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Twin Bomb Explosions Shatter Boston Marathon Finish Line

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The lockdown made sense because there was cause to think the living perp still had a BOMB.

I think it was for the safety of the people so they don't get bombed. but also that the police can work and are not disturbed by onlookers or even worse by vigilantes going on "hunt".

The police couldn't win. If they didn't do the lockdown and the perp had managed to get a pressure cooker bomb off in a public place, they would have been blamed. In their shoes, most people would have made the same decision assuming they really thought there was a good chance the perp still had such a bomb.

There are some new questions coming up about Tamerlan's finances. He didn't appear to have employment yet was driving a nice car, taking a six month trip to Russia, had an American wife with baby in a house. Where did he get the money? His Mama certainly wasn't rich. She had shoplifted at Lord and Taylors.

Yet another issue. There are some leaks now that some are concerned that Dzhokhar may NEVER be capable to physically speak again. Of course that is manageable if he can still communicate another way, but maybe that also means he is massively brain damaged. So that would rule out getting more info from him about connection to cells in the US or abroad. Also, how do you take a brain damaged, non-speaking basket case to trial? They will of course, but what a mess!

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We may have just witnessed the best and worst of America. The pulling together to get the injured help and the suspects apprehended was great. The police state look was not so great. I have read that it cost $33 million over the two days of the search. We had people locked in their homes and the likely outcome that somebody innocent would get shot all to catch a 19 year old on foot. We don't need that kind of a reaction.

Yeah 3 were murdered and many more wounded but; the crashing of the gold and silver markets that happened on the same day could ultimately kill a 100,000,000 around the world. We as Americans do have to keep things in perspective. We can just trash the Constitution whenever it pleases us. The bill for that will be unpayable.

I think most, maybe all, Massachusetts residents have responded positively to law enforcement's handling of the situation from Monday's catastrophe through the final capture. At least that's been my read through my family and friends in Boston, Arlington, Cambridge, Waltham and Newton, and from all the public praise. As a life-long resident of Massachusetts I have no issues with how things were handled, save my one concern was the amount of bullets discharged in the first fire-fight in Watertown. But maybe, given my familiarity and ties to the region, my perceptions are clouded?

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We may have just witnessed the best and worst of America. The pulling together to get the injured help and the suspects apprehended was great. The police state look was not so great. I have read that it cost $33 million over the two days of the search. We had people locked in their homes and the likely outcome that somebody innocent would get shot all to catch a 19 year old on foot. We don't need that kind of a reaction.

Yeah 3 were murdered and many more wounded but; the crashing of the gold and silver markets that happened on the same day could ultimately kill a 100,000,000 around the world. We as Americans do have to keep things in perspective. We can just trash the Constitution whenever it pleases us. The bill for that will be unpayable.

I think most, maybe all, Massachusetts residents have responded positively to law enforcement's handling of the situation from Monday's catastrophe through the final capture. At least that's been my read through my family and friends in Boston, Arlington, Cambridge, Waltham and Newton, and from all the public praise. As a life-long resident of Massachusetts I have no issues with how things were handled, save my one concern was the amount of bullets discharged in the first fire-fight in Watertown. But maybe, given my familiarity and ties to the region, my perceptions are clouded?

Many of us took a federal oath to defend the US Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic. It is the first priority of evey federal officer involved. If the Constitution goes, it all goes and nothing is going to matter. If we are thinking clearly, we are only conisidering the attack on the Constitution.

Naturally, State and Local agencies will have their responsibilities assigned by the govenor and the mayors to work within the State and local framework. The Federal guys are there to uphold the terms of the US Constitution.

  • Like 1

Yet another issue. There are some leaks now that some are concerned that Dzhokhar may NEVER be capable to physically speak again. Of course that is manageable if he can still communicate another way, but maybe that also means he is massively brain damaged.

I have heard reports that he is now answering questions by writing down the answers.

  • Like 2

Yet another issue. There are some leaks now that some are concerned that Dzhokhar may NEVER be capable to physically speak again. Of course that is manageable if he can still communicate another way, but maybe that also means he is massively brain damaged.

I have heard reports that he is now answering questions by writing down the answers.

Sounds good. I definitely jumped the gun on the brain damage speculation. I had read there was concern that he would never be able to speak again though.


I will have to admit that I am swayed by the lunatic fringe from time to time on some of the rampant conspiracy theories that are prevalent on the web these days, but not in this case. Enough evidence and history has come out about this case that leads me to the conclusion that these two did the deed and were part of a larger organization. Not because I place undying faith in the "system" or in the government in the US, it's because the US has pissed off enough people over the last 60 years that this sort of thing was bound to start happening in the US sooner or later. Take your pick as to who the culprits are, the fact remains that if the US had never interfered with sovereign nations for their own interests, this act most likely would not have taken place.

  • Like 2

Not sayin' you're really dumb of course, but I do get such a laugh from these conspiracy kooks.

re you saying you're buying every aspect of the official narrative?

So are you saying you're buying the Mother's crackpot theory that he was set up by the FBI? sick.gif

Unlike his mother, you probably believe 9/11 was terrorists.

Deuterium, Tritium, Actinum & 93Bq/kg Uranium on the steal beam coatings... Get real.

  • Like 1

We may have just witnessed the best and worst of America. The pulling together to get the injured help and the suspects apprehended was great. The police state look was not so great. I have read that it cost $33 million over the two days of the search. We had people locked in their homes and the likely outcome that somebody innocent would get shot all to catch a 19 year old on foot. We don't need that kind of a reaction.

Yeah 3 were murdered and many more wounded but; the crashing of the gold and silver markets that happened on the same day could ultimately kill a 100,000,000 around the world. We as Americans do have to keep things in perspective. We can just trash the Constitution whenever it pleases us. The bill for that will be unpayable.

I'm lost.

Which is the best and which is the worst?

How was the $33M arrived at?

and what does the price of gold have to do with it?

and why does a drop in gold of ~20% mean 100M lives?


Conspiracy theory posts and replies have been deleted. Sorry but that was a lot of posts.

Please don't feed the troll.


We may have just witnessed the best and worst of America. The pulling together to get the injured help and the suspects apprehended was great. The police state look was not so great. I have read that it cost $33 million over the two days of the search. We had people locked in their homes and the likely outcome that somebody innocent would get shot all to catch a 19 year old on foot. We don't need that kind of a reaction.

Yeah 3 were murdered and many more wounded but; the crashing of the gold and silver markets that happened on the same day could ultimately kill a 100,000,000 around the world. We as Americans do have to keep things in perspective. We can just trash the Constitution whenever it pleases us. The bill for that will be unpayable.

I'm lost.

Which is the best and which is the worst?

How was the $33M arrived at?

and what does the price of gold have to do with it?

and why does a drop in gold of ~20% mean 100M lives?

Haha, I was wondering the same things, but I refrained from asking. This is uber entertaining. I must live a sheltered life as I am never privy to such thought processes here in boring ole daily US life.


Conspiracy theory posts and replies have been deleted. Sorry but that was a lot of posts.

Please don't feed the troll.

Sorry Mods. Guilty

Sometimes i just cant help myself.

I'm blaming Chang beer and taking my once weekly silver bullet from TV


We may have just witnessed the best and worst of America. The pulling together to get the injured help and the suspects apprehended was great. The police state look was not so great. I have read that it cost $33 million over the two days of the search. We had people locked in their homes and the likely outcome that somebody innocent would get shot all to catch a 19 year old on foot. We don't need that kind of a reaction.

Yeah 3 were murdered and many more wounded but; the crashing of the gold and silver markets that happened on the same day could ultimately kill a 100,000,000 around the world. We as Americans do have to keep things in perspective. We can just trash the Constitution whenever it pleases us. The bill for that will be unpayable.

I'm lost.

Which is the best and which is the worst?

How was the $33M arrived at?

and what does the price of gold have to do with it?

and why does a drop in gold of ~20% mean 100M lives?

Haha, I was wondering the same things, but I refrained from asking. This is uber entertaining. I must live a sheltered life as I am never privy to such thought processes here in boring ole daily US life.

Me too F430, like i said, I'm blaming Chang beer.

If these guys can claim the FBI did it,

I can claim Chang beer made me :D


We may have just witnessed the best and worst of America. The pulling together to get the injured help and the suspects apprehended was great. The police state look was not so great. I have read that it cost $33 million over the two days of the search. We had people locked in their homes and the likely outcome that somebody innocent would get shot all to catch a 19 year old on foot. We don't need that kind of a reaction.

Yeah 3 were murdered and many more wounded but; the crashing of the gold and silver markets that happened on the same day could ultimately kill a 100,000,000 around the world. We as Americans do have to keep things in perspective. We can just trash the Constitution whenever it pleases us. The bill for that will be unpayable.

I'm lost.

Which is the best and which is the worst?

How was the $33M arrived at?

and what does the price of gold have to do with it?

and why does a drop in gold of ~20% mean 100M lives?

Haha, I was wondering the same things, but I refrained from asking. This is uber entertaining. I must live a sheltered life as I am never privy to such thought processes here in boring ole daily US life.

Me too F430, like i said, I'm blaming Chang beer.

If these guys can claim the FBI did it,

I can claim Chang beer made me :D

Haha, I don't even have the Chang beer excuse as I am just waking up!


Hmm Still in the states? how about Hams beer, or Strohs(sp?), or Fall City? and the all time favorite PBR!

Man i miss PBR of all things!


Hmm Still in the states? how about Hams beer, or Strohs(sp?), or Fall City? and the all time favorite PBR!

Man i miss PBR of all things!

Haha, sure. Just not at 7:00 am on a workday. Might get in trouble for that.

Will be in Russian for 45 days starting in June than 30 days in Thailand before coming back to the States. Chang beer opportunities around the corner!


I don't want to be too hard on the mosque in question, but here was a clear warning sign the elder brother had found jihad, which if only someone had informed the authorities. Alas I fear having any agent working under cover in the mosque would not be allowed by the current admin as that would be profiling.

Eldest Boston bomber was thrown out of his mosque for 'raged filled rant' against Martin Luther King three months ago - as FBI hunts mysterious religious leader who 'brainwashed' him

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2312470/Tamerlan-Tsarnaev-Boston-bomber-thrown-mosque-raged-filled-rant-Martin-Luther-King.html#ixzz2RCQLzCEh
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Officials: Boston suspects appear motivated by religion, but not tied to Islamic terror groups


Interesting legal question developing. How much longer can terror boy be considered an "Enemy Combatant" if his story is confirmed that they were not part of any organized cell etc... Seems to me they will have to mirandize him soon and read him his rights, and give him an attorney.


Its still a fluid situation. Information needs to be confirmed, and checked.

Given the damage, I see it as prudent to hold the suspect at the highest level of charge until more can be confirmed.

I still see it as a public safety issue.


They have mirandized him and charged him. He will be tried, convicted and executed is my prediction.

Officials: Boston suspects appear motivated by religion, but not tied to Islamic terror groups


Interesting legal question developing. How much longer can terror boy be considered an "Enemy Combatant" if his story is confirmed that they were not part of any organized cell etc... Seems to me they will have to mirandize him soon and read him his rights, and give him an attorney.

He is an enemy combatent, the enemy is an ideology, not a Country, just as the 9/11 hijackers represented an ideology, and not Afghanistan the Country we invaded. The sooner the government wakes up and sees things in these terms the quicker the root cause can be addressed instead of the symptoms.

  • Like 2
Officials: Boston suspects appear motivated by religion, but not tied to Islamic terror groups


Interesting legal question developing. How much longer can terror boy be considered an "Enemy Combatant" if his story is confirmed that they were not part of any organized cell etc... Seems to me they will have to mirandize him soon and read him his rights, and give him an attorney.

He is an enemy combatent, the enemy is an ideology, not a Country, just as the 9/11 hijackers represented an ideology, and not Afghanistan the Country we invaded. The sooner the government wakes up and sees things in these terms the quicker the root cause can be addressed instead of the symptoms.

Yeah, the tricky part here was that he is a recent naturalized citizen, so afforded all the civil rights. But, this is a very tricky area, for example, using the Aurora theater bomber, would you also suspend his civil rights because he wanted to achieve mass murder, or is it just the Islamist terrorist ideology you are referring to?

Officials: Boston suspects appear motivated by religion, but not tied to Islamic terror groups


Interesting legal question developing. How much longer can terror boy be considered an "Enemy Combatant" if his story is confirmed that they were not part of any organized cell etc... Seems to me they will have to mirandize him soon and read him his rights, and give him an attorney.

He is an enemy combatent, the enemy is an ideology, not a Country, just as the 9/11 hijackers represented an ideology, and not Afghanistan the Country we invaded. The sooner the government wakes up and sees things in these terms the quicker the root cause can be addressed instead of the symptoms.

Yeah, the tricky part here was that he is a recent naturalized citizen, so afforded all the civil rights. But, this is a very tricky area, for example, using the Aurora theater bomber, would you also suspend his civil rights because he wanted to achieve mass murder, or is it just the Islamist terrorist ideology you are referring to?

I believe internment was implemented for Japanese Americans during WWII, I know this sounds draconian, but I'd venture that Islamic 'extremists' in the U.S constitute a bigger threat than the Japanese Americans did in WWII. If such a measure had been put in place back in 2010 the Elder brother would likely have not been at liberty to do what he did.

  • Like 1
Officials: Boston suspects appear motivated by religion, but not tied to Islamic terror groups


Interesting legal question developing. How much longer can terror boy be considered an "Enemy Combatant" if his story is confirmed that they were not part of any organized cell etc... Seems to me they will have to mirandize him soon and read him his rights, and give him an attorney.

He is an enemy combatent, the enemy is an ideology, not a Country, just as the 9/11 hijackers represented an ideology, and not Afghanistan the Country we invaded. The sooner the government wakes up and sees things in these terms the quicker the root cause can be addressed instead of the symptoms.

He's an American citizen. He can't be stripped of his constitutional rights.

  • Like 1

If he was working with enemies from outside the USA he can. In 1942, eight German saboteurs, including two U.S. citizens, who had entered the United States were convicted by a secret military court set up by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt. The U.S. Supreme Court decided that the writ of habeas corpus did not apply due to their status as unlawful combatants.

  • Like 1

....a very interesting read - on how social media/internet sleuths during dynamic news events can get it wrong some time....

Reddit apologises for Boston online witch hunts

Reddit has apologised for its role in fuelling the social media witch hunts for the Boston bombings suspects.

Some of the activity on Reddit fuelled online witch hunts and dangerous speculation which spiralled into very negative consequences for innocent parties.

Erik Martin, Reddit general manager

The social news website became one of the must-reads last week for the latest news and thoughts on the Boston Marathon bombings. But it also became a place for amateur sleuths to gather and share their conspiracy theories and other ideas on who may have committed the crimes.

The online witch hunts ended up implicating several innocent people, including Sunil Tripathi, a 22-year-old Brown University student who went missing last month. After viewing the FBI's photos of the suspects on Thursday, Redditors became convinced that Tripathi was one of the bombers, with countless posts gleefully pointing out the physical similarities between Tripathi and Suspect #2, who ended up being 19-year-old Dzhokhar Tsarnaev.


The growing wave of suspicion surrounding Tripathi led his family to release a statement the next day saying they knew "unequivocally" their son was not involved.

Read more: http://www.watoday.com.au/technology/technology-news/reddit-apologises-for-boston-online-witch-hunts-20130423-2ibbt.html#ixzz2RFT8o7wY

  • Like 1
Officials: Boston suspects appear motivated by religion, but not tied to Islamic terror groups


Interesting legal question developing. How much longer can terror boy be considered an "Enemy Combatant" if his story is confirmed that they were not part of any organized cell etc... Seems to me they will have to mirandize him soon and read him his rights, and give him an attorney.

He is an enemy combatent, the enemy is an ideology, not a Country, just as the 9/11 hijackers represented an ideology, and not Afghanistan the Country we invaded. The sooner the government wakes up and sees things in these terms the quicker the root cause can be addressed instead of the symptoms.

Your government will continue to encourage the spread of Islamic fundamentalism, because it's the perfect camouflage for that those countries were it rules do the bidding of the west economically, privatise resources and state-run services, grant access to western corporations. It's about resources, cheap labour, markets. That is what matters, and so we have to put up with some terrorism.


We may have just witnessed the best and worst of America. The pulling together to get the injured help and the suspects apprehended was great. The police state look was not so great. I have read that it cost $33 million over the two days of the search. We had people locked in their homes and the likely outcome that somebody innocent would get shot all to catch a 19 year old on foot. We don't need that kind of a reaction.

Yeah 3 were murdered and many more wounded but; the crashing of the gold and silver markets that happened on the same day could ultimately kill a 100,000,000 around the world. We as Americans do have to keep things in perspective. We can just trash the Constitution whenever it pleases us. The bill for that will be unpayable.

I think most, maybe all, Massachusetts residents have responded positively to law enforcement's handling of the situation from Monday's catastrophe through the final capture. At least that's been my read through my family and friends in Boston, Arlington, Cambridge, Waltham and Newton, and from all the public praise. As a life-long resident of Massachusetts I have no issues with how things were handled, save my one concern was the amount of bullets discharged in the first fire-fight in Watertown. But maybe, given my familiarity and ties to the region, my perceptions are clouded?

I don't think you're clouded but then I might be clouded too, having lived a long time in the Fenway/Kenmore and having spent a quarter of my time in and out of spots on Boylston Street, to include being at the Marathon finish line a couple of dozen times. You know.

So, hey, if people in Cambridge or Newton aren't objecting to the security measures taken by the governor, the extremely popular longtime Mayor Menino, the police state and local - to include the Feds - and which included the presence of the state National Guard military units, we must be experiencing the kind of unity known only during WW 2.

(The government is not interning Muslims either, the way the Japanese Americans on the West Coast suffered during WW 2. Few among us would tolerate such a thing, excepting perhaps Sen Lindsey Graham of OMG South Carolina.)

My greatest concern in the aftermath, Mirandizing, was done as soon as it was clear the surviving suspect had regained his wits about him. And he does have a lawyer, a PD.

  • Like 1
Officials: Boston suspects appear motivated by religion, but not tied to Islamic terror groups


Interesting legal question developing. How much longer can terror boy be considered an "Enemy Combatant" if his story is confirmed that they were not part of any organized cell etc... Seems to me they will have to mirandize him soon and read him his rights, and give him an attorney.

He is an enemy combatent, the enemy is an ideology, not a Country, just as the 9/11 hijackers represented an ideology, and not Afghanistan the Country we invaded. The sooner the government wakes up and sees things in these terms the quicker the root cause can be addressed instead of the symptoms.

Your government will continue to encourage the spread of Islamic fundamentalism, because it's the perfect camouflage for that those countries were it rules do the bidding of the west economically, privatise resources and state-run services, grant access to western corporations. It's about resources, cheap labour, markets. That is what matters, and so we have to put up with some terrorism.

Sounds like old Labour, which did have its purpose and time - or worse.

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