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Thai Beer Bars In General Compared To Cambodia


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If there's beer available, I am fine with hanging out in a squalid alleyway in any third world country.

My Yen, My Ow. (Not Cold, Don't Want). That said ... If it's cold beer ... on any day, anywhere, I will drink it as long as it's not Chang smile.pngsmile.png

Not Chang? Thailand's only decent beer!

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"Thai Beer Bars In General Compared To Cambodia" is probably the wrong question, as I rate beer bars for the beer they sell and nothing else.

The common problem in hot countries with beer is, that the beer is being stored to long within high temperatures. Therefore it is indispensable to check the filling date of the bottle being consumed. The probability, that a beer is still fresh, if it has been filled lately, is much higher.

Beer which has been sitting in a shop somewhere, and is being imposed to high temperatures, i.e. 25 degrees or more, is dead, has lost its smoothness and turned bitter.

Beer out of big bottles tastes always better, than beer form small bottles. The sensitivity to heat differs in between brands. I.e. Beer Singh is more sensitive than LEO, Heineken, which I do not drink because of its missing character, is not sensitive, thanks to the excessive use of preservatives.

In the typical refrigerators which are designed to hold only bottles, the top shelves should be used to hold the beer, as the very low department sometimes develops temperatures underneath zero degrees, which will kill a beer immediately.

In my favorite Bars in Hat Yai, there are two sections inside the fridge for the beer, one contains the older beer, which is being sold to Thais, who mainly want to get "mau" on beer, and do not buy beer for the taste of it.

Sure thing, for some of us it is an ongoing research here in Hat Yai, where to buy the freshest beer.

Please tell me you are not serious.

I just can't tell.

How many are involved in this research project?

Any grant involved?

During the season we are four, currently only two. Our slogan is: "Life is too short to drink old beer". Sure, folks in BKK are more lucky, as they can get fresh supplies every day, and even have the chance to drink beer from the tab. Well, we can drink beer from the tab as well, but the you have to put up with the environment of the Novotel, its prices, and the chance is likely, that the beer is served with almost no CO2, and that the lines are not being cleaned on a regular basis, as it is law enforced in Germany. Therefore we care about bottled fresh beer.

Hat Yai is different. Beer is sitting in supermarkets for months, not cooled. I have seen beers lately dating back to October 2012! Nobody cares. But we, all Germans, are spoiled. Beer for us is fluid bread, a delicacy, and we want to enjoy it. Therefore, at the other end of the world, we try to make the best out of this situation

If others do not care about the true taste of fresh beer, that is none of our business. We do not even comment this. We let them have the old piss.

Your passion is to be admired, I fear however its an excercise in futility, to me all Thai beer is piss.

Beer Chang piss? don't think so, what are you, a special brew drinker?

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"Not Chang? Thailand's only decent beer!"

We used to drink Imported Chang Beer which we purchased from RT Mart in Taipei.

We noticed every can was different in quality and alcohol content.

Sometimes you could get more drunk on less.

Sometimes you could not get drunk no matter how hard you tried.

I don't know whether Chang Domestic is the same as the Imported Chang.

I do not know why they export it.

Maybe as a novelty item.

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"Not Chang? Thailand's only decent beer!"

We used to drink Imported Chang Beer which we purchased from RT Mart in Taipei.

We noticed every can was different in quality and alcohol content.

Sometimes you could get more drunk on less.

Sometimes you could not get drunk no matter how hard you tried.

I don't know whether Chang Domestic is the same as the Imported Chang.

I do not know why they export it.

Maybe as a novelty item.

Love it, only draught or bottled though, don't like anything in cans.

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Nooky, Snooky and Smoke?

The only Chang I saw at RT-Mart was the green cans, very small and cheap.

In fact RT-Mart imports Chang Beer and Dog Food from Thailand quite a bit.

The Chang beer is the cheapest brand sold by RT-Mart, by far.

They don't give it away.

Maybe gift with purchase though.

Its great when you get a good batch with some kick to it.

Edited by OldChinaHam
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I prefer Cam bodia for beer quality.....relaxed atmosphere and its wider range of eccentric costomers.

As I am a man sleaze or dirt are not a concern.

If there's beer available, I am fine with hanging out in a squalid alleyway in any third world country.

Yep, true men can hang out anywhere - in a foxhole, or a tent - on a mountaintop or in a lady's den. As for beer, it has alway tased bitter to me watrm, cold, best brand or cheapest always tastes like crap...

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If there's beer available, I am fine with hanging out in a squalid alleyway in any third world country.

My Yen, My Ow. (Not Cold, Don't Want). That said ... If it's cold beer ... on any day, anywhere, I will drink it as long as it's not Chang smile.pngsmile.png

Not Chang? Thailand's only decent beer!

Don't know why, but for some reason if I even look at the bottle too long I get a headache. Same with Mekhong. Although, I do consider Chang draft an exception.

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Due to the screwed up quote system, I couldnt reply directly to the question, never mind.

Beer Chang piss? don't think so, what are you, a special brew drinker?

Here in Bkk I drink German beer, in Pattaya either German beer or cider.

If upcountry either Leo or whisky.

I have mentioned on here before but will repeat, I would rather drink iced tea than some of the horsepiss that passes for beer in these parts, and that inludes Chang.

Jeez how many attempts have they had to get it right, Chang, Chang Light, Chang Draft, Chang Classic, and now Chang Export.

Where I live even the motorcyle taxi drivers dont drink it, they prefer Leo.

Each to their own although some are restricted by either budget or fiat currencies.

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Snookyville no contest, Angkhor beer (surely one of the world's best), $1 a pint (happy hour 11am to 4pm), open air bars so can smoke (anything), Happy Days!

Now that's what I call a deal. Back in the late 60's paid $1 a can for black market Bud that probably had been sitting in sun for months. The Viet woman had an Ice chest and a tent with boxes to sit on .Back then, anything cold tasted good.

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I've enjoyed sitting on a street corner in Hanoi drinking the 3,000 dong local produce - I think it has to be consumed within a few days of being made, but it was cold and enjoyable. I enjoyed sampling the local beers as you move down the country.

Laos was only ok but Beer Lao is good.

Myanmar has great beer stations that are a throw back to a more spit and sawdust type establishment. Mandalay Red is very nice beer.

Cambodia - establishments very good and lovely cold, cheap beer. Angkhor beer was good and I think there was also "Anchor" in cans, at 50c a pop in happy hour. :-)

Thailand? Not overly memorable to be honest, now that you mention it. Probably prefer Leo to anything. Although, sitting on Haad Yao beach watching Germany beat England (fat Frank's blatent goal that never was), talking to a mad Fin with a booming voice, was made far more tolerable by the ice cold Tiger beer we were drinking.

Generally, it amazes me how the beer in all of these countries can be served ice cold and yet in the UK it's rarely cold enough! I find that if it's cold it normally goes down much better...even if it would otherwise not be that great. :-)

Overall, 1. Vietnam, 2. Myanmar, 3. Cambodia.

p.s. Borneo = nightmare!

Edited by BwindiBoy
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I prefer Cam bodia for beer quality.....relaxed atmosphere and its wider range of eccentric costomers.

As I am a man sleaze or dirt are not a concern.

You don't speak for this man, man.

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"Thai Beer Bars In General Compared To Cambodia" is probably the wrong question, as I rate beer bars for the beer they sell and nothing else.

The common problem in hot countries with beer is, that the beer is being stored to long within high temperatures. Therefore it is indispensable to check the filling date of the bottle being consumed. The probability, that a beer is still fresh, if it has been filled lately, is much higher.

Beer which has been sitting in a shop somewhere, and is being imposed to high temperatures, i.e. 25 degrees or more, is dead, has lost its smoothness and turned bitter.

Beer out of big bottles tastes always better, than beer form small bottles. The sensitivity to heat differs in between brands. I.e. Beer Singh is more sensitive than LEO, Heineken, which I do not drink because of its missing character, is not sensitive, thanks to the excessive use of preservatives.

In the typical refrigerators which are designed to hold only bottles, the top shelves should be used to hold the beer, as the very low department sometimes develops temperatures underneath zero degrees, which will kill a beer immediately.

In my favorite Bars in Hat Yai, there are two sections inside the fridge for the beer, one contains the older beer, which is being sold to Thais, who mainly want to get "mau" on beer, and do not buy beer for the taste of it.

Sure thing, for some of us it is an ongoing research here in Hat Yai, where to buy the freshest beer.

Of course good taste is in the mouth of the beholder, but I'm still puzzled how you can go on and on like you're some kind of beer connoisseur, and yet talk about the subtleties of Singha beer.


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"Thai Beer Bars In General Compared To Cambodia" is probably the wrong question, as I rate beer bars for the beer they sell and nothing else.

The common problem in hot countries with beer is, that the beer is being stored to long within high temperatures. Therefore it is indispensable to check the filling date of the bottle being consumed. The probability, that a beer is still fresh, if it has been filled lately, is much higher.

Beer which has been sitting in a shop somewhere, and is being imposed to high temperatures, i.e. 25 degrees or more, is dead, has lost its smoothness and turned bitter.

Beer out of big bottles tastes always better, than beer form small bottles. The sensitivity to heat differs in between brands. I.e. Beer Singh is more sensitive than LEO, Heineken, which I do not drink because of its missing character, is not sensitive, thanks to the excessive use of preservatives.

In the typical refrigerators which are designed to hold only bottles, the top shelves should be used to hold the beer, as the very low department sometimes develops temperatures underneath zero degrees, which will kill a beer immediately.

In my favorite Bars in Hat Yai, there are two sections inside the fridge for the beer, one contains the older beer, which is being sold to Thais, who mainly want to get "mau" on beer, and do not buy beer for the taste of it.

Sure thing, for some of us it is an ongoing research here in Hat Yai, where to buy the freshest beer.

Of course good taste is in the mouth of the beholder, but I'm still puzzled how you can go on and on like you're some kind of beer connoisseur, and yet talk about the subtleties of Singha beer.

I only can tell you which beer I like and why, and which beer I do not like and why. For this ability one must have regular taste buds and does not have to be a connoisseur. If you describe distinct differences in taste as subtleties, I do not mind.


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I can save you all a lot of time and curiosity about bars here in (South) Korea.

Sure - Juicey bars are still around - but you won't get to leave with any working girls here - unless you know people AND are a regular customer. To buy a bar girl a drink will set you back anywhere from $20 (US) to $75 (US) - for 1 drink!

Oh and YOUR drinks start at $4 (US) and up!

Bar scene in Korea is not like it used to be.

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In Cambo dia the eccentricity is far to extreme but their beer has taste ..

Thats it, keep replying to your own post. Eventually it may get popular. tongue.png

No that belongs to the "theblether"..

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I can save you all a lot of time and curiosity about bars here in (South) Korea.

Sure - Juicey bars are still around - but you won't get to leave with any working girls here - unless you know people AND are a regular customer. To buy a bar girl a drink will set you back anywhere from $20 (US) to $75 (US) - for 1 drink!

Oh and YOUR drinks start at $4 (US) and up!

Bar scene in Korea is not like it used to be.

I would not pay that for the company of a Korean (nor would I even let them pay me for my time). I have seen them in Tilak in Cowboy and they had overrun Angeles the last time I passed through there. If you ever go to the Philippines you will see their "karaoke bars" in Manila as you walk around, with "tough guy" bouncers.. not really interested in going inside to pay someone to sit beside me anyways, sorry, I am off to the club down the road to meet real women that are not being paid to be where they are..

The nicest ladies are in Thailand, the most fun customers of beer bars have to be in the Philippines, I have met so many random guys and gone on huge drinking competitions with them, last time I actually got so drunk with a guy from Boston that I actually forgot where I was staying, I had to pay a security guard 100 peso to take me on his motorbike back to my hotel, as I had talked with him earlier in the night and let slip where I was staying? That was AFTER I lost my drinking buddy from Boston at a junction, talked to a meet and greet girl from a bar and when I turned around he was gone.. never quite figured that one out!

Women in the Phils are always nice, but one stole my phone last time because I told her I did not take girls home, she did not believe me.. so she started calling everyone in my stolen phones address book and abusing them, accusing them of being my GF.. interesting lady that one.

I have not been to Cambodia or Laos, I was considering a trip to both this year but have been put off both as the drinking scene seems very isolated, in the sense that it is just bars filled with backpackers drinking with each other.. I really drink to meet the locals and intentionally go to places no other white faces would go.

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