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Looking For Real Bacon

Bangkok Barry

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I quite liked the carnitas tacos with everything on the side on Valencia near 16th...rolled up in corn tortillas. Carnitas...(roast pork) are special, any sour cream or guacamole ruins the delicate taste...

Substitute the big, fat, fully fledged burrito that includes rice and beans and etc with 3 smaller carnitas tacos instead...give me a Superior beer and the foregoing with loads of salsa and I'm together...ready to murder on command...

listen georgie...we are pissin' in the wind here...ain't nobody that never been to the Mission or East LA gonna understand what we're talking about..

but shout it out loud and clear...'Vato, M-16...Venice V-13' for the rest of the world to hear...

Now there are some wonderful burrito places in Venice in LA on Lincoln Blvd...

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listen georgie...we are pissin' in the wind here...ain't nobody that never been to the Mission or East LA gonna understand what we're talking about..

but shout it out loud and clear...'Vato, M-16...Venice V-13' for the rest of the world to hear...

Now there are some wonderful burrito places in Venice in LA on Lincoln Blvd...

I grew up in Orange Co. (Anaheim) but never made it to those places you mentioned. There were a few good Taco places in Huntington Beach - in my day... :o :

Boon Mee

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I quite liked the carnitas tacos with everything on the side on Valencia near 16th...rolled up in corn tortillas. Carnitas...(roast pork) are special, any sour cream or guacamole ruins the delicate taste...

Substitute the big, fat, fully fledged burrito that includes rice and beans and etc with 3 smaller carnitas tacos instead...give me a Superior beer and the foregoing with loads of salsa and I'm together...ready to murder on command...

listen georgie...we are pissin' in the wind here...ain't nobody that never been to the Mission or East LA gonna understand what we're talking about..

georgie & tutsiwarrior stop it right now, i am from santa barbara and you are driving me crazy with delicious details like that.

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[listen georgie...we are pissin' in the wind here...ain't nobody that never been to the Mission or East LA gonna understand what we're talking about..

georgie & tutsiwarrior stop it right now, i am from santa barbara and you are driving me crazy with delicious details like that.

It's a small world then, Huski 'cause my alma mata (sp) is UCSB class of '73. Lived in I.V. and went through the B of A burn-down twice. Got tear-gassed outa my apt. which basically sucked but they were great days! :o

Boon Mee

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I quite liked the carnitas tacos with everything on the side on Valencia near 16th...rolled up in corn tortillas. Carnitas...(roast pork) are special, any sour cream or guacamole ruins the delicate taste...

Substitute the big, fat, fully fledged burrito that includes rice and beans and etc with 3 smaller carnitas tacos instead...give me a Superior beer and the foregoing with loads of salsa and I'm together...ready to murder on command...

listen georgie...we are pissin' in the wind here...ain't nobody that never been to the Mission or East LA gonna understand what we're talking about..

but shout it out loud and clear...'Vato, M-16...Venice V-13' for the rest of the world to hear...

Now there are some wonderful burrito places in Venice in LA on Lincoln Blvd...

Sorry, Boon Mee, but I have to answer. Just a little more torture.

Carnitas is special, but I was a real health nut back then, so mostly wouldn't eat pork.

I didn't know about the no sour cream and guacamole rule, but will remember when I visit SF next, because, really, I am just going for the Mexican food that I miss so badly. :o

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oh boy...we go back gents...my previous brother-in-law spent 4 months in the local lockup for his part in the torching of the B of A in IV. I usedta surf and there was a nice right point break by the uni...mostly when I was in that area made a bee'line to Rincon south by Carpenteria....one of the finest right point breaks in the world.

Early 70s Isla Vista was a domain of health fascists and no decent food could be had. I remember having a pizza in 1970 up the street from the bank that got torched vaguely discussing with other Pasadena associates where we were gonna score some dope for the evening's entertainment. Later in 1971 I found myself with a virginal young girl in a bed in a UCSB residence hall and we sullied the sheets with her stain of honour...what a mess...had to clean it up later.

Boon...you from Anaheim?...I graduated from Troy High in Fullerton...small old world...

with regard to carnitas...any place that has it on the menu is doin' it right...always served with CORN tortillas

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This IS a small world! Yeah, Tutsi, I grew up in Anaheim & Garden Grove - basically the same neck of the woods. Last place we lived before my folks retired and moved was just off Chapman & Brookhurst on Skylark Blvd.

Isla Vista - where do I start. Dogs sleeping in the streets - had to drive around them it was so laid back. Me & my partners had a house on Sabado Tarde down toward the nud_e beach end - don't know how I finally graduated - it certainly was a different era. Dam*, I'm starting to catch a flashback! :o

Boon Mee

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Yeah...I lived just off Chapman about 4 blocks away from Fullerton JC...there was a Carl's Jr nearby (weren't Chapman and Brookhurst parallel?)

Never did live in Santa Barbara...circumstances had me in and out...mostly around IV. Ended up sleeping in UCSB dormitories at times as I described before or crashing on strangers' living room floors. Useta go up to Rincon to surf...in junior high school in Pasadena the local surf bully challenged me to contest and we went to Rincon to settle it. Whipped his ass as witnessed by 5 carloads of school chums and returned to school on Monday to cheers and accolades...my famous '15 minutes'.

Check the other thread regarding Jimmy Reed at the folk club in Huntington.

(Flashbacks?...well, you know that acid, it can twist your head, even 30 years after the event...)

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Chapman & Brookhurst intersects - Chapman runs east/west. I'd run down Brookhurst to Huntington. Brookhurst & Beach Blvd. run the same direction.

It looks a lot nicer out there now than when I lived there. My family burial plot is over off Westminster and was out there last year for another funeral (uncle). He got interred at the Crystal Cathedral tho. But the whole area looks a lot cleaner/greener than it used to...traffic ain't as bad as I remember either.

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I am confused now... the main intersection in Fullerton is Commonwealth (E - W) and Beach Blvd (Hwy39 N-S). Chapman Avenue in Fullerton is the first major E-W thoroghfare north of Commonwealth...proceed directly and you come to Cal State Fullerton.

Oh fukc...who cares...been nearly 35 years ago. My mother moved to Garden Grove and as a public health nurse that had to drive alot to visit clients used to complain alot about the Vietnamese drivers. If I remember correctly Westminster was close to Huntington and was largely undeveloped with lots of orange groves. Had some friends that lived there...an unhappy association that culminated with the wife on duty at the local emergency room finding that the mangled heap brought in after a motor bike accident one evening was her son. He died. Not cool.

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Tutsi - yeah, there Was another Chapman over in Fullerton - go north from Katella Blvd. - like you say, it's been a few years.

The Chapman I used to live off of ran into Orange going east and almost to the Navy base in Long Beach going west. I haven't lived there either since going in the service.

Some of my family is down in Irvine but I don't see 'em much. Got one cousin up in Hollywood with a SAG card doing commercials and another up in the Bay area getting razzed -by me- for all the homo activity around there... :o

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there must have been a lot of chapmans in Orange County...city of Orange is quite a bit south of Fullerton.

listen..you should be cool with the fags...I lived in SF for a long time and I can say that they are good neighbors, responsible people and a credit to their community. I would say that half of the managers in SF in the 90k - 150k bracket are queer but they have a humanity and compassion that a lot of straight folks in the same circumstances ain't got. Take the time to chill and get acquainted...if you ain't one of them they ain't gonna take the time to try and get funny...they got plenty of what they want elsewhere in SF.

Always use every opportunity to broaden our horizons in middle aged dotage.

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Hey, I'm no homophobe! When I was living in BKK there was this couple in my building that were, as you say, great neighbors. Responsible dudes and very intelligent. Considered them good friends. Never saw them swapping spit in public either. I just like to pick on my cousin for all the attention San Francisco is getting these days w/the gay marriage thing. You've heard of the mayor out there issuing marriage licenses...

I'm trying to broaden my horizons by preparing for the Pratom 6 exam - got a lot to go...

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I have nothing to say in here. So I say sorry for intruding.

Reading through the threat I was ..... Sorry, don't know what to say. Moved?

Great thing that you all open up. The bears and dinosaurs got a HEART.

Great posts in here...

and shoot, I mean it.

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