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The Bone-Dome! (Govt School Haircut)


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At the beginning of the year I saw a report in news section indicating that the Bone-dome was no longer compulsary in Govt schools. As schools return this week i'm curious as to whether a 'normal' haircut will suffice on any male kids or whether mothers will continue the practice due to perceived peer pressure....

Edited by evadgib
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Nothing has changed at my school. The kids are still getting told to cut their hair just as they have been but different schools different rules. Sorry I couldn't answer your question!

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What is so objectionable about the haircut.

They all look smart to me.

My neighbors kids, that attend private school,also sport this hair style.

Obviously its well accepted as the norm.

Don't change what is not broken.

Next you will want to ban the uniform,that signifies all are equal.

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For what it's worth, I told the teachers at my (bog-standard government-run) daughter's school that I don't want her hair being cut short and after a little discussion amongst themselves and maybe the head, they came back and agreed.

Maybe as a result she'll grow up thinking she's special and individuals are more important than rules; if so, I can live with that.

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