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Potential For Big Earnings From Us


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LONG-STAY TOURISM: Potential for big earnings from US

BANGKOK: Thailand needs to further exploit its strengths in friendliness and product variety, and improve health and safety standards if it wants to capture the US long-stay tourism market, according to a study commissioned by the Tourism Authority of Thailand.

The “Land of Smiles” has the potential for large earnings from US travellers of retirement age, or 55 and above, and baby boomers, aged between 45 and 54, according the US Long Stay Tourism Market study conducted by the Transnational Executive Master of Business Administration (TEMBA) of California State University at Hayward, presented at the Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) yesterday. Even though access to this segment is threatened by possible competitors and the option for US tourists to choose destinations inside the US, the study said that Thailand, 23rd on the list of international destinations most visited by Americans in 2002, could still capitalise on its product diversity, the lack of formal long-stay programmes worldwide, and the current absence of dominant competitors.

The research estimated potential earnings from the sector could be between US$56 million and US$140 million a year (Bt2.2 billion to Bt5.4 billion).

The friendliness of Thailand’s people, the culture and food rated highest, but the “least liked” was the traffic congestion, pollution and general grime, according to 655 respondents out of a total 6,000 surveyed throughout the US.

“Thailand needs to emphasise safety and change US tourists’ attitudes about its cleanliness. The country should position itself as a destination with five-star quality but three-star cost,” research team member Viola Chung said.

The profile of potential long-stay visitors is likely to be high-income tourists, who are travelling alone, the survey said.

Santichai Euachongprasit, Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) deputy governor for tourism products, said the authority would develop its three-to-five-year plan to improve consumer perceptions based on the study’s findings.

“The TAT has established Thailand Long Stay Management Co to support any promotional campaigns in the identified markets,” Santichai said, adding that the TAT is also conducting research on the Scandinavian market.

Besides changing consumer perceptions, it is essential to offer a variety of cultural activities and to improve healthcare standards, he said.

--The Nation 2004-02-18

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A typical study, that tells, what they want to see.

Friendly people? You can't cross a street in Pattaya without being run over. You pay 10 fold for all kind of entries.

If you really want to see friendly people, go to New Zealand or Cambodia.

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Viola Chung said Thailand should be promoted as a "destination with five star qulaity but three star costs ". What a joke. We all know why they want high end tourists like this. So they can fleece even more from the money bags.

Also, three cheers for the researchers putting their hands up to get the kudos for these findings.

The thing is though......findings of this type have been around for a long time. I mean, years and years already.

Why do they look so far to the US when there are markets closer thanthat with the same type of consumer ?? the US citizens are less likely to travel to Thailand than those from other countries because it is that much further away and they are also much more volatile in their reactions to any type of incident be it terrorist or health realted.

Looking to other markets would be a smarter idea imho ! Why are they so fascinated with the US ?

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Yet another example of the left hand not knowing what the right hand is doing.

The tourist authority of Thailand (TAT) wants to encourage long stay visitors. On the otherhand the Immigration Deptartment is busy raising all the visa prices and requirements for money in the bank to make life more difficult, if not impossible for long stay visitors.

During the course of a year I spend almost a million baht, and they expect me to keep another 800,000 just sitting there at almost zero interest.

They must think I am crazy.

Truely Amazing Thailand.

Soon Thailand will be Unseen, because it will be too difficult, or at least not worth the bother.

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