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What Are These Women Saying?

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I believe 6 month co-habitation in Australia and some US states entitles joint property ownership.

Having a child usually entitles 100% occupation with a court order to exclude the man trivial.

I’m not here to have an argument......but to state an untruth is stupid. Just Google “divorce in Australia” and one can easily see that the rules are not what AnotherOneAmerican says.

Lying making false claims is exactly the way/attitude most Thai women behave in order to get their own way.

Grow up and stop making up stories to prove your point...... End Of.

"Besides why whouild anybody give all what he owns and just walk away

from it?" - he gave £3000 away to his mate in England who ripped him as

well - you are Thai bashing as well I think biggus. The guy didn't

understand what he was getting into, end of...

Anachak...the way things are going I’m gonna be American bashing instead....cheesy.gif

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This documentary is frustrating for what is left out.

He drops everything in the UK, builds her a house and a small pig farm ( it's very hard to make any money with just a few pigs, the cost of pig feed is prohibitive- only worth it if you just feed the pigs scraps and throwaways from a vegetable shop or restaurant). Suddenly everything goes tits up and he's off to Pattaya.

What went wrong? Was she really mercenary and once the house and farm were completed, threw him out, or did he make no efforts to adapt? The film maker should have quizzed him about this. Did he make an effort to learn Thai, they're not even speaking Issan, being Khorat folks, easier to learn Thai than Issan in my view, or did he find out what crops were best suited- that pig manure is excellent fertilizer- how about teaching English, if only part time?

Instead all we see is him swilling that crap beer Chang in almost every shot. I hope they paid good sponsorship money!

I got the impression he thought everything would just come to him once he'd put up the money, he'd paid for it all so no need to do anything except drink beer with his mates.

Wrong, wrong.

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. Did he make an effort to learn Thai, they're not even speaking Issan, being Khorat folks, easier to learn Thai than Issan in my view, or did he find out what crops were best suited- that pig manure is

No they are not speaking lao because she and her family are khamin, you can hear this once or twice in the film. Krasang not khorat but in Buri Ram in between that city and Surin, it's not a 'village' either. Learning khamin is easier than Thai as it has no tones to master.

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