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Poll: Best Country In The World?!?

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Yes it's clearly linked to nationalism.

President Obama was asked what he thought about so called American exceptionalism.

His answer, that he thinks America is exceptional but that he ALSO thinks people in other countries think their countries are exceptional as well, was entirely logical. Yet Obama has been demonized as not patriotic enough for stating an obvious truth.

Edited by Jingthing
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As you say, Americans love their blinkers

They need reining in.

I have watched the election of Obama from afar, and it is amazing what Americans will believe, even though nutty.

To me, it is a plus that Obama grew up in Indonesia, for a few years, providing him with exposure to Asia early on.

He turned out to be not all that he promised however. I would have preferred the man with the seat belts myself.

Occasionally we see in China a sudden rise in nationalism, and we still tend to discount it. But it is also perfectly possible that one day this will actually lead to something we did not anticipate fully, like war. The odds are against it we say, but it is possible.

As always, tolerance for others' points of view and circumstances is crucial if we are to get through the next few years.

I hope we do.

Edited by OldChinaHam
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Yes it's clearly linked to nationalism.

President Obama was asked what he thought about so called American exceptionalism.

His answer, that he thinks America is exceptional but that he ALSO thinks people in other countries think their countries are exceptional as well, was entirely logical. Yet Obama has been demonized as not patriotic enough for stating an obvious truth.

What would he know about Truth. He says hes Religious.

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Yes it's clearly linked to nationalism.

President Obama was asked what he thought about so called American exceptionalism.

His answer, that he thinks America is exceptional but that he ALSO thinks people in other countries think their countries are exceptional as well, was entirely logical. Yet Obama has been demonized as not patriotic enough for stating an obvious truth.

What would he know about Truth. He says hes Religious.

Oops! Sorry I mentioned Obama. Didn't mean to open a can of worms. Just thought his famous quote about national exceptionalism was very relevant to the TOPIC.

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So Call for me. Where you can buy a Donzi second hand at a fair price, and Eat Steak with a fine Salad Bar at hand. Drive a Car with a real engine, buy things witout being told Mi Mee, park without some dick head parking that close you can get in your car.No Beach Sellers, what am i doing here.................w00t.gif

Central African Republic?

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Strange, people put Switzerland down as boring, too clean etc. But it is always in the top in all the travel polls etc.

I like to live here, and have for forty years this year. Can't be too bad?!!

(or perhaps i am too boring and clean)

I was a student at Lausanne Hotel School: best moments ever !!

Lucky you, when i applied to go there - there was a two year waiting list!!

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Out of all the countries I've been to, I have to say France, Switzerland and Austria had the most quality.
Food, architecture, wine, scenery.

America has gotten too fat and it turns me off.

People make $100 an hour and complain about the price of gas (at $3.50)

And healthcare costs are ridiculous.

Thailand is a good alternative and has the weather, food (healthy), girls (skinny), and is still quite cheap comparatively.

Australia was nice but the girls all looked like farm hands.

I've heard New Zealand is great but it rains a lot.

The people I've met from Sweden, Norway, and Denmark are very nice and seem to have money, but, they say the winters are terrible.

It's all good. Just different.

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If I had unlimited money, I'm not sure where I would go, but there are many that spring to mind and none of them are in Asia.

Its interesting that you read the question that way. Not that its wrong. But the question said nothing about where you would actually choose to live, whether you would be allowed to live there, and whether you could afford it. It's a bigger question in my view. OBJECTIVELY the best, however the individual would measure that. Maybe it's China. If you aren't able to learn Chinese it might not be the best for you.

What I mean is I thought the question was clearly different (grander?) than the kinds of questions we get like better places to retire to than Thailand, etc.

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If I had unlimited money, I'm not sure where I would go, but there are many that spring to mind and none of them are in Asia.

Its interesting that you read the question that way. Not that its wrong. But the question said nothing about where you would actually choose to live, whether you would be allowed to live there, and whether you could afford it. It's a bigger question in my view. OBJECTIVELY the best, however the individual would measure that. Maybe it's China. If you aren't able to learn Chinese it might not be the best for you.

What I mean is I thought the question was clearly different (grander?) than the kinds of questions we get like better places to retire to than Thailand, etc.

In order to say somewhere is objectively the best, I would need to be in possession of everything about that place, completely unbiased and balanced. What you are asking for is an opinion, which can only be a subjective point of view, because I could never have the complete picture or it would merely be a viewpoint or an expression of my feelings towards that place.

BTW I wouldn't live in China if I could acquire all Sino-Tibetan, Tai-Kadai and Altaic languages overnight! bah.gif

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NO 1 : Best country To live in 2013 – Austria

Have you ever imagined a city where murder and other crimes rates are zero? Can there be any country which offers pollution free, corruption free quality life with a stable economic growth even at times of recession?

If you want to live in such country, head on to Vienna, Austria because it is the country which comes closely to offer all the above.

Before deciding on the on the world’s best country to live in 2013 nearly 221 cities from all over the world were analyzed in terms of all the factors we already have explained. Stay On Top is not an easy thing.

There is much written about this question source 1 source 2 source 3

Glad my country is close to the top anyway. Thailand is on the 50th place of good countries to be born in. That's not so high.

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"What I mean is I thought the question was clearly different (grander?) than the kinds of questions we get like better places to retire to than Thailand, etc."

This, I very much do agree.

The questions could be made more thought provoking.

The only thing is, I have decided not to further provoke anyone with my questions by posting any more "topics"

This is why I hope your questions will soon become even grander.

I have an idea for a question, not about retiring, but as I have just said

I will not ask it.

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Out of all the countries I've been to, I have to say France, Switzerland and Austria had the most quality.

Food, architecture, wine, scenery.

America has gotten too fat and it turns me off.

People make $100 an hour and complain about the price of gas (at $3.50)

And healthcare costs are ridiculous.

Thailand is a good alternative and has the weather, food (healthy), girls (skinny), and is still quite cheap comparatively.

Australia was nice but the girls all looked like farm hands.

I've heard New Zealand is great but it rains a lot.

The people I've met from Sweden, Norway, and Denmark are very nice and seem to have money, but, they say the winters are terrible.

It's all good. Just different.

Same same but different. LOL

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I don't think Thailand is best.

I don't think my home country (oz) is very good now, it's lost it's way.

I'm currently in Malaysia and happy (who would have thought I would be happy in a muslim country) :)

If money was no obstacle I think I would be in the south of France. But of course money is going be a big factor in where I spend the rest of my days and at the moment Asia is most affordable to me. But that's not to say it is the best area.

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As an Englishman in Thialand I voted no to both questions. I've been here over ten years and both countries are not as appealing as they once were.

There was a time years ago I would have opted for Greece as my favourite place to live.... and nearly did... being a sailing man. And I guess the country that ticks the most boxes, largely due to it's location, is France where for me at least the language would not be aproblem. But again that would be more back then than now. The third would be Australia as we have a fair bit in common with our favourite colonials but they seem to whinge even more than us poms now!.

But the world (and I) have changed and now if money were no object I'd opt for the closest place I've seen to paradise on earth and that's the Seychelles.

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Tahiti But it is bit expensive But good food and weather and surf.. Works for me

Which Island though?

I didn't fancy Tahiti itself but ...


Bora Bora ... stunning


Many seemed to live on Moorea and commute to Tahiti.

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Most the Thais I know hold and express critical views of Thailand, the better their education the more critical their views.

Most the expats I know from back home hold express critical views of the old country. The better their education the less critical tgeir views.

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The best country for me would depend on how much money you had. Also the weather, overall I think Canada is pretty good, some parts of the USA and southern UK.

One thing I can say with confidence, nowhere is perfect, make the best of what you have.

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"Most the expats I know from back home hold express critical views of the old country. The better their education the less critical tgeir views."

That is only because we are slightly more nuanced in our negative opinions.

Until we get drunk.

Cryin Drunk.

In the beer.

Besides, the smarter the individual, the more informed and the more likely to know where the fault lies.

The dumber we are, the more we see things in black and white, or don't see much of anything at all.

Quite a few truck drivers in the US are able to express very nuanced critical opinions about their country. They spend most of their time thinking, and looking at the scenery. I am not a truck driver but I sometimes hear them call in to NPR's On Point program and speak with that mush head, who I like. (Tom, I think. Tom Mix, maybe.)

Edited by OldChinaHam
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There are parts of the UK to live, which are unsurpassed anywhere in the world.

But you need money, lots of it!

Not in my experience. I suppose it depends on how you want to live, but of you want to live a profligate lifestyle, that would be pretty much the same whatever country you lived in, the only difference would be the cost. Its not about cheapest, but best, in this thread.

For example, the unsurpassed Scots whiskies are arguably irrelevant, because they are the same wherever you are, the only difference is the import cost. Thai tarts the same.


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