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American Teacher Charged With Bank Robbery In Bangkok Bank


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I'm sure the note was made to look like it wasn't him nor his writing. Duh.

BTW, bash the yanks if you come from a small socialist country on the brink of collapse & have gotten a lot of US aid over the course of the past few decades (or would otherwise be speaking German right now).

Here we go again............. another one who believes Hollywood's version of history. I don't bash my American friends or their country. But I don't limit my historical research to Hollywood either.

As for this teacher - who knows what drove him to rob a bank? But chances are his mind was not working straight when he wrote the note, hence the mixture of upper and lower case.

Interesting that he isn't allowed bail - "because violence was used". He said he had a knife and gun but didn't actually hurt anyone, other than scaring them. Now if he'd shot a few he'd presumably be allowed bail like the several cases involving Thai policemen or treated nicely like the two Aussie tattoo gunment.

The law here certainly works differently.

An armed robber wouldn't get bail in most countries, so I don't think Thailand is any different. I don't know what the penalties are for Armed Robbery in Thailand but this guy could be looking at a very long stretch in the Hilton.

long stretch is an euphemism whistling.gif

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It is strange how one person's actions represents either all Americans and/or all teachers through quick generalization.

My generalization from responses to this article:

ThaiVisa responders are typically anti-American and mostly Teachers by profession.

Curious about the disguise used if any? Sad to see anyone reach the point of desperation.

Atleast it was not a violent crime.

It is not a generalization but a factual and empirically substantiated observation. Americans are (like it or not) one of the most disliked people on this planet. Their current generation is led by a government who shamelessly pry into and impertinently interfere with the affairs of those beyond their borders, with little or no regard to the sovereign authority of those they share this planet with.

Simple: to keep your friends, know your limits and respect those limits.

All these Americanisms-- "high-fiving" and "backslapping" and pumping out obnoxious whoops and hoots-- these are much despised. Leave them on US soil. Gives one an ear infection.

So do you think you can define each and every American by the few you've met ... most likely outside of the USA? Don't know where you're from, but given the realities of every country and culture, I'm sure your people have plenty of obnoxious types also ... including you.

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I'm sure the note was made to look like it wasn't him nor his writing. Duh.

BTW, bash the yanks if you come from a small socialist country on the brink of collapse & have gotten a lot of US aid over the course of the past few decades (or would otherwise be speaking German right now).

You better get back to your history lessons !

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I guess he should have wrote "Pardon me young Miss, if it wouldn't be too much trouble might you see that my satchel is properly monied lest I am impelled to implement the use of my weapons."

Should 'have written' ...?

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"He is expected to be held in Prison until a trial date as this was a crime involving violence and he may be considered a flight risk"

Violence? Is a note considered violence?

Armed robbery is considered a violent crime.

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Speaks volumes for American english teachers.

And those posters on the other thread who said it wouldn't be a yank but an aussie, what say now?

I think you should look at your own English first!

And I am English not American.


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Speaks volumes for American english teachers.

How in your infinite wisdom does this speak "volumes" for American English teachers when the news story is based solely on one American teacher? Sounds as though you may have some unresolved bitterness to deal with.

Try: http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/anger-management/MH00102/NSECTIONGROUP=2

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I'm sure the note was made to look like it wasn't him nor his writing. Duh.

BTW, bash the yanks if you come from a small socialist country on the brink of collapse & have gotten a lot of US aid over the course of the past few decades (or would otherwise be speaking German right now).

You better get back to your history lessons !
Likewise to you, since you can't point out otherwise. Edited by gemini81
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So it's necessary to write proper English in order to rob a bank?

So rule #1 for robbing a bank:

You must show police and your victims you are not a stupid lout. If you are going to write a note for the teller, please make sure that all spelling and grammar are correct, and do not use mixed case lettering.

<deleted>? He's robbing a bank, not applying for a job!

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English teacher? Hrumph! Then the note should say, "I have A gun and A knife." English teacher, my sweet cheeks.

You're right, sweet cheeks. A real English teacher would use A power point presentation and then give the teller A worksheet.

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Lesson learnt.

If you are a foreigner and intend to rob a bank in Thailand learn Thai language first. Perfect cover-up.Semi-English ain't good enough. Just suitable to express oneself in a forum more or less, at best. rolleyes.gif

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Yesterday I posted the following message on Thaivisa:]

"Posted Yesterday, 22:30

I feel pretty certain he was from an English speaking country but trying to appear to be from a non-English speaking country. Someone pointed out already the correct use of the adverb "quietly." A non-English speaker or a less educated English speaker would be more likely to use the adjective, "quiet." The omission of the article "a" was obviously a ruse or an attempt at Thaienglish. A non-English speaker would more likely omit the word "the" which is less used by non-English speakers because they find the "th" difficult to pronounce and seldom use it, even in their writing. Every word is spelled correctly, the grammatical structure is flawless (except for the total omission of punctuation), and the writer had the facility with the alphabet indicative of a lifetime user.

Best guess, an educated North American from east of the Rockies, an eastern Canadian, or a southern Australian. Probably a former school teacher. I don't know much about bank robberies in other countries, but this style of robbery is definitely popular in the U.S.A."

The only response to my post was from someone who wrote, "You think too mutt."

From what I have read today, the only part of my best guess that has not been corroborated was the part that indicates what part of the United States the robber came from. I guessed from east of the Rockies because he used the word "bag." West of the Rockies he would more likely have used the word "sack."

I was amused at how many semi-literates on this forum accused him of being inept in his use of language. His spelling was all correct and, except for his omission of the article "a," his grammar was spot on. Misuse of uppercase is common in handwritten memos, even by the cognoscenti.

Incidentally, most Falang teachers are on hiatus right now, many on unpaid hiatus, and will not see income until the beginning of July.

Edited by tonypace02
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When will foreigners learn, you cannot steal from Thais and get away with it, only Thais are allowed to steal from Thais.

Thais are especially allowed to steal from foreigners, actually. Just try a ride on a tuk tuk and enter a museum... if you know what I mean... LOL

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1. American English teacher? Maybe he missed a few courses in university, D for grammar.

2. Did he have a "working visa"?

3. You shouldn't steel away jobs from locals!


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One man loses the plot and now it's bash all Yanks.


Isn't that what we've been doing to Indians, Africans, Iranians, etc?

There was another ( maybe more than one ) some years back. I still remember vividly the one that took place in Rangsit.

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When trying to communicate, it is important to write in a fashion that is understood. He seems to understand the level of English that would be understood. biggrin.png

Yeah, except that the unnecessary mixing of upper and lower case ('bAg') is liable to slow the poor staff down when they're trying to do their mental translations. He should have had the decency to write the message in Thai, provide a side-by-side translation, or else not write English in a 10-year-old's script. :-)

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I am struggling to comprehend that the person that wrote that note is here teaching kids English. Looks to be written by a 5 year old.

You should take the time to have a chat with some foreign English teachers in this country smile.png

You should read articles on the BBC World Service and then tell us if there are no mistakes in them.

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It is strange how one person's actions represents either all Americans and/or all teachers through quick generalization.

My generalization from responses to this article:

ThaiVisa responders are typically anti-American and mostly Teachers by profession.

Curious about the disguise used if any? Sad to see anyone reach the point of desperation.

Atleast it was not a violent crime.

It is not a generalization but a factual and empirically substantiated observation. Americans are (like it or not) one of the most disliked people on this planet. Their current generation is led by a government who shamelessly pry into and impertinently interfere with the affairs of those beyond their borders, with little or no regard to the sovereign authority of those they share this planet with.

Simple: to keep your friends, know your limits and respect those limits.

All these Americanisms-- "high-fiving" and "backslapping" and pumping out obnoxious whoops and hoots-- these are much despised. Leave them on US soil. Gives one an ear infection.

For a first post its called put the pedal to the metal cheesy.gif

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the vast majority of those that teach in Thailand who are predominately up country or in isolated areas knock on doors and get jobs by looking the part.

Someone's about 10 years out of date....
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The problem is that in some schools here you can actually teach without a police clearance check from your home country, especially if you arrived before those rules were in place. This means there is a nice assortment of this type of person legitimately teaching. Rapists, murderers, bank robbers etc...

... person legitimately teaching. Rapists, murderers, bank robbers etc...

Thanks for the warning I had not a faintest idea of this horrendous situation its frightening sick.gif

..........sorry wrong emoticon this one more appropriate cheesy.gif

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It is strange how one person's actions represents either all Americans and/or all teachers through quick generalization.

My generalization from responses to this article:

ThaiVisa responders are typically anti-American and mostly Teachers by profession.

Curious about the disguise used if any? Sad to see anyone reach the point of desperation.

Atleast it was not a violent crime.

It is not a generalization but a factual and empirically substantiated observation. Americans are (like it or not) one of the most disliked people on this planet. Their current generation is led by a government who shamelessly pry into and impertinently interfere with the affairs of those beyond their borders, with little or no regard to the sovereign authority of those they share this planet with.

Simple: to keep your friends, know your limits and respect those limits.

All these Americanisms-- "high-fiving" and "backslapping" and pumping out obnoxious whoops and hoots-- these are much despised. Leave them on US soil. Gives one an ear infection.

In light of your "factual and empirically substantiated observation", I'm sure all Americans will be eager to apologize to you, for their disgraceful behavior.

Now, gimme 5! biggrin.png

(and give us a great big smile for the drone's camera)

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Evert time ...every criome.

They will always get their man ...no problkem...when it is a foreigner. This American, the German, the car thief on Samui........

But when a Foreigner steals or cheats a Thai...it's som nom na.

Look at the rampant fraud, scams, and the land and house grabs all over Thailand.

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