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Thanks I am on rigzone and quite a few others. I do not have very much experience with DC Motors so is hard to get a job as rig electrician. But I am willing to take lesser job to get a start. From what I hear you have to know someone. At my age anyway. I know I am not to old but I am on the high end of what they are looking for. And on top of that no exp. On rigs. :o

It always helps to know someone specially when you want to work on rigs cause it used to be a pretty closed shop.

Looking to myself I started same as you, only a bit younger. I had no experience whatsoever, didn't know anybody but send out my cv to some companies basically telling the truth that I had no experience but just wanted to work. This was for a job in Saudi related to refinery maintenance etc.

I had never touched a spanner in my life but once in Saudi on the job you either learn quick or you're out of a job so I can only say don't give up.

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bbigman21, sorry to reply here to your pm but I don't really know what to say. I am a Sagittarius and therefore famous for being straight to the point - blunt even. So.... in my opinion you sound like you feel sorry for yourself too much. We all have various probs about living here, well most of us. I am in a terrible financial position. But you need to follow your heart and look at what you really WANT to do. Once you are here the panic will subside a little and if things don't go well you can go back to US. It's not easy, but it's one of things that make people say 'WOW' when they ask about my life - but sometimes you have to takes risks!

Ask the Universe to give you a sign. It usually works. Then follow that sign until it's time to changes paths and ask for another sign. Best of luck.

bbigman21, sorry to reply here to your pm but I don't really know what to say. I am a Sagittarius and therefore famous for being straight to the point - blunt even. So.... in my opinion you sound like you feel sorry for yourself too much. We all have various probs about living here, well most of us. I am in a terrible financial position. But you need to follow your heart and look at what you really WANT to do. Once you are here the panic will subside a little and if things don't go well you can go back to US. It's not easy, but it's one of things that make people say 'WOW' when they ask about my life - but sometimes you have to takes risks!

Ask the Universe to give you a sign. It usually works. Then follow that sign until it's time to changes paths and ask for another sign. Best of luck.

Well that is quite ok. I know nothing is perfect. Sure feel a little sorry for myself but I don't think overly so. I have had a little bad luck but I have had some really good luck. Too. And there is absolutely nothing wrong with being to the point even if you want to tell me I am a sod and to sod off. So thanks :o

bbigman21, sorry to reply here to your pm but I don't really know what to say. I am a Sagittarius and therefore famous for being straight to the point - blunt even. So.... in my opinion you sound like you feel sorry for yourself too much. We all have various probs about living here, well most of us. I am in a terrible financial position. But you need to follow your heart and look at what you really WANT to do. Once you are here the panic will subside a little and if things don't go well you can go back to US. It's not easy, but it's one of things that make people say 'WOW' when they ask about my life - but sometimes you have to takes risks!

Ask the Universe to give you a sign. It usually works. Then follow that sign until it's time to changes paths and ask for another sign. Best of luck.

To him it sounds like the Universe is giving him a "STOP" sign, or "DETOUR" sign - going no where.

Seem to me he's actually at a "3-WAY stop" sign and needs advice which way best to go forward!


I drink with a guy in Pattaya regularly who is working on the Syrian side of the border with Iraq - his colleague who is an electrician from Canada is often with him.

They do the 4 or 6 week on and off rotation.

They both have houses in Pattaya maybe even renatal places too.

I think getting into this type of work with your current skills offers the best option to earning a high disposable income with the potential to save most of it.

Your wife would be surrounded by family and friends while you are away and you would probably spend more quality time together on your extended time off.

Good luck with whatever happens anyway.


bbigman21, sorry to reply here to your pm but I don't really know what to say. I am a Sagittarius and therefore famous for being straight to the point - blunt even. So.... in my opinion you sound like you feel sorry for yourself too much. We all have various probs about living here, well most of us. I am in a terrible financial position. But you need to follow your heart and look at what you really WANT to do. Once you are here the panic will subside a little and if things don't go well you can go back to US. It's not easy, but it's one of things that make people say 'WOW' when they ask about my life - but sometimes you have to takes risks!

Ask the Universe to give you a sign. It usually works. Then follow that sign until it's time to changes paths and ask for another sign. Best of luck.

To him it sounds like the Universe is giving him a "STOP" sign, or "DETOUR" sign - going no where.

Seem to me he's actually at a "3-WAY stop" sign and needs advice which way best to go forward!

Well I don't know how many of you are Americans. But what I see as a Amercian is this(I hate to put a percentage I this because it would imply that I did research but it is a personal observation) At least 75% of Americans they pretty much keep there head down they go to work they try to pay there bills. They just continue to do that whatever the norm is they don't ask to many questions they really don't go anywhere. And before I felt no big deal. But I want something better for my life not just for me but for my family. Actually mostly for my family because that is what makes me happy. Sure other things make me happy :o But that is just short term and never really gotten me anywhere good. But my Family that is a differnt story. So to me what I am really doing is picking my head up looking around weighing my options and I am going to move when it is best for my family. But I am trying to take as much advice as I can get philosophical or otherwise. :D

I drink with a guy in Pattaya regularly who is working on the Syrian side of the border with Iraq - his colleague who is an electrician from Canada is often with him.

They do the 4 or 6 week on and off rotation.

They both have houses in Pattaya maybe even renatal places too.

I think getting into this type of work with your current skills offers the best option to earning a high disposable income with the potential to save most of it.

Your wife would be surrounded by family and friends while you are away and you would probably spend more quality time together on your extended time off.

Good luck with whatever happens anyway.

Like I said I am checking in with KBR. But if you can see what this guys outfit is that would be great.


I drink with a guy in Pattaya regularly who is working on the Syrian side of the border with Iraq - his colleague who is an electrician from Canada is often with him.

They do the 4 or 6 week on and off rotation.

They both have houses in Pattaya maybe even renatal places too.

I think getting into this type of work with your current skills offers the best option to earning a high disposable income with the potential to save most of it.

Your wife would be surrounded by family and friends while you are away and you would probably spend more quality time together on your extended time off.

Good luck with whatever happens anyway.

Like I said I am checking in with KBR. But if you can see what this guys outfit is that would be great.


I might not bump intop him for a while - I have only 1 week in Thailand till July when my contract finishes and i have had to promise not to spend it in Pattaya.

If you are in the town go to the Shamrock Bar in Pattayaland 2 - they are a friendly bunch and a lot of guys who work away and base themselves in Thailand are there.

I just had another thought and maybe "Guesthouse" who posts here will know better.

Why not try and re-train as an Instrument Technician - that it was a pal of mine did as a electrician and he has never been out of work for years and is in demand - recently he has been in Geotgia, Indonesia as well as the north sea - he also mentioned work in Baku.

When you look at how long re-training will take you have second thoughts but I have changed careers totally a couple of times and not regretted it - the money I make now ceertainly has made up for opportunity costs and i have much more job satisfaction


Well I'm an american and just about the same age as you.....but not in the same boat - financially. We're too moving to thailand in 2 more yrs.

I don't think you have to work 'til 73, according to SS statement mine said 62 at the eariest, 70 for full benefits. I did some calculation, you will actually by ahead if you take it at 62. Most men died bye bye gone at around 75-78, based on statatistics :o . So I'm taking mine at 62!

Just a story:

Like you I very much doubt the SS will be there for me, so luckily I was taught by my economic professor when I was at uni. to save save save and invest invest as much as possible and have retirement plan in place as soon as I can, otherwise I wouldn't have much to go by in the golden years. I'm glad I did!

So while in thailand I will have to use my private funds to finance my living until the retirement money kicks in at 62. In addition I will be tele-working from thailand also (with work permits ofcourse!) in engineering and architectural fields. I know .....It's hard to make substantial income in thailand so whatever you do you have to have your income links to the west in order to make it while living thailand. But luckily I don't have to support my thai family....they're all having decent job and income on their own.

Anyhow BEST OF LUCK TO YOU....have faith and don't give up your dream!

Hope to see you there in couple of years


Well I'm an american and just about the same age as you.....but not in the same boat - financially. We're too moving to thailand in 2 more yrs.

I don't think you have to work 'til 73, according to SS statement mine said 62 at the eariest, 70 for full benefits. I did some calculation, you will actually by ahead if you take it at 62. Most men died bye bye gone at around 75-78, based on statatistics :o . So I'm taking mine at 62!

Just a story:

Like you I very much doubt the SS will be there for me, so luckily I was taught by my economic professor when I was at uni. to save save save and invest invest as much as possible and have retirement plan in place as soon as I can, otherwise I wouldn't have much to go by in the golden years. I'm glad I did!

So while in thailand I will have to use my private funds to finance my living until the retirement money kicks in at 62. In addition I will be tele-working from thailand also (with work permits ofcourse!) in engineering and architectural fields. I know .....It's hard to make substantial income in thailand so whatever you do you have to have your income links to the west in order to make it while living thailand. But luckily I don't have to support my thai family....they're all having decent job and income on their own.

Anyhow BEST OF LUCK TO YOU....have faith and don't give up your dream!

Hope to see you there in couple of years


Sawhatdee Krup :D



My 2 cents worth.

There are lots of people in your financial situation with the big 4 o coming up. Life doesn't always work out ideally, it would be pretty boring if it did. I'm happy to admit I am in a similar boat in terms of assets, with pretty much nothing at 39.

You sound like you have got some good advantages, military background, electrical trade skills and the ability/desire to be flexible in the type of work you would do and the location.

I'd try to take a longer term view in your goals, 2 years might be cutting it a bit fine to be living in LOS but 5 years to me should be achievable which would still mean you've got a lot of life to live. Increase your income by going and getting a higher paid job, which your obviously trying to do but also try and broaden your skills so you create more options for yourself - any area of electrical work that might pay higher/be more in demand that you can identify including those required on a rig and perhaps some self investment in training which might pay off down the track (higher end techology skills, management perhaps, learn Thai if you can't speak already). Coming off a small asset base I think you need to concentrate on working smarter, not harder.

The most important thing is you have a clear goal which is great, keep on chasing those dreams and good luck to you.



My 2 cents worth.

There are lots of people in your financial situation with the big 4 o coming up. Life doesn't always work out ideally, it would be pretty boring if it did. I'm happy to admit I am in a similar boat in terms of assets, with pretty much nothing at 39.

You sound like you have got some good advantages, military background, electrical trade skills and the ability/desire to be flexible in the type of work you would do and the location.

I'd try to take a longer term view in your goals, 2 years might be cutting it a bit fine to be living in LOS but 5 years to me should be achievable which would still mean you've got a lot of life to live. Increase your income by going and getting a higher paid job, which your obviously trying to do but also try and broaden your skills so you create more options for yourself - any area of electrical work that might pay higher/be more in demand that you can identify including those required on a rig and perhaps some self investment in training which might pay off down the track (higher end techology skills, management perhaps, learn Thai if you can't speak already). Coming off a small asset base I think you need to concentrate on working smarter, not harder.

The most important thing is you have a clear goal which is great, keep on chasing those dreams and good luck to you.


Thank you I am trying to do both :o but hard to walk and chew gum at he same time :D:D


I know that my plight is no differnt than most. And I really appreciate all the good posts. I am really starting to love this site. When I first started hear I was looking for guidance same as I am now but I felt like I was on the outside and I feel a part now even though a small part. So thanks some much eveyone and I mean by that TV :o:D

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