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Bar or restaurant wanted

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I will be in Thailand on sunday March 23rd and am interested in leasing a bar or restraunt. I have limited funds 350,000 baht and am interested in any propositions. I have owned bars in Australia but a divorce sees me with little cash flow. Anyone in same position with limited funds interested in a partnership or if you have a business for sale cheap please email.  [email protected]

                       Paul Bonner


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For little over $8,000 you won't get more than a market stall in Bangkok. And by the time you have paid off the cops and mafia you will be scratching for the air fare home. Don't do this friend...

Have you thought about looking further afield? This worked for me... Buy a town house in the suburbs... 200,000 spend about 150,000 to do it up, add a/c etc...

Sell it for 500,000.

Then buy 2 town houses etc...  See where I am going with this?

Good luck... You'll need it.

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