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British Police Getting Ready For Disruptions At Margaret Thatcher's Funeral Procession


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These same scum bags will be outraged when the extreme right celebrate Scargill's demise.

My feelings to anyone who celebrates that event will be the same as those towards the people celebrating Thatcher's demise.

Though I suspect that it wont be the extreme right doing so; it'll be the miners whose lives he ruined for his own political ambitions!

I think you will find the miners would blame Thatcher for ruining their lives before they would blame Scargill,maybe 7by7,you are a bit out of touch down south!

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Irrespective of your views on those wishing to show their disdain for the event, at least we live in a country where you can choose to do that rather than, for example, North Korea.

It's a pity we don't live in a country where people feel a measure of compassion for her family and friends and recognize that such protests are in extremely bad taste. Would these be the same people who would like to see a more compassionate society ?

Compassion isn't defined by empty phrases or meaningless gestures, but deeds. Redistribution of wealth from the poor to the rich is a bad deed, void of compassion. That's why Maggie doesn't reserve any respect.

We'll ignore your tired repetition of the Galloway school of Thatcher's economic policies, and look at compassion.

Compassion means, among other things, showing respect for, and respecting the feelings of, everyone; regardless of whether or not you agreed with their political beliefs and/or activities.

This world would be a far better place if you and those others celebrating Thatcher's death realised this.

But what do they care about compassion? Nothing, just another excuse to get pissed out of their tiny minds!

I don't think you will find that compassion was a word used by Mrs Thatcher that often if at all.

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These same scum bags will be outraged when the extreme right celebrate Scargill's demise.

My feelings to anyone who celebrates that event will be the same as those towards the people celebrating Thatcher's demise.

Though I suspect that it wont be the extreme right doing so; it'll be the miners whose lives he ruined for his own political ambitions!

I think you will find the miners would blame Thatcher for ruining their lives before they would blame Scargill,maybe 7by7,you are a bit out of touch down south!

I also think the miners are a bit confused, after all Mrs Thatcher gave a lot of support in favour of free trade unions in eastern Europe she just wasn't in favour of them in her own country.

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As is reflected in the latest opinion polls, which shows a significant drop in support for the Tory party. Cameron thought he would get a 'Thatcher bounce', but it has backfired on him, he has shown himself to be completely out of touch with the opinions and feelings of many many people. But his current party are far too arrogant to realise this. Mrs Thatcher's alleged philosophy was all about being careful with public money, yet the right wingers are only too happy to throw it around like confetti when it suits them!

Your correct there is a significant drop in support for the Tory party, and equally a large drop in support for the Labour Party,in contrast to the massive increase in support for the UKIP.

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THe cost of the event is relatively small compared to the 75b saved from BRITAINS CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EU quoted by William Hague this week. The major cost will security no doubt rent a mob and all associates will be out. I am sure the police will have made their plans.

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What is all the fuss about? Other ex-prime ministers have died and,apart from Churchill,they have had private funerals. Even Ted Heath, who took Britain into the European Union, had a private funeral.

The media are behind this.They have touched a nerve and they are building it up into a massive story. Is it the silly season when they are so desperate for news they will go to any lengths to get it? .Even a British patriots death. She loved Britain. That is enough for me.

As we say in Britain, GOD REST HER SOUL.

"even Ted heath"? You make that sound like he was a good PM. Heath single-handedly brought the country to it's knees, buckled under pressure from the unions and took us into the European Union. As a PM, it doesn't get much worse than that.

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It does seem a bit strange that David Cameron, who when taking over the conservative party said, he promised to detoxify it's "nasty" Thatcherite image but has now succumbed to this controversial canonization of Maggie.

Regarding the funeral I have no objections except I think the British government wastes a lot of taxpayers money and as for a state funeral I don't think the military comparisons with Churchill really stand up. The recapture of a tiny group of sparsely populated islands from an Argentinian military junta is hardly on a par with the Battle of Britain.

People that protest at funerals in the UK are no better than the creatures from Westboro Baptist Church in the US protesting funerals of deceased soldiers.

Funerals should be sacrosanct for grieving family members, if for no other reason.

Then have a private one. If the public are paying for it, they have every right to do whatever is within the law.

I think the British government wastes a lot of taxpayers money and as for a state funeral I don't think the military comparisons with Churchill really stand up. I'm a bit bemused by Cameron who upon taking charge of the conservative party vowed "to detoxify it of its nasty Thatcherite image", but now appears to be a party towards her canonization.

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People that protest at funerals in the UK are no better than the creatures from Westboro Baptist Church in the US protesting funerals of deceased soldiers.

Funerals should be sacrosanct for grieving family members, if for no other reason.

Then have a private one. If the public are paying for it, they have every right to do whatever is within the law.

Precisely the sort of response I anticipated from some.

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^ HM The Queen has been at every former PM's funeral.

Now calm down....

Absolute nonsense. The only one she has attended was Churchill's. Take more water with it!

I think you are confusing the issue of the Queen's attendance with the the separate matter of who received a state funeral. Of the PMs quoted,only Churchill received a state funeral.

I think he's just talking out of his botty.

Well done. Brilliant Rik Mayall impersonation. Are you 17?

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It does seem a bit strange that David Cameron, who when taking over the conservative party said, he promised to detoxify it's "nasty" Thatcherite image but has now succumbed to this controversial canonization of Maggie.

Regarding the funeral I have no objections except I think the British government wastes a lot of taxpayers money and as for a state funeral I don't think the military comparisons with Churchill really stand up. The recapture of a tiny group of sparsely populated islands from an Argentinian military junta is hardly on a par with the Battle of Britain.

People that protest at funerals in the UK are no better than the creatures from Westboro Baptist Church in the US protesting funerals of deceased soldiers.

Funerals should be sacrosanct for grieving family members, if for no other reason.

Then have a private one. If the public are paying for it, they have every right to do whatever is within the law.

I think the British government wastes a lot of taxpayers money and as for a state funeral I don't think the military comparisons with Churchill really stand up. I'm a bit bemused by Cameron who upon taking charge of the conservative party vowed "to detoxify it of its nasty Thatcherite image", but now appears to be a party towards her canonization.

All this recalling Parliament,at a huge expense,and what was the purpose? a good chance for the Conservatives to hold a free Party Political Broadcast at Taxpayers expense.

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should be a private family funeral end of story

In your opinion. - But, there again you don't rule the UK.

yes you got it correct this time it is an opinion of mine,,,we are allowed opinions even though Margaret brought in laws to stop any small gathering from discussing opinions with each other.

I take it you are on of the ruling class who does rule or am i reading too much into that statement,,,,,education eh,,,get you everywhere

wouldnt want to rule anybody far les the UK that is not a UK only superficial name

must be sad to be ruled by someone

keep on reading the daily mail

With people like you around, I would applaud Mrs Thatcher for bringing in laws preventing small numbers of people discussing opinions with each other.

The only problem is, that it's a complete load of rubbish. That so-called law never existed in the first place. It is a figment of your over-active imagination.

Keep on reading the Socialist W@#ker

I think the poster means,Thatcher limited a maximum of six pickets at any one time!

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I was unaware that Glenda Jackson, for example, was now a spokesperson for the Conservative party? When did she swap sides?

If some Labour MPs and others, chose not to attend and have their say, that is hardly Cameron's fault.

Restricting the number of pickets is not preventing small groups of people discussing political opinions with each other!

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People that protest at funerals in the UK are no better than the creatures from Westboro Baptist Church in the US protesting funerals of deceased soldiers.

Funerals should be sacrosanct for grieving family members, if for no other reason.

Then have a private one. If the public are paying for it, they have every right to do whatever is within the law.

Precisely the sort of response I anticipated from some.

Does that make it wrong?

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I was unaware that Glenda Jackson, for example, was now a spokesperson for the Conservative party? When did she swap sides?

If some Labour MPs and others, chose not to attend and have their say, that is hardly Cameron's fault.

Restricting the number of pickets is not preventing small groups of people discussing political opinions with each other!

I didn't say the Pickets could not discuss political opinions!

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So what did you mean when you said above in response to sausagenadmash "I think the poster means, Thatcher limited a maximum of six pickets at any one time!" when he had pointed that she had never restricted the number of people allowed to discuss political opinions?

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Then there's the antipathy towards women who say that Thatcher was a role model for women, while others scoff at and attack these women who cite Thatcher as a feminist sort of strong woman, and again, others say Thatcher was as anti-feminist as a staunch chauvinist. Is there also not the same resentment towards this deceased female politician precisely because it is a woman who did the dirty work, and like a witch burning ceremony, she gets all the blame because hating women who are powerful is ingrained into our culture(s).

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