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Whats Up With The Crazy Bkk Drivers Now In Pattaya

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Yesterday I was almost at Big C (carrefour) & some jerkoff slammed on his brakes for no reason he had 2 truck lengths between his car & the next car. I was on a Kawasaki 650 Er6n with my girl. Traffic moving about 1/4 of a kilo an hour. I always leave enough room for others drivers errors but I was 15 cm. (6") from his bumper when I stopped unfoortunately that made me turn so sharp to the left the bike pitched. I had to have Alisa jump off the bike & push it back upright. It was almost over. Going to the Gym for years paid off but I couldn't right the bike alone. The other 2 scooters(Thai guys) that almost hit me went up to the driver to have some words with him. I was ass kickin hot. If the bike went down he & I were brawlin. Later on 2 idiots Bangkok plates around the floating market decide to get out of their cars(no accident) & chew the fat on Sukimvette

in the fast lane. Pattaya was hard enough before the Bangkok invasion but now only the people that never seemed to learn how to drive are here clogging the streets & acting real stupid. I really didn't think it was possible to get worse than it always is in Pattaya. Glad I only have to brave the worst of the worst drivers once a week to come down from Bang Saray to shop for food. The thing I can't understand why anyone would just Check up(slam the brakes on) when there is absolutely no emergency requiring harsh reactions. It brings new meaning to the American cracker jack joke "did you get your license from a cracker jack box". End of Rant! Anyone else hating the way the BKK drivers drive. Seems like they forgot to bring their brains with them upon exiting BKK!


Pattaya drivers in Bangkok are the worst.

Out of curiosity, how would you know, given that there are no specific Pattaya license plates, just Chonburi?

We see the same behaviour from Bangkok plates up here in Chiang Mai also.

Especially when going into the hills. ;)

Of course, Bangkok drivers in Bangkok say the same about vehicles from pretty much anywhere else. It's just tough to drive in an unfamiliar place in busy traffic and trying to find your way. That's why it's best to leave loads and loads of space. (especially when I get the feeling the guy in front of me is from out of town.)


.....some jerkoff slammed on his brakes for no reason he had 2 truck lengths between his car & the next car. I was on a Kawasaki 650 Er6n with my girl. Traffic moving about 1/4 of a kilo an hour.....(snip)....

If the traffic was moving at only 1/4 KPH, why were you so close to his rear bumper that you almost lost control when he braked?

Stopping his vehicle that was only doing 1/4 KPH could hardly be described as "slamming on his brakes." He'd be hardly moving.

Maybe he was sending you an unspoken message to get off his tail, or maybe he just wanted to see the reaction of your girl on the back of your bike.

Either way, had you hit him you'd be in the wrong and getting into a brawl with him because of it would not be a very wise thing to do.

I often hit my brakes when someone is travelling to close.

I am very patient though, I have some set rules for this procedure.

He was telling you to back off, good on him, idiots that tail gate so close that they can cause an accident out of their own ignorant stupidity deserve to be given a wake up call.

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.....some jerkoff slammed on his brakes for no reason he had 2 truck lengths between his car & the next car. I was on a Kawasaki 650 Er6n with my girl. Traffic moving about 1/4 of a kilo an hour.....(snip)....

If the traffic was moving at only 1/4 KPH, why were you so close to his rear bumper that you almost lost control when he braked?

Stopping his vehicle that was only doing 1/4 KPH could hardly be described as "slamming on his brakes." He'd be hardly moving.

Maybe he was sending you an unspoken message to get off his tail, or maybe he just wanted to see the reaction of your girl on the back of your bike.

Either way, had you hit him you'd be in the wrong and getting into a brawl with him because of it would not be a very wise thing to do.

I was about 1/2 a car length away which is way adequate for that speed. I walk way quicker than 1/4 of a kilo an hour & still would have almost hit the jerk if I was walking. Being Pattaya you know it is also very unwise to be overcautious as this causes more wrecks than going to fast. The fact that the 2 bikes & car behind me almost colided & who knows how many people back were affected by the drivers texting or playing with himself or whatever was pre occupying his small amount of brains. I didn't mention in the first post that the officer in the box on the corner of big C stopped the driver & had him go into the big C parking lot probably to get a sobriety check on the driver. Seemed like a drunk move to cram your brakes for zero reason. I doubt (besides being Farang & we are always wrong) I would have been the cause in an insurance claim maybe a portion being involved but their were many witnesses for the driver to turn it around. I guess if I gave 4-6 carlengths in between idiots it would help.....less the bunch of drivers that would hit me for not going with the flow of traffic. Again it was very very slow & usually you do not need that much braking distance as normal drivers are not locking up their brakes for no apparent reason.


.....some jerkoff slammed on his brakes for no reason he had 2 truck lengths between his car & the next car. I was on a Kawasaki 650 Er6n with my girl. Traffic moving about 1/4 of a kilo an hour.....(snip)....

If the traffic was moving at only 1/4 KPH, why were you so close to his rear bumper that you almost lost control when he braked?

Stopping his vehicle that was only doing 1/4 KPH could hardly be described as "slamming on his brakes." He'd be hardly moving.

Maybe he was sending you an unspoken message to get off his tail, or maybe he just wanted to see the reaction of your girl on the back of your bike.

Either way, had you hit him you'd be in the wrong and getting into a brawl with him because of it would not be a very wise thing to do.

I often hit my brakes when someone is travelling to close.

I am very patient though, I have some set rules for this procedure.

He was telling you to back off, good on him, idiots that tail gate so close that they can cause an accident out of their own ignorant stupidity deserve to be given a wake up call.

No he got yanked by the police for driving inattentive. I was not on his ass. And that is the worst way to avoid a collision is to hit your brake hard to get a driver to back off. You are suppose to pull over when you can & let faster traffic go to avoid a wreck. As I was not on his ass it wasn't a case of jamming the driver more like he was not paying attention & got scared when he looked up from between his legs. Itchy Are you from BKK-?

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the thing is they could be local, a lot of them seem to prefer Bangkok plates for vanity reason

Since the first time car buyer grant, beware of new-ish drivers in anything smaller than, or a Toyota Vios, especially with the new plates with numbers in front of the Thai letters, like 1กก 1234 , it is hightly likely that you have a newbie behind the wheel.


To show that I'm not a racist...
I also makes a point of taking notice with cars with 'back home' flag (like welsh, bavaria or whatever) on their bumper too, often these are driven by geriatric old farts in a hurry to get somewhere before they croacked.


So really this is a rant about anyone who lives in Bangkok? are you expecting a 'lets gang up on Bangkok drivers' response? all a bit childish no?

Or do you feel you have the sole right to your city and visitors are not welcome?

The tone of your post suggests a certain lack of balance.

The driver at fault my well have been you as you admit to nearly dropping your bike.

That said, the guy stopping for no apparent reason may have been driving like a dick, but if he is then he's a dick regardless of the city in which his plates are registered.


So really this is a rant about anyone who lives in Bangkok? are you expecting a 'lets gang up on Bangkok drivers' response? all a bit childish no?

Or do you feel you have the sole right to your city and visitors are not welcome?

The tone of your post suggests a certain lack of balance.

The driver at fault my well have been you as you admit to nearly dropping your bike.

That said, the guy stopping for no apparent reason may have been driving like a dick, but if he is then he's a dick regardless of the city in which his plates are registered.

The city of registration may have no relevance as to whether or not the driver is a dick but I have found they act as a good reference point for survival as a motorcyclist in Pattaya. My rule of thumb is to expect those from the larger cities to have little reqard for motorbikes, changing lanes rapidly, stopping suddenly etc, while those with Chonburi plates tend to be far more aware of and make allowances for bikes. Upcountry/small province plates are just a mystery, give them space who knows what they will do next............ditto foreign tourists on big bikes!


So really this is a rant about anyone who lives in Bangkok? are you expecting a 'lets gang up on Bangkok drivers' response? all a bit childish no?

Or do you feel you have the sole right to your city and visitors are not welcome?

The tone of your post suggests a certain lack of balance.

The driver at fault my well have been you as you admit to nearly dropping your bike.

That said, the guy stopping for no apparent reason may have been driving like a dick, but if he is then he's a dick regardless of the city in which his plates are registered.

The city of registration may have no relevance as to whether or not the driver is a dick but I have found they act as a good reference point for survival as a motorcyclist in Pattaya. My rule of thumb is to expect those from the larger cities to have little reqard for motorbikes, changing lanes rapidly, stopping suddenly etc, while those with Chonburi plates tend to be far more aware of and make allowances for bikes. Upcountry/small province plates are just a mystery, give them space who knows what they will do next............ditto foreign tourists on big bikes!

That is actually a fare point... I drive in Bangkok and pay little regard to those on bikes. Sounds harsh, but if I did I wouldn't get anywhere.

i.e. I want to change lanes and indicate, but the bikes just keep on undertaking, I have no choice but to either ignore the bikes and move across slowly or fail to change lanes....

With so many bikes the adopted driving techniques in the city are generally to drive with deliberation and let the bikes work out their own way around you. Of course, I'd never cut off a bike.

That said - if you nearly go into the back of a car because he's stamped on the breaks there is little remaining doubt that the following vehicle is too close.

If some were to drop their bike in the process or ride into the back of the stopping vehicle there is no one else to blame.... Suggesting violence in such an event only confirms an aggressive character and possibly outlines why the Op was too close in the first place and nearly came off.


I was about 1/2 a car length away which is way adequate for that speed. I

If your following distance was "way adequate" you would have been able to stop in a routine, controlled way. Considering what actually happened, your distance between the guy in front was either not adequate, or you were not paying attention. The guy in back is always in the wrong.

You simply have to expect that the jerk in front of you will stop for no apparent reason, and that everyone else will change into your lane randomly for no reason. It's part of the charm of driving in Thailand.


I was about 1/2 a car length away which is way adequate for that speed.

If your following distance was "way adequate" you would have been able to stop in a routine, controlled way. Considering what actually happened, your distance between the guy in front was either not adequate, or you were not paying attention. The guy in back is always in the wrong.

You simply have to expect that the jerk in front of you will stop for no apparent reason, and that everyone else will change into your lane randomly for no reason. It's part of the charm of driving in Thailand.


Some of the readers of the post don't seem to know how to read to well. I taght drivers ED in the U.S. for new drivers to be & also worked for Russel racing in Sonoma ca. when it turned from Sears point raceway &into infineon racing . My last ticket I got was in 1986 before that 1974. I have gotten a good drivers discount since they started it. It takes the average person about a second to react when someone does something near a collision I reacted in less than a second but I obviously had enough distance or I would have been in his back of the rear Quarter. And again the police pulled him over not me. the only time I ever jam the breaks would be if an accident is unfolding in front of me & usually I look around always to see what is around the area to exit the crash site. Their were other people that were affected as well.

I am sorry you just don't do that. He obviously was texting or not paying attention & freaked or was fighting with his ole lady. Maybe it is just the influx of the drivers from a different area. I have nothing against BKK in general but it is way more difficult to drive since the influx in Pattaya.

In the U.S. you are always a portion at fault because you were involved in an accident.In Thailand it is debatable how it would play out since the driver was the one that got pulled over.That pretty much makes him at fault in this occasion.

Rich Smith I sure hope I never drive next to you buddy. Real bad way to drive you still have to be defensive while being offensive.

And I guess some of you guys would condone drivers to get out of their cars & talk while parking in the fast lane where you use to be able to turn at the floating market? All vehicles with BKK plates. They just don't pay enough attn to driving while texting. I guess the I Phone takes presidence over driving in Thailand.


To show that I'm not a racist...

I also makes a point of taking notice with cars with 'back home' flag (like welsh, bavaria or whatever) on their bumper too, often these are driven by geriatric old farts in a hurry to get somewhere before they croacked.

Unlike you who seems to be a younger useless driver

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Rich Smith I sure hope I never drive next to you buddy. Real bad way to drive you still have to be defensive while being offensive.

I'm sure you'd have no problem next to me. If I'm indicating to change lanes I'm sure your conscientious riding would give way rather than trying to accelerate through the gap and under-take me while I try and change lanes.

But I wonder, if I had to slam on the brakes for a dog etc... would you nearly go in into the back of me and then attack me because you dropped your bike ?? I hope you didn't teach road rage in your drives ed classes.

Regarding the influx of BKK cars in Pattaya: I'm not sure it is an influx of BKK cars... Bangkok itself has become more congested in the past 6 months too. This must have something to do with the new car scheme... it feels like there are another 10-20% more cars on the road.

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Some of the readers of the post don't seem to know how to read to well. I taght drivers ED in the U.S. for new drivers to be & also worked for Russel racing in Sonoma ca. when it turned from Sears point raceway &into infineon racing . My last ticket I got was in 1986 before that 1974. I have gotten a good drivers discount since they started it. It takes the average person about a second to react when someone does something near a collision I reacted in less than a second but I obviously had enough distance or I would have been in his back of the rear Quarter. And again the police pulled him over not me. the only time I ever jam the breaks would be if an accident is unfolding in front of me & usually I look around always to see what is around the area to exit the crash site. Their were other people that were affected as well.

I am sorry you just don't do that. He obviously was texting or not paying attention & freaked or was fighting with his ole lady. Maybe it is just the influx of the drivers from a different area. I have nothing against BKK in general but it is way more difficult to drive since the influx in Pattaya.

In the U.S. you are always a portion at fault because you were involved in an accident.In Thailand it is debatable how it would play out since the driver was the one that got pulled over.That pretty much makes him at fault in this occasion.

Rich Smith I sure hope I never drive next to you buddy. Real bad way to drive you still have to be defensive while being offensive.

And I guess some of you guys would condone drivers to get out of their cars & talk while parking in the fast lane where you use to be able to turn at the floating market? All vehicles with BKK plates. They just don't pay enough attn to driving while texting. I guess the I Phone takes presidence over driving in Thailand.

Being a teacher you should know not to drive so close then.

No excuse.

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