Lady can wear anything she wants (she's lovely in everything), any time that suits her fancy. She's a Woman and a Half.

Sounds like you are describing a pageant queen rather than a leader of a nation. What next? Wasn't that Abhisit chap a dishy young fellow with sparkly eyes?

Edited by rixalex
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How pathetic. Who cares how many times she changes. She's the political leader of the country, leave her alone. Let her get on with the difficult job of making Thailand a safer and nicer place to live in and visit.

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Me thinks the main reason for Yinluck changing clothes one too many times in a day is that she has a

body odour.

The scientific explanation is, in people under emotional stress the tubular walls of their apocrine glands

contract and the sweat is pushed to the surface of the skin where bacteria begin breaking it down,

and it is this bacterial breakdown of apocrine sweat that causes her to smell.

Hence the need for frequent change of clothes.

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Khun Yingluck, Prime Minister, is a beautiful lady, who represents Thailand well on the world's stage. She has beaucoup money, and a whole lot of STYLE, and the clothes she wears show off Thai feminity at its best. In short: The Lady can wear anything she wants (she's lovely in everything), any time that suits her fancy. She's a Woman and a Half.

She is certainly a looker, but not knowing how tall she is, I don't fancy women who are too small as I am tall myself.

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It's funny enough having a ridiculous headline or story. It's worse yet when the editorial comes and they try to state their argument. Thai news and editorial should just make the statements without any defense or explanation. They'd come off looking smarter.

Burberry boots during the floods. Enough said.

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are her opponents so desperate to criticize her for this habit

Funny thing is the article doesn't say who is criticising her. I don't particularly like yingluck but seriously what does it matter how many times she changes her clothes. So where did the criticism come from?

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How many times does Abhisit change his underwear daily.

Skid Marks? sad.png
In the prisoner of war camp the commander said to the prisoners, "today you will all change your underwear, hut 22 will change with hut 34,

This really is a poor thread, but reading between the lines it sort of says, it is one of Yinglucks things she must do-look as good as she can - have as many photo op as poss, not diss-similar to a certain Philipino lady from years back.

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thai girls do not like to sweat or smell , they avoid the sun like the plague.

she is no different, she wants to exude a constant freshness , both for her comfort and her perceived responses of those around her.

all those people she comingles with probably make her sweat and she'll have none of it.

sweat permeates the clothing and created a wafting effect that she doesnt want.


same as any other woman

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