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Sexual Assault Victims In Deep South Silenced By State Payouts: Angkhana


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The only proof that I have is editorials and so on in the Thai English laguage media that acknowledge the existance of Thai Buddhist death squads that operate in the deep South. In addition it is openly reported on the "dissapparence" or murder of activists who speak out against injustices by Thai government agencies. Don't recall any of these killers appearing before Thai courts, so no "proof".

So far as your claim of not minimising the crime of rape, what other interpretation can you make of your words below or would prefer the term "apologist"?

"they may have problems differentiating the willingness to participate in sexual congress of the local girls compared to those at home, they may also be quite attractive in some of their attitudes and other attributes, especially disposable income (flash Harrys, if you like) to local girls"

While you refrain from answering my questions, I will attempt to answer yours. I was pointing out that there is a vast difference in the 2 cultures, that social interaction is very likely to take place, but that the expectations of the participants may be quite different. Rape as part of social engagement is still a crime, but it is far different from groups of men grabbing a passing female.

BTW your extrapolation of claims of attacks on one group to include a completely separate group with no proof that it ever happened is self-serving crap.

Back to the OP, who FORCES girls into marriage except their own families? In the eyes of a muslim family with a pregnant daughter, is there any difference between a consensual partner and a rapist?

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The only proof that I have is editorials and so on in the Thai English laguage media that acknowledge the existance of Thai Buddhist death squads that operate in the deep South. In addition it is openly reported on the "dissapparence" or murder of activists who speak out against injustices by Thai government agencies. Don't recall any of these killers appearing before Thai courts, so no "proof".

So far as your claim of not minimising the crime of rape, what other interpretation can you make of your words below or would prefer the term "apologist"?

"they may have problems differentiating the willingness to participate in sexual congress of the local girls compared to those at home, they may also be quite attractive in some of their attitudes and other attributes, especially disposable income (flash Harrys, if you like) to local girls"

While you refrain from answering my questions, I will attempt to answer yours. I was pointing out that there is a vast difference in the 2 cultures, that social interaction is very likely to take place, but that the expectations of the participants may be quite different. Rape as part of social engagement is still a crime, but it is far different from groups of men grabbing a passing female.

BTW your extrapolation of claims of attacks on one group to include a completely separate group with no proof that it ever happened is self-serving crap.

Back to the OP, who FORCES girls into marriage except their own families? In the eyes of a muslim family with a pregnant daughter, is there any difference between a consensual partner and a rapist?

Anyone can read between the lines of your posts in this topic as yet again you use the crime of rape against Muslim women as a platform to disparage Muslim women. Your claims that this is not true is a lie

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Good muslim girls forced into marriage after being sexually assaulted - just how are they "forced"? Could it have something to do with the archaic attitude to sexual assault, and consensual sex, of the society that they live in.

Could it have something to do with threats, fear and intimidation?

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So this woman claims that upright god-fearing muslim families in the southern provinces of Thailand are willing to sell their defiled daughters for a few thousand baht to her infidel rapist? And the local terrorists haven't used this yet as an excuse for their indiscriminate killing sprees?

As she doesn't back this allegation up with some solid proof it is more likely that these stories are produced by muslim fathers who allowed their daughters to marry an "infidel" and want to avoid being targeted by those self-proclaimed jihadists.

I will, of course, repent if she comes up with more than third party hearsay.

You've got it all figured out, huh. How'd you do that by just reading the article?

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The only proof that I have is editorials and so on in the Thai English laguage media that acknowledge the existance of Thai Buddhist death squads that operate in the deep South. In addition it is openly reported on the "dissapparence" or murder of activists who speak out against injustices by Thai government agencies. Don't recall any of these killers appearing before Thai courts, so no "proof".

So far as your claim of not minimising the crime of rape, what other interpretation can you make of your words below or would prefer the term "apologist"?

"they may have problems differentiating the willingness to participate in sexual congress of the local girls compared to those at home, they may also be quite attractive in some of their attitudes and other attributes, especially disposable income (flash Harrys, if you like) to local girls"

While you refrain from answering my questions, I will attempt to answer yours. I was pointing out that there is a vast difference in the 2 cultures, that social interaction is very likely to take place, but that the expectations of the participants may be quite different. Rape as part of social engagement is still a crime, but it is far different from groups of men grabbing a passing female.

BTW your extrapolation of claims of attacks on one group to include a completely separate group with no proof that it ever happened is self-serving crap.

Back to the OP, who FORCES girls into marriage except their own families? In the eyes of a muslim family with a pregnant daughter, is there any difference between a consensual partner and a rapist?

Anyone can read between the lines of your posts in this topic as yet again you use the crime of rape against Muslim women as a platform to disparage Muslim women. Your claims that this is not true is a lie

Reading between the lines is your way of making assumptions - and of course your assumptions must be right, at least to you.

Are my questions too difficult for you?

Edited by OzMick
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Good muslim girls forced into marriage after being sexually assaulted - just how are they "forced"? Could it have something to do with the archaic attitude to sexual assault, and consensual sex, of the society that they live in.

Could it have something to do with threats, fear and intimidation?

It most certainly could, but from whom?

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The only proof that I have is editorials and so on in the Thai English laguage media that acknowledge the existance of Thai Buddhist death squads that operate in the deep South. In addition it is openly reported on the "dissapparence" or murder of activists who speak out against injustices by Thai government agencies. Don't recall any of these killers appearing before Thai courts, so no "proof".

So far as your claim of not minimising the crime of rape, what other interpretation can you make of your words below or would prefer the term "apologist"?

"they may have problems differentiating the willingness to participate in sexual congress of the local girls compared to those at home, they may also be quite attractive in some of their attitudes and other attributes, especially disposable income (flash Harrys, if you like) to local girls"

While you refrain from answering my questions, I will attempt to answer yours. I was pointing out that there is a vast difference in the 2 cultures, that social interaction is very likely to take place, but that the expectations of the participants may be quite different. Rape as part of social engagement is still a crime, but it is far different from groups of men grabbing a passing female.

BTW your extrapolation of claims of attacks on one group to include a completely separate group with no proof that it ever happened is self-serving crap.

Back to the OP, who FORCES girls into marriage except their own families? In the eyes of a muslim family with a pregnant daughter, is there any difference between a consensual partner and a rapist?

Anyone can read between the lines of your posts in this topic as yet again you use the crime of rape against Muslim women as a platform to disparage Muslim women. Your claims that this is not true is a lie

Reading between the lines is your way of making assumptions - and of course your assumptions must be right, at least to you.

Are my questions too difficult for you?

OK I'll indulge you in your rehtorical questions, whilst recognising in reality it's just an excuse by you to cast a slur on Thai Muslims.

It is not uncommon for rape to be used as a tool of terror by armed forces. e.g. the estimated 50,000 Muslim women raped by Serb Christian forces during the breakup of former Yugoslavia.


Of course their is a recognised difference between a consensual partner and a rapist in Islam, to question this difference is rediculous. Where women have been forced to marry their rapist is against the Koran, and as usual the circumstances are from very long standing, usually tribal, cultural practices. I guarantee it is against Buddhist precepts, whilst it doesn't appear to be common, there have been reports some Thai Buddhists practice forced marriage to their abuser, not so long ago one such report was debated in depth on this forum.

Relevant verse from the Quran: Sûrah an Nâs 4.119. 'O you who believe! You are forbidden to inherit women against their will..

It is not a stretch to link dissappearences/killing of activists in Thailand to extrajudicial killing by Thai Armed Forces in the deep South. You could say it's an accepted norm as I do not believe any charges have been bought before the Courts. Also reported torture is also utilised, so you do you not believe the victims of rape are under extrodinary pressure or so fightened they agree to marriage or accept payments so charges will be dismissed.

To submit rape by members of the armed forces in the deep South is a misunderstanding and in fact the Muslim women accept rape for a better life away from their communities is just cruel bigotry by you. If you say it's not so, to use your words, provide the proof.

Edited by simple1
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OK I'll indulge you in your rehtorical questions, whilst recognising in reality it's just an excuse by you to cast a slur on Thai Muslims.

It is not uncommon for rape to be used as a tool of terror by armed forces. e.g. the estimated 50,000 Muslim women raped by Serb Christian forces during the breakup of former Yugoslavia.


Of course their is a recognised difference between a consensual partner and a rapist in Islam, to question this difference is rediculous. Where women have been forced to marry their rapist is against the Koran, and as usual the circumstances are from very long standing, usually tribal, cultural practices. I guarantee it is against Buddhist precepts, whilst it doesn't appear to be common, there have been reports some Thai Buddhists practice forced marriage to their abuser, not so long ago one such report was debated in depth on this forum.

Relevant verse from the Quran: Sûrah an Nâs 4.119. 'O you who believe! You are forbidden to inherit women against their will..

It is not a stretch to link dissappearences/killing of activists in Thailand to extrajudicial killing by Thai Armed Forces in the deep South. You could say it's an accepted norm as I do not believe any charges have been bought before the Courts. Also reported torture is also utilised, so you do you not believe the victims of rape are under extrodinary pressure or so fightened they agree to marriage or accept payments so charges will be dismissed.

To submit rape by members of the armed forces in the deep South is a misunderstanding and in fact the Muslim women accept rape for a better life away from their communities is just cruel bigotry by you. If you say it's not so, to use your words, provide the proof.

What a load of <deleted>! Where has it ever been suggested "for rape to be used as a tool of terror by armed forces" is happening in southern Thailand. The comparison with Yugoslavia is not only odious, it is bloody ridiculous. The RTA is there to protect Thai citizens from the attacks of separatists - they are not at war with their own citizens. Even if they were, I couldn't imagine that such tactics would be considered.

Cruel bigotry is you misrepresenting my statements. I said that muslim women may well WANT to marry a soldier for a change of life, not that they would submit to rape to achieve that end. How that consensual arrangement may be viewed by her parents is another matter, in a sexually repressed society.

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OK I'll indulge you in your rehtorical questions, whilst recognising in reality it's just an excuse by you to cast a slur on Thai Muslims.

It is not uncommon for rape to be used as a tool of terror by armed forces. e.g. the estimated 50,000 Muslim women raped by Serb Christian forces during the breakup of former Yugoslavia.


Of course their is a recognised difference between a consensual partner and a rapist in Islam, to question this difference is rediculous. Where women have been forced to marry their rapist is against the Koran, and as usual the circumstances are from very long standing, usually tribal, cultural practices. I guarantee it is against Buddhist precepts, whilst it doesn't appear to be common, there have been reports some Thai Buddhists practice forced marriage to their abuser, not so long ago one such report was debated in depth on this forum.

Relevant verse from the Quran: Sûrah an Nâs 4.119. 'O you who believe! You are forbidden to inherit women against their will..

It is not a stretch to link dissappearences/killing of activists in Thailand to extrajudicial killing by Thai Armed Forces in the deep South. You could say it's an accepted norm as I do not believe any charges have been bought before the Courts. Also reported torture is also utilised, so you do you not believe the victims of rape are under extrodinary pressure or so fightened they agree to marriage or accept payments so charges will be dismissed.

To submit rape by members of the armed forces in the deep South is a misunderstanding and in fact the Muslim women accept rape for a better life away from their communities is just cruel bigotry by you. If you say it's not so, to use your words, provide the proof.

What a load of <deleted>! Where has it ever been suggested "for rape to be used as a tool of terror by armed forces" is happening in southern Thailand. The comparison with Yugoslavia is not only odious, it is bloody ridiculous. The RTA is there to protect Thai citizens from the attacks of separatists - they are not at war with their own citizens. Even if they were, I couldn't imagine that such tactics would be considered.

Cruel bigotry is you misrepresenting my statements. I said that muslim women may well WANT to marry a soldier for a change of life, not that they would submit to rape to achieve that end. How that consensual arrangement may be viewed by her parents is another matter, in a sexually repressed society.

Never said rape is actually being used as a weapon by Thai armed forces, saying it does happen; as it does right now in Burma by their military. Of course the Thai military is at war with with it's own citizens, the Thai Malay seperatists or whatever you want to call them

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