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Interesting Exposee On Older Foreign Tourists In Bangkok!

Goong Chae Nam Pla

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It must be great to be a 'journalist' in 2013 - one eye on the Twitterverse while you bang out rehashed excrement like that before heading off to the kind of boozy lunch most of us had to farewell sometime in the mid 90s. Throw in the fact that the small 'f' feminist who wrote this dirge didnt even have the guts to put her own name to it and I'd like to thank the OP for 60 seconds I'll never get back. Has anything good ever come out of Canada other than Rush and PSB loudspeakers ? Where are the gun nuts when they are so sorely needed ?

Laura Fearn is the nom de plume of a Canadian expat who lives in Thailand and works as a freelance writer and blogger reporting on life in Asia.

I bet the so call freelance writer made less that 4,000 US dollars and has no work permit and looking for one of the old farangs to take care of her.
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It's a lazy assassination, once again painting Thai women as mendacious money grabbing whores when the truth of the matter is the vast majority have nothing to do with the sex trade, they detest the sex trade and the image it brings to Thailand, and they are just as dedicated to family life as any woman in the World, in fact even more so than many as we know that womenfolk here will routinely put themselves second to their families.

I think it is very clear that the article is not discussing Thai women in general but the relationships between sex tourists and Thai prostitutes (Those who might identify themselves as prostitutes and those 'gifted amateurs' tinkering around the edges of the trade).

But let's set off on self righteous rants in defence of all Thai women and totally ignore the other half of the equation - the sex tourists/sexpats.

Oh but look, its the sex tourists /sexpats that are self righteously defending Thai women.

The blatant truth here is that this article does not denigrate Thai women in general rather the predictable response of totally ignoring discussion of the motives and mindset of the customers in this trade.

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I sat in gullivers the other day and a French friend who visits infrequently commented on all the fossilized farangs sitting outside, most with a certain type of lady much younger, not particularly pretty, mutton dressed as lamb etc..this isn't normal Thailand but it does exist in increasing numbers. I just find it sad that guys of an age leave friends and family and retire here to what? A country they don't understand ( who does?), with girls more monosyllabic than a chimp in a zoo..with probably long term financial pressure given the state of pensions and exchange rates..the argument is that it is a better life than some solitary existence back in the uk or wherever..maybe?

The article is very misleading...

Thailand is a difficult place to live without money.

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Author is totally clueless and the article is filled with idiocy and ignorance, as per the course for this type of article.

I think the author knows a lot more than you suggest. Of course the guys with their 20 year younger, uneducated gf will scream and shout at the untruth. The truth hurts.

Old guys do come here and take advantage of young, uneducated girls with no other option if they want a comfortable life.

My wife comes from a poor background and obviously wouldn't have married me if she came from a rich family. She is only 3 years younger. I am old enough and wise enough to accept the truth.

Why do you say that ?

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My wife and i have lived in the UK as as our son ,both speak perfect english,i have only once had any remark made about her being married to me and that was made by a IBangladeshi/pakistani or the like ,my familly and friends treated her with respect ,but then i really do not have a problem here in Thailand ,the reason may be that she dresses well ,and is well spoken ,on the other hand if you are with a younger woman with lots of tattoos and hardly any clothes on then no matter what her age she may be taken for a bar worker with her sugar daddy, the only time any remark has been made about me was when i was out with our son you can guess what that was ,or you may have read it on here some months ago smile.png

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Author is totally clueless and the article is filled with idiocy and ignorance, as per the course for this type of article.

I think the author knows a lot more than you suggest. Of course the guys with their 20 year younger, uneducated gf will scream and shout at the untruth. The truth hurts.

Old guys do come here and take advantage of young, uneducated girls with no other option if they want a comfortable life.

My wife comes from a poor background and obviously wouldn't have married me if she came from a rich family. She is only 3 years younger. I am old enough and wise enough to accept the truth.

Why do you say that ?

Perhaps he is not very good looking and a bit low class ,covered in tatts and wears shots ,vest and wears flip flops with black socks. not many hi so lady's go for that sort of guybiggrin.png

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My wife and i have lived in the UK as as our son ,both speak perfect english,i have only once had any remark made about her being married to me and that was made by a IBangladeshi/pakistani or the like ,my familly and friends treated her with respect ,but then i really do not have a problem here in Thailand ,the reason may be that she dresses well ,and is well spoken ,on the other hand if you are with a younger woman with lots of tattoos and hardly any clothes on then no matter what her age she may be taken for a bar worker with her sugar daddy, the only time any remark has been made about me was when i was out with our son you can guess what that was ,or you may have read it on here some months ago smile.png

Yep. Spot on.

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There was this Thai girl sitting on her own dressed up like she was rich, who just happened to be in a farang bargirl bar area and the farangs in the bar were falling for it.

One; she's on her own in a bar girl bar was a give away, but when she opened her mouth after a few drinks I thought someone had thrown some ping pong balls.

Thais can spot a persons class by their voice and tone a mile away.

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It must be great to be a 'journalist' in 2013 - one eye on the Twitterverse while you bang out rehashed excrement like that before heading off to the kind of boozy lunch most of us had to farewell sometime in the mid 90s. Throw in the fact that the small 'f' feminist who wrote this dirge didnt even have the guts to put her own name to it and I'd like to thank the OP for 60 seconds I'll never get back. Has anything good ever come out of Canada other than Rush and PSB loudspeakers ? Where are the gun nuts when they are so sorely needed ? Laura Fearn is the nom de plume of a Canadian expat who lives in Thailand and works as a freelance writer and blogger reporting on life in Asia.I bet the so call freelance writer made less that 4,000 US dollars and has no work permit and looking for one of the old farangs to take care of her.

Sorry, but with a username like yours how can you be unbiased here?

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It's a lazy assassination, once again painting Thai women as mendacious money grabbing whores when the truth of the matter is the vast majority have nothing to do with the sex trade, they detest the sex trade and the image it brings to Thailand, and they are just as dedicated to family life as any woman in the World, in fact even more so than many as we know that womenfolk here will routinely put themselves second to their families.

I think it is very clear that the article is not discussing Thai women in general but the relationships between sex tourists and Thai prostitutes (Those who might identify themselves as prostitutes and those 'gifted amateurs' tinkering around the edges of the trade).

But let's set off on self righteous rants in defence of all Thai women and totally ignore the other half of the equation - the sex tourists/sexpats.

Oh but look, its the sex tourists /sexpats that are self righteously defending Thai women.

The blatant truth here is that this article does not denigrate Thai women in general rather the predictable response of totally ignoring discussion of the motives and mindset of the customers in this trade.

I agree with all you say. I have to laugh as you are a regular visitor to Pattaya.

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Ill-educated and with no “silver-spoon” connections, many Thai women’s only resource is themselves, and they know better than to squander their one advantage in a transactional economy.

From this quote, I'd say she's either suggesting 'many' Thai women are either on the game, or looking to trap a 'sugar daddy' wouldn't you?

Yes indeed, that is exactly what she is saying "MANY THAI WOMEN" - She is NOT SAYING - "ALL THAI WOMEN".

You'd have to be blind, in complete denial or both to have any difficulty at all in the statement that 'Many Thai Women's only resource is themselves".

There is no reasonable justification jump to the conclusion and then set about ranting on your own assumption that the statement applies to 'ALL THAI WOMEN'.

Unless of course the old Shakespearian 'me thinks the lady doth protest too much' is at play here.

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Oh but look, its the sex tourists /sexpats that are self righteously defending Thai women.

Explain that comment Guesthouse.

It's written in plain english and needs no explanation - I mean precisely what I have said.

Edited by GuestHouse
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Oh but look, its the sex tourists /sexpats that are self righteously defending Thai women.

Explain that comment Guesthouse.

It's written in plain english and needs no explanation - I mean precisely what I have said.

So by dint you're having a go at me for having the temerity to point out that not every Thai lady is a money grabbing hooker......and further to that you're accusing me of being a sex tourist?.

Simple yes or no answer Guesthouse, seeing how you're fond of plain English.

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When I read a piece in the mainstream media about Thailand, it's very rare that it contains anything even remotely 'new' - fine, that's par for the course. When the sole reason for writing said piece is to drive a feminist nail through the testicles of a few old guys who ( mostly) mind their own bloody business, I get a little hot under the collar, but what really irks me is the prospect that this creature may have actually been paid for that hideous slant on a tale that very few adults could possibly find 'enlightening'. True, I didnt *have* to read it, but it's the kind of train wreck one feels compelled to comment on, regardless of how 'factual' the first few paragraphs may be.

80% of the regulars here could have written the guts of that piece - minus the feminist rant - but I guess we need a blog and a nom de plume to be taken seriously in the literary community, non ?


Call yourself 'Mrworldwidecowboy' and everyone'll take you seriously, if you can type as fast as French speaks.

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When you quote me it's a fair indicator that you are referring to me Guesthouse.

That put's a dent in your pathetic counterargument.

Next time you cross swords bring your wits with you, all of them, not just the half you brought this time.

That's the second time on this thread members have blown themselves apart with stupid counterarguments. coffee1.gif

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I just stuck a reply up on that article, if you click through you can see it's quite clearly me smile.png Here it is..............

............and in next weeks article we'll be reading stories of fantastically successful marriages between Thais and foreigners which have lasted decades.

We'll be reading stories about Thai women nursing their ill husbands hand and foot while their wealth is drained away by medical bills.
We'll be reading stories about the children of these marriages being given far better educational opportunities than could ever be afforded to them otherwise.
We'll be reading stories about families working together to build successful businesses.
We'll be reading stories about Thai women insisting that they obtain Usufructs on the family homes so that their husband cannot be denied the use of them after their death due to arcane Thai property laws.
We'll be reading stories about Thai single parents working their finger to the bone to support their families, with no thought of entering the sex industry as they abhor it with the same venom as women in the West.
In short we'll be reading an article that actually tells the truth about Thai women. I challenge the editor to demand that article to be written. If this lazy journalist is incapable of writing it, contact me and I'll do it gratis.

This vilification of Thai women has to stop.

Unfortunately sensational stories sell Newspapers and Magazine,good stories (which I agree are more often the norm) such as your suggestions, don't.

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I'll go out on a wee limb here and suggest that a very high proportion of western women would not be ble to cope with the pressures that Thai women face every day, as highlighted by theblether, and as anyone with half a brain and one eye could see for themselves all over the place. The article is a travesty, the comments from her nd from Guesthouse regarding old men getting on planes to find an easy woman are grossly exaggerted, and curiously ignore the younger tourist who arrives for the same reason...again as a small percentage of the total number of visitors.

The lassies in the restaurant who tb mentioned are not just outwardly beautiful; they have a smile and a word for everyone, work tirelessly, as do the vast majority of women I have seen or met in Thailand. That is an inner strength and inner beauty that shines through the adversity so many face daily. "Their bodies are their only resource??" BULLS**T

Yes, there are hookers and hangers-on too... just as there are in every town and city in most other countries of the world, so why is there such an outpouring of hypocrisy from the author and from some misguided souls here? Two answers spring to mind... the first is that the author has prostituted her alleged 'skills' in order to make a fast buck. The second is that those posters who see thai women as they have been portrayed must only be associating themselves with that small section of society. Live life in the gutter and you're bound to find rats along the way.

The vast majority of thai women deserve so much better than this article offers, as do the vast majority of expats, who are not sexpats. I object to Guesthouse's sweeping generalisation when he says sexpats come to the defense of thai women. What an idiotic and unnecessary comment. You do not know theblether, (nor me for that matter), yet you would class us as sexpats. How stupi you make yourself look! If you wish to try to make a point, can you not do so without resorting to insult? If not, then it is better not to make any point at all.

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The word is out TB... deal with the truth and spend less time pretending to be hurt by the facts and dreamed up accusations.

Nowhere in the article you chose to post does it suggest that all Thai women are money grabbing hookers - No where!

But you choose to be offended by the article you chose to post (Circulate).

Go take up the cudgels with the customers here, tackle them as they get off the aircraft, it is their cash that is driving the business, that and the cash of every other sex tourist or sexpat who buys sex from Thai prostitutes (and to be honest TB, take a look around and you'll see more than a few propositioning those hard working angles you tell us about).

Be less offended by people pointing out the truth (or in your own case doing your bit to circulate the truth) and be more offended by the reality.

Take your head out your porridge - every old single man boarding a plane of Thailand knows what to expect when he gets here.. most would not come otherwise.

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I object to Guesthouse's sweeping generalisation when he says sexpats come to the defense of thai women.

But you choose to ignore the other half of my argument that in leaping to the defence of all Thai women, where no suggestion is made in the article that it refers to all Thai women, you choose to ignore the motivations and mindset of the customers.

You can object all you like - Tonight there are men boarding aircraft who are heading to Thailand for exactly the business the article refers to.

TB Thanks for sharing, you object but are keen to spread the word such is your eagerness to be offended.

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Yes indeed, that is exactly what she is saying "MANY THAI WOMEN" - She is NOT SAYING - "ALL THAI WOMEN".

You'd have to be blind, in complete denial or both to have any difficulty at all in the statement that 'Many Thai Women's only resource is themselves".

There is no reasonable justification jump to the conclusion and then set about ranting on your own assumption that the statement applies to 'ALL THAI WOMEN'.

Unless of course the old Shakespearian 'me thinks the lady doth protest too much' is at play here.


Where have I said anything about ALL Thai women? You are obsessing with semantics and not on the realities of what the article suggests.

I'm more disgusted by the suggestion that she feels 'many' Thai women can only sell their clouts to get by, coming to this rather spurious conclusion via the stereotype that Thai women in general are downtrodden and have no other choice than to grab the first pervert Western 'expat' they see.

I'd like to see her explain that to the streams of hard working women I'll be perving over in an hour or so's time as they flood by me to and from a hard day's work at the factory....

Preposterous and insulting, not only to many Thai women, but also to many Western expats and their spouses here in Thailand too.

HOWEVER - The word is out.

As the article does observe there are plenty of foreign men heading to Thailand to take up the opportunities on offer from the very many Thai women who do choose to be prostitutes.

The "Word" has been out since the 1960s.....

My wife and i have lived in the UK as as our son ,both speak perfect english,i have only once had any remark made about her being married to me and that was made by a IBangladeshi/pakistani or the like ,my familly and friends treated her with respect ,but then i really do not have a problem here in Thailand ,the reason may be that she dresses well ,and is well spoken ,on the other hand if you are with a younger woman with lots of tattoos and hardly any clothes on then no matter what her age she may be taken for a bar worker with her sugar daddy, the only time any remark has been made about me was when i was out with our son you can guess what that was ,or you may have read it on here some months ago smile.png

Unless you lived in London, which for some reason is the only place we never had any silliness, I find that very, very hard to believe.

I know many blokes like to use these threads to plug their wife's "status", but frankly in Smalltown UK (or anywhere for that matter), you could be with the cream of Hi-So Thai society, clad in a Mink coat, a top end Prada dress, fine gossamer silk knickers and a diamond tiara - but so ingrained is the stereotype of "Western Male with Younger Asian female = Mail Order Bride (or similar)" in the mindset of your average smart-arse small-towner, that you will get comments like this daily.

When I read a piece in the mainstream media about Thailand, it's very rare that it contains anything even remotely 'new' - fine, that's par for the course. When the sole reason for writing said piece is to drive a feminist nail through the testicles of a few old guys who ( mostly) mind their own bloody business, I get a little hot under the collar, but what really irks me is the prospect that this creature may have actually been paid for that hideous slant on a tale that very few adults could possibly find 'enlightening'. True, I didnt *have* to read it, but it's the kind of train wreck one feels compelled to comment on, regardless of how 'factual' the first few paragraphs may be.

80% of the regulars here could have written the guts of that piece - minus the feminist rant - but I guess we need a blog and a nom de plume to be taken seriously in the literary community, non ?

Well put MrWW.

I would guess that as it's only a blog, then she isn't getting paid. I'd doubt too that she is a member of the NUJ or their overseas affiliates so would say it's unlikely.

As for the whole 'nom de plume' thing...really???

Were she writing incisive cutting edge articles about the intricacies of the Thai Political system then I could understand it, but writing dross which would make a 6th former blush is another thing altogether....

And just what the Dickens is a "Sexpat" anyway???

If it's an expat who has sex then I was a 'sexpat' 7 times over the holidays!!!!! thumbsup.gifthumbsup.gifthumbsup.gif

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The blether is correct.

It frustrating when you have daughters and see a society perceived so badly because of a small number ( but not invisible) number of women. Re- enforced by foreigners who think that everyone is like this.

If these women want to do this work, then so be it, but in general they affront the people around them with their loud mouths and general behaviour..it is I am sure a defensive mechanism as they know what Thais and long term farangs are thinking, the farangs with them are completely ignorant..

I too have had the same experiences as the blether..

There is no need for prostitution to be so " out in the open"..

To those who says Thai indulge..yes but more discretely,they don't bring the slapper back to condos where normal people, lead normal lives with families...

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Guesthouse, your posts are bordering on a racist slant which has no bearing whatsover on this thread,... Why have you felt the need to refer to bagpipes and porridge in two posts? Explain the relevance to the thread please, or immediately retract them. I for one find it extremely offensive and contrary to forum rules.

If you're big enough to throw insults, we have to ssume you are also big enough to retract when blatantly out of order.

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