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Just Back From My Second Visit To Thailand


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Having been there and done that and survived ... After living here a while and seeing and learning more than I did on my two week stints here before I got married . I say for a roll of the dice I was very lucky .. My advise keep your mind and eyes open at all times .... Even then your still not 100% safe . I dont care how well they treat you and how many smiles and presents you get you are and always will be the Farrang ...

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Having been there and done that and survived ... After living here a while and seeing and learning more than I did on my two week stints here before I got married . I say for a roll of the dice I was very lucky .. My advise keep your mind and eyes open at all times .... Even then your still not 100% safe . I dont care how well they treat you and how many smiles and presents you get you are and always will be the Farrang ...

I know that mate, i lived under similar circumstances in germany for many years, i never tried to become german as i have no intentions of trying to pretend im thai, im scottish and proud of the fact, i just adapted to their way of life, learned their language and customs and got on with my life, some dissed me for being ein auslaender some were intrigued, some hated me because of what happened to relations during the war,i even had a run in with a group of nazis who i ended up sitting having a very pleasant couple of beers with

But i got on just fine with the majority and i was generally fondly called der schotte by aquaintances. all in all i found the german people to be very efficient but also a lot of fun and extremely tolerant to foriegners who play by the rules, why should the thai people be any different ??

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Somebody once said: "If it's not madness, it's not love."

Kitchen furniture in the OP looks a bit IKEA?

did the madness and love bit in my early 20's, married a german woman, im older now and just a bit more cautious and my heart doesnt completely override my brain when it comes to the love bit lol

the kitchen furniture was all built from 120cm x 240cm sheets of MDF on site with the tools i had available to me, it is simple, functional and looks the way she wanted it to, to the budget she could afford

to be honest anything more extravagant would have looked totally out of place set against her kitchen and restaurant

Thai family will settle for plastic.

Up to you if you want to make it from wood.

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did the madness and love bit in my early 20's, married a german woman, im older now and just a bit more cautious and my heart doesnt completely override my brain when it comes to the love bit lol

Thai family know this.

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Mik83.......Rik325i...............Nah, couldn't be.


Rik3251, just take it easy man. The fever can afflict strong men, and not only does it raise your temperature, it lowers your bank balance....dramatically.

Just take it easy and be very careful. Good luck.

mik83, no nothing to do with me mate, im not hit with thailand fever lol just developing feelings with a woman who says she is developing the same feelings for me and going with the flow, but as ive said, im not rushing headlong into this throwing everything ive got into something that could possibly go wrong, ive been through enough in my life to know to always have a backup plan and a safe haven.

thanks for the advice though

“Will you walk into my parlour?” said the Spider to the Fly,

'Tis the prettiest little parlour that ever you did spy;

The way into my parlour is up a winding stair,

And I've a many curious things to show when you are there.”

“Oh no, no,” said the little Fly, “to ask me is in vain,

For who goes up your winding stair

-can ne'er come down again.

Edited by Eesat
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Perhaps I sound a bit negative with this topic but over the years l have witnessed enough to write a book, but it is all not farang related, oh noooooo. I am still witnessing stuff. How do I know so much, the mrs tells all thats going on, and believe me l trust no one, not even family, my life's experiences have taught me that. sad.png

I am am/was an ordinary working bloke too but when the extended family and others found out my mrs had married a ''millionaire'' the hands came out for cash. Phone calls, people at the gate. There was no cash and after a while we never saw anyone, yippee intheclub.gif .

But I know many who have been taken for a ride, one way or another, because of there nature. sad.png

are me and you the same person?it definately sounds like.

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Oh my God, stumbled over this thread. Negative negative and negative..... All these guys so negative and failures when it comes to living in Thailand.

I wish you good luck, I think you will be doing fine. Just do not listen to all these guy´s that hardly has been outside a bar in Pattaya yet.

Be generous, show a "good heart" because that is the first thing a thai girl will look for. So if you will loose money in worst case scenario, who cares really!!!! We are anyhow talking about small amounts......

I am from Sweden and I trust you will have a great time in (Muang) Lopburi as long as you are together with this girl. I have now been married up in Isaan for 5 years and are living the best life I have ever done. OK I miss many things, but there are other things that will replace what i miss.

GIve trust and get trust.....


Being aware of friends that have had bad experiences with girls and their families and then trying to inform others to 'open their eyes' a bit more, isn't a bad thing. Good luck to the man if he has found 'the one'.

My friend, life isn't all butterflies, roses and rainbows you know. Some of us here just don't want the man becoming another broke, broken hearted individual, completely adverse to anything Thai in the future.

BTW, have never lived in Pattaya, Phuket, Samui or near any other 'hot' spots. There are many here though that do live in those areas quite happily and without 'bar girls' as you say.

And you mention 'small amounts'. I know of stories of millions of baht being lost. Maybe to you this is small change, if that's the case, maybe you should look again at your relationship.

Yes I have also heard about millions of baht lost for some extra stupid falangs that is completely out of their mind. So what has that to do with this sober real guy? I am not talking about you in particular, but when there are posts after posts after posts and so forth all the same negative talk. Mostly coming from people that do not dare jump into happiness.... So I am sure you are fine I am sure... but let this guy go for it..... he is just over 40 if I did understand him correctly, And we humans like to do our own mistakes and not listen all of our lifes on mistakes made by other guys.....


i spent a little time in patts 80's,been married to same one for over 22yrs,and there are a few guys that know it all,sounds like your one of them persons,never made any mistakes have you,only the other guys.i got plenty of t-shirts if you would like one size xxxl.

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They "trick" you into giving them your labor. But you enjoyed the work and learnt some things from the old man, so it doesn't matter.

What else? She breaks your heart—well, in love there are no guarantees. That's why it's called "falling in love" and sometimes you get hurt.

But whats the bets he paid for all the material as well ?... rolleyes.gif

Sad to say in Thailand, the least of your worries is a broken heart.....some times it other bits of you that get broken on a permanent basis that would worry me..whistling.gif

Seems like you've joined the thread to put the guy down? Did a bird mug you off in a similar fashion that makes you feel the need to berate him? Post after post of negativity and cynicism.

Rik, good job, I know what you mean about the power tools. I would kill for my cordless sometimes, I wen't out bought a skill saw (or luck saw depending on if I let the wifes old man uses it! :)) , router, and some other bits and pieces. Getting a set of Marples chisels here is a nightmare.

The thai visa fools that will be dragging you down here married a woman way over the limit, much younger,prettier,etc.That's not love it's a financial arrangement waiting to go wrong - like most businesses in thailand will. I've watched many a friend mugged off back in the UK by western girls, far more so than I've seen here - if anything it's my Pharang pals that break the girls hearts here! Your a catch that aint a lazy thai toosh. Your white and speak English. Lot of opinions here telling you to keep a plan back in the uk.why? did those very people have a plan with their western wife if it went tits up? Nope why would they?

Keep your eyes open and have a good time, sounds like you have been accepted. You will know all the better when you speak the language.

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They "trick" you into giving them your labor. But you enjoyed the work and learnt some things from the old man, so it doesn't matter.

What else? She breaks your heart—well, in love there are no guarantees. That's why it's called "falling in love" and sometimes you get hurt.

But whats the bets he paid for all the material as well ?... rolleyes.gif

Sad to say in Thailand, the least of your worries is a broken heart.....some times it other bits of you that get broken on a permanent basis that would worry me..whistling.gif

Seems like you've joined the thread to put the guy down? Did a bird mug you off in a similar fashion that makes you feel the need to berate him? Post after post of negativity and cynicism.

Rik, good job, I know what you mean about the power tools. I would kill for my cordless sometimes, I wen't out bought a skill saw (or luck saw depending on if I let the wifes old man uses it! smile.png) , router, and some other bits and pieces. Getting a set of Marples chisels here is a nightmare.

The thai visa fools that will be dragging you down here married a woman way over the limit, much younger,prettier,etc.That's not love it's a financial arrangement waiting to go wrong - like most businesses in thailand will. I've watched many a friend mugged off back in the UK by western girls, far more so than I've seen here - if anything it's my Pharang pals that break the girls hearts here! Your a catch that aint a lazy thai toosh. Your white and speak English. Lot of opinions here telling you to keep a plan back in the uk.why? did those very people have a plan with their western wife if it went tits up? Nope why would they?

Keep your eyes open and have a good time, sounds like you have been accepted. You will know all the better when you speak the language.

Of course he has been accepted cheesy.gif , all ''millionaires'' are, l was intheclub.gifcheesy.gif .

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Same old story , Farang who cannot get a decent woman in his own country comes to Thailand and suddenly finds LOVE with a young and pretty lady who makes him believe that he is the most handsome man she has ever seen, as long as he is willing to finance whatever project she or her family have in mind !!

Just wait and see what comes after that !!

EGO MAKES MEN DEAF & BLIND & In Thailand even Morons !!

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Same old story , Farang who cannot get a decent woman in his own country comes to Thailand and suddenly finds LOVE with a young and pretty lady who makes him believe that he is the most handsome man she has ever seen, as long as he is willing to finance whatever project she or her family have in mind !!

Just wait and see what comes after that !!

EGO MAKES MEN DEAF & BLIND & In Thailand even Morons !!

Don't know about the moron thing. coffee1.gif

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The thai visa fools that will be dragging you down here married a woman way over the limit, much younger,prettier,etc.That's not love it's a financial arrangement waiting to go wrong - like most businesses in thailand will. I've watched many a friend mugged off back in the UK by western girls, far more so than I've seen here - if anything it's my Pharang pals that break the girls hearts here! Your a catch that aint a lazy thai toosh. Your white and speak English. Lot of opinions here telling you to keep a plan back in the uk.why? did those very people have a plan with their western wife if it went tits up? Nope why would they?

Keep your eyes open and have a good time, sounds like you have been accepted. You will know all the better when you speak the language.

By the way, in case you missed it, OP has already stated his girl is much younger and prettier.

What would be the point of Thailand if she wasn't?

Edited by AnotherOneAmerican
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The thai visa fools that will be dragging you down here married a woman way over the limit, much younger,prettier,etc.That's not love it's a financial arrangement waiting to go wrong - like most businesses in thailand will. I've watched many a friend mugged off back in the UK by western girls, far more so than I've seen here - if anything it's my Pharang pals that break the girls hearts here! Your a catch that aint a lazy thai toosh. Your white and speak English. Lot of opinions here telling you to keep a plan back in the uk.why? did those very people have a plan with their western wife if it went tits up? Nope why would they?

Keep your eyes open and have a good time, sounds like you have been accepted. You will know all the better when you speak the language.

By the way, in case you missed it, OP has already stated his girl is much younger and prettier.

What would be the point of Thailand if she wasn't?

I did not miss it. Though you were very quick on the uptake. The way most people talk on this site is absurd. I very much doubt any of the posters here would call her a money grabbing bitch to his face in snide, derogatory ways - unless they wanted a proper slap. Still all safe behind the computer right to let the true personalities come out right and the added benefit of being able to spout condescending shit in the most cowardly of way - anonymously! I'd not normally put my views forward Rik, but since you've done such a decent job and you are clearly a nice chap I'd hate to see you not be around to appreciate it!

I was more interested in his opening post He was offering some useful info on his building techniques in Thai and I will be glad to know how MDF holds out. I'd also be interested to know what tooling her dad has.

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OP said:

"I spent the majority of the 3 weeks working around their home and with her father who is very aptly named wud,( if you look at it as being english, wood) i thoroughly enjoyed myself working beside him in his garage where he was building some traditional thai teak furniture and i learned a lot about the materials he uses and the methods involved in building their furniture."

Teak will last longer however you cut it. Fabulous material, so is Siam Rosewood.

You pays your money you takes your choice.

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The thai visa fools that will be dragging you down here married a woman way over the limit, much younger,prettier,etc.That's not love it's a financial arrangement waiting to go wrong - like most businesses in thailand will. I've watched many a friend mugged off back in the UK by western girls, far more so than I've seen here - if anything it's my Pharang pals that break the girls hearts here! Your a catch that aint a lazy thai toosh. Your white and speak English. Lot of opinions here telling you to keep a plan back in the uk.why? did those very people have a plan with their western wife if it went tits up? Nope why would they?

Keep your eyes open and have a good time, sounds like you have been accepted. You will know all the better when you speak the language.

By the way, in case you missed it, OP has already stated his girl is much younger and prettier.

What would be the point of Thailand if she wasn't?

I did not miss it. Though you were very quick on the uptake. The way most people talk on this site is absurd. I very much doubt any of the posters here would call her a money grabbing bitch to his face in snide, derogatory ways - unless they wanted a proper slap. Still all safe behind the computer right to let the true personalities come out right and the added benefit of being able to spout condescending shit in the most cowardly of way - anonymously! I'd not normally put my views forward Rik, but since you've done such a decent job and you are clearly a nice chap I'd hate to see you not be around to appreciate it!

I was more interested in his opening post He was offering some useful info on his building techniques in Thai and I will be glad to know how MDF holds out. I'd also be interested to know what tooling her dad has.

Did i quote that she is much younger and prettier ?? im 44 and she is 37, not that much of an age gap methinks and we all know that beauty is in the eye of the beholder now dont we wink.png

Her father has basic hand tools, chisels screwdrivers etc, power planer, handheld belt sander a couple of electric drills and a basic handheld circular saw, a far cry from the festool tools i take for granted and use in scotland every day, had to buy a router, jigsaw and cordless drill over there to make the job even remotely possible

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The thai visa fools that will be dragging you down here married a woman way over the limit, much younger,prettier,etc.That's not love it's a financial arrangement waiting to go wrong - like most businesses in thailand will. I've watched many a friend mugged off back in the UK by western girls, far more so than I've seen here - if anything it's my Pharang pals that break the girls hearts here! Your a catch that aint a lazy thai toosh. Your white and speak English. Lot of opinions here telling you to keep a plan back in the uk.why? did those very people have a plan with their western wife if it went tits up? Nope why would they?

Keep your eyes open and have a good time, sounds like you have been accepted. You will know all the better when you speak the language.

By the way, in case you missed it, OP has already stated his girl is much younger and prettier.

What would be the point of Thailand if she wasn't?

I did not miss it. Though you were very quick on the uptake. The way most people talk on this site is absurd. I very much doubt any of the posters here would call her a money grabbing bitch to his face in snide, derogatory ways - unless they wanted a proper slap. Still all safe behind the computer right to let the true personalities come out right and the added benefit of being able to spout condescending shit in the most cowardly of way - anonymously! I'd not normally put my views forward Rik, but since you've done such a decent job and you are clearly a nice chap I'd hate to see you not be around to appreciate it!

I was more interested in his opening post He was offering some useful info on his building techniques in Thai and I will be glad to know how MDF holds out. I'd also be interested to know what tooling her dad has.

Did i quote that she is much younger and prettier ?? im 44 and she is 37, not that much of an age gap methinks and we all know that beauty is in the eye of the beholder now dont we wink.png

Her father has basic hand tools, chisels screwdrivers etc, power planer, handheld belt sander a couple of electric drills and a basic handheld circular saw, a far cry from the festool tools i take for granted and use in scotland every day, had to buy a router, jigsaw and cordless drill over there to make the job even remotely possible.

Sorry mate I just read what I wrote again and please don't think I put you in that boat with the fools marrying 20/30 years younger. I do think a couple of visits is a bit hasty though! For what it's worth I know tons of people with that age gap (my parents for example). I'm not one for slagging off others doing a decent thing and quite frankly if you wanted to discuss your wife you would of put up pics of HER not the KITCHEN. Seems like despite you giving the topic direction plenty whacked an ugly spin on it.

I've contemplated bringing my kit over but I stopped short when I realised I may need to pay duty on it all. I guess I'll tool up again here. I dunno if you've ever seen new builds here - the carpentry is pathetic. I mean a joke. It has been without doubt the most savage butchery of timber I have ever known. Next time I visit the misses relatives who just built a house I will send you a pic or three. You will fall off your chair when you see what French Doors look like. They spent a fortune on fancy doors too!

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The thai visa fools that will be dragging you down here married a woman way over the limit, much younger,prettier,etc.That's not love it's a financial arrangement waiting to go wrong - like most businesses in thailand will. I've watched many a friend mugged off back in the UK by western girls, far more so than I've seen here - if anything it's my Pharang pals that break the girls hearts here! Your a catch that aint a lazy thai toosh. Your white and speak English. Lot of opinions here telling you to keep a plan back in the uk.why? did those very people have a plan with their western wife if it went tits up? Nope why would they?

Keep your eyes open and have a good time, sounds like you have been accepted. You will know all the better when you speak the language.

By the way, in case you missed it, OP has already stated his girl is much younger and prettier.

What would be the point of Thailand if she wasn't?

Yes, I did miss it. Where was that?

Much younger -- 7 years? I think that's a very ordinary gap. Both my parents had slightly larger gaps between themselves, my sisters with their husbands, and I and my wife - all 7 to 11 year gap. I think you may be confused - or projecting...

Prettier? Prettier than who? Him? Again, not very odd...

And then there's the last line ( speaking of projecting): alone it is very illustrative, but in conjunction with many other posts from you...it says it all.

I'm perversely looking forward to the reply to this. "Morbid curiosity" is the term, I believe.

Edited by SteeleJoe
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Same old story , Farang who cannot get a decent woman in his own country comes to Thailand and suddenly finds LOVE with a young and pretty lady who makes him believe that he is the most handsome man she has ever seen, as long as he is willing to finance whatever project she or her family have in mind !!

Just wait and see what comes after that !!

EGO MAKES MEN DEAF & BLIND & In Thailand even Morons !!

Ha ha lol, who says i cant get a decent woman in my own country ?? i didnt go to thailand and suddenly find love either and she certainly has never told me im the most handsome man shes ever seen (if she had i would have known instantly she was trying to butter me up) nor asked me to finance any projects

we met online over a year ago and chatted and got to know each other for about 6 months before we even decided we wanted to meet !

As for my terrible ego, it leads me to want to learn how her father builds his traditional furniture, and to help with the daily chores in her restaurant like carrying the ingredients for her and saving her 2 trips because im stronger and clearing away dishes from tables and wiping them down, checking the condiments are all still full and even washing dishes and doing a little serving when they are run off their little feet

I would do this kind of thing for any friends of mine when i visited them, whats any of this got to do with my ego ??

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Same old story , Farang who cannot get a decent woman in his own country comes to Thailand and suddenly finds LOVE with a young and pretty lady who makes him believe that he is the most handsome man she has ever seen, as long as he is willing to finance whatever project she or her family have in mind !!

Just wait and see what comes after that !!

EGO MAKES MEN DEAF & BLIND & In Thailand even Morons !!

Ha ha lol, who says i cant get a decent woman in my own country ?? i didnt go to thailand and suddenly find love either and she certainly has never told me im the most handsome man shes ever seen (if she had i would have known instantly she was trying to butter me up) nor asked me to finance any projects

we met online over a year ago and chatted and got to know each other for about 6 months before we even decided we wanted to meet !

As for my terrible ego, it leads me to want to learn how her father builds his traditional furniture, and to help with the daily chores in her restaurant like carrying the ingredients for her and saving her 2 trips because im stronger and clearing away dishes from tables and wiping them down, checking the condiments are all still full and even washing dishes and doing a little serving when they are run off their little feet

I would do this kind of thing for any friends of mine when i visited them, whats any of this got to do with my ego ??

Ironically he calls you deaf and blind while instantly presuming you paid. Your learning interesting carpentry skills. Anyone with an ounce of decency knows who the moron is. I'd not even give them the satisfaction of a reply.

Edited by jamesdoe1234
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Op is adamant that he has found a good thai lady. Posters here is trying to warn him of the pit falls getting into a relationship with thai ladies. Henie not biting so be it.

Btw anyone watch the video posted at Andrew Drummond website. I think it's titled My Thai Wife (how guys lose it all) scam. Poor Ted.

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Btw anyone watch the video posted at Andrew Drummond website. I think it's titled My Thai Wife (how guys lose it all) scam. Poor Ted.

It was a pretty good representation of what happens a lot, I'm sure. To me, Ted was literally pathetic. I have some sympathy but not a lot. BTW, to anyone who DOES watch it, if you don't understand spoken Thai quite well, you will NOT really get a clear picture of the situation. Just like Ted never did - though he had more limitations than just linguistic...

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i know what you mean about the wood butchery mate ive seen some evidence of that already, im going to be taking some of my older kit over in my suitcase bit by bit when i fly with emirates thanks to their 30kilo baggage allowance, my old festool ts55 plunge saw is 12 years old so if i have to pay duty on it it wont really matter, its either not going to be much or ill just let them keep it, ive more than had my moneys worth out of it anyway but i thought id give it a try after finding out that festool is over twice the price in thailand than over here !!!!!

Sorry mate I just read what I wrote again and please don't think I put you in that boat with the fools marrying 20/30 years younger. I do think a couple of visits is a bit hasty though! For what it's worth I know tons of people with that age gap (my parents for example). I'm not one for slagging off others doing a decent thing and quite frankly if you wanted to discuss your wife you would of put up pics of HER not the KITCHEN. Seems like despite you giving the topic direction plenty whacked an ugly spin on it.

I've contemplated bringing my kit over but I stopped short when I realised I may need to pay duty on it all. I guess I'll tool up again here. I dunno if you've ever seen new builds here - the carpentry is pathetic. I mean a joke. It has been without doubt the most savage butchery of timber I have ever known. Next time I visit the misses relatives who just built a house I will send you a pic or three. You will fall off your chair when you see what French Doors look like. They spent a fortune on fancy doors too!

As for 2 visits being too much, i can understand how it looks but none of you can see the conversations we have daily, if you could read them youd think weve known each other for decades, its not all lovey dovey buttering up waffle, much more mundane day to day stuff about the restaurant,planning out the menu sign for the cafe, family health, her dad reversing his pickup into the helpers moped etc etc, we dont feel were rushing into anything and she wants to be as sure of me as i do of her

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Op is adamant that he has found a good thai lady. Posters here is trying to warn him of the pit falls getting into a relationship with thai ladies. Henie not biting so be it.

Btw anyone watch the video posted at Andrew Drummond website. I think it's titled My Thai Wife (how guys lose it all) scam. Poor Ted.

Im not adamant about anything friend, i think and hope i have found a good thai lady and i have read and taken to heart much of the advice offered, only a lovestruck fool wouldnt

ive visited her a couple of times, im getting to know her and her family and ive spent a bit of time building her a few things to try and help improve her business

i havnt thrown millions of baht at her and im not flying out there tomorrow to get married

So pray do tell, how can i be more cautious before i appear to be a tightfisted ars.....le not worth the time of day ??

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Who wants to play Count The Assumptions?

Same old story , Farang who cannot get a decent woman in his own country (1) comes to Thailand and suddenly (2) finds LOVE (3) with a young (4) and pretty (5) lady who makes him believe that he is the most handsome man she has ever seen, as long as he is willing to finance (6) whatever project she or her family have in mind !!
Just wait and see what comes after that !!

EGO MAKES MEN DEAF & BLIND & In Thailand even Morons !!

There are none so blind as those that are blinded by assumptions.


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Sorry mate I just read what I wrote again and please don't think I put you in that boat with the fools marrying 20/30 years younger.

What's wrong with marrying 20/30 years younger?

i didnt actually write that, it just came out that way after i edited a reply to a multiquote

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Rik, i just had to see how this post came out, i actually read all of the replies and your answers which in most cases swayed with the wind, you seem just to good to be true, so much so that i almost thought you were trolling and i have to say the saying " one born every minute" comes to mind, whistling.gif but have fun and carry on building, i wish you good luck, ...........................coffee1.gif

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