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Your Thai Gf/wife Like Animal When Eating?


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Whenever I try to touch or talk to my tgf (while she sits on the floor eating) she gets irritated much like an animal does when you pet it in the same situation. She also behaves in this same manner when doing something domestically oriented. Anyone else have a similar experience?

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Whenever I try to touch or talk to my tgf (while she sits on the floor eating) she gets irritated much like an animal does when you pet it in the same situation. She also behaves in this same manner when doing something domestically oriented. Anyone else have a similar experience?

Maybe she thinks you want to steal her food? :D and...what do you mean by "domestically oriented? :o


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Maybe you need to hit her on the nose with a rolled up newspaper. If that doesn't work you may have to lock her in the kennel while you look for a better trained bitch. :D There a dime a dozen here.

So are dumbarses with a bad attitude towards women. :o


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Maybe it’s just you she’s not interested in talking to. :o

Eating is a time to sit and chat for my wife. Especially when friends and/or family are over a meal can take hours while the groups chats away, laughing and talking thru the whole ordeal.

I however, am more like how you describe your wife. When I sit down to eat I do it for the sole purpose of eating. Not for chit-chat, idle banter or the such. Everyone is aware of this fact so they just leave me to eat.

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Vic, or someone, please close this thread. This thread is an excuse for a racist, abusive ######s.

I'm keeping a close eye on it. I don't think the OP meant it to be that way. I only left the last offender's post intact because nothing I could say would discredit him more than his own words.


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Maybe you need to hit her on the nose with a rolled up newspaper. If that doesn't work you may have to lock her in the kennel while you look for a better trained bitch. :D There a dime a dozen here.


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I didn't intend for my post to be derogatory. I just wondered if this might be a Thai trait. I've never been around a woman who wants to be left alone when eating, unless we are eating out, or with other people. Otherwise, she seems pretty normal! Thanks for your responses:)

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Does anyone actually like being physically interfered with when they are eating or working?

I personally find it very irritating... :D

I've heard that there are females in certain bars in Pattaya who physically interfer with you under the table whilst you are drinking. :D

.........and those being interferred with look something like this... :o ...but with a bigger smile.

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