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Swede Gets Death Penalty In Malaysia For Drugs

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if only they did that to every "major" drug dealer, the world would be a better place

and major would be more than 50 gramsn which is enough to ruin already a lot of lives just out of greed

china, thailand, malaysia, indonesia, singapore ... these countries are known for putting down drug criminals, so ... if you can't do the time...

I read somewhere a few years ago that the public executions in China were so popular they had to hire security guards to stop people stealing the pushbikes of the people who rode there to watch. A strange old world indeed. Not exactly on topic I agree but the law is the law is the law. Break it and face the consequences.

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Just like 1983 Barlow and Chambers , this " Law " is just simple Nonsense . The War on Drugs , individuals scream ..What an absolute Joke ...

Far from as simple as " The Law is the Law " ..How do you think laws are changed ?? ..If you are concerned about those profiting ..Check out who Actually runs the Show . Malaysia , and Simgapre , possibly the biggest of all Hypocrits ..

Take the $$$$ Side out of it , and see who

actually is complaining ..will be yet another set up ..Simply shameful .


Wonder if he's gotten used to his new way of life.

From Pattaya bar owner, with girls and everything else on tap, to a death row cell in Malaysia for the rest of his life....


Oh well, you win some lose some.

That room looks ok, ok, death awaits, but death awaits everyone, no matter where we live.

But so much nicer to die of old age than hanging from a rope.


Of course, the ironic thing is that Malaysia has had these very tough drug smuggling laws for years and enforced them and it still has the same drug problems. In fact if anything it is getting worse.

One has to wonder if there has ever been a review of Malaysia's drug laws as they do not seem to be having the effect they were supposed to have.

Such laws will Never present a Result . They are basically there to present a " Hard Line " view , they sacrifice a few individuals that are Set - up anyway .

Then try and present it as this " Horrid Individual " ..destroying lives .

What absolute nonsense .

If it were not so serious it would be a literal joke ..Especially in the Case of Singapore and Malaysia .


Great sentence.

Should really be carried out in public and put on the tv in high definition to warn others of the same punishment.


if only they did that to every "major" drug dealer, the world would be a better place

and major would be more than 50 gramsn which is enough to ruin already a lot of lives just out of greed

china, thailand, malaysia, indonesia, singapore ... these countries are known for putting down drug criminals, so ... if you can't do the time...

Ah, the usual idiocy. Anybody with half a brain knows that the "war on drugs" is imbecilic and that the only sane approach is decriminalisation, government licensing of drug sales, public education about the effects of all drugs and social and health programs to help the addicted. Within half a century, this will be the norm in most countries, and people will look back on the attitudes of people like you as barbaric.
Barbaric Ignorant and Idiotic. It takes about 5 minutes to find relevant mortality rates for the Drugs vs Alcohol debate. In the U.k the ONS keeps accurate records now. Last time I checked deaths due to drug abuse were around 800/annum mostly due to Heroin use..things like Cocaine were around 24deaths/annum ...Alcohol 6984/annum and that's just as primary cause not people killed through drink driving etc.

Anyone with an ounce of intellect knows the "war on drugs" is a joke, the repeal of prohibition on Alcohol was a disaster for the Mafia and the drug Laws are a hangover from that whole period.

Respecting a countrys laws is one thing, arguing that they are morally justified because "drugs are the scourge of the earth" is another.


Probably try to come with that xxxx in Thailand and poison lots of people, good jugement hope they execut it that is what drug dealer deserve.

I know I'm just barking out what's been said dozens of times before on here...

But it'd be nice to see them investigate exactly what organizations are involved (in the origin and destination) with this sort of traffic. 4.3 kg of crystal means a significant organization (for both the supply and distribution) is involved, and this guy's just an easily replaced little pawn in that system.

Everyone knows who is involved. High ranking police, military, other untouchables, and other non-government criminals they are in bed with. Just like human trafficking, all of this stuff comes from the top and that is exactly why they hardly ever investigate the true source of it all. And when they do, it is to cut out competition.


Great sentence.

Should really be carried out in public and put on the tv in high definition to warn others of the same punishment.

They do put it on TV for Thai girls. Lots of Thai girls are caught every year and given death sentences abroad. ALL of them drug mules, most say they had no idea what they were carrying or thought it was make-up kits or coffee.



''Barbaric Ignorant and Idiotic. It takes about 5 minutes to find relevant mortality rates for the Drugs vs Alcohol debate. In the U.k the ONS keeps accurate records now. Last time I checked deaths due to drug abuse were around 800/annum mostly due to Heroin use..things like Cocaine were around 24deaths/annum ...Alcohol 6984/annum and that's just as primary cause not people killed through drink driving etc.
Anyone with an ounce of intellect knows the "war on drugs" is a joke, the repeal of prohibition on Alcohol was a disaster for the Mafia and the drug Laws are a hangover from that whole period.
Respecting a countrys laws is one thing, arguing that they are morally justified because "drugs are the scourge of the earth" is another. ''

Has very little to do with mortality rates.

The hard drugs, heroin, cocain, meth, as examples, get people addicted to EXPENSIVE drugs.

Then they run out of money, if they had any in the beginning, then they start lying, stealing in order to get more drugs.

The drugs fry their brains, then they get more and more agressive in their ways of getting more drugs, And then they are no longer functional in society.

Just get a copy of the video documentary 'The most dangerous drug''.

Then you could be in a position to discuss what is ''Barbaric Ignorant and Idiotic.


Personally, I believe this is pretty extreme for carrying drugs. This guy would have to be a loon to pack drugs in his bag and go through an airport with a potential death penalty.

I think the law is too strict with a death penalty for carrying drugs. Jail time is appropriate. The drugs could have been planted and he can't deny he is the owner of the drugs. So if you want to get rid of your competition (bar owner) just pay off the security and plant drugs on the guy.

To implement a death penalty, the law should force the prosecution to prove intent to sell or distribute. That way he is actively demonstrating he is breaking the law. The way the present law is, it's way too easy to set someone up.

Malaysia is a scary country and I can absolutely vouch for that and also vouch for your claim of "The drugs could have been planted and he can't deny he is the owner of the drugs".... I had a very scary and unerving experience there a very long time ago wherein I was threatened to withdraw a complaint lest I would be faced with Possesion of Drugs and as they said to me then ... Surely you know what the penalty for that would be ,,, !! And as I said this was quite a long time ago.... Obviously nothing there has changed and yes I find it hard to believe that this guy would be stupid enough to just throw this stuff in a suitcase and try / expect to walk through incognito ... ?? Duhhh !!rolleyes.gif


If you're going to applaud the execution of drug traffickers - would you hold peddlars of whisky etc to the same standard -given that alcohol abuse wreaks havoc on the roads and in families in cases of domestic violence and in the community in cases of random and premeditated violence ??. Or perhaps those whose superannuation and pension funds invest in companies that manufacture arms and weapons of war.....which often do untold damage to innocent civilians....Just wondering because the holier than thou mentality of some of the would be local lynch mobbers is pretty nauseating. Where do you draw the line?

Draw the line with responsbillty friend..it's 2013, don't you think we've had enough time to figure things out properly and reasonably? Each and every one is responsible for his/her actions..I hold everyone accountable.


Personally, I believe this is pretty extreme for carrying drugs. This guy would have to be a loon to pack drugs in his bag and go through an airport with a potential death penalty.

I think the law is too strict with a death penalty for carrying drugs. Jail time is appropriate. The drugs could have been planted and he can't deny he is the owner of the drugs. So if you want to get rid of your competition (bar owner) just pay off the security and plant drugs on the guy.

To implement a death penalty, the law should force the prosecution to prove intent to sell or distribute. That way he is actively demonstrating he is breaking the law. The way the present law is, it's way too easy to set someone up.

Malaysia is a scary country and I can absolutely vouch for that and also vouch for your claim of "The drugs could have been planted and he can't deny he is the owner of the drugs".... I had a very scary and unerving experience there a very long time ago wherein I was threatened to withdraw a complaint lest I would be faced with Possesion of Drugs and as they said to me then ... Surely you know what the penalty for that would be ,,, !! And as I said this was quite a long time ago.... Obviously nothing there has changed and yes I find it hard to believe that this guy would be stupid enough to just throw this stuff in a suitcase and try / expect to walk through incognito ... ?? Duhhh !!rolleyes.gif

Greed knows no bounds....he would of made a mint selling it in Thailand. Fast-buck-Freddy. He might of gotten away with it before..who knows. He looks kind of constipated in the pic. though.


Not sure what your point is, bitterbatter. The Swede was found guilty at the behest of the prosecution's case as the Swede appears to have offered no circumstantial evidence or mitigation.

Life is harsh, but we each decide our destination.

Many posts second guessing reasons and conspiracy. They weren't apparent during his trial.


It really is crazy that a drug that was considered harmless and was used as casually and commonly as coffee through the fifties and sixties is now a reason to kill someone.

Meanwhile in the USA, children who have trouble concentrating are diagnosed with ADD or ADHD, and put on regular doses of it before they are teenagers. Doctors don't really pay attention to how children are reacting and the most violent acts of mass murders in schools all have these drugs such as Adderall and Ritilan as the one common thing that these kids who have who literally don't know what reality is.

Of course the mainstream media never seems to figure out the big 'mystery' as to what went wrong, because pharmaceutical companies would suffer losses. If society wasn't so repressive about telling the truth about things like drugs, then maybe people could understand better the difference for when and how not to use these things. With the right circumstances and a safe place for people to meet others who can guide them so that mind altering can be done in a beneficial and constructive way.

We live in an upside down world. Best to stand back and don't let the chaos suck you in....


you may be right, I don't know much about the case, I am just saying even if evidence and all that looks clear, how can we honestly judge his motive and the reasons for doing one of the stupidest things imaginable. I just can't comprehend how anyone could consciously do what he did..... Unless he really deep down is ok with death and living out

+the rest of his days in hell..... a little Money or getting high.... these are things you can get in numerous ways that are legal and safe... Maybe he just enjoys the high of feeling like his is so clever he can fool anyone and loved the excitement of the risk.

Not sure what your point is, bitterbatter. The Swede was found guilty at the behest of the prosecution's case as the Swede appears to have offered no circumstantial evidence or mitigation.

Life is harsh, but we each decide our destination.

Many posts second guessing reasons and conspiracy. They weren't apparent during his trial.



Nobody is judging the guy's motives. He was brought before a court of law and found guilty of concealment and smuggling.

The law defines the penalty as death. A harsh sentence to our sensibilities but the law, no less.

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Probably try to come with that xxxx in Thailand and poison lots of people, good jugement hope they execut it that is what drug dealer deserve.

I know I'm just barking out what's been said dozens of times before on here...

But it'd be nice to see them investigate exactly what organizations are involved (in the origin and destination) with this sort of traffic. 4.3 kg of heroin means a significant organization (for both the supply and distribution) is involved, and this guy's just an easily replaced little pawn in that system.

Exactly what I think too, much too often people are used without notice or they are desparate which does not excuse their action and you never see the big ones at both ends caught, the courier is only a weak and small chain in this business. When it comes to illegal drugs everyone is quick at hand with death penalty but like a gun it does shoot into your body by itself and legalized drugs killing people everday sanctioned by govs. all around the world. Killing people was never a solution other will follow if you not elliminate the roots of this problem and this again mostly due to governments. Happy Songkran taking a legal drugburp.gif

Well, if the drugs are legal, so be it...People can make the choice of killing themselves, perhaps more slowly, with these legal drugs.

But then now some people may think twice before taking illegal drugs in or out of Malaysia...

I doubt it, you can't fix stupid.

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Well, apparently this Swede, like some others here, didn't understand the meaning of "illegal" OR "death penalty."

He was flat-out stupid.

He's only a swede by legalities, he's Iranian.

What does that mean? Arnold Swarzenegger is only an American by legalities. He's Austrian. This guy seems to have a Swedish surname so he could be more Swedish than you think

Or maybe used the Swedish equivalent of changing his name by deed poll


deaths caused annually worldwide by illegal drugs 250 000 - http://www.myhealthnewsdaily.com/2077-worldwide-illegal-drug-deaths.html

deaths caused annually by smoking - 5 million


I,m pretty sure most countries have stiff penalties, including death for illegal drugs. No countries have banned the sales of cigarettes and tobacco as far as i know? Something is not adding up?

How many smoke cigs v take illegal drugs?


Personally, I believe this is pretty extreme for carrying drugs. This guy would have to be a loon to pack drugs in his bag and go through an airport with a potential death penalty.

I think the law is too strict with a death penalty for carrying drugs. Jail time is appropriate. The drugs could have been planted and he can't deny he is the owner of the drugs. So if you want to get rid of your competition (bar owner) just pay off the security and plant drugs on the guy.

To implement a death penalty, the law should force the prosecution to prove intent to sell or distribute. That way he is actively demonstrating he is breaking the law. The way the present law is, it's way too easy to set someone up.

Malaysia is a scary country and I can absolutely vouch for that and also vouch for your claim of "The drugs could have been planted and he can't deny he is the owner of the drugs".... I had a very scary and unerving experience there a very long time ago wherein I was threatened to withdraw a complaint lest I would be faced with Possesion of Drugs and as they said to me then ... Surely you know what the penalty for that would be ,,, !! And as I said this was quite a long time ago.... Obviously nothing there has changed and yes I find it hard to believe that this guy would be stupid enough to just throw this stuff in a suitcase and try / expect to walk through incognito ... ?? Duhhh !!rolleyes.gif

Thank you for sharing your experience and if he truly was intending to sell this stuff in Thailand (as others are contending which we don't know), it would be much easier to try to come through a Thai airport. Why start in Malaysia and then travel to Thailand?

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If you're going to applaud the execution of drug traffickers - would you hold peddlars of whisky etc to the same standard -given that alcohol abuse wreaks havoc on the roads and in families in cases of domestic violence and in the community in cases of random and premeditated violence ??. Or perhaps those whose superannuation and pension funds invest in companies that manufacture arms and weapons of war.....which often do untold damage to innocent civilians....Just wondering because the holier than thou mentality of some of the would be local lynch mobbers is pretty nauseating. Where do you draw the line?

Nice name boris, seems to suit your apparent attitude.

The lines are quite clearly drawn already. Malaysia is very very clear on drugs wherever you enter the country their

immigration enrty form clearly states " the penalty for carrying drugs into or out of Malaysia is Death "

I am not aware of anywhere where they have capital punishment for selling alcohol, even in the middle east, but I am

open to correction by anyone. coffee1.gif

Boris is asking the question "would you hold peddlars of whisky etc to the same standard" he's not arguing that Malaysia's penalty for drug trafficking isn't clear but simply making the point that legal drugs cause havoc in society so where does punishing drug suppliers stop? If it stops at alcohol and cigarettes why does it stop there? They take a heavy tole on society. Why is it OK to accept those drug and not the use of others? I'm not a drug user by the way but I see his point. The line is drawn but why there? Why not allow a discussion on alternative approaches to the use of drugs? The war on drugs has not worked and will not work. Society has always used drugs and in the not too distant past the drugs that are now so vilified were used quite happily by a minority of the population and society survived. It's very easy to make the case that legal drugs cause far more problems in society so maybe they should be outlawed in the same way that other drugs have been. And if you really want to kill people who peddle drugs that harm society let's execute the CEOs of cigarette and beer companies.


No excuse for this fool. He probably did not get caught after a few drug runs, made some great cash and just thought he could keep a few steps ahead of the law. He knew the penalty and that is probably why he was so well paid for his new moonlighting adventure. Pattaya bar owner of course, home to thugs and wannabes.

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If you're going to applaud the execution of drug traffickers - would you hold peddlars of whisky etc to the same standard -given that alcohol abuse wreaks havoc on the roads and in families in cases of domestic violence and in the community in cases of random and premeditated violence ??. Or perhaps those whose superannuation and pension funds invest in companies that manufacture arms and weapons of war.....which often do untold damage to innocent civilians....Just wondering because the holier than thou mentality of some of the would be local lynch mobbers is pretty nauseating. Where do you draw the line?

Nice name boris, seems to suit your apparent attitude.

The lines are quite clearly drawn already. Malaysia is very very clear on drugs wherever you enter the country their

immigration enrty form clearly states " the penalty for carrying drugs into or out of Malaysia is Death "

I am not aware of anywhere where they have capital punishment for selling alcohol, even in the middle east, but I am

open to correction by anyone. coffee1.gif

Boris is asking the question "would you hold peddlars of whisky etc to the same standard" he's not arguing that Malaysia's penalty for drug trafficking isn't clear but simply making the point that legal drugs cause havoc in society so where does punishing drug suppliers stop? If it stops at alcohol and cigarettes why does it stop there? They take a heavy tole on society. Why is it OK to accept those drug and not the use of others? I'm not a drug user by the way but I see his point. The line is drawn but why there? Why not allow a discussion on alternative approaches to the use of drugs? The war on drugs has not worked and will not work. Society has always used drugs and in the not too distant past the drugs that are now so vilified were used quite happily by a minority of the population and society survived. It's very easy to make the case that legal drugs cause far more problems in society so maybe they should be outlawed in the same way that other drugs have been. And if you really want to kill people who peddle drugs that harm society let's execute the CEOs of cigarette and beer companies.

For me, it comes down to personal freedoms. People don't kill so they can buy cigarettes and alcohol, so why take away or attempt to control that freedom? People DO kill for hard drugs. To sell, buy, use, so for me, it makes sense to control the situation that kills other people. Why do people that THINK they are superior either ethically/morally or even intellectually feel like they need to dictate to others? Too much control is dangerous to personal freedoms, especially if it's masked as being good for the society as a whole. The one thing I can say about Thailand is with all the negatives that exist here, personal freedom is superior to the west.

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If you're going to applaud the execution of drug traffickers - would you hold peddlars of whisky etc to the same standard -given that alcohol abuse wreaks havoc on the roads and in families in cases of domestic violence and in the community in cases of random and premeditated violence ??. Or perhaps those whose superannuation and pension funds invest in companies that manufacture arms and weapons of war.....which often do untold damage to innocent civilians....Just wondering because the holier than thou mentality of some of the would be local lynch mobbers is pretty nauseating. Where do you draw the line?

Nice name boris, seems to suit your apparent attitude.

The lines are quite clearly drawn already. Malaysia is very very clear on drugs wherever you enter the country their

immigration enrty form clearly states " the penalty for carrying drugs into or out of Malaysia is Death "

I am not aware of anywhere where they have capital punishment for selling alcohol, even in the middle east, but I am

open to correction by anyone. coffee1.gif

Thanks for the obtuse dig at the name Boris , jock, not quite sure what connotations the name Boris has for you

Could be wrong but believe his dig was at the rest of your nik, 'loosebrain', which seems apt.

These threads always go the same way with the 'but alcohol kills more people' crowd churning out their tired old comparisons. It has eff all to do with it; as stated above, everyone knows Malaysia's position on traffickers and everyone knows there are big-ups pulling the strings. Bottom-line: HE was caught going through the airport with drugs, Malaysia has the death penalty, not rocket science. That folk disagree with their stance or believe alcohol is a worser evil is completely immaterial and ultimately a waste of server space. This is a case of tough titties and one less lowlife potentially poisoning thousands of kids. next.

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