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Bios Corrupt - 8 Month Old Computer


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I have a desktop thats barely 8 months old, use it everyday, its on from 9am to midnight but never had any problems.

Shut it down last night, just pressed the power button to turn it on, it started booting up then shut off, I pressed it again (it did appear that the power button was sticking) and the same thing happened, probably another 2 times. Eventually it started booting up but then showed a blue screen and said something like 'main BIOS is corrupt, restoring from backup BIOS please dont shut down the computer' there was a progress bar that took approx. 1 min and then booted up to Windows 7 as normal and now Im here using it and Googling to try and find out why this happened :/

This is an 8 month old computer and it was not cheap sad.png

What should I do next?

My motherboard is Gigabyte Z77P-D3, UEFI Dual-BIOS

Even though my PC is on all day, I at least have the fan on, and more than 50% of time the air con and also I have a pretty large and spacious tower with lots of vents and large fans....

Edited by davejonesbkk
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Immediately check for a BIOS update.


There is a forum entry that comes up for "Gigabyte Z77P-D3 bios corrupt" in google. I haven't read it, but I would read it after I had updated my BIOS.


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BIOS damage is very rare but is much more likely to occur when turning the power on of off than when the PC is running. Maybe there was some sort of power surge or maybe it is just an old buggy BIOS version as mentioned.

I have never had any BIOS problems with any of my machines and only once or twice have had clients with such problems. And a quick reset cured those.

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BIOS damage is very rare but is much more likely to occur when turning the power on of off than when the PC is running. Maybe there was some sort of power surge or maybe it is just an old buggy BIOS version as mentioned.

I have never had any BIOS problems with any of my machines and only once or twice have had clients with such problems. And a quick reset cured those.

I have never seen a corrupt BIOS warning message. I have, however, suffered strange problems with hardware/driver issues in Windows that were resolved with BIOS flash.

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I read elsewhere just now that flashing the bios was not advisable and I see this on that page:

Because BIOS flashing is potentially risky, if you do not encounter problems using the current version of BIOS, it is recommended that you not flash the BIOS. To flash the BIOS, do it with caution. Inadequate BIOS flashing may result in system malfunction.

I have never done this before btw....

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If same problem occurs on next power up would copy backup BIOS to main BIOS as you have dual bios board ( Press DEL during POST and follow prompts)

If on next power up there is no problem would not do anything unless it reoccurs.

Personally would not rush into a full BIOS update after one incidence, unless there is an update that is specifically related to your problem.

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I read elsewhere just now that flashing the bios was not advisable and I see this on that page:


Because BIOS flashing is potentially risky, if you do not encounter problems using the current version of BIOS, it is recommended that you not flash the BIOS. To flash the BIOS, do it with caution. Inadequate BIOS flashing may result in system malfunction.

I have never done this before btw....

Thank you for picking that up. What worries me more is a lack of releases notes for this update on the download page. I found a bunch of people complaining about the same thing on tom's hardware forums.


It is remarkably strange to have an update without release notes.

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Sorry, got interrupted by my daughter. In this situation you could take the view that it might not happen again and that is probably 99% right. I would take the precaution in signing up to the GIGABYTE forums and searching around for similar issues. If you don't find anything then start your own thread.


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http://forums.tweaktown.com/gigabyte/ is an unofficial support channel.

... What about replacing the BIOS battery? worth a try.

Also; unplug everything and just run it with the CPU, RAM, Keyboard and Mouse to see if the problem persists. If okay then add things one by one and see how you go.

I would consider this too and the cost is literally a few Baht.

Before I did do this, I would look at the computer clock. Are you losing time? If not, the battery should be OK.

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Your bios did that because of the sticky power button, it can happen if you switch on/off frequently.

Your bios will be ok, but if both bios fail, as you are still under warranty you can have your motherboard replaced by sending just the motherboard to gigabyte.

Gigabyte do also have a lot of bios failures cause by heat problems. As Thailand is hot, it's advisable to stick another big fan in the box, and if using a laptop use a cooler stand.

I know this because I am a qualified technician for most it companies, not some back street unqualified person. I have 26 years in the IT industry, from building to programming to installing Hugh network infrastructures so I do know what I'm talking about.

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Thanks for all the info guys, I basically didnt do anything further and just got on with my work on the computer as wanted to read into the situation further. It is the first time its happened and I do think it is related to the button sticking when I first turned it on, I was half asleep when I did that this morning so dont remember clearly.

I would really rather avoid flashing my bios right now although I will look at that option if this happens again.

I just did a restart and it was fine so should I assume this was a one off?

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This happened to me may years ago when i was running Windows 3 but i had to flash the Bios, it turned out i had a virus in the bios, yes it happens there also,, the lesson i learnt was to have all the setup disks for my current machine and know how to recover from a failure and to back up all my files regularly, i once lost a full hard drive of photos i will never get back, it happens but i hope it won't happen soon. Good luck, back up.

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There's a wise old saying: If it ain't broke, don't fix it. In my opinion, it's most likely a one off glitch (gamma rays can cause your symptom - I kid you not) so don't do anything. If you do have problems later, don't try anything yourself - just return it to the shop you purchased it from. Gigabyte motherboards have a three-year warranty the last time I checked.

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http://forums.tweaktown.com/gigabyte/ is an unofficial support channel.

... What about replacing the BIOS battery? worth a try.

Also; unplug everything and just run it with the CPU, RAM, Keyboard and Mouse to see if the problem persists. If okay then add things one by one and see how you go.

I would consider this too and the cost is literally a few Baht.

Before I did do this, I would look at the computer clock. Are you losing time? If not, the battery should be OK.

I had a BIOS problem with my new desktop PC when it was only a few months old and it eventually proved to be the backup battery. The date was getting reset to year 2000 which was causing the problem. That was the first time the manufacturer had experienced that problem with a new system. Found the fault by checking the battery with my multi-meter. Must say I was impressed with Team Viewer though.

Note: I bought the system while on holiday in England and brought it back to Thailand in my luggage.

Edited by Anon999
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In the future when you have to buy again I would go with Apple. I am not a computer geek at all now. I have used computers since the days of DOS and have used all the Windows versions on PCs and the last 6 years have been using Mac OSX. I surf the Net quite a bit and at work use Office. All in all I have a OK-Hate relationship with PCs and a OK-Good relationship with Mac OSX. To me as a user and not a geek the Apple computers and Mac OSX is just better, more stable, gives less trouble, and far far fewer lock ups.

All the above is a personal opinion now.......rolleyes.gif

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Get Rollback Rx. If your PC goes bonkers after that then it could only be the hardware. RRX installs below the system and takes snapshots of every single byte on your PC. It loads before your BIOS screen and you can go back to any number of snapshots. Kind of like Virtual PC but better. Good luck. If you do this, you'll never see another repairman or shop again unless it is the hardware. I have XP Pro and have had everything happen you can imagine. RRX fixes it in 5 minutes. I am not a salesperson; just a relieved, former grumpy PC user. Half of this forum would be null and void if people used this. I really hope this helps.

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In the future when you have to buy again I would go with Apple. I am not a computer geek at all now. I have used computers since the days of DOS and have used all the Windows versions on PCs and the last 6 years have been using Mac OSX. I surf the Net quite a bit and at work use Office. All in all I have a OK-Hate relationship with PCs and a OK-Good relationship with Mac OSX. To me as a user and not a geek the Apple computers and Mac OSX is just better, more stable, gives less trouble, and far far fewer lock ups.

All the above is a personal opinion now.......rolleyes.gif

Agreed if you like to be told what you can and cannot install on your PC; plus there are less apps available. Do a Google search. There are plenty of problems that MAC users face just the same as Windows and Linux. Cheers.

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I read elsewhere just now that flashing the bios was not advisable and I see this on that page:


Because BIOS flashing is potentially risky, if you do not encounter problems using the current version of BIOS, it is recommended that you not flash the BIOS. To flash the BIOS, do it with caution. Inadequate BIOS flashing may result in system malfunction.

I have never done this before btw....

That is nonsense. I have flashed bios many times over the years and never had a problem. The main concern is that you flash with the bios ment for your mother board.

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I read elsewhere just now that flashing the bios was not advisable and I see this on that page:


Because BIOS flashing is potentially risky, if you do not encounter problems using the current version of BIOS, it is recommended that you not flash the BIOS. To flash the BIOS, do it with caution. Inadequate BIOS flashing may result in system malfunction.

I have never done this before btw....

That is nonsense. I have flashed bios many times over the years and never had a problem. The main concern is that you flash with the bios ment for your mother board.

That is the warning from the manufacturer.

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Please try to boot with Knoppix CD or DVD, once into knoppix, you can flash your bios to the latest version.

if can't succeed.....

you should ask some one bring back to taiwan gygabyte service centre to replace a new one,

Or you'd better DHL back to Gygabyte taiwan Global HQ 's CEO and request for replaceent, DHL fees can be reversed paid by recipient=Gygabyte CEOs.you'll receve a new one in afew days.

while you don;t need to spend a penny

pls.don't leave it to any technican for repair, it will cost u a lot.

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Your bios did that because of the sticky power button, it can happen if you switch on/off frequently.

Your bios will be ok, but if both bios fail, as you are still under warranty you can have your motherboard replaced by sending just the motherboard to gigabyte.

Gigabyte do also have a lot of bios failures cause by heat problems. As Thailand is hot, it's advisable to stick another big fan in the box, and if using a laptop use a cooler stand.

I know this because I am a qualified technician for most it companies, not some back street unqualified person. I have 26 years in the IT industry, from building to programming to installing Hugh network infrastructures so I do know what I'm talking about.

This is all that is needed. You don't even have to send the motherboard back if both BIOS fails.

IF both BIOS are corrupted all u need to do is - Unplug the power , Clear the CMOS(the 2pins) with a screwdriver for 30secs. Remove the BIOS battery for 2mins. That should reset the BIOS back to default.

Also also HEAT does not corrupt BIOS.

Corrupted BIOS is only caused by interrupted power where the PC keeps shutting off for no reason where it also may corrupt the Operating System.

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A lot of gigabyte motherboards come with a backup bios which yours is apparently now running using.

I don't know if it automatically copies the backup over the main one when it's corrupted. Because of that I'd recommend downloading the latest bios and doing the update. (Or at least getting confirmation that the corrupt Bios was copied over from the backup)

I.e. You've been saved from any real problem so far because you bought a decent motherboard.

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you should download the latest version bios for your MB, flash it to latest version since your current version 's buggy.




Thanks for all the info guys, I basically didnt do anything further and just got on with my work on the computer as wanted to read into the situation further. It is the first time its happened and I do think it is related to the button sticking when I first turned it on, I was half asleep when I did that this morning so dont remember clearly.

I would really rather avoid flashing my bios right now although I will look at that option if this happens again.

I just did a restart and it was fine so should I assume this was a one off?

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I would consider this too and the cost is literally a few Baht.

Before I did do this, I would look at the computer clock. Are you losing time? If not, the battery should be OK.

If he has Windows Time service running it will mask a flat battery.

Pull the CMOS battery and the power cable and leave it for at least 2 hours. Put them back and you will be prompted to go into the BIOS and reconfigure. In the first instance use the safe settings then when that’s working reconfigure for any overclocking/ports etc you had. I would not restore a backed up BIOS as chances are it will also be infected.


You might find this interesting.


Edited by Para
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Please try to boot with Knoppix CD or DVD, once into knoppix, you can flash your bios to the latest version.

RNW you have really confused me with the 'advice' you have offerde here.

How can booting a linux distro let you run a windows BIOS installer?

you should ask some one bring back to taiwan gygabyte service centre to replace a new one,

Or you'd better DHL back to Gygabyte taiwan Global HQ 's CEO and request for replaceent, DHL fees can be reversed paid by recipient=Gygabyte CEOs.you'll receve a new one in afew days.

while you don;t need to spend a penny

Always best to employ KISS and reset the BIOS rather than send it away and wait without a system board for an extended period of time.

pls.don't leave it to any technican for repair, it will cost u a lot.

Seems you need to get yourself a decent tech guy who knows what he is talking about!

bring your MB to gygabyte thailand distributors in BKK, they might pull out bios chip and flash your bios chip to the latest bios version, then your mb will work again.

you've got to go BKK

The BIOS chip is surface mountde on the system board so how and more importantly why would there ever be a need to remove it?

There is only 1 version of BIOS F7 with F8e still in beta.

Whilst the OP has alluded to a possible BIOS virus dont you feel sending it off to TW is a sledgehammer fix? Who is to say it is even a BIOS problem?

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