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Thailand's P M Yingluck Denies Trying To Whitewash Brother Thaksin In Mongolia


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“I meant to say that Thailand is sincere in our cooperation for the democratic system. It’s the path several countries have chosen. I won’t make such a speech [again] on another stage,” she explained.

How sweet of you Yigluck or better known as Bad luck. She should taken over the foreign ministry portfolio because the wonder girl is never in parliament to answer any questions. What a dysfunctional family.

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“I meant to say that Thailand is sincere in our cooperation for the democratic system. It’s the path several countries have chosen. I won’t make such a speech [again] on another stage,” she explained.

How sweet of you Yigluck or better known as Bad luck. She should taken over the foreign ministry portfolio because the wonder girl is never in parliament to answer any questions. What a dysfunctional family.

If there's nothing wrong with the speech, why won't she speak such things again?

As we say in my country, lies have short legs, they can't go very far.

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It amuses me that everyone on Thai-Visa seems to be so anti-red shirt. Do you guys actually think the yellow shirts are the way to go? Or are you just jaded towards all things Thailand in general?

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Good speech, Mme. Prime Minister. Never apologize, never back down, and especially pay no attention to cynical farangs and rags like 'The nation', and the Bangkok Post, organs owned by the Power. You won big, and you'll win again. Listen to the People. They're with you.

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It would appear that the attempt to move from 'clone'/airhead designation, to full support mode, brings out the self seen importance of another family member. Maybe she should realize that her input into public speeches would be better recieved in the fashion sector.

It does seem that a lot of time is wasted by this government, in (damage control) explaining what they meant, not what they said. If they would engage brain, consider how something will be perceived/translated, this foot in mouth, fall out, could be reduced by large factor. But logical thinking/common sense, is not required nor exhibited by the lawmakers of this instituation.

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Good speech, Mme. Prime Minister. Never apologize, never back down, and especially pay no attention to cynical farangs and rags like 'The nation', and the Bangkok Post, organs owned by the Power. You won big, and you'll win again. Listen to the People. They're with you.

You shouldn't just stare at her boobs but at the contents of her speech. She was lying about vital facts concerning her brother. Do you condone that?

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It amuses me that everyone on Thai-Visa seems to be so anti-red shirt. Do you guys actually think the yellow shirts are the way to go? Or are you just jaded towards all things Thailand in general?

It amuses me that some people can only think in RED or YELLOW, nothing else.

I got news for you, it is perfectly possible (and as a matter of fact very likely for most TV poster) to despise both the REDS and the YELLOWS as they are both fundamentally un- (if not anti-) democratic. Mobocracy is their aim.

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Good speech, Mme. Prime Minister. Never apologize, never back down, and especially pay no attention to cynical farangs and rags like 'The nation', and the Bangkok Post, organs owned by the Power. You won big, and you'll win again. Listen to the People. They're with you.

Which people? Those she pays for clapping hands or those she pays for putting on a red shirt and go on a rampage, or those who can sell their rice to the government at double the market price, only for having it rotten in warehouses, or those who get fed her propaganda 24/7, or those who get a subsidized new car, or simply those without brain?

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BANGKOK, April 30 – Thailand’s Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra insisted today that her speech on democracy, made at an international forum in Ulan Bator, Mongolia, was aimed at preventing a future coup in Thailand, and not to clear her brother of offences as she has been widely accused.


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Good speech, Mme. Prime Minister. Never apologize, never back down, and especially pay no attention to cynical farangs and rags like 'The nation', and the Bangkok Post, organs owned by the Power. You won big, and you'll win again. Listen to the People. They're with you.

Do you think 48.4% is "won big", really ? wink.png

And would she ever have got that without her brother, and his well-established/funded political-organisation, I personally doubt it. whistling.gif

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It amuses me that everyone on Thai-Visa seems to be so anti-red shirt. Do you guys actually think the yellow shirts are the way to go? Or are you just jaded towards all things Thailand in general?

Why does one have to be pro Yellow if they are anti Red? I dislike/distrust both equally. I am anti Red because I am educated in Democracy and was a history major in university. The Reds are behaving for Dr. Thaksin the way the Brown Shirts behaved for Mr. Hitler. Just saying you or something is 'democratic' doesn't make it so. The only people who could believe the UDD's claim to democratic aims are people who have never lived in a true democracy. I am anti Red because they are anti Democratic Institutions i.e. Constitutional Limits, Rule of Law, Judiciary as equal branch of the government, they are drones of Dr. Thaksin, and they can be thuggish at times. I could go on but I think you get the picture. BTW I am anti Red because I care about Thailand's less fortunate and hate to see them 'used' to further the adventures of Dr. Thaksin's insatiable quest for glory and power.
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It amuses me that everyone on Thai-Visa seems to be so anti-red shirt. Do you guys actually think the yellow shirts are the way to go? Or are you just jaded towards all things Thailand in general?

Why does it have to be a choice between Red or Yellow shirts. Can't we reject both of them?

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Can I pull the Never option? I love certainties.

He ain't ever coming back, and for all the weird and wonderful conspiracy theories knocking around on these forums.............who among you thought that nigh on two years since Yingluck was elected he would still be out of the country.

He's not back here because the people that truly run this country have barred him.

He hasn't been barred. Nobody could stop him from boarding his private jet and flying here. He could be here by lunch time if he wished. What stops him returning is himself. He is waiting for a cast-iron guarantee that he will not face any charges, will not be arrested, and certainly will not spend even a single day behind bars. Until that guarantee is forth-coming, he chooses to live elsewhere. It's his choice, nobody else's.
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It amuses me that everyone on Thai-Visa seems to be so anti-red shirt. Do you guys actually think the yellow shirts are the way to go? Or are you just jaded towards all things Thailand in general?

Why does it have to be a choice between Red or Yellow shirts. Can't we reject both of them?

We can, the problem is that the system won't allow that to happen. By now all the protest leaders on all sides should have been convicted of something, which would be an enormous deterrent to this type of behaviour.

But alas, the winner takes all scenario still stands.

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So when do you think Thaksin makes the move back to Thailand? We should set up a TV pool on this....

Can I pull the Never option? I love certainties.

He ain't ever coming back, and for all the weird and wonderful conspiracy theories knocking around on these forums.............who among you thought that nigh on two years since Yingluck was elected he would still be out of the country.

He's not back here because the people that truly run this country have barred him.

Who specifically are "the people" that have barred him?

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It amuses me that everyone on Thai-Visa seems to be so anti-red shirt. Do you guys actually think the yellow shirts are the way to go? Or are you just jaded towards all things Thailand in general?

Why does it have to be a choice between Red or Yellow shirts. Can't we reject both of them?

We can, the problem is that the system won't allow that to happen. By now all the protest leaders on all sides should have been convicted of something, which would be an enormous deterrent to this type of behaviour.

But alas, the winner takes all scenario still stands.

But nothing in "the system" applies to deesquared's amusement at his perceived pro-Yellow preferences on the forum and his alleged associated dislike of Thais by those members.

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the speech was full of blunders and that it was pathetic for Yingluck to seek sympathy from the international community over suffering that "stemmed from [alleged] corruption by her brother

pathetic, indeed

Edited by brd199
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There is apparently a Thai word for stupid lady and the Mrs tells me in amazement that if you google that word all you get is pictures of Yingluck accompanied by comments that amount to swearing.

As she says "and this is the prime minister of Thailand".

These are pictures and comments by Thais not farang on this or any other site.

Could it be that the tide is changing?

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the speech was full of blunders and that it was pathetic for Yingluck to seek sympathy from the international community over suffering that "stemmed from [alleged] corruption by her brother

pathetic, indeed
It's like watching a high school student present to the class. The only way she could have dumbed down that speech any more would have been to include some flash cards and ask everyone to sing along with her at the end.
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She read the script, that was her job.

But to think any foreign dignitaries with knowledge of Thai affairs would imagine this was what it seemed on face value is just utter foolishness. Even if their 'governments are on friendly commercial terms with Thailand business', they must have as much or more info as we have, at their diplomatic fingertips, and see the unvarnished reality underneath the facade.

She comes back and instantly starts justifying and spinning the story, as her script writers insiste she must.


"The lady doth protest too much, methinks."

Edited by animatic
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What imbecile wrote this utter fairy tale?

"It was not to be. An elected government which won two elections with a majority was overthrown in 2006. Thailand lost track and the people spent almost a decade to regain their democratic freedom."

Martial law was partially revoked in January 2007. The ban on political activities was lifted in July 2007,[36] following the 30 May dissolution of the Thai Rak Thai party. The new constitution was approved by referendum on 19 August, which led to a return to a democratic general election on 23 December 2007.

That looks like 1 years not 10, actually 7years, but I guess that's close to a decade.

"Many of you here know that the government I am talking about was the one with my brother, Thaksin Shinawatra, as the rightfully elected Prime Minister.Many of you here know that the government I am talking about was the one with my brother, Thaksin Shinawatra, as the rightfully elected Prime Minister."

The criminal Thaksin was a caretaker PM...... This speech could have been written by Calgary.

Thai means free, and the people of Thailand fought back for their freedom. In May 2010, a crackdown on the protestors, the Red Shirts Movement, led to 91 deaths in the heart of the commercial district of Bangkok.

Not all were redshirtsMany innocent people were shot dead by snipers, and the movement crushed with the leaders jailed or fled abroad. Even today, many political victims remain in jail.

She is the PM! Her government is in power!!

We knew it would be <deleted> from the ginned up 'Tribulations from the Legend of Thaksin' talking points reel* he has circulated. To keep all of PTP on message, and not let truthful history become the dominating force of political reality.

* talking points reel = sarcastic assumption.

The 'Legend to rewrite history' and it's lack of veracity are obvious, regardless of methods of diffusion.

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There is apparently a Thai word for stupid lady and the Mrs tells me in amazement that if you google that word all you get is pictures of Yingluck accompanied by comments that amount to swearing.

As she says "and this is the prime minister of Thailand".

These are pictures and comments by Thais not farang on this or any other site.

Could it be that the tide is changing?

Ee-ngoh would be the phonetic spelling... Thai script is not permitted by the mods.

<snip>I would even go so far as to say that opinions outside Surat and Nakhon show contempt for her... just do a Google Images search on "<Thai script removed>"

(something like "stupid bint", but not quite so polite).

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the speech was full of blunders and that it was pathetic for Yingluck to seek sympathy from the international community over suffering that "stemmed from [alleged] corruption by her brother

pathetic, indeed

That's better than any of you could do in Thai I would suspect. How long have you all lived in Thailand I wonder? Probably way longer than Yingluck has ever lived in an English speaking country. That's what I would term as pathetic.

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That's better than any of you could do in Thai I would suspect. How long have you all lived in Thailand I wonder? Probably way longer than Yingluck has ever lived in an English speaking country. That's what I would term as pathetic.

She did a Masters at a university in the US. You would think that she learned some English there.
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