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Foreigner Killed In Bangkok Bar Fight


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One thing I dont understand : Why would anyone be in any bar , any club , where there are Thai males. Its common knowledge that they resent foreign males here. And especially in a club where they are drinking and there are Thai ladies.

Spicey is predominantly an after hours pick-up bar/disco for foreigners. I think your "common knowledge" is faulty.

I agree. If it has the same owners as Spicey in Chiang Mai, I am amazed that Thai men would be in there.

The only Thai men in Spicy are either ladyboys or mafia/police which in some cases is the same. There are no 'normal' Thai men in Spicy - EVER. It would als make a lot more sense that a mafia/police would have a gun.

What can I say, you don't go to any red light district in the world and start shit with the locals. That really should be common sense.

What he says.

The only girls in there barring a few foreign tourists are working girls , whether Thai, Laos, Cambodian, Indian, Eastern European, African.

No Thai man goes there for tourist priced last chance saloon working girls.

Thai males in there are 'working' independantly selling one thing or another or actually working for the club, all others are foreign very drunk tourists at approaching daylight hours, usually been drinking for 8 to 10 hours or more.

Everyone with any street smarts knows a gun is less than five minutes away, if the local doesn't already have one in these areas.

What we don't know is how this fight started and if the Libyian was with friends much larger than the Thai guy. We simply don't know what actually happened.

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2 things I do not really understand .

1. Every time there is a fight Thai men use a gun, does that mean every Thai man has a gun?! And carries it around

2. Every time there is a fight Thai men shoot in front of witnesses. Does that mean every time man is so stupid to shoot someone in front of witnesses to end up in jail

1. No, but some do that's why so many people won't beep their horn here or complain about anything or have Police stickers on their cars. Not face, just the desire to stay alive. That's why selfish people here continue to get away with what they like.

2. They know most people won't witness it for fear of reprisals and both the gunman and witness know the chances of the case being succesfully investigated is low.

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My advice is; avoid altercations and major disputes in Thailand, including the whole South Asian region.

Guns here are as easy to obtain as a bar of candy, if you know where to look, some make their own guns, even my mother in law, obtained from a cousin, has a gun in her home, although I doubt she has the knowledge to use it.

The philosophy here is; shoot first, worry about the consequences later.

Avoid road rage, arguments in bars, with neighbors and in other public places. Pick and choose the company you keep carefully in Thailand, stay within the boundaries of the laws, keep smiling, don`t lose your rag, calm any Western aggressions and keep a low profile.

My son is a policeman in Chiang Mai and the above is his advice. Ignore at your peril.

Really,well I never!Have you ever told anyone on here before?rolleyes.gif

I think he may have mentioned it before seeing you mention it whistling.gif

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One thing I dont understand : Why would anyone be in any bar , any club , where there are Thai males. Its common knowledge that they resent foreign males here. And especially in a club where they are drinking and there are Thai ladies.

Spicey is predominantly an after hours pick-up bar/disco for foreigners. I think your "common knowledge" is faulty.

I think your reading comprehension is faulty.: It may well be a pick up place for foreigners .But there was at least one Thai male in there. And my point is, that is one too many.

To be fair, your initial question, not to mention the attached generalisations, was idiotic.

What's wrong with going to a bar or club where there are Thai men?

Aaaahhhhh look where I'm asking the question . . . a forum made up mostly of coffin-dodgers.

Forget it ! I didn't mean to be rational or open-minded . . . My bad.

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My advice is; avoid altercations and major disputes in Thailand, including the whole South Asian region.

Guns here are as easy to obtain as a bar of candy, if you know where to look, some make their own guns, even my mother in law, obtained from a cousin, has a gun in her home, although I doubt she has the knowledge to use it.

The philosophy here is; shoot first, worry about the consequences later.

Avoid road rage, arguments in bars, with neighbors and in other public places. Pick and choose the company you keep carefully in Thailand, stay within the boundaries of the laws, keep smiling, don`t lose your rag, calm any Western aggressions and keep a low profile.

My son is a policeman in Chiang Mai and the above is his advice. Ignore at your peril.

My advice to you would be to grow a pair of <deleted> ya sap.

Preferably not as a spare pair of earrings.
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One thing I dont understand : Why would anyone be in any bar , any club , where there are Thai males. Its common knowledge that they resent foreign males here. And especially in a club where they are drinking and there are Thai ladies.

Spicey is predominantly an after hours pick-up bar/disco for foreigners. I think your "common knowledge" is faulty.

I think your reading comprehension is faulty.: It may well be a pick up place for foreigners .But there was at least one Thai male in there. And my point is, that is one too many.

To be fair, your initial question, not to mention the attached generalisations, was idiotic.

What's wrong with going to a bar or club where there are Thai men?

Aaaahhhhh look where I'm asking the question . . . a forum made up mostly of coffin-dodgers.

Forget it ! I didn't mean to be rational or open-minded . . . My bad.

Don't worry,you weren't!Why change the habit of lifetime?whistling.gif

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I think we're all missing the point here. Going to places full of alpha males who have a high probability of being intoxicated is a high risk scenario. Ego's are high and reasoning is low.

Why would an "alpha male" be looking to pay for sex with a prostitute in a low grade bar in a third world country?

Spicy is not a "low grade" bar. Thailand is not a "third world" country. If you really want to know though, I'm sure you can find plenty of alpha males looking to pay for sex with a prostitute whom you could ask. smile.png

No, that's right. Classy bar in one of the most advanced countries in the world. thumbsup.gif

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My advice is; avoid altercations and major disputes in Thailand, including the whole South Asian region.

Guns here are as easy to obtain as a bar of candy, if you know where to look, some make their own guns, even my mother in law, obtained from a cousin, has a gun in her home, although I doubt she has the knowledge to use it.

The philosophy here is; shoot first, worry about the consequences later.

Avoid road rage, arguments in bars, with neighbors and in other public places. Pick and choose the company you keep carefully in Thailand, stay within the boundaries of the laws, keep smiling, don`t lose your rag, calm any Western aggressions and keep a low profile.

My son is a policeman in Chiang Mai and the above is his advice. Ignore at your peril.

My advice to you would be to grow a pair of <deleted> ya sap.

And it's <deleted> to stand up to someone with a gun because you think you're a big bollocked farang tough shit.

Or are you one of the youtube wonder heroes who post "unarmed combat gun defence" training videos?

Acting with a bit of comnon sense as BJ suggests seems preferable to trying to catch bullets in you teeth or swating them with your <deleted>.

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One thing I dont understand : Why would anyone be in any bar , any club , where there are Thai males. Its common knowledge that they resent foreign males here. And especially in a club where they are drinking and there are Thai ladies.

I must be living in a parallel universe to some of you blokes. All my drinking friends and venues are Thai. ALL of them. I am the only farang. I don't have any farang drinking friends. We, that is my thai mates and I, when not getting on the piss in our Moo Baan itself, we often kick on and go to local hostess and karaoke bars and other such venues and they keep trying to set me up with girls! As opposed to resenting me. In the past 10 years I have only seen one blue.

I went to a function last weekend where about 300 thais (I was the only white man) all drinking Blend 285 and Soda by the bucketful and not one hint of trouble. Everybody was terrific. Had a ball. As I always do.

Hand Guns, of the legal and registered variety are an expensive hobby and only for well heeled thais. Only one of my Thai civilian mates owns a gun that I know of (apart from a few coppers I know).

The last farang 'mate' who visited me here, turned up at my door, unannounced, destitute, without a brass razoo, looking for a place to stay, and when I took him out to a nearby bar, at my expense, he got pissed and wanted to fight me!

Anyway, keep spreading your propaganda, it may keep help keep the numbers down.

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One thing I dont understand : Why would anyone be in any bar , any club , where there are Thai males. Its common knowledge that they resent foreign males here. And especially in a club where they are drinking and there are Thai ladies.
Spicey is predominantly an after hours pick-up bar/disco for foreigners. I think your "common knowledge" is faulty.
I agree. If it has the same owners as Spicey in Chiang Mai, I am amazed that Thai men would be in there.
The only Thai men in Spicy are either ladyboys or mafia/police which in some cases is the same. There are no 'normal' Thai men in Spicy - EVER. It would als make a lot more sense that a mafia/police would have a gun. What can I say, you don't go to any red light district in the world and start shit with the locals. That really should be common sense.
What he says. The only girls in there barring a few foreign tourists are working girls , whether Thai, Laos, Cambodian, Indian, Eastern European, African. No Thai man goes there for tourist priced last chance saloon working girls. Thai males in there are 'working' independantly selling one thing or another or actually working for the club, all others are foreign very drunk tourists at approaching daylight hours, usually been drinking for 8 to 10 hours or more. Everyone with any street smarts knows a gun is less than five minutes away, if the local doesn't already have one in these areas. What we don't know is how this fight started and if the Libyian was with friends much larger than the Thai guy. We simply don't know what actually happened.
Both of you are flat out wrong. There are often thai men in Spicy who aren't ladyboys and aren't working there. Also there are plenty of girls who aren't working girls as well. Just normal girls out with a couple friends or celebrating a birthday or some such. Edited by dirKNirk
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2 things I do not really understand .

1. Every time there is a fight Thai men use a gun, does that mean every Thai man has a gun?! And carries it around

2. Every time there is a fight Thai men shoot in front of witnesses. Does that mean every time man is so stupid to shoot someone in front of witnesses to end up in jail

"Every time"?

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A tragic accident. The Arab was almost certainly lost and had stopped to ask directions. Everybody knows that Arabs do not frequent bars that serve alcohol and have scantily clad tarts everywhere.

My condolences to his family, and I do hope that the murderer is locked up for a very long time.

Edited by Greer
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Expensive resorts offer bulletproof wests for free, if you go out !!!

Is that actually true?

Are bullet-proof vests actually sold anywhere in Bangkok, and how would one know whether they actually are bullt-proof or fake?

If you really want to know, Wikipedia has a good page on it.

Some issues: They are hot and bulky especially for street wear, and there's no such thing as bullet proof but rather bullet resistant. Also, you might still be hospitalized do to blunt force trauma breaking ribs etc., but a handgun bullet probably wouldn't penetrate and kill. You don't really want one for bar hopping.

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''great death'' you say.. must be a Freudian slip.. Not pleased the guy was murdered, just don't really care. If someone frequents places like that and gets into fights with Thais then what do I care. But what does amuse me is people like you taking offence to my post which was a bit of banter to begin with. I've lived here for 12 years and never even had an argument with a Thai.. Nor a Farang either come to that. Why.. Because I understand that I'm a foreigner in a foreign country and would not disrespect the country I'm living in nor the people, so when I see something like this, I think to myself, he probably was a wrong 'un if he's getting into fights with locals in a local bar.

Where did I use the words "great death". However, you & I definitely have a different intrepretion of the meaning of "banter"

ain't that the truth, I was looking again for the ''great death'' thing which i assumed was a typo for ''great depth'' or something. To be honest, it's all <deleted> anyway. But I'm really curious to know something. You're all over me because in your opinion I'm compartmentalizing Muslims and I'm an ignorant fascist or whatever but I don't see you replying to posts to people who reckon Thai males as needing guns because they have small penises or the post the rear ''Yep, typical Thai, if they don't gang up on you like a pack of dogs, they bring a knife to a fist fight and a gun to a knife fight,'' or ''gang up on you like a pack of dogs...

they bring a knife...

fist fight...

knife fight...

Typical Thai.''

Double standards or what mate

More than enough posters will decry comments that all Thais do this or that. Very few will do the same for bigoted comments concerning Muslims. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe you are the only one who congratulated the killer and that you could not careless if a Muslim visiting a bar with prostitutes is murdered as he wasn't a "decent Muslim" and go on to excuse your posts as banter.

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Expensive resorts offer bulletproof wests for free, if you go out !!!

Is that actually true?

Are bullet-proof vests actually sold anywhere in Bangkok, and how would one know whether they actually are bullt-proof or fake?

If you really want to know, Wikipedia has a good page on it.

Some issues: They are hot and bulky especially for street wear, and there's no such thing as bullet proof but rather bullet resistant. Also, you might still be hospitalized do to blunt force trauma breaking ribs etc., but a handgun bullet probably wouldn't penetrate and kill. You don't really want one for bar hopping.

This gives me a mental picture of a guy out for the evening wearing a bulletproof vest over his Song Kran/Hawaiian shirt. He's moving along like a walking tin can. Some bar girl walks up and tells him his abs are hot. NOT NOT NOT NOT

How about another scenario...... Hm. He's bar hopping and going from bar to bar entombed in his vest, red faced and about to drop from overheat and someone throws water on him out of kindness.

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Nevertheless if one keep smiling an behave politely one is in no danger at all in this country.

That is not factually correct, though it may reduce the danger. Completely innocent people do still die by other peoples' faults or malisciousness.

Edited by hyperdimension
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My Thai girlfriend bought me a small and easily hidden razor cutter, the kind kids have in their stationary bags to cut paper. No explanation but she DID think I should always carry it. I don't but I might start. Perhaps the Libyan didn't realize that Thailand is such a dangerous place and he should have been armed himself.

2 weeks ago I was in a new coffee shop in the new gas station and chatting with an old guy. His family was with him. He asked if I speak Thai and I said that I speak a little. Then, out of the blue, he said, "you know people around here don't like foreigners." His daughter/granddaughter understood and turned bright red. My response was quite Asian, I nodded and said, "I see," and then excused myself and left.

I run into it allot also. I do not drink, and have never been in a bar here in Thailand. And have lived here for a few years. I love photography and travel extensively all over Thailand. It is amazing how many Thais really dislike foreigners. Many times when shooting with other Thais I am confronted or treated with disrespect. I personally am tired of it. I look at it as a no win for me. Better to leave than fight IMO.

There is good reason for that. History teaches that two of the most undesirable things have come in the wake of farang: Imperialism and Ethnocentrism. Any guess why Thailand did not succumb?

Because they gave the British a chunk of the south to remain independent.

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here we go again...... banal comments regarding religion. Just because somebody is born in a 'muslim country' does not necessarily mean they are a practicing muslim..... shall we take the conversation further and talk about all the Christian hypocrites. the same Christian soldiers that dropped nuclear bombs and napalm........religion was hijacked by the politicians a long time ago...

That is very correct.

There are a number of Soi's in both Bangkok where literally 1000's of Muslim men frequent. These men look Muslim and are obviously from a country that strictly enforces Islam but sure as hell they are not acting to what I assumed was general Muslim 'we are so pure behaviour'.

Ill fix the drinks up tonight Mohammed it's your turn to pay the barfines.

The first time I came to Bangkok I stayed in a muslim hotel because we booked it through the net and weren't saavy to whatever the queues were. Let's just say there was nothing missing in Thai hospitality including the bar girls in the lobby.

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We all know how this went down so let's stop the BS please :

Spicy,Boss and Bossy are all owned by high-ranking Policemen.There's a table of off-duty Police in there and an Arab drunk guy,Arab drunk guy's probably been groping girls all night and been turned down by more than a few!

He's probably looking for trouble anyway,doesn't want to pay his bill or maybe he's told,very politely,to stop giving the girls a hard time.He flies into a rage because he's a tough guy Arab who can't handle his drink and comes out swinging,maybe picks up a bottle or glass and threatens the off-duty Police Officer.

Police Officer not wanting to get hurt,draws his gun and shoots a few rapid-fire shots,unfortunately there is some collateral damage to some innocent bystanders but the job is done and the Arab is down.

Self-defense,end of story,move along please nothing more to see here!

You should be a fiction writer.

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The longer I live here the more I appreciate that most farang men aren't like by some of the Thai men. A simple observation might be this. Some of the Thai ladies will find there way out of poverty by being able to partner up with a foreign man. Also not trying to be insulting, some of the Thai men also may escape poverty if they can find a farang lady or if they are gay/ladyboy for the very same reason. As a whole though male Thai's will have no opportunity to escape their hardship by means of a partner but only from hard work with limited opportunities in life. Common sense tells you that this will create an underlying feeling towards farang men. Whilst we aren't rich in our own countries we are by far better off living here. Thailand is a dangerous place and some will not be able to control their frustration when a chance comes along to vent it. I pity the need for guns in an argument but when you can buy your way out of most problems here, its not surprising that there are a lot of guns about. Poor fella. No argument deserves a result in someone dying.

Being Arab has nothing to do with it. Living in Pattaya shows that some farang men sometimes bring their worst behavior and attitudes towards the Thai women when their in their company and full of alcohol.

Edited by aussieexpat1068
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And then we gave it back full of Muslims so Thailand sent a load of Issan folk down to disapate it.... stir and age the pot a good few years. Throw in some loonies.. and you get southern violence.... don't ask about Britain giving up Palestine and what is now Israel.

Sent from my i-mobile i-STYLE Q6

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