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Substantial Amount Missing From The Bank Account

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Just to get one thing straight if it has not been mentioned. Passbook entries only go back 3 months if you have not had your book updated any transactions further back than 3 months are lumped together as one entry.

This could represent the 'missing' 150K Baht. Either open an internet account and keep close watch on your balance or update your passbook regularly.

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I've heard two stories of farang who suffered from ATM rip-offs, and their farang banks reimbursed them for their losses. One was for a Scottish bank (happened in Scotland) and the bank realized their mistake a year later and refunded money PLUS 500 pounds. the other was a rip off of a farang bank's ATM which took place at an ATM in Thailand.

Could you imagine a Thai bank showing responsibility in either of those sorts of scenarios? I couldn't fathom that either. Thai banks won't even notify an account holder if something fishy is going on with an account. Thai banks are like Thai bureaucrats - they do as little as humanly possible, because all they care about is maintaining their jobs and getting security payments when they retire. They won't do anything outside the box, or anything that they don't absolutely have to do.

It more than that...without laws to force the banks to provide X-level of consumer protection they will provide very little protection/reimbursement. And I'm sure western banks would not provide their current level of consumer protection regarding credit/debit cards unless they had been forced to by laws. It's just here in Thailand the politicians have not passed good consumer protection laws; therefore, the banks pretty much get to write their own consumer protection policies...and you can just guess who the polices are "really" written to protect after looking behind the façade which may be painted in a customer friendly color.

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  • 1 month later...

Here is recent example of 600k lifted from an account in Phuket. In my case is still no progress though i have done all what was advised here :


After having done masses of research on this subject, I would respectively suggest you go to the following link, to increase your chances that you will not end up as another victim:


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If I were you, before I found out what happened to my money, I'd secure the funds you still have with Kasikorn by tranfering it elsewhere. Kasikorn is perhaps the worlds worst bank. Certainly the worst I've ever experienced.

Obviously you've never banked with Bank Of America...

Well said. Last january, they found after some 13 yrs, that thye had no copy of my wife ID on the joint account. She certainly must have shown it at the time the account was open.

Since she was unable to personally get to a branch with proof of ID, the account was was frozen causing me all sort of trouble, and then forcibly closed.

On thier credit card, don't get me started on how they calculate interest - post CC reform act!

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To the OP especially:

I have not read all the posts, maybe mentioned. Within 48 hours there was a K Bank employee arrezted for theft of accounts - shown on Thai TV.

He had nearly 500k, gold snd a Range Rover.

Find that story and print it and bring it with you when you talk to anyone at K.

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  • 3 weeks later...

To the OP especially:

I have not read all the posts, maybe mentioned. Within 48 hours there was a K Bank employee arrezted for theft of accounts - shown on Thai TV.

He had nearly 500k, gold snd a Range Rover.

Find that story and print it and bring it with you when you talk to anyone at K.

Do you mean this story? http://www.bangkokpost.com/breakingnews/325957/dirty-cops-bank-worker-arrested-on-b3-5mn-robbery

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To the OP especially:

I have not read all the posts, maybe mentioned. Within 48 hours there was a K Bank employee arrezted for theft of accounts - shown on Thai TV.

He had nearly 500k, gold snd a Range Rover.

Find that story and print it and bring it with you when you talk to anyone at K.

Do you mean this story? http://www.bangkokpost.com/breakingnews/325957/dirty-cops-bank-worker-arrested-on-b3-5mn-robbery

Probably a different story...the story in above link appears to date back to Dec 12 which was a broad daylight robbery by three cops of a Lao guy...the three police were tipped off by a K-bank employee the Lao guy had just withdrawn the money. See this link/two posts for that story.

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  • 1 month later...

hmmmm I was thinking about leave a large amount the next time I am over, maybe up to 1M baht or more. So what do you guys say don't do it? I will leave it there and come back 5,6 months later. When you are a foreigner and you ain't even in the country, money gone missing it's gonna be a big headache I bet. Is there any happy ending to similar incidents before?

Is it possible to like freeze the account when you leave TH, and un-freeze it when you come back? that way it will be totally safe.

So from this thread and few others threads I guess you won't get the money back? kasikorn doesn't do anything and the same for police? Do they also treat thai the same way or it's only for foreigners? Is it possible that the bank people took out the money?!?!!?

For the address we used hotel address when we opened the account, so hotel staff might get our personal info when bank mail us something. Without passbook they can't take out money at all right? I only have passbook and no ATM. also they don't guarantee 1 million baht for foreigners for money in the bank right? but actually I am talking about USD account and not THB account

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Using my UK card in Bangkok Bank atm's Bangkok Bank basically stole 85,000 baht from me by saying they had dispensed the money when the machine hadn't.

Hey ho.

Sent from my i-mobile IQ 6A using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

say what? the 85,000 just disappeared? and when you go ask the bank they say it was dispensed from an ATM?

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I have a sizable amount in my bank account which never came with a ATM card.

I know TIT, but what are the chances that an unauthorized withdrawal could be made against such an account without using my passport.

which bank do you have?

I have Kasikorn and they don't need passport in the branch that you opened the account, in other branches you need the passport.

Without passbook you can't take out money anywhere right? must have passbook with you for withdrawal.

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I went through this twice with Bangkok Bank. The first time I reported the incident the bank official asked me; "You have Thai girlfriend?"

As a matter of habit I only used the same ATM all the time and never deviated however these bogus withdrawals were made from ATM's I never used.

Then I went to get a police report and the police were very cooperative and told me that often times it is a bank employee that is the culprit and it usually happens to individuals who carry a high balance and do not update or check their account frequently. They said the withdrawals are usually made in 10,000 and 20,000 THB amounts each time.

I then asked to see the footage from the CCTV cameras where the money was withdrawn from and was told those locations do not have CCTV installed.

I gave the police reports to the bank and never heard back from them. When I went to inquire I was told they could find no wrong-doing on their part.

I did plenty of research and finally found a story of a resident Ajarn who had the same thing happen to him. He refused to be stonewalled by the bank and insisted on looking at the footage from the two locations in question. The ajarn had to pickup the police officers in his own car and drive them to the ATM locations.

At the first location the timer on the CCTV was off by 3.5 hours so they really had to dig through the footage only to find the CCTV was not pointed at the ATM and all they could see was the very top of someones head and not their face. At the second location the bank said they only have one tape and could not stop the recording until after the bank had closed.

The ajarn pursued the bank and finally they offered him 50% which he refused. Then they offered him 75% which he also refused to accept. Finally the bank did settle with him for the full amount.

In my case I got nothing back. I have not used my ATM card for more than seven years now and do not keep a high balance in that account.

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  • 2 months later...

I was told that there is no way to check from which ATM's withdrawals took place and moreover it is not possible to check CCTV footage for they only store it for 3 months.So the moneys is gone and there is not way even to trace where it happened. The bank statement does not contain the locations of ATM's and they say they can't identify them by number fro the statement,which is a BS. They have dragged the story with issuing a full one year statement for 3 months just to say that the CCTV footage has been erased.

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UK card with 85k transaction / daily limit? Higher than normal.. is it above your limit by any chance? Regardless, make a claim ASAP with the UK bank - I once had a shadow transaction for 25k on my ATM card 20 mins after I withdrew 25k - two transactions showed on my online banking but they agreed to refund immediately when I commented that my daily limit was 25k so why would they even allow it, cancelled my card and sent me a new one. Turned out to be an error with their system in the end, but that's another story.

One good thing about the UK is coverage for debit / credit cards.

Edited by rwdrwdrwd
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First of all no matter what they say the shitty bank is responsible for such losses and they are not supposed to deal with it they way they did in your case!! I mean, <deleted> is that seriously?!

Your best bet is to go to the police and talk to a senior cop, a higher ranking one and ask for his help. They are going to investigate if you can convince him that it is important to both of you because if you get it back you are going to put a smile on his face too. The police can track such transactions in a matter of hours. Go ahead do it. Don't let that Kash_tkorn fool you.

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