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Call For Total Smoking Ban At Thailand's Main International Airports


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As a former 100 a day and given it up, I think the necessity to take into account smokers should be mandatory. I choose where I sit, where I stand and what venues to visit. If there are smokers - I walk away and change - but hard to do that in an airport. The smart money is on exterior balconies not isolated rooms with some form of filtration. This would also alleviate the personal hygiene issue of the smokers sitting beside me in a plane with their hair and clothes reeking of everyone else's cigarettes. There are always simple solutions without much cost but then that would be sensible. Let's just ban smoking totally - idiots.

Don't sit in the smoking room is good practice I find.

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I was thinking maybe she could spend some time researching into the quality of drinking water, or toxic waste being dumped near klongs, in klongs, in the sea, or drugs use or sexually transmitted diseases - you know, health issues like that...p

I didn't realize that she hadn't done anything like that - was that in the article?

Anyway, it was only a joke. I agree with you on the relative importance of such things.

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Excellent decision.

In all public places hopefully next.

The good people of this Earth should do all we can to help those weaker than ourselves to rid them of this filthy habit that affects us all and they seem to weak to deal with themselves.

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I don't like smoking and really dislike breathing in another person's smoke. But goodness, gracious, this is taking it too far. I understand some people just need to smoke, and others are nervous about flying. It seems to me that a smoking room fits the bill.

I fly all the time, and I almost never smell anything when walking past a smoking room. On the few occasions when I do, like when someone is going in or coming out, well, how hard is it to shift one or two steps further away? I'm past it anyway in two strides.

I's really not that difficult. Enough rooms in each terminal to make it convenient, powerful blowers to take up the smoke, and sealed to the terminal at large.

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Excellent decision.

In all public places hopefully next.

The good people of this Earth should do all we can to help those weaker than ourselves to rid them of this filthy habit that affects us all and they seem to weak to deal with themselves.

Yes and may all the good god loving people save all those others from thier vices, those to weak to resist the tempations and lust of sex industry, alcohol, gambling and using the lords name in vain. May we all become pure with the help of the good people.thumbsup.gif

The typical smokers argument, what about everyone else.

Poor bugger me.

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At Suvarnabhumi airport, it would be very hard for people to walk past the smoking room as they are tucked in the corner of a gate. Only people that would be impacted by 2nd hand smoke are people at the same gate. The rooms are quite small and poorly built with ventilation system insufficient to handle the smoke. I do worry about reeking smoke when leaving this place.

HK airport also has a similarly small and poorly built smoking rooms. Worse, they are located more in the middle of the airport traffic.

Changi airport has very thought-out and placed smoking areas. Many are outdoors and indoor ones have big space and DOUBLE DOOR system with ventilation system that seems to work well, even when crowded.

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Nothing to do with health. This is the making of the "guru". One "expert" makes a statement, and the govt makes a move to take another liberty away from you. All about control and dominance.

old Adolf did the same thing in Deutschland a few years back. To prevent people from getting cancer?

The real problem is traffic and industrial pollution but the "expert" has a PAID job to do and a list of instructions.

Aviation fuel pollution?


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Ban tobacco, switch to pot. Every one is happier.

If Christopher Columbus's Santa Maria had brought back cannabis in around 1492 and tobacco had only been discovered in the '60s, Tobacco would be banned as the harmful drug that it is, and we would be smoking pot!

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Excellent decision.

In all public places hopefully next.

The good people of this Earth should do all we can to help those weaker than ourselves to rid them of this filthy habit that affects us all and they seem to weak to deal with themselves.

Yes and may all the good god loving people save all those others from thier vices, those to weak to resist the tempations and lust of sex industry, alcohol, gambling and using the lords name in vain. May we all become pure with the help of the good people.thumbsup.gif

The typical smokers argument, what about everyone else.

Poor bugger me.

Actually I am a non smoker. Cheersbiggrin.png

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Nothing to do with health. This is the making of the "guru". One "expert" makes a statement, and the govt makes a move to take another liberty away from you. All about control and dominance.

old Adolf did the same thing in Deutschland a few years back. To prevent people from getting cancer?

The real problem is traffic and industrial pollution but the "expert" has a PAID job to do and a list of instructions.

Aviation fuel pollution?


Adolfo Hitler did it? It must be bad!

I guess that means vegetarianism is bad. And having a dog.

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Here we go again, the anti smoking lobby has a field day. Please leave us smokers alone, as we leave the non smokers alone or start banning cars, heavy industry, booze and other things that not healthy for the general public. We have an ex-chancelor in Germany who is now 94, healthy and still a heavy smoker. He does not give TV interviews, if he is not allowed to smoke, so there is one law for the public and one for a few of us. I guess, when he went to China and Singapore lately, he was also allowed to smoke. So why not have an airline for smokers, no it is not allowed by law, so all you non-smokers are hiding behind your government and their rules. Lighten up and be more relaxed and be more tolerant, like you want everyone else to be.

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Here we go again, the anti smoking lobby has a field day. Please leave us smokers alone, as we leave the non smokers alone or start banning cars, heavy industry, booze and other things that not healthy for the general public. We have an ex-chancelor in Germany who is now 94, healthy and still a heavy smoker. He does not give TV interviews, if he is not allowed to smoke, so there is one law for the public and one for a few of us. I guess, when he went to China and Singapore lately, he was also allowed to smoke. So why not have an airline for smokers, no it is not allowed by law, so all you non-smokers are hiding behind your government and their rules. Lighten up and be more relaxed and be more tolerant, like you want everyone else to be.

huh, that's a joke.

Like you leave us alone.

Unfortunately non smokers have no choice when you lot are around being ignorant of all around you.

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As a former 100 a day and given it up, I think the necessity to take into account smokers should be mandatory. I choose where I sit, where I stand and what venues to visit. If there are smokers - I walk away and change - but hard to do that in an airport. The smart money is on exterior balconies not isolated rooms with some form of filtration. This would also alleviate the personal hygiene issue of the smokers sitting beside me in a plane with their hair and clothes reeking of everyone else's cigarettes. There are always simple solutions without much cost but then that would be sensible. Let's just ban smoking totally - idiots.

Don't sit in the smoking room is good practice I find.
Most times it's hard to find an empty seat....
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Here we go again, the anti smoking lobby has a field day. Please leave us smokers alone, as we leave the non smokers alone or start banning cars, heavy industry, booze and other things that not healthy for the general public. We have an ex-chancelor in Germany who is now 94, healthy and still a heavy smoker. He does not give TV interviews, if he is not allowed to smoke, so there is one law for the public and one for a few of us. I guess, when he went to China and Singapore lately, he was also allowed to smoke. So why not have an airline for smokers, no it is not allowed by law, so all you non-smokers are hiding behind your government and their rules. Lighten up and be more relaxed and be more tolerant, like you want everyone else to be.

huh, that's a joke.

Like you leave us alone.

Unfortunately non smokers have no choice when you lot are around being ignorant of all around you.

No it's not a joke and I know a lot of places even in Pattaya, where smoking is not tollerated and banned, so just look around and you will find, like I look around and find places where smoking is allowed. You are just a very intollerant person and that is what evrybody can see from your comments. Why should we ban smoking in open bars and other outdoor places. You lot just want to push your so called health concerns on other humans, by hiding behind government rules and laws. That's what you call a nani state.

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I have been reluctant to get into this one as smoking really pees me off.

I see we have the 'what about my freedom to smoke' lot have posted so I will.

I do my very best to avoid smokers but every so often I get a lung full of the filthy stink.

I will say to you that I will respect your right to smoke when you respect my right not to have to breathe your filthy smoke.

And I know that will never happen for your addiction will always come first..

Do it in your own home and not in the airport or anywhere else then you can poison your own family not me or mine.

Fair enough.

In which case, how hard can it be, for the AOT to provide a room where the smoke doesn't get out, or god forbid an open air area. I can understand it, my windows leak also. As for the dangers of second hand smoke, as smelly as it might be, I don't think you are at any risk whatsover if you catch a whiff while passing the booth. It has been carefully filtered by the smoker.

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For God's sake is it so hard to make a smoking room that doesn't leak???

The doors are often held open by those using them........

Such generous, considerate souls that they are.

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Here we go again, the anti smoking lobby has a field day. Please leave us smokers alone, as we leave the non smokers alone or start banning cars, heavy industry, booze and other things that not healthy for the general public. We have an ex-chancelor in Germany who is now 94, healthy and still a heavy smoker. He does not give TV interviews, if he is not allowed to smoke, so there is one law for the public and one for a few of us. I guess, when he went to China and Singapore lately, he was also allowed to smoke. So why not have an airline for smokers, no it is not allowed by law, so all you non-smokers are hiding behind your government and their rules. Lighten up and be more relaxed and be more tolerant, like you want everyone else to be.

huh, that's a joke.

Like you leave us alone.

Unfortunately non smokers have no choice when you lot are around being ignorant of all around you.

No it's not a joke and I know a lot of places even in Pattaya, where smoking is not tollerated and banned, so just look around and you will find, like I look around and find places where smoking is allowed. You are just a very intollerant person and that is what evrybody can see from your comments. Why should we ban smoking in open bars and other outdoor places. You lot just want to push your so called health concerns on other humans, by hiding behind government rules and laws. That's what you call a nani state.

I went to a BBQ at a mates placeawhile back and we were sitting around the table outside having a few beers and a chat when the mate and a couple of others lit up. Well one woman went right off tap, moaning and complaining about it being a filthy habit and thier 2nd hand smoke is ruining her health. She refused to move and continued ranting and demanding they put thier ciggies out until the mate stood up and told her to politely shut and move as it was his home and he can do what he wants and won't be dictated to by non smokers in his own property. Got a few laughs around the table even from non smokers.

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Come on then Uni students, I see a project in this. The first, completely sealed, negative pressure smokers room with double doors for drop into airports in Thailand.

As though it is beyond AOT to build a damn room that doesn't leak and double doors that close themselves.

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