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Red Shirt Activists Vow To Block Constitution Court Office


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Red Shirt activists vow to block Constitution Court office
By English News

BANGKOK, April 24 – Thailand's Red Shirt activists threatened to seal off the country's Constitution Court today, demanding the resignation of all nine judges.

The demonstrators, led by Red Shirt radio station chief Pongpisit Kongsena, pitched tents and built a platform for their rally near the court during the past two days to pressure the judges.

Metropolitan and anti-riot police have been deployed to provide security for the judges and protect the court compound.

A statement by representatives of 13 community radio stations was handed to a senior Constitution Court official yesterday afternoon calling on all nine justices to suspend their duties to pave the way for the direct election of new judges.

They said they would block the Constitution Court today if no reply had been given by 8 pm yesterday.

Spokesman Kamol Sotipoka said Court officials were unconcerned by the demonstration and that the threat to close the Court was merely a show of power.

Pro-government Pheu Thai MP Samart Kaewmeechai pledged earlier that he would spearhead impeachment of the nine Constitution Court judges to protest the court’s decision to accept a petition against the move by 312 lawmakers to amend Section 68 of the Constitution.

The petition was submitted earlier to the Constitution Court by a group of senators.

Mr Samart said the court was not authorised to "interfere" in the duties of the legislative branch.

The Pheu Thai party, however, distanced itself from MP Samart’s move.

The spokesman said the petition has yet to be put on the Court’s regular agenda. (MCOT online news)

-- TNA 2013-04-24

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These blokes will never learn. It's one thing to challenge the workings of the system by talking about it and discussing its merits.

Hosting protests like this at a court is unacceptable.

Another step down a dangerous road as instructed by someone well outside the country and who is using these blind idiots to his, not the country's , advantage. I will repeat a post I've made before that after the general election some red shirts were reported to have said " we are in charge now and can do what we like ".

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Where's Dept. PM Pol. Captain Chalerm when you need him? Where are the 50,000 police officers on standby?

Surely if only the Bangkok electorate would have voted for the right, police general candidate this would never happen ?

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Have these protesters been searched for weapons? Are they allowed to have electronic devices such as mobile phones and cameras? Are they being kept to designated areas by barbed wire, and riot squads on stand by?

I am confident all of these measures are currently in place or being deployed. As we know there are no double standards with the RTP commander in chief Chalerm.

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Have these protesters been searched for weapons? Are they allowed to have electronic devices such as mobile phones and cameras? Are they being kept to designated areas by barbed wire, and riot squads on stand by?

No that will not be necessary as these are Thaksins men and as demonstrated in the last election and treatment by this government this kind of politics is acceptable as long as it is Thaksin paid for.

Just more red shirt MPs in the making.

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The man in Dubai is getting very impatient, I see. "I want to go home! Waaaaaaaaaah! Waaaaaaaaaaah! I don't like those judges. They are unfair to me. I've never done anything wrong. I want my own judges instead. Waaaaaaaaaaah!"

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Have these protesters been searched for weapons? Are they allowed to have electronic devices such as mobile phones and cameras? Are they being kept to designated areas by barbed wire, and riot squads on stand by?

Of course! There are no double standards being applied. cheesy.gif

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"We want our judges not those judges, those judges cannot be trusted to agree with us"

Message understood.

They don't agree with you because the interpretation of law Say's they are correct you are not , that is what judges are for , justice for all , what you want is to rig the system in your favour , that's not democracy , you don;t even have one here in Thailand ,so you wouldn't know about it.

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"We want our judges not those judges, those judges cannot be trusted to agree with us"

Message understood.

They don't agree with you because the interpretation of law Say's they are correct you are not , that is what judges are for , justice for all , what you want is to rig the system in your favour , that's not democracy , you don;t even have one here in Thailand ,so you wouldn't know about it.

I'm sorry, are you talking to me or them?

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"We want our judges not those judges, those judges cannot be trusted to agree with us"

Message understood.

They don't agree with you because the interpretation of law Say's they are correct you are not , that is what judges are for , justice for all , what you want is to rig the system in your favour , that's not democracy , you don;t even have one here in Thailand ,so you wouldn't know about it.

I'm sorry, are you talking to me or them?

The we want our judges crowd, the red necks, in the wrong slot , they'r so D they wont see it

Edited by chainarong
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Have these protesters been searched for weapons? Are they allowed to have electronic devices such as mobile phones and cameras? Are they being kept to designated areas by barbed wire, and riot squads on stand by?

No that will not be necessary as these are Thaksins men and as demonstrated in the last election and treatment by this government this kind of politics is acceptable as long as it is Thaksin paid for.

Just more red shirt MPs in the making.

Weapons will be issued to the protestors at the appropriate time.

Does anybody know what the internet phrase is that's used to describe those who deliberately post provocative messages designed to elicit a response? It's on the tip of my tongue..............

Look in the mirror and stick your tongue out.

I am sure Thaksin is happy to see you back protecting his rites to buy his freedom.

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I believe that people can demonstrate outside any building but if they impede the regular working of state officials that would be naughty and the police should do something.

If there is a law against it would it apply to Thaksin employes?

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I believe that people can demonstrate outside any building but if they impede the regular working of state officials that would be naughty and the police should do something.

If there is a law against it would it apply to Thaksin employes?


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the direct election of new judges

Can anyone name a country where the judges are elected?


Not the judges on the supreme court.

Correct. Supreme Court justices, court of appeals judges, and district court judges are nominated by the President and confirmed by the United States Senate, as stated in the Constitution. The names of potential nominees are often recommended by senators or sometimes by members of the House who are of the President's political party. The Senate Judiciary Committee typically conducts confirmation hearings for each nominee. Article III of the Constitution states that these judicial officers are appointed for a life term. The federal Judiciary, the Judicial Conference of the United States, and the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts play no role in the nomination and confirmation process.

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Weapons will be issued to the protestors at the appropriate time.

Does anybody know what the internet phrase is that's used to describe those who deliberately post provocative messages designed to elicit a response? It's on the tip of my tongue..............

It's only trolling if its not true biggrin.png
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A statement by representatives of 13 community radio stations was handed to a senior Constitution Court official yesterday afternoon calling on all nine justices to suspend their duties to pave the way for the direct election of new judges.

The statement stopped just short of the announcement that the new judges will all be related to the mafia Shinawatra family.

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the direct election of new judges

Can anyone name a country where the judges are elected?


Remember that there are many different kinds of judges/courts.

It's relevant that in the USA Federal Supreme Court judges are appointed for life (or they retire, resign, or are impeached). The Federal Court of Appeals judges are also appointed. The Federal District Court judges are also appointed.

Getting down to the state level, 87% of state court judges are elected and 39 states have at least some judges elected.

I believe that appointment is the most common method world-wide.

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