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one avatar is as good as another.

Indeed, but I am trying to work out what is true here (God knows why but there it is). Which is the lie - you deleted the references to the UK companies, or that the geeky guy is not you.

Lets put it this way to offer you clairity.

If you accept, that everyone on here (I suppose) is either using an avatar or no avatar because it is an anonymous forum then why I use a picture of myself.

I have not given out any information that identifies me personally and so if I chose to walk away, I need not fear being stopped at customs etc, because of information I may have posted on here.

I dont suppose the avatar you are using is actually you either is it, perhaps for the same reasons.

Good point, indeed it is not me as if it were I'd be hounded for fishing tips every step of every day.

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To follow up, the persons who avatar I was using is a real person, not known at the time, I thought it was random stock photo.

His name is Chris Maddox and is nothing to do with the poster "homeownership" or Thaivisa.

I apologise for using his image as my avatar, it was removed as soon as this became apparent.

I'm sorry.

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There seem to be a lot of IT related foreigners in Thailand and at TVF.

I find many of these people are not all there. It's as if they live in a magical world only they can see and where their delusions are their reality.

And now you ask, ok, what's my point? Well, I see a post where someone has sold 50% of his company for 12.5 million quid and is still considering doing programing for a bed & breakfast/cooking school. Really? It's like me collecting organs from dead people or cleaning test tubes in the lab. Sure it would be fun to brush up on my slice and dice technique, not that I was very good and I was politely asked to stop mutilating corpses as no one could use the mangled bits I was allegedly harvesting, but my point is, I wouldn't want to go back and do grunt work. It's like asking an experienced sparky to go back and do apprenticeship jobs.

So, umm, ok. I'm having a hard time on understanding the OP here.

Im not sure how it works in other industries but what you will find in the tech industries is that they guys that 'make it' are the ones that love what they do, they usually started off doing it at a very young age and even once they have made their millions and they could easily quit and have the 'perfect life' they continue for the sole reason that they like what they do and the like a challenge. If you look at the biggest names in tech you will see examples of people who could have quit years and years ago with tens of millions, billions even to their name yet still they continue, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerburg are the obvious candidates. Look at Sergey Brin, he's one of the co-founders of Google and worth billions yet instead of lying on a beach somewhere drinking cocktails he's at TED pushing Google's latest venture 'Glass', why? Because its what he knows, what he loves and its what he does.

I dont know the full details of the OP, this all may be an elaborate story, but I know that there are people out there that enjoy what they do (or did) and even once the millions roll in you may still want to have a quick dabble in your old trade, especially if you know that when you are doing it for fun and the bills dont matter you can take your time over it and enjoy it a little more.

I do feel that the OP tainted his thread a little by mentioning money and that has brought out the usual TV sneerers and scorners, tbh this is a thread best suited for the tech forum where readers might get his joke/vent

edit: due to typos as 4 large Paulaner beers drunk laew

Edited by davejonesbkk
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Crivens, boys, I can't believe your all impersonators. At least it's my own pie

Are you mince or macaroni?

You've been away a long time. I'm always afraid that I'll forget my roots and I'll end up a drifter in the wind, like my children.

I think you'll see quite clearly, if you look closely, that;s a short-crust minced mutton pie, photographed still hot, though the fat has long since congealed. The question is - would you rather a hot pie or a hot tart?


EDIT: Or a tasty dumpling?

Edited by StreetCowboy
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The rural Thais are so primative in many ways, they probably think the earth ks flat, and many and by that I mean most, still put scarecrows outside their homes to keep spirits away ........thats a great indication to the mental capacity.

I have scarecrows outside my house and I have never had a problem with spirits!unsure.png

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The rural Thais are so primative in many ways, they probably think the earth ks flat, and many and by that I mean most, still put scarecrows outside their homes to keep spirits away ........thats a great indication to the mental capacity.

I have scarecrows outside my house and I have never had a problem with spirits!unsure.png

You're a lucky man. THere;s plenty of us on this forum who have had terrible troubles with strong spirits

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The rural Thais are so primative in many ways, they probably think the earth ks flat, and many and by that I mean most, still put scarecrows outside their homes to keep spirits away ........thats a great indication to the mental capacity.

I have scarecrows outside my house and I have never had a problem with spirits!unsure.png

What more proof do you need that it works then?

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The rural Thais are so primative in many ways, they probably think the earth ks flat, and many and by that I mean most, still put scarecrows outside their homes to keep spirits away ........thats a great indication to the mental capacity.

I have scarecrows outside my house and I have never had a problem with spirits!unsure.png

What more proof do you need that it works then?

Well exactly!

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There seem to be a lot of IT related foreigners in Thailand and at TVF.

I find many of these people are not all there. It's as if they live in a magical world only they can see and where their delusions are their reality.

And now you ask, ok, what's my point? Well, I see a post where someone has sold 50% of his company for 12.5 million quid and is still considering doing programing for a bed & breakfast/cooking school. Really? It's like me collecting organs from dead people or cleaning test tubes in the lab. Sure it would be fun to brush up on my slice and dice technique, not that I was very good and I was politely asked to stop mutilating corpses as no one could use the mangled bits I was allegedly harvesting, but my point is, I wouldn't want to go back and do grunt work. It's like asking an experienced sparky to go back and do apprenticeship jobs.

So, umm, ok. I'm having a hard time on understanding the OP here.

£13,500,000 not £12,500,000 plus I had a little before the sale so it more like £19,230,000 and still earning. Its so good being delusional, shit I dont want to wake up or do I ?

i am sure this has been said time and time again already, but why, oh why would you feel the need to share this information?

have you no dignity?

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There seem to be a lot of IT related foreigners in Thailand and at TVF.

I find many of these people are not all there. It's as if they live in a magical world only they can see and where their delusions are their reality.

And now you ask, ok, what's my point? Well, I see a post where someone has sold 50% of his company for 12.5 million quid and is still considering doing programing for a bed & breakfast/cooking school. Really? It's like me collecting organs from dead people or cleaning test tubes in the lab. Sure it would be fun to brush up on my slice and dice technique, not that I was very good and I was politely asked to stop mutilating corpses as no one could use the mangled bits I was allegedly harvesting, but my point is, I wouldn't want to go back and do grunt work. It's like asking an experienced sparky to go back and do apprenticeship jobs.

So, umm, ok. I'm having a hard time on understanding the OP here.

£13,500,000 not £12,500,000 plus I had a little before the sale so it more like £19,230,000 and still earning. Its so good being delusional, shit I dont want to wake up or do I ?

i am sure this has been said time and time again already, but why, oh why would you feel the need to share this information?

have you no dignity?

Certainly no dignity and probably no money. I am waiting to hear about his investment opportunity! Will have to go now,the wife is nagging me to put the Aston Martin back in the garage. You just can't trust the low life around here.

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Persons that like to write long posts come to ThaiVisa for these among other reasons:

- All posts go up immediately with no "Your comment is awaiting Moderator Approval" as with many other websites that allow comments.

- They know there will be a good audience for whatever they post. Who wants to spend all that time with one's own blog and see that about 3 people per week take a look at it?

- When one is in IT or a web site developer or 'working remotely', one can write at length about one's being anywhere in the world with a life of substance rather than being anywhere in the world and just plain unemployed.

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Persons that like to write long posts come to ThaiVisa for these among other reasons:

- All posts go up immediately with no "Your comment is awaiting Moderator Approval" as with many other websites that allow comments.

- They know there will be a good audience for whatever they post. Who wants to spend all that time with one's own blog and see that about 3 people per week take a look at it?

- When one is in IT or a web site developer or 'working remotely', one can write at length about one's being anywhere in the world with a life of substance rather than being anywhere in the world and just plain unemployed.

I think if you remember my opening post, I was actually talking about a Thai related issue. I dont know what your reasons are for joining but I came on here to discuss topics in and around Thailand.

Being a member of a forum isnt a popularity contest, all you need to win that is just agree with everything being discussed and not really take a stance on anything. I have read some of your posts and most of them are enough to tranquilise a water buffalo, the only thing you have really taken a stance on is the when I mentioned money.

It has been suggested that I have no shame, that I am a fantasist, my spelling is appalling and that I am out of touch with the rest of human race in a bubble of my own dream like state.

Lets just for the sake of arguments sake and lets get this matter over and done with, lets say me and you are exactly the same age, come from the same background, have a similar educational experience. 20 years later, I am a multimillionaire with no plans to quit yet and your not. (I am not saying your not, just a hypothesis). What would make one person succeed and the other not succeed.

Any of the following:

1. Luck

2. Inheritance

3. Better higher education

4. Being a member of a secret society

5. Being in the right place at the right time.

None of the above is the correct answer.

How about my answers, (think about it)

1. Love - Love your job so much, that money isnt the driving force, just doing it because you love it. The money is a side effect.

2. Ego - Having an ego that makes you think you can acheive anything, then finding out because you believe in yourself, others do to.

3. Fantasist - I call it creativity, being able to think outside the box of rational thought to come up with new ideas.

4. Conviction - You take a stance on a subject even if your wrong and you fight your corner to death if needs be.

5. Desire - A desire to improve.

These qualities are what has brought me financial success, happy marriage and best still happiness. Some people have said on here, if I had your money, I wouldnt live in Thailand. I say why not living in Thailand makes me happy. I can after all live anywhere.

As for writing long posts, this is how I express myself, no one forces you to read it.

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Persons that like to write long posts come to ThaiVisa for these among other reasons:

- All posts go up immediately with no "Your comment is awaiting Moderator Approval" as with many other websites that allow comments.

- They know there will be a good audience for whatever they post. Who wants to spend all that time with one's own blog and see that about 3 people per week take a look at it?

- When one is in IT or a web site developer or 'working remotely', one can write at length about one's being anywhere in the world with a life of substance rather than being anywhere in the world and just plain unemployed.

I'm certainly not going to bother to read the attention whoring post below this but sometimes you gotta give it up as a bad job,I don't doubt for one minute that the OP won't,he seems more deluded than your average Thai Visa poster,which I find disturbing in the extreme anyway but there you go!

There's no point in saying any more as it's obvious with this guy that the lunatics have taken over the asylum!

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Persons that like to write long posts come to ThaiVisa for these among other reasons:

- All posts go up immediately with no "Your comment is awaiting Moderator Approval" as with many other websites that allow comments.

- They know there will be a good audience for whatever they post. Who wants to spend all that time with one's own blog and see that about 3 people per week take a look at it?

- When one is in IT or a web site developer or 'working remotely', one can write at length about one's being anywhere in the world with a life of substance rather than being anywhere in the world and just plain unemployed.

I'm certainly not going to bother to read the attention whoring post below this but sometimes you gotta give it up as a bad job,I don't doubt for one minute that the OP won't,he seems more deluded than your average Thai Visa poster,which I find disturbing in the extreme anyway but there you go!

There's no point in saying any more as it's obvious with this guy that the lunatics have taken over the asylum!

How can you say my post is attention xxxxxxx, if you didnt read it.

Edited by metisdead
Inappropriate language removed.
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My posts may be water-buffalo-boring but they are generally short and pithy. As for long posts, I'll defer to Mark Twain who is attributed with saying:

I did not have time to write to you a one page letter so I wrote to you a two page letter.

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My posts may be water-buffalo-boring but they are generally short and pithy. As for long posts, I'll defer to Mark Twain who is attributed with saying:

I did not have time to write to you a one page letter so I wrote to you a two page letter.

Brevity. Soul of Wit


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My posts may be water-buffalo-boring but they are generally short and pithy. As for long posts, I'll defer to Mark Twain who is attributed with saying:

I did not have time to write to you a one page letter so I wrote to you a two page letter.

We need more JLCrab. We need a lot more from you.

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My posts may be water-buffalo-boring but they are generally short and pithy. As for long posts, I'll defer to Mark Twain who is attributed with saying:

I did not have time to write to you a one page letter so I wrote to you a two page letter.

Brevity. Soul of Wit


Fellas, this isnt poetry class, its a forum. In a forum you need content.

Content Content Content. Its the only currency we have, information is key, we dont need glib answers but explanations, trains of thought and above all we need to see debate.

Any fool can scream "Troll" and hope the poster gets kicked out. No we need to debate, different opinions hastily and passionately typed in the wee hours of the morning so that we can say we have contributed. Spelling mistakes and grammar aside. Passion and opinion win out.

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Passion and opinion win out. Where? Providing content and being a blowhard are not synonymous.

Where ?

Take a look at the topics I had started alone, I came on and passionatly put a case that Thailand was an entry point to Thailand for the Rhino trade and days after, even Prince William was taking a stand on the same subject. Co-incidence, I dont know.

Next I pushed and pushed the issue with my business friends and now the UN is involved.

Oh I know what your thinking, can one man really make a difference, let me put it this way. Who has been the influencial person of the 20th century?

I will tell you the answer after you have made another derogatory post against me and come up with a wrong guess.

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Passion and opinion win out. Where? Providing content and being a blowhard are not synonymous.

Where ?

Take a look at the topics I had started alone, I came on and passionatly put a case that Thailand was an entry point to Thailand for the Rhino trade and days after, even Prince William was taking a stand on the same subject. Co-incidence, I dont know.

Next I pushed and pushed the issue with my business friends and now the UN is involved.

Oh I know what your thinking, can one man really make a difference, let me put it this way. Who has been the influencial person of the 20th century?

I will tell you the answer after you have made another derogatory post against me and come up with a wrong guess.

I'd say Hitler.

You have a nerve continuing to post here after being found out.

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As of today, according to Alexa.com, Thaivisa.com has a global traffic rank of 2681 world-wide

Regularly, including today, I have posts on a moderator-approval-required website that Alexa.com ranks in the top 100 of all global websites. So much for content.

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Passion and opinion win out. Where? Providing content and being a blowhard are not synonymous.

Where ?

Take a look at the topics I had started alone, I came on and passionatly put a case that Thailand was an entry point to Thailand for the Rhino trade and days after, even Prince William was taking a stand on the same subject. Co-incidence, I dont know.

Next I pushed and pushed the issue with my business friends and now the UN is involved.

Oh I know what your thinking, can one man really make a difference, let me put it this way. Who has been the influencial person of the 20th century?

I will tell you the answer after you have made another derogatory post against me and come up with a wrong guess.

I'd say Hitler.

You have a nerve continuing to post here after being found out.

Excuse me, I havent been found out anything. Everything I have posted has been the truth. The only mistake I made was using a photo of a real person, which has now as you can clearly see been replaced with the gif icon of a house "homeownership".

In response to your answer, you are incorrect. You have one more try before I tell you.

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As of today, according to Alexa.com, Thaivisa.com has a global traffic rank of 2681 world-wide

Regularly, including today, I have posts on a moderator-approval-required website that Alexa.com ranks in the top 100 of all global websites. So much for content.

Another water buffallo has just hit the deck.

Are you not even going to take a guess at the most influencial person of the 20th century JLCrab, by the way, I think we can be friends.

Edited by homeownership
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Passion and opinion win out. Where? Providing content and being a blowhard are not synonymous.

Where ?

Take a look at the topics I had started alone, I came on and passionatly put a case that Thailand was an entry point to Thailand for the Rhino trade and days after, even Prince William was taking a stand on the same subject. Co-incidence, I dont know.

Next I pushed and pushed the issue with my business friends and now the UN is involved.

Oh I know what your thinking, can one man really make a difference, let me put it this way. Who has been the influencial person of the 20th century?

I will tell you the answer after you have made another derogatory post against me and come up with a wrong guess.

I'd say Hitler.

You have a nerve continuing to post here after being found out.

Excuse me, I havent been found out anything. Everything I have posted has been the truth. The only mistake I made was using a photo of a real person, which has now as you can clearly see been replaced with the gif icon of a house "homeownership".

In response to your answer, you are incorrect. You have one more try before I tell you.

Sorry, I ain't playing your silly games. If you expect anyone to believe this you are more stupid than you look.
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