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Thailand, Iran Sign Anti-Drug Smuggling Cooperation Pact


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Thailand, Iran sign anti-drug smuggling cooperation pact
By Digital Media

BANGKOK, April 24 -- Thailand and Iran on Tuesday signed a Memorandum of Understanding on anti drug trafficking cooperation, aiming to curb drug smuggling from Iran to Thailand directly and via neighbouring countries.

Thailand's Minister of Justice Pracha Promnog and Iranian Interior Minister Mostafa Mohammad Najjar, who also heads Iran's drug control agency, signed the agreement at the ministry.

Iran was the 11th country to ink similar pacts with Thailand--after Poland, Argentina, Cambodia, Vietnam, Peru, China, Myanmar, Lao PDR, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan.

The agreement will enable the Office of the Narcotics Control Board (ONCB) to exchange information and coordinate on investigation with Iranian drug control authorities.

Since 2007, many Iranian nationals have been arrested at Suvarnabhumi airport for smuggling crystal methamphetamine or ‘ice.’ The implementation of strict surveillance and inspection measures at Suvarnabhumi airport have led to a significant crackdown on drug trafficking, so drug syndicates have shifted smuggling routes to Thailand's neighbour's airports before transferring them to Thailand by road to avoid being caught.

Even though the strict measures have been enforced, the Thai authorities arrested Iranian drug dealers attempting to smuggle drugs into Thailand directly at Suvarnabhumi airport and indirecty across the borders with Thailand's neighbouring countries. (MCOT online news)

-- TNA 2013-04-24

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What an embarrassment.

Thailand should not be dealing with Iran, particularly after Iran sent terrorists to undertake acts which violated Thailand's anti terror and criminal laws. I guess the lure of the Iranian tourist money is too much. I was unaware that the Pattaya ladyboy prostitutes commanded this much political clout.

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What an embarrassment.

Thailand should not be dealing with Iran, particularly after Iran sent terrorists to undertake acts which violated Thailand's anti terror and criminal laws. I guess the lure of the Iranian tourist money is too much. I was unaware that the Pattaya ladyboy prostitutes commanded this much political clout.

Will Yingluck add Iran as another destination on her world tour ? Be careful with your older sister now an MP it could be a farewell tour too

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What an embarrassment.

Thailand should not be dealing with Iran, particularly after Iran sent terrorists to undertake acts which violated Thailand's anti terror and criminal laws. I guess the lure of the Iranian tourist money is too much. I was unaware that the Pattaya ladyboy prostitutes commanded this much political clout.

And it should not deal with




European Union

Saudi Arabia

etc etc

because the all violate some laws, mostly even their own laws.....

There are much worse countries than Iran.....

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The arguments herein that somehow imply that nationality makes a person innocent or guilty are overstretching things a bit. A cause knows no nationality, nor does it respect lines on a map. The place that a person is born does not make that person who he or she is, in fact, when he or she believes in such a cause to the point of having access to paradise in the hereafter or getting a better life at some time in the future. This pretty much encapsulates all peoples.

Regarding the OP and one poster's comment; Agreed. A worthless piece of paper. Origami produces better results for the little guy than contracts signed with Thailand's muckety-mucks.

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Good, i hope that they all cooperate and round up the bastards that are poisoning our youth and some old son bitches too.

Does your hope apply to the one most harmful drug? Didn't think so.

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