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Thai Govt Concerned Political Protest At Water Summit Will Negatively Affect Country's Image


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"Thailand today urged activists and NGOs not to protest at the 2nd Asia Pacific Water Summit now being held in Chiang Mai, saying the rallies could negatively affect the country's image."

Who is Thailand? Do they mean Yingluck? If so she wasn't too concerned about Thailands image at an international forum in Ulan Bator, Mongolia

where she chose to raise Thailand’s negative aspects, told lies and tried to white wash her brother.

It would be a different story if the red shirts wsere holding it.

They are allowed to hold rally's about Democracy and in actual fact promote a dictator.

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"Thailand today urged activists and NGOs not to protest at the 2nd Asia Pacific Water Summit now being held in Chiang Mai, saying the rallies could negatively affect the country's image."

Who is Thailand? Do they mean Yingluck? If so she wasn't too concerned about Thailands image at an international forum in Ulan Bator, Mongolia

where she chose to raise Thailand’s negative aspects, told lies and tried to white wash her brother.

My, my, we are getting rather hot under the hat, aren't we.

It would appear you are.

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What is the imternational image of a country controlled by a criminal thru his sister, and is known for prostitution, drugs, people trafficing, environemtal destruction, road deaths, and a dictatorial government?

There are other things, like the massive murder rate, child and wife abuse, but I think enuffs been said already.

A good PR firm may be a good idea.

Okay Soi Sauce, enough with the positive things, what about the negative aspects? Not important enough?

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