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Bank Rates Term Rates


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Which bank in CM is offering the best rate for term accounts. I'd like to invest a minimum of 1 year in a term account. This IS NOT money I use for my visa.


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Might I suggest a Fund Account. Rate not so wonderful - best I've seen recently 3.8% (tax paid) at Siam Commercial. But Regular term deposit rates are dismal. Trouble with the funds is that you have to ask your bank when a new fund is available, it's not like you just walk in and deposit the money.

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Basically you are asking us to do your leg work and check out all the banks to see who will offer the best one year rate.

I'm asking those who bank at various banks to clue me in to what they may know about their banks so that I don't have to spend a day driving from bank to bank. You have never asked for assistance on these forums? You are a very special person. Read into that however you like. Your comment is inappropriate.

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What I did was to visit the local mall where pretty much all the banks have branches. I spent about 45 minutes walking from one to the other seeing what's on offer. It wasn't easy. Even here in Pattaya, many bank employees speak little English. But! It saved me from driving all over to get the same information.

Be sure to ask about taxes. Some pay it, some don't. Which will have an impact on your overall rate.

As mentioned a few times above, this topic is already running in the banking forum. Rates are the same all over the country.

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