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Visas, Asean, Marriage And Babies

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Hi there guys and gals,

I am a British passport holder currently residing in Thailand. I wish to spend a year or so in Bali, Indonesia. I am checking out the Indonesian forums online for information related to that.

But can anyone clarify the regulations regarding the freedom of movement of workers (nationals) from the ASEAN nations.

I would like to know the following

1) can my Fiancée a Thai national, obtain an indefinite visa for the other ASEAN nations (i.e Indonesia) based on her nationality

2) If we are married, would I be able to obtain a Thai Passport through marriage and thus obtain possible indefinate stay visa for the other ASEAN nations?

Additional information: By the time of planned travel we will have a little girl/boy together that will be of dual UK/Thai nationality.

Questions 1 & 2, this is pretty much how it works for the European Union.

3) Any information as to how to obtain a Thai passport through marriage, if possible appreciated.

4) how to register the babies birth with the UK Embassy for dual nationality appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

Thanks in advance

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You are asking about change that are expected to be put in place in 2015. The detail have not yet been agreed.

There is a commitment to introduce free movement of skilled labour but as far as a know not free movement of all citizens. Details of what skilled labour is has not yet been agreed

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ASEAN is nothing like the EU - although it pretends to be.

It is a bunch of countries which have their own laws and very distinct visa rules, which for the most part grant nothing special to other ASEAN nationals, apart from perhaps not requiring a visa in advance for a 30 day (max) visit.

To get a Thai passport based on marriage, you must be living and working in Thailnd for at least 3 years paying taxes and earning at least 40K per month, amongst a range of other things. The waiting time for citizenship is at least 3 - 5 years.

Edited by samran
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The ASEAN secretariat employs approximately 1% of the number of staff as the EU commission. They are not really pretending too hard to be like the EU.

True enough. I was talking more of the ASEAN 2015, the not so free trade deals. The Never to eventuate common visa schemes. The mythical free movement of labour.

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ministry of interior is where they issue thai passporst 2011 58 applied 8 got that passport ,it is a human righst violation what they do by not issuing thai passport to married spouses. marriage visa still have to go to immigration 5 times a year 4 90 day repoting 1 year renewel, every other country in the asean issues passport to spouses vietnam 3 years , myanar 2 years , even singapore which is a class A passport 3 years after marriage, thailand is a class C passport <deleted> is wrong with these people

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ministry of interior is where they issue thai passporst 2011 58 applied 8 got that passport ,it is a human righst violation what they do by not issuing thai passport to married spouses. marriage visa still have to go to immigration 5 times a year 4 90 day repoting 1 year renewel, every other country in the asean issues passport to spouses vietnam 3 years , myanar 2 years , even singapore which is a class A passport 3 years after marriage, thailand is a class C passport <deleted> is wrong with these people

Here is probably not the right place to whinge about your ineligibilty for a Thai passport. Perhps start a new thread?

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The ASEAN secretariat employs approximately 1% of the number of staff as the EU commission. They are not really pretending too hard to be like the EU.

so, because they are not trying to rip off their own people they are not doing a good job?

We are always complaining about the bureaucracy in Europe, I would at least give them the time to start and after will judge them. From what I researched, goods are already moving quite freely and also the benefits for companies will be quite importants in terms of intra-Asia liberty of sell their services and goods. Let's see

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Yep, and bitcoinbob, Thailand issues passports to spouses too. So I don't know why Thailand is any better or worse than anyone else in ASEAN. It also let's you keep your other nationality when you do as well, something many other ASEAN countries, including your beloved Singapore, don't allow.

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ministry of interior is where they issue thai passporst 2011 58 applied 8 got that passport ,it is a human righst violation what they do by not issuing thai passport to married spouses. marriage visa still have to go to immigration 5 times a year 4 90 day repoting 1 year renewel, every other country in the asean issues passport to spouses vietnam 3 years , myanar 2 years , even singapore which is a class A passport 3 years after marriage, thailand is a class C passport <deleted> is wrong with these people

Which particular human right is being denied?

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ministry of interior is where they issue thai passporst 2011 58 applied 8 got that passport ,it is a human righst violation what they do by not issuing thai passport to married spouses. marriage visa still have to go to immigration 5 times a year 4 90 day repoting 1 year renewel, every other country in the asean issues passport to spouses vietnam 3 years , myanar 2 years , even singapore which is a class A passport 3 years after marriage, thailand is a class C passport <deleted> is wrong with these people

Which particular human right is being denied?

The right to punctuation.

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thailand does not issues passport to spouse's wrong ministry of interior issued 10 for all of 2011 only 58 people were able to go through all the requirements.they may say they do but it does not happen. ALL other ASEAN countries allow you to keep current passport. Letting a spouse obtain a passport in country where they reside-human rights violation , every country allows that. Thailand may say they do and have a list of requirements to get it but the numbesr speak otherwise .

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thailand does not issues passport to spouse's wrong ministry of interior issued 10 for all of 2011 only 58 people were able to go through all the requirements.they may say they do but it does not happen. ALL other ASEAN countries allow you to keep current passport. Letting a spouse obtain a passport in country where they reside-human rights violation , every country allows that. Thailand may say they do and have a list of requirements to get it but the numbesr speak otherwise .

The Thai nationality Act and regulations allow for spouses of Thai nationals to take up Thai citizenship. An application needs to be made, there are income requirements and residency requirements, but the regulations exist. Look them up before you go on a rant.

Singapore and Malaysia don't recognise dual nationality. I challenge you to prove me wrong on that front. Neither does Laos, nor Myanamr to my knowledge.

You bang on about Thailand not granting citizenship in great numbers. The reason is, not many apply. The latest numbers are here - not including a couple of dozen in April 2013.


So please, take your rant elsewhere.

Edited by samran
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I am fully aware that -as some comments above- also mine is slightly of topic. But I have to say that some of you sit on a very high horse here!

I have been married to a Thai lady for 8 years now and consider myself the main provider of her family. My wife holds a residency permit for an EU country and we spent about half the year there and half the year in Thailand. (Yes, and it took about a year to get the papers for marriage sorted and another 8 month in Europe before she had the permit (based on family reunification inside the EU according to EU law))

Just for being married to me (as an EU citizen) she gained several rights:

For example: No fee for a visum (i.e. Schengen) or for the residency permit.

The right to inherit AND keep the inheritance (i.e. land, house...)

The residency permit gives her the right to work whatever job she would get.

Renewal is after 5 years (we have done this once)- there are no visa runs or checks at immigration in between.the 5 years. The country where we reside does not stipulate (as others) a maximum amount of time she can be away without jeopardizing her residency permit.

To get there was not handed to us on a silver platter and did not come from the back of a cornflake package.

I think it is not unreasonable to wish that Thai law was a bit more like this and comforting those who are seriously involved in a Thai family (there is not much that separates me by Thai law from a 50 year+ farang who is single and stays here without involvement in the society) . --and re possible abuse of rights: do not think the EU would not check and fight against abuse of the rights they grant, there is a reason for the length of time to go through bureaucracy. I do not think it is fair to be so negative towards someone who thinks that way.

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