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Salary Indication And Possition / Industry

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Hi all,

I was just wondering if we could do a poll to see what type of industries every body is working in and what type of salaries (range) we are earning. This would obviously only apply for those members who are working allready in Thailand. This can give an indication to those who are thinking of moving to Thailand or those who might want to compare salaries so to know if they get paid the right amount.

Might be a bit personal but I think this would be very interesting to many

Well let me start of then I guess:

Manager of travel website - roughly 7O,000 THB

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How old is your manager and what nationality does he/she has?

Is that your function to start with?

On your profile I read 4 times " no information " !! So I don't know if you work in Holland or in Thailand :o

I think a poll like that will not work.

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When you were born , I was already visiting Thailand.

To come back to your first post.

It will give me an indication,because I am thinking of going to Thailand.

I also like to compare the incomes with my pension,although I do have already a pretty good idea.

I still believe that this poll will not become a success story.

At least you started.! Related info about age and nationality is very important for good comparison.(not to forget the fringe benefits !!!!!!)

Do you mind if I keep this info between me and the tax office :o

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If you post in this forum,everybody can react.

Only for "US" living in Thailand sounds a little bit elite!

I only want to inform you, that the way how the question was asked,would not give much to compare. Specially the fringe benefits.

(I know these packages , working already over 20 years for a multinational.)

Sorry for my second reaction but I found after re reading your answer, or more the way how you put it, that I did not like your patronizing style.

Good look with the poll and your business in Thailand.

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Well sorry about that then. You seem to be reading between the lines when there is nothing there to read.

What I meant to say was that positions and salary should be listed only for those who actually have a job in Thailand and not elsewhere. I dont really think it would be of interest to anyone to know what someone is earning in the USA or Europe. I have had many people asking me what salary indication they should give when a business owner in Thailand wants to offer them a job and thats what I was trying to clarrify. Partronising in anyway was not my objection. And so what that you have been to Thailand before I was born. Does that make you better? That is actually a patronising comment. I have seen plenty of old dutch guys in Phuket coming back year after year sitting at Andre and having no cluen what they are talking about just because they spend one or 2 weeks a year there. And also, I dont have a business in Thailand, I am being employed by a foreign company.

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Putting me on the same plate with 2 weeks a year coming old dutch guys is that far away from my reality ,that I again have to react; :o

You have no clue to whom you are talking to.

You still have a long way to go.

(of course I know te topic is about salaries paid in Thailand !)

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Once again you keep on harrasing me. You seem to think that you are far above me and others. I never said in anyway that I am there in which ever way you might mean. I tried to get a flow of information started and you just sit there and be absolutely negative against me for God knows what reason.

You seem so grumpy, guess you havent been getting any lately

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@ Jimbo

I am interested in it as well. Because I also want to go to Thailand, but would prefer to have a Job there. Unfortunately I am not ina position of a Manager so that I will be not able to earn so much like you. But would interest me, whether you your own Manager of the Travelpage or you in a position within a company? And is it the same job you have done before in Europe?

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I think the poll would be very usefull for those thinking of making the move to Thailand, but somehow I don't think it's the kind of information people want to share over the internet. But I still think the the idea is sound.


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Its not a job I have done back in Europe but its similar to work I have done before. No its not my company, I will be working for a foreign company based in Thailand. Places some ads on some websites and got replies.

We are all mostly hidden behind our nick names so I wouldnt see why information like this could be posted but can understand if people choose not too. I just know that I have had many people asking about salary levels and dont always have the right answer. Figured that this forum could give a clearer view on things

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