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Telephone Recommendation


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Hi All

can help me out here with any recommendation on a telephone that -

1.Allows me to write messages in Thai and increase the font size so that I can actually see the characters.

2.Has the function to download an app for a Thai-English dictionary ( any recommendations on a dictionary also welcome )

3.Has a decent memory to play Thai MP3's and a few songs on

Anything else is not so important other than making actual phone calls :-)

I'm looking at a Samsung model ideally as they seem to popular but I really don't want to spend more than nesseccary on functions that I don't and won't use.. so cheaper the better

Thanks Richard

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Any android phone can download thai dictionary from android market.

Personally I like paiboons dictionary.

Size of the screen will make it easer to increase font sizing.

Different keyboards available from android market. Interchangeable from Thai to english with a swipe of the finger.

Id go with any of the samsung smartphones. Mid range price point

Edited by eeeya
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I would go for the Samsung S3 mini if you have about 10 000 bahts to spend. You can see the specs of the S3 mini using that link :


If you have around 19-20 000 baths to spend you can go for the Samsung Galaxy S3 model. Great phone, screen size is great and good specs. Only thing, the battery life isn't that great but you can always buy an extra battery for it. You can see the specs of the S3 using that link :


If you are not in a rush you might want to wait for the Samsung Galaxy S4 smile.png I'm not sure when it's coming out in Thailand and would probably cost around 23-24 000 bahts with DTAC. You can see the specs of the S4 using that link :


All the phones mentioned previously offer enough internal memory to download a good music library. You can also increase the memory by buying a SD card and insert it in the phone. Also, most of the time a SD card is provided with the phone.

You can download a good Thai dictionary using Google Play, they're many of them available. Look the one's that have the more positive feedbacks.

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