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Pattaya Thai Folklore

Michael W

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Shamelessly ripped-off from another forum, but I hear many of the same refrains here in Bangkok (and well away from the bar scene). The writer goes on to mostly shoot down all these ideas, but as he says it is a matter of perspective:

Up here in the bush I get a different perspective on the bar-girl scene. I'll call it Pattaya Thai Folklore. It is all part of the mystique of Thailand perpetuated by bar girl culture.

Bar girl culture often promotes the following ideas:

I only do this because Thailand provided no better opportunity for me, educational or otherwise. (So you shouldn't think she's bad because she's a prostitute and should consider her eligible for marriage.)

Thailand has no middle class. All the money is at the top and people like me have to live in dirt poor poverty as subsistence farmers. (So you shouldn't think she's bad because she's a prostitute and should consider her eligible for marriage.)

Thailand has no social welfare system to take care of ageing parents and grandparents. (So you shouldn't think she's bad because she's a prostitute and should consider her eligible for marriage.)

Thailand is ruled by corruption and in such an environment self improvement is impossible. The only option to corruption, oppression and third world poverty is prostitution. (So you shouldn't think she's bad because she's a prostitute and should consider her eligible for marriage.)

90% plus of Thailand's GDP is prostitution related, and if it weren't for the prostitution dollars literally injected into the economy by punters the economy would collapse. (So you shouldn't think she's bad because she's a prostitute and should consider her eligible for marriage.)

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Shamelessly ripped-off from another forum, but I hear many of the same refrains here in Bangkok (and well away from the bar scene). The writer goes on to mostly shoot down all these ideas, but as he says it is a matter of perspective:
Up here in the bush I get a different perspective on the bar-girl scene. I'll call it Pattaya Thai Folklore. It is all part of the mystique of Thailand perpetuated by bar girl culture.

Bar girl culture often promotes the following ideas:

I only do this because Thailand provided no better opportunity for me, educational or otherwise. (So you shouldn't think she's bad because she's a prostitute and should consider her eligible for marriage.)

Thailand has no middle class. All the money is at the top and people like me have to live in dirt poor poverty as subsistence farmers. (So you shouldn't think she's bad because she's a prostitute and should consider her eligible for marriage.)

Thailand has no social welfare system to take care of ageing parents and grandparents. (So you shouldn't think she's bad because she's a prostitute and should consider her eligible for marriage.)

Thailand is ruled by corruption and in such an environment self improvement is impossible. The only option to corruption, oppression and third world poverty is prostitution. (So you shouldn't think she's bad because she's a prostitute and should consider her eligible for marriage.)

90% plus of Thailand's GDP is prostitution related, and if it weren't for the prostitution dollars literally injected into the economy by punters the economy would collapse. (So you shouldn't think she's bad because she's a prostitute and should consider her eligible for marriage.)

So is this a truth for you?

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Shamelessly ripped-off from another forum, but I hear many of the same refrains here in Bangkok (and well away from the bar scene). The writer goes on to mostly shoot down all these ideas, but as he says it is a matter of perspective:
Up here in the bush I get a different perspective on the bar-girl scene. I'll call it Pattaya Thai Folklore. It is all part of the mystique of Thailand perpetuated by bar girl culture.

Bar girl culture often promotes the following ideas:

I only do this because Thailand provided no better opportunity for me, educational or otherwise. (So you shouldn't think she's bad because she's a prostitute and should consider her eligible for marriage.)

Thailand has no middle class. All the money is at the top and people like me have to live in dirt poor poverty as subsistence farmers. (So you shouldn't think she's bad because she's a prostitute and should consider her eligible for marriage.)

Thailand has no social welfare system to take care of ageing parents and grandparents. (So you shouldn't think she's bad because she's a prostitute and should consider her eligible for marriage.)

Thailand is ruled by corruption and in such an environment self improvement is impossible. The only option to corruption, oppression and third world poverty is prostitution. (So you shouldn't think she's bad because she's a prostitute and should consider her eligible for marriage.)

90% plus of Thailand's GDP is prostitution related, and if it weren't for the prostitution dollars literally injected into the economy by punters the economy would collapse. (So you shouldn't think she's bad because she's a prostitute and should consider her eligible for marriage.)

Prostitution is part of the economic structure and there are indeed few viable options for many rural women. Some very good women in Thailand do become prostitutes for lack of options.

Thailand does have a small middle class. It is this new middle class that is active politically. But it is still true that the bulk of the population, well over 60% is decidedly very poor rural and urban folks. The upper class is ridiculously wealthy and apart from their local lavish life styles, send most profits overseas. The upper middle class sends themselves overseas along with those profits. Hence at one time we had the greater Los Angeles area as the second largest Thai population in the world outside of Bangkok. That may have changed now with some Thai cities having gained significant population over the past decades.

Thailand does provide some social welfare in the form of medical care. But there are no retirement or old age benefits. This is up to the families to provide. More specifically to Thai culture, it is the responsibility of the daughters who traditionally live near the parents, AKA matrilocality.

While it is true that Thailand is ruled by a corrupt elite and that elite has structured prostitution into the economy, there is room for self-improvement for some. And of course, being a prostitute in Thailand does not make a woman bad. There are some real angels out there. But there are also some really hard women, especially in the larger tourist areas, who you could not pay me to be near.

Prostitution is but one of the illegal markets that propel Thai society, both economically and politically. Other "black" markets are gambling, guns, drugs, and the smuggling of oil. Read Guns, Girls, Gambling, Ganja Thailand's Illegal Economy and Public Policy by Pasuk Phongpaichit and Sungsidh Piriyarangsa for details.

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Let's face it guys, without Social Security payments in UK, how many ( more ) women would be on the streets getting money to help feed themselves and their kids ?

It isn't so easy to leave that job in a Bangkok factory to have a baby , then just walk back into that same job 1 year later, there ain't no industrial tribunals or Laws drafted to protect women in that situation, not in Thailand, and after a certain age, factory owners don't wanna employ women, they like them young. ( Don't we all :o )

Without people willing to pay for sex, there would be no sellers, and without sellers many of the guys that are in Thailand and commenting on this forum would never have been here in the first place.

Do you think if Western men could prostitute themselves to wealthy Asian women they would be working as English teachers? :D

Edited by Maigo6
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