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Apartment / Condo Advice Please...


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I'm sure this has been done to death but I've had a search and as usual can't quite find exactly the info I'm after so am starting a new thread.

My plan was Chiang Mai but after 10 days I've decided to return to BKK instead, as life is too slow in CM for me!

I am going to stay for up to a year.

I want to rent an apartment for betweem 7,000 - 16,000 a month. (20K is just too much for my modest budget)

I would prefer a 1 bed over a studio, though some of the 1 beds I've seen online are glorified studios but whatever...

One sight I've seen, has nice "luxury" places in that range (the higher end) They all tend to come with gyms and pools. Now that I've seen them, I want them!

A good bathroom and a good area to work is the most important for me. (but a pool would be luxurious for sure)

So anyway, what are the best letting agents/companies to deak with in BKK? I've seen some are run by expats - I can't help but think this means the prices are going to be much higher than the same condo through a Thai agency - Am I wrong about that?

Also, I am not looking for long stay hotels or serviced apartments, I want my own internet not communal wi-fi. (although a weekly cleaner would be good - any advice on finding one?)

Your help is appreciated - personal experience or links to TV threads that already cover some of this.


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The best I have found so far are:




I also looked at a couple of farang sites (which another post warned against) - they do have some nice stuff but the general advice so far seems to be go to the buildings themselves and asked to be shown around privately.

I'm looking to be close to the Skytrain Sukhumvit, as far out as On Nut maybe.

I think Thong Lor or Ekkamai might be the best places to start looking - anyone got advice on those areas?


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One more question, to make sure I haven't been really stupid and overlooked something major:

Seeing as I am not going to be working for the year I am here, will private landlords of condos actually rent to me?!

Will they accept that I am living off savings? Will I have to show them a bank statement from the UK or similar? I don't have a Thai bank account yet (as presumably they need a permanant address first?)

I was glancing over another site and they mentioned that usually farang get their company to sign the lease but I think it was just in reference to those working here but still...

Anyone who knows this procedure do please give advice!


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As long as you have got a couple of months deposit and a months advance rent you will be ok, they don't do credit checks, well not in the price range you have in mind.

I think you will struggle to find something in Thonglor or Ekkamai for that price, certainly the BTS end, you might find something at the Petchaburi end.

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Sometimes your better looking at a condo building in an area that appeals and go into the office and see what's for rent.

You will probably get it a bit cheaper, the agents get commission which will be factored into the rent.

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Sometimes your better looking at a condo building in an area that appeals and go into the office and see what's for rent.

You will probably get it a bit cheaper, the agents get commission which will be factored into the rent.

I think you might be right - looks like 16,000 - 22,000 makes it happen easier.

I've seen some around 15K but there's always a catch like bad decor or a 10 min walk to the station.

We shall see...

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There are a few hidden jewels in the city ... good neighborhoods, near good restaurants, and near the BTS. My wife and I have lived almost ten years in a comfortable apartment near stores, restaurants, shopping, and all of the major hamburger franchises and pizza parlors.

Like any city, talk to your friends ... get tips and recommendations, and hit the bricks. Your villa is waiting.

P.S. Try Aree; Saphan Kwai; Soi Rangnam. Once you get out of the Farang Corridor (Sukhumvit) things brighten considerably.

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