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Pizza Delivered Sideways


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How dumb must one be to take a warm pizza out of the delivery heater box, hold it sideways and tuck it under your arm while you close the heater box, allowing the contents of that pizza to slide down to the bottom of the box?

Sometimes I am awe of the nincompoops I encounter here.

However, I did get a free pizza last night so I shouldn't be too hard on them. I only had to wait another hour for the 2nd one.

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This happens outside of Thailand as well. When I was a kid, I had a job delivering pizzas. One day a new guy was about to go on his first run. Pizza came out of the oven, into the box, sliced, then under his arm sideways. Probably the shortest lived pizza ever.

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2 weeks ago I was at a restaurant and ordered a cappacino.

Cappacino arrived with rancid lumps of what looked liked clotted cream on the froth.

My reaction was to laugh at the waitress and ask what the lumps were, informing her that standard cappacino does not come with lumps included.

Sadly all this was too much for her brain to reply.

So I made it simpler for her. "You see lumps" I asked, pointing at the lumps.

"No" she replied.

I shrugged my shoulders at this point cheesy.gif and gave up!!

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Macca's delivery sent me out a fish burger instead of a Big Mac. I'd already taken a bite out of the fish burger. Although the second delivery fella still wanted the first burger returned, I gave it away to a mate. He even rang the Macca's branch to have a cry to them that I no longer had it.

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The missus and I had fish n chips for lunch. We asked for two serves of the 40c tartare sauce but when we unwrapped the paper we found they'd only given us one.

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Pizzas, cappuccinos... What next? The answer people is quite simple. When in Thailand please do not expect western food/drinks to the same standard as farang land. Simple. But I so realise some have an inclination to moan on here regardless so please... as you were.

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From the heading, I thought the delivery guy walked sideways as he approached your home. Now that would really be something to complain about, though I can't think why. It just would be, m'kay?


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probably due to fatigue. people do mess up once in awhile, beside doing delivery in this weather and this kind of traffic is tiring, be alittle forgiving.

but i find mickey delivery to be the worst. their call center operators are really rude at times. i even wrote a polite and formal complaint letter with full details to them but not even a flying fuk was given. not even a generic reply.

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We had one from the Pizza Company outlet at Tesco-Lotus Saraburi last year that wasn't good, seafood, seemed to have gone bad. Tossed it.

I politely email the Company with a nicely worded complaint. The wife got a phone call in a couple of days telling us that the next time we stopped by that outlet to phone the caller, who was a boss lady in Bangkok, and she'd inform the staff to give us a free one.

Did so, and good response I think.


I e mailed them on two separate occasions and never got a response.

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OP has a valid point. Expecting a human being to understand the laws of gravity is not a big ask is it? Who TF wants to eat a concertina'd pizza? My 4 year old knows how to carry a pizza box.

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Pizzas, cappuccinos... What next? The answer people is quite simple. When in Thailand please do not expect western food/drinks to the same standard as farang land. Simple. But I so realise some have an inclination to moan on here regardless so please... as you were.

Sounds like you'll fit in well here, no argue no complain, be careful you don't start "baaaaaaaaaing"laugh.png

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Pizzas, cappuccinos... What next? The answer people is quite simple. When in Thailand please do not expect western food/drinks to the same standard as farang land. Simple. But I so realise some have an inclination to moan on here regardless so please... as you were.

Sounds like you'll fit in well here, no argue no complain, be careful you don't start "baaaaaaaaaing"laugh.png

Oh please. Life is too short to be moaning about such things. When they happen to me in Thailand I chalk it up to a lack of understanding, say mai bpen rai and order something else.

As people get older they like to moan. Ones geographical location does not affect this behaviour. 5555

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"Where are the grandkids when you need them?"

I can't eat so many slices, they should've just cut it into 6. sad.png

Yeah....I know exactly what you mean.

Also in the pic....

"We need a bigger table for the remotes....."

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