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Electronic Cigarettes -Where To Buy In Cm?


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They have been banned in Thailand, plus the latest reports are that these ECs are poison and are more harmful than actually smoking cigarettes.

Can you provide more information about the "latest reports" so that one might locate them? Thanks.

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Ground floor Central airport plaza still sells them. tried it didn't liked it , back to cigarettes now.

Cheers, do you know whereabouts on the ground floor ? I haven't seen any shops there that look like they might sell e-cigarettes ?

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For the OP--be wary of the e cigarettes sold in ground floors of most shopping malls in Chiang Mai--they have Ego-C, or Ego-T, stamped on the boxes BUT--these are not genuine Ego-T, or C, products--they are copies--as in the photo posted above--they might look like genuine Ego ecigs, which incidentally 'should' be made by Chinese Company Joyetech, or Janty--these two companies produce genuine, real Electronic cigarettes--these copies are like any other copy.

If you want an email address of a Bangkok agent for Genuine Joyetech products, whose English skills is passable, at best--but, his website is fairly self explanatory--send me a PM and I can advise if you require.

As to the scaremongering about Health issues--stick to real cigarettes if you believe that.

I have been using Electronic cigarettes since Aug. 2011--and my lungs testify to the benefits.

BTW--stopping altogether is probably the best option, but, if you struggle with this--Electronic cigarettes are a great alternative.

Incidentally, there is a motion, currently, in the European Parliament to try to bring Electronic cigarettes under the umbrella of ALL tobacco related products--this is a disaster and will consign millions of reformed smokers back to disgusting cigarettes--it must be stopped at all costs.

Edited by haybilly
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They have been banned in Thailand, plus the latest reports are that these ECs are poison and are more harmful than actually smoking cigarettes.

I think you'll find that the 'latest reports' are funded by the anti smoking lobby. For example the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, who have an anti-smoking agenda, hold $5 billion in shares of Johnson & Johnson - makers of patches & gum - who distribute $hundreds of millions to the highly lucrative anti smoking lobby.

Wouldn't Johnson & Johnson be PRO-smoking? They need smokers to sell patches too.
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Not poisionous because some are just vapor ONLY you can either use a nicotine based solution to smoke gradually reducing the amount of nicotine and eventually you just smoker water vapor or flavored smoke such as Banana Strawberry etc, just tried it when I was in Indonesia and I quite liked it and I am not a smoker but for smokers I think its a great way to cut down on smoking eventually cutting nicotine out altogether but still being able to smoke but nothing but vapor.


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This planet has an anti-smoking agenda.

Good luck to your friend, OP. I doubt the EC will be very effective for stopping, but it will be much better for people near him.

And it should give his lungs a break, too.

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They have been banned in Thailand, plus the latest reports are that these ECs are poison and are more harmful than actually smoking cigarettes.

I think you'll find that the 'latest reports' are funded by the anti smoking lobby. For example the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, who have an anti-smoking agenda, hold $5 billion in shares of Johnson & Johnson - makers of patches & gum - who distribute $hundreds of millions to the highly lucrative anti smoking lobby.

Wouldn't Johnson & Johnson be PRO-smoking? They need smokers to sell patches too.

No, they need people who want to quit, to sell patches & gum to. Who better than the anti smoking lobby to drive people to their products. By using the same anti smoking lobby to create FUD about e-cigs (their competition), they get a double whammy.

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This planet has an anti-smoking agenda.

Good luck to your friend, OP. I doubt the EC will be very effective for stopping, but it will be much better for people near him.

And it should give his lungs a break, too.

This is true--the big players that manufacture and market these devices have stopped selling them as 'smoking cessation' devices but really more as a safer alternative to people who cannot stop.

An online blogger has been posting his chest X-rays since being told to quit on medical grounds and while using E-cigarettes as an alternative--you can see the changes in the lungs--from cloudy and very dark in places to gradually clearing over time--it's a convincing show.

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For the OP--be wary of the e cigarettes sold in ground floors of most shopping malls in Chiang Mai--they have Ego-C, or Ego-T, stamped on the boxes BUT--these are not genuine Ego-T, or C, products--they are copies--as in the photo posted above--they might look like genuine Ego ecigs, which incidentally 'should' be made by Chinese Company Joyetech, or Janty--these two companies produce genuine, real Electronic cigarettes--these copies are like any other copy.

If you want an email address of a Bangkok agent for Genuine Joyetech products, whose English skills is passable, at best--but, his website is fairly self explanatory--send me a PM and I can advise if you require.

As to the scaremongering about Health issues--stick to real cigarettes if you believe that.

I have been using Electronic cigarettes since Aug. 2011--and my lungs testify to the benefits.

BTW--stopping altogether is probably the best option, but, if you struggle with this--Electronic cigarettes are a great alternative.

Incidentally, there is a motion, currently, in the European Parliament to try to bring Electronic cigarettes under the umbrella of ALL tobacco related products--this is a disaster and will consign millions of reformed smokers back to disgusting cigarettes--it must be stopped at all costs.

Duracig the link i post above are genunie Joyetech too. OEM

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For the OP--be wary of the e cigarettes sold in ground floors of most shopping malls in Chiang Mai--they have Ego-C, or Ego-T, stamped on the boxes BUT--these are not genuine Ego-T, or C, products--they are copies--as in the photo posted above--they might look like genuine Ego ecigs, which incidentally 'should' be made by Chinese Company Joyetech, or Janty--these two companies produce genuine, real Electronic cigarettes--these copies are like any other copy.

If you want an email address of a Bangkok agent for Genuine Joyetech products, whose English skills is passable, at best--but, his website is fairly self explanatory--send me a PM and I can advise if you require.

As to the scaremongering about Health issues--stick to real cigarettes if you believe that.

I have been using Electronic cigarettes since Aug. 2011--and my lungs testify to the benefits.

BTW--stopping altogether is probably the best option, but, if you struggle with this--Electronic cigarettes are a great alternative.

Incidentally, there is a motion, currently, in the European Parliament to try to bring Electronic cigarettes under the umbrella of ALL tobacco related products--this is a disaster and will consign millions of reformed smokers back to disgusting cigarettes--it must be stopped at all costs.

Duracig the link i post above are genunie Joyetech too. OEM

Yes, I have been to their website and they are selling genuine Joyetech products--just re-branded--no problem with that.

I was talking about the various copies you can find that look like Ego products but certainly do not perform the same--and, as for the E-liquid that comes with these copies--I would not recommend inhaling/vaping that.

Anyone seriously interested should visit 'Totally Wicked UK' for a whole lot of useful info--plus there are lots of E-cig forums.

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They have been banned in Thailand, plus the latest reports are that these ECs are poison and are more harmful than actually smoking cigarettes.

To a non-smoker, they are much less offensive than real cigarettes - no stench.

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They have been banned in Thailand, plus the latest reports are that these ECs are poison and are more harmful than actually smoking cigarettes.

I think you'll find that the 'latest reports' are funded by the anti smoking lobby. For example the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, who have an anti-smoking agenda, hold $5 billion in shares of Johnson & Johnson - makers of patches & gum - who distribute $hundreds of millions to the highly lucrative anti smoking lobby.

Wouldn't Johnson & Johnson be PRO-smoking? They need smokers to sell patches too.
No, they need people who want to quit, to sell patches & gum to. Who better than the anti smoking lobby to drive people to their products. By using the same anti smoking lobby to create FUD about e-cigs (their competition), they get a double whammy.
Yes but they need a constant supply of smokers, otherwise there's nobody to buy their products in an attempt to quit. If the anti-smoking lobby was successful, that supply of smokers would dry up, and J&J's product would cease to have any value.
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Article on e-cigs


It always seemed to me that giving up smoking via this route would be more difficult as the tactile elements that figure large in the habits of a smoker are still there and slipping back that much easier.

On the one hand,I agree that this is not a sensible route to total abstinence, but, as to making a return to smoking more likely,I don't think so- I use these things and the smell of genuine tobacco based cigarettes is as horrible to myself as it it's to non-smokers, therefore I can't see myself using them again.

Sent from my GT-N7100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Article on e-cigs

It always seemed to me that giving up smoking via this route would be more difficult as the tactile elements that figure large in the habits of a smoker are still there and slipping back that much easier.

As the withdrawal effects of nicotine are gone from the body within a matter of 2-3 weeks, (2-3 pretty unpleasant weeks for most folks,) it's really the 'habit' part of smoking that is so hard to break for most people. I smoked for 43 years, pack and a half a day unfiltered menthol. It took a nasty few weeks to get the nicotine flushed from my body, but it took years and years to get the habit flushed from my brain and muscle memory. Even today, 15 years later, I still often miss the routine of reaching into my shirt pocket, taking out a cigarette, lighting it with my favorite lighter, taking the first drag and holding it for just an extra second or two before slowly exhaling. I did that 30 times a day for 43 years. That's not a habit one breaks overnight. But my God... if I only realized just how badly I smelled to non-smokers... Wow! What a stench cigarette smokers are enveloped within and don't even know it... I would have stopped many years before had I known. Probably would have gotten a lot more dates!

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I know you are looking for the electronic cigarettes, but in case all you want is to give up smoking the painless way. I'd been smoking for 19 years and the best way to quit is cold turkey. But must understand the reason behind addiction is that "the only reason for craving a cig is because you are smoking one" If you don't smoke then the craving will go away. Plain and simple. (It took me years to understand this but it worked)

Now I quited for 7 years never look back. Every time I think about smoking I just feel glad I'm free!

Using substitutes will only make the craving last longer or eventually going back to smoke! Even if I have to smoke one today I can but I can quit again because I know that the reason I want to smoke because of the cigarette it self

Edited by ARISTIDE
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I smoked up to 2 packs a day for the almost 15 years and finally tried hypnosis after waking up daily with resolve only to give in to the craving sometimes only minutes later. The therapist said the treatment broke the addiction but I had to change the habits and rituals that went along with it - hence my post above. A couple of uncomfortable weeks passed after which I have never touched one (literally) since. Thank goodness.

Possibly one of the most distressing things in later life was seeing both children in my family take it up and then face the same struggle.

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I smoked up to 2 packs a day for the almost 15 years and finally tried hypnosis after waking up daily with resolve only to give in to the craving sometimes only minutes later. The therapist said the treatment broke the addiction but I had to change the habits and rituals that went along with it - hence my post above. A couple of uncomfortable weeks passed after which I have never touched one (literally) since. Thank goodness.

Possibly one of the most distressing things in later life was seeing both children in my family take it up and then face the same struggle.

Did you get your hypnosis in CM or ?? The reason that I ask is that hypnosis worked for me for almost 7 yrs.....then I got lured back and soo quickly my consumption went up to a pack+ per day, but i may give it a go here if I hear some testimony from locals who have tried the hypnosos options available here in CM.

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