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Thai Logic Has Got Me Again.........sigh!

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Thanks for all the replies guys.

I also believe in the K.I.S.S. syndrome, keep it simple stupid......and this is what I had in mind with my masterpiece.

Sorry if I am breaking the rules by having Thai writing on the map, but I figured that it would be impressive to the immigration people.

Just thought I would show how I used "The Gate" as an easy landmark.

Also just to reiterate.....you cannot find my place on google maps......they don't consider us important enough.


I like your map, especially the blue dots in the purple road, it's so psychedelic !!!!!!

But are you not affraid of some Project X party with thousands of Thaivisa members rushing to your home now to party ?

No problem.....all are welcome.

Just bring your own set of overalls, good footwear, sun-cream a hat.......and heaps of stamina.....oh also BYO, I will keep it cold while you are earning your invitation.

Firstly, you will need to be introduced to my 4 dogs........so they don't rip out your throats....other than that.....please come.


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Many years ago I knew a German guy who was married to a Thai lady he decided to take her home so she could see her family who lived in the back of beyond after many hours of driving from Phuket they got near her house.

When they got back to Phuket I saw him in the bar I asked him how they got on a did he meet the family he told me when they got there she couldn't remember how to get to the house so they came back.

This was before everybody had a mobile phone.

They moved to Germany

I, was once, (10 years ago) picked up by the GF in Udon Thani airport with a bunch of people of hers, should visit her home first time.

As it was night already and I wanted to see where I was going to, 85 km away on the way to Sakhon Nakhon, somewhere in the Pampas,

I opted to sleep in Udon and let the Pick Up with the people, going back without me.

Rent a car and wanted to drive next morning by myself with her.

Was surprised as the "brother" stayed behind to and slept in a separate room in the Hotel with us.

She meant, she could not find the way home without him!

I was suspicious, the "brother?", maybe the BF or husband in reality? Special as she was for some time (20min?) in "his" room.

BUT, ok, she spoke the truth, 21 years young, she really did not know the way! Also it was an easy to manage route, for me!

After staying with her now 11 years and living in the village,

I know that the "brother",is the brother with his own family, wife and children already at that time! wink.png


@ David48.....if I went that fast on our road, the truck/car would end up in a hundred pieces.

Your GF's road is a freeway compared to ours. Once overheard the wife describe to someone where we lived, she said on the soi of a thousand pot-holes.


Invest, in a road upgrade? A Bulldozer sometimes sent threw can flatten out most holes. wink.png

I have a English? guy, as I hear not far living from me and the main road in the Tambon.

He broadened, flattened and Bulldozed a road to his about a km away house, including an electric line he had to finance.

No wonder I never see or met him, he not let even his wives family inside his sanctuary

and her children from a first marriage (Thai) must ring at the fence and ask for permission to visit. blink.png


I think I have posted a comment along these lines before but here it goes again: If you want a life companion who you can to talk to at your level, whom you can trust to understand the abstract concepts at a level higher than that of an avarage European kindergarten kid, who knows at least a little about the subjects not related to money, sex, kids, rice and Buddha, who has read at least 10 books and has at least heard about the theory of relativity, how to find Congo on the map or who Chopin was - DON'T MARRY A THAI VILLAGE GIRL!!! They do have many talents but brains and logic and basic education aren't amongst them

What a load of crap! I married a Thai village girl 10 years ago. For nine of those years, she has been running 2 very succesfull shops, at the same she has got herself a lawdegree. (just for the hell of it). Reads an average of 2 books a week, real books like heavy classics! Got a more flexible intellect than most farangs I know.

So please keep your stereotyping to yourself!! whistling.gif

As we say in my country, "Exceptions confirm the rule." thumbsup.gif


I think I have posted a comment along these lines before but here it goes again: If you want a life companion who you can to talk to at your level, whom you can trust to understand the abstract concepts at a level higher than that of an avarage European kindergarten kid, who knows at least a little about the subjects not related to money, sex, kids, rice and Buddha, who has read at least 10 books and has at least heard about the theory of relativity, how to find Congo on the map or who Chopin was - DON'T MARRY A THAI VILLAGE GIRL!!! They do have many talents but brains and logic and basic education aren't amongst them

What a load of crap! I married a Thai village girl 10 years ago. For nine of those years, she has been running 2 very succesfull shops, at the same she has got herself a lawdegree. (just for the hell of it). Reads an average of 2 books a week, real books like heavy classics! Got a more flexible intellect than most farangs I know.

So please keep your stereotyping to yourself!! whistling.gif

As we say in my country, "Exceptions confirm the rule." thumbsup.gif

Which is, of course, nonsense. The more common expression is "The exception proves the rule", with an implied 'to be' i.e. after identifying one exception, we find that in fact, there are more exceptions than followers to the rule i.e. exceptions prove to be the rule, and conformants the rarity.

As you say, the exception proves the rule, and only a relatively small percentage of girls from Isaan are your typical bargirl.

We are making the mistake of assuming that since the vast majority of bar girls are from Isaan, the converse must be true, that the vast majority of Isaan ladies are bar girls.

That would be like assuming that a high proportion of Scottish people were football managers.



I think I have posted a comment along these lines before but here it goes again: If you want a life companion who you can to talk to at your level, whom you can trust to understand the abstract concepts at a level higher than that of an avarage European kindergarten kid, who knows at least a little about the subjects not related to money, sex, kids, rice and Buddha, who has read at least 10 books and has at least heard about the theory of relativity, how to find Congo on the map or who Chopin was - DON'T MARRY A THAI VILLAGE GIRL!!! They do have many talents but brains and logic and basic education aren't amongst them

What a load of crap! I married a Thai village girl 10 years ago. For nine of those years, she has been running 2 very succesfull shops, at the same she has got herself a lawdegree. (just for the hell of it). Reads an average of 2 books a week, real books like heavy classics! Got a more flexible intellect than most farangs I know.

So please keep your stereotyping to yourself!! whistling.gif

As we say in my country, "Exceptions confirm the rule." thumbsup.gif

Which is, of course, nonsense. The more common expression is "The exception proves the rule", with an implied 'to be' i.e. after identifying one exception, we find that in fact, there are more exceptions than followers to the rule i.e. exceptions prove to be the rule, and conformants the rarity.

As you say, the exception proves the rule, and only a relatively small percentage of girls from Isaan are your typical bargirl.

We are making the mistake of assuming that since the vast majority of bar girls are from Isaan, the converse must be true, that the vast majority of Isaan ladies are bar girls.

That would be like assuming that a high proportion of Scottish people were football managers.


I find it fruitless to stereotype the girls I stare at.


I think I have posted a comment along these lines before but here it goes again: If you want a life companion who you can to talk to at your level, whom you can trust to understand the abstract concepts at a level higher than that of an avarage European kindergarten kid, who knows at least a little about the subjects not related to money, sex, kids, rice and Buddha, who has read at least 10 books and has at least heard about the theory of relativity, how to find Congo on the map or who Chopin was - DON'T MARRY A THAI VILLAGE GIRL!!! They do have many talents but brains and logic and basic education aren't amongst them

"...but brains and logic and basic education aren't amongst them"

And yet repeatedly we hear stories of how the intellectually superior Europeans are taken to the cleaners by these naïve, illogical life companions.

God gave the man two important organs or body parts and blood to help to use them.

But not enough blood to let them properly simultaneously! tongue.png


I think I have posted a comment along these lines before but here it goes again: If you want a life companion who you can to talk to at your level, whom you can trust to understand the abstract concepts at a level higher than that of an avarage European kindergarten kid, who knows at least a little about the subjects not related to money, sex, kids, rice and Buddha, who has read at least 10 books and has at least heard about the theory of relativity, how to find Congo on the map or who Chopin was - DON'T MARRY A THAI VILLAGE GIRL!!! They do have many talents but brains and logic and basic education aren't amongst them

What a load of crap! I married a Thai village girl 10 years ago. For nine of those years, she has been running 2 very succesfull shops, at the same she has got herself a lawdegree. (just for the hell of it). Reads an average of 2 books a week, real books like heavy classics! Got a more flexible intellect than most farangs I know.

So please keep your stereotyping to yourself!! whistling.gif

As we say in my country, "Exceptions confirm the rule." thumbsup.gif

Which is, of course, nonsense. The more common expression is "The exception proves the rule", with an implied 'to be' i.e. after identifying one exception, we find that in fact, there are more exceptions than followers to the rule i.e. exceptions prove to be the rule, and conformants the rarity.

As you say, the exception proves the rule, and only a relatively small percentage of girls from Isaan are your typical bargirl.

We are making the mistake of assuming that since the vast majority of bar girls are from Isaan, the converse must be true, that the vast majority of Isaan ladies are bar girls.

That would be like assuming that a high proportion of Scottish people were football managers.


We maybe "lost in translation here" as I am not a native English speaker and Google Translate gives me the same meaning with your and my statement, whistling.gif

With your following part of your posting you confuse me, why you come to the "Typical Bar girl" wording?

Nobody brought that in the discussion except you just now.


So and these are in the most part uneducated and even uninterested in any information,

if they work in the rice field, stay at home, work in a company or go South to the big cities and lively places!

I live in rural Isaan, see that, can prove that.

So when one writes now positive prays on his well educated and in many things interested VILLAGE GIRL, than I say also.

=One swallow does not make a summer!= tongue.png


Thais are totally, 100% useless when it comes to directions. They use "landmarks" (that THEY know of) and "lefts" and "rights". It is totally ridiculous.

The reason I KNOW I am right is because it will take them 5 minutes to give directions, whereas 2 foreigners could have done the same thing in 5 seconds in their country (eg left on culver, right on broadway, and it'll be on the left after 100 meters).

The place it gets REALLY bad and unintelligible is when they give directions from a BTS station. Again, they use landmarks, which can be hideously ineffective. I seriously don't understand what is so hard about putting a "exit to the North side of Sukhumvit" in there, and then a "walk west on Sukhumvit". They have lived here all their lives, but they don't know which direction is north from a BTS station?

Thais can't effectively give directions. They are not capable. They don't think in terms of direction, which is actually necessary. NOTICE the word directions itself has the word DIRECTION (eg North, West etc) embedded within it. But, they think only in terms of landmarks. Ineffective, no two ways about it.

Further, aren't Thais supposed to be compelled to do some sort of military service here? Well, in the military, you can't say "turn left at the big tree"!!! What do they learn when they are in the military? Jumping jacks?

There was a thread in the GPS forum saying all Thais should start giving GPS coordinates if they want farang business. I agree. I know it will never happen, but if they want to do themselves a favor, they should try it. "Left after the big 7-11" just does not cut it.

And I wont go into the difficulty of giving them directions. I can give them perfect directions, with all the direction and information they need in there, and they look at it like it is written in Swahili or something.

I'm British and to be honest wouldn't know which way was north, south etc. when in my home town. Not so sure that many Brits would either. Americans use it all the time perhaps because of their street naming (e.g. East 57th street). In my home town we'd use up or down as that was the way you traveled, uphill or downhill while in the valley. But I do agree about the Thais being pretty useless at giving directions. My absolute favorite is the waving of the hand pointing up into the sky, "it's over there" they say, "Where?" I reply "Which cloud exactly!"

I've found that maps are for the most part are absolutely strange to Thais. Just as floor plans for houses are. In my experience they have difficulty in seeing in 2D unless it's the TV.


@ David48.....if I went that fast on our road, the truck/car would end up in a hundred pieces.

Your GF's road is a freeway compared to ours. Once overheard the wife describe to someone where we lived, she said on the soi of a thousand pot-holes.


Invest, in a road upgrade? A Bulldozer sometimes sent threw can flatten out most holes. wink.png

I have a English? guy, as I hear not far living from me and the main road in the Tambon.

He broadened, flattened and Bulldozed a road to his about a km away house, including an electric line he had to finance.

No wonder I never see or met him, he not let even his wives family inside his sanctuary

and her children from a first marriage (Thai) must ring at the fence and ask for permission to visit. blink.png

Smart chap.

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@ David48.....if I went that fast on our road, the truck/car would end up in a hundred pieces.

Your GF's road is a freeway compared to ours. Once overheard the wife describe to someone where we lived, she said on the soi of a thousand pot-holes.


Invest, in a road upgrade? A Bulldozer sometimes sent threw can flatten out most holes. wink.png

I have a English? guy, as I hear not far living from me and the main road in the Tambon.

He broadened, flattened and Bulldozed a road to his about a km away house, including an electric line he had to finance.

No wonder I never see or met him, he not let even his wives family inside his sanctuary

and her children from a first marriage (Thai) must ring at the fence and ask for permission to visit. blink.png

Smart chap.

my hero


@ David48.....if I went that fast on our road, the truck/car would end up in a hundred pieces.

Your GF's road is a freeway compared to ours. Once overheard the wife describe to someone where we lived, she said on the soi of a thousand pot-holes.


Invest, in a road upgrade? A Bulldozer sometimes sent threw can flatten out most holes. wink.png

I have a English? guy, as I hear not far living from me and the main road in the Tambon.

He broadened, flattened and Bulldozed a road to his about a km away house, including an electric line he had to finance.

No wonder I never see or met him, he not let even his wives family inside his sanctuary

and her children from a first marriage (Thai) must ring at the fence and ask for permission to visit. blink.png

Smart chap.

my hero

Yeh...sounds good if you have the finance....I don't.

When I win the lottery I'll be sure to get a grader through my soi.



Update......just to get back on topic.

The guy from Immigration phoned my wife at 0630 this morning telling her that he would be at our place by lunch time and he required 2 witnesses with copies of their ID cards and blue books.

Around 1030 my wife gets the first of 4 phone calls to get directions to our home.

Cutting a long story short.....I had to drive my quad bike down to the paved road and wait for the guy to see me, so he could follow me back to our home.

The map failed!

Well at least he got close.



Thanks for the update and with that I think we can close this thread, The Thai bashing engaged in by some members is unacceptable.


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