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Aggressive Foreign Tramp On 3Rd Road


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I. Hate that, I Used to live in Hastings, UK, we had a huge problem with drunks on the promenade, one day my wife came home and told me they had accosted her when she was with our 2 daughters, they asked for money then ranted and raved at her when she walked away.

I done whatever a man would have done, I went straight down to where they were and offered them to fight me, I called them everything, still not one of them would get up, luckily for them.

I had the same <deleted> in Charing Cross railway station with the aggressive Scottish drunks trying to sponge money, I did a roundhouse kick that just missed his head, then he was a dribbling drunken Scottish blubbering fool, " i'm sorry mate, I didnae mean to offend, I was only jokin" yeah right.

I was 30 years old and in my prime, that's the only reason they were sorry, if I was and OAP, they wouldn't give a toss.

If I see this tosser in Patts, I will get out of my truck if he accosts anyone within my vicinity, and lay him down.

I hate people like this with a passion.

You sound like you might be ex special forces mate

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Just talked to Sven and he said he was just letting off steam, before going back to teach at his school's English camp after Songkran.

You seem to want to down play his actions like one who drank too many, for what ever reason. He is in serious need of attention, the way he was acting was one of a mental condition, possibly bipolar. Take a look at the photos again, there was dirt all over the man, he looks very malnourished and dark like someone living on the street for a while.

I used to see that German who lived on soi diana daily for about a year, many people tried to help but he would not accept new clothes or help and almost weathered away to nothing before the police finally took action.

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Just talked to Sven and he said he was just letting off steam, before going back to teach at his school's English camp after Songkran.

You seem to want to down play his actions like one who drank too many, for what ever reason. He is in serious need of attention, the way he was acting was one of a mental condition, possibly bipolar. Take a look at the photos again, there was dirt all over the man, he looks very malnourished and dark like someone living on the street for a while.

I used to see that German who lived on soi diana daily for about a year, many people tried to help but he would not accept new clothes or help and almost weathered away to nothing before the police finally took action.

You don't get it yet that you're having a conversation with a troll?

Wonder what his previous username was.

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I. Hate that, I Used to live in Hastings, UK, we had a huge problem with drunks on the promenade, one day my wife came home and told me they had accosted her when she was with our 2 daughters, they asked for money then ranted and raved at her when she walked away.

I done whatever a man would have done, I went straight down to where they were and offered them to fight me, I called them everything, still not one of them would get up, luckily for them.

I had the same <deleted> in Charing Cross railway station with the aggressive Scottish drunks trying to sponge money, I did a roundhouse kick that just missed his head, then he was a dribbling drunken Scottish blubbering fool, " i'm sorry mate, I didnae mean to offend, I was only jokin" yeah right.

I was 30 years old and in my prime, that's the only reason they were sorry, if I was and OAP, they wouldn't give a toss.

If I see this tosser in Patts, I will get out of my truck if he accosts anyone within my vicinity, and lay him down.

I hate people like this with a passion.

You sound like you might be ex special forces mate

He's an ex-SAS, one of the last ones that arrived last week.


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I think I remember him from about 2 years ago, seems familiar.

He was a lot bigger then and seemed quite compos mentis..

He was in the 7/11 on 3rd Road near North Pattaya Road, he was counting his loose change and bought a can and a very small glass bottle of Pepsi, he stank of BO.

He approached me and pulled some folded up papers out of his pocket, each had prices written on them like 200 Baht..

He asked me if I wanted to buy some "Music Posters", I told him no thanks, then he asked would I like to make a donation..

I told him I would buy him a bar of soap and to go and get one from the toiletries aisle..

Then he freaked out a little and also started performing in front of my car as I was driving away.

Nationality, English (quite well spoken)...

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Surely in the time it took you to post his pics here, then post your replies, you could have tried to contact the relevant authorities if you really gave that much of a <deleted>?

Methinks you just wanted to have a "Daily Mail/Thai Visa I'm the right kind of member of society and look at this demon" moment here...

Get over yourself. If you really care, then do something.


I drove back by about 6pm that day and he was no longer there. At the time it saw him there was no way I would have approached him seeing his aggressive state. From past experience reporting this to the cops would have been a wast of time, I thought it better to put it out on a expat forum like this for someone who might know him or his situation.

I have tried to help my follow expats out over the years when possible,you can see all the photo's I have posted of the jetski scammers on that thread and I have even notified death notices to families by phone of people I hardly knew but I do have my limits though.

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Surely in the time it took you to post his pics here, then post your replies, you could have tried to contact the relevant authorities if you really gave that much of a <deleted>?

The "Relevant Authorities" detained the German Soi Baukhau tramp several times, before kicking him out of custody because he had no money..

There was the other British Guy Richard Hewitt, who the "Relevant Authorities" left chained to the bars at Soi 9 police station, emaciated and near starvation.

Which "Relevant Authorities" do you have in mind?

No point in calling the Embassy, as he can get a western Union leaflet almost anywhere in Pattaya

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Surely in the time it took you to post his pics here, then post your replies, you could have tried to contact the relevant authorities if you really gave that much of a <deleted>?

The "Relevant Authorities" detained the German Soi Baukhau tramp several times, before kicking him out of custody because he had no money..

There was the other British Guy Richard Hewitt, who the "Relevant Authorities" left chained to the bars at Soi 9 police station, emaciated and near starvation.

Which "Relevant Authorities" do you have in mind?

No point in calling the Embassy, as he can get a western Union leaflet almost anywhere in Pattaya

Relevant Authorities as in someone/anyone who can actually help the bloke instead of a forum post with people just slating the poor fella.

I'm pretty sure the British Embassy do have a mandate to assist any UK national in trouble overseas yet tend to ignore it or claim 'it's not their responsibility anymore' though a quick look on their website showed me :- and it's apparently a 'priority':

  • we help and support British nationals who are in difficulty or distress, and where necessary issue emergency travel documents and other notarial or documentary services

Therefore if you feel they aren't doing their job, contact them and complain. It is your right.

Over to you...

Here's the link and relevant numbers....


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"I. Hate that....If I see this tosser in Patts...."

Patts? Seems to me if you are too lazy to say Pattaya(at a gigantic cost of 2 additional letters) getting out of your truck for anything would be a stretch. Or do you save your energy for those times you are called on to be an arse kicking, swash buckling, head banging, super cyber tough guy? Geeez.

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Just talked to Sven and he said he was just letting off steam, before going back to teach at his school's English camp after Songkran.

You seem to want to down play his actions like one who drank too many, for what ever reason. He is in serious need of attention, the way he was acting was one of a mental condition, possibly bipolar. Take a look at the photos again, there was dirt all over the man, he looks very malnourished and dark like someone living on the street for a while.

I used to see that German who lived on soi diana daily for about a year, many people tried to help but he would not accept new clothes or help and almost weathered away to nothing before the police finally took action.

He didn't turn his nose up at cigarettes and cash people gave him though.

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Just talked to Sven and he said he was just letting off steam, before going back to teach at his school's English camp after Songkran.

You seem to want to down play his actions like one who drank too many, for what ever reason. He is in serious need of attention, the way he was acting was one of a mental condition, possibly bipolar. Take a look at the photos again, there was dirt all over the man, he looks very malnourished and dark like someone living on the street for a while.

I used to see that German who lived on soi diana daily for about a year, many people tried to help but he would not accept new clothes or help and almost weathered away to nothing before the police finally took action.

He didn't turn his nose up at cigarettes and cash people gave him though.
Actually the motorcycle taxi's in from the metropole bought food for him more than any body else, and a friend of mine said he declined to accept cash from him and said "Im fine".
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The police and embassy will certainly take action.


How long was Richard left handcuffed and emancipated in the police cell again?

This was a very disturbing aspect of Thailand which not many of us are aware of. This poor chap had committed no crime but had temporarily lost control of his mental faculties. The Police claimed he was manacled to the bars for his own safety!

The British consulate and the embassy in Bangkok were made aware of this poor fellows plight and did absolutely nothing. It took a middle aged Falang lady to cause a rumpus and get him released and obtain his medical treatment. I forget her name but she was a true angel in disguise.

Tracey Cosgrove who does a lot of charity work, stepped in to rescue Richard Hewitt.

Best to google "Richard Hewitt Pattaya" for the full story, as I understand we are not allowed to post Andrew Drummond links here.

As it turns out this guy was not down and out, he was actually quite well off, had plenty of money - he just went crazy.

The British Consulate did provide the pillows seen in this picture, but in his defense - it was the Embassy in Bangkok that limited what assistance he could provide.

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The police and embassy will certainly take action.


How long was Richard left handcuffed and emancipated in the police cell again?

This was a very disturbing aspect of Thailand which not many of us are aware of. This poor chap had committed no crime but had temporarily lost control of his mental faculties. The Police claimed he was manacled to the bars for his own safety!

The British consulate and the embassy in Bangkok were made aware of this poor fellows plight and did absolutely nothing. It took a middle aged Falang lady to cause a rumpus and get him released and obtain his medical treatment. I forget her name but she was a true angel in disguise.

Tracey Cosgrove who does a lot of charity work, stepped in to rescue Richard Hewitt.

Best to google "Richard Hewitt Pattaya" for the full story, as I understand we are not allowed to post Andrew Drummond links here.

As it turns out this guy was not down and out, he was actually quite well off, had plenty of money - he just went crazy.

The British Consulate did provide the pillows seen in this picture, but in his defense - it was the Embassy in Bangkok that limited what assistance he could provide.

In the picture I think Mr Hewitt's head is resting on a clear plastic bag containing some plastic drinking water bottles. Just saying.

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In the picture I think Mr Hewitt's head is resting on a clear plastic bag containing some plastic drinking water bottles. Just saying.

Spot on... HM government (or probably the consul, out of his own pocket) provided those water bottles.

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