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Us Rebalance To Asia-Pacific Gaining Steam: Defense Chief


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US Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel © poses with Japan's Defense Minister Itsunori Onodera (L) and South Korea's Defense Minister Kim Kwan-jin at the 12th International Institute for Strategic Studies Asia Security Summit in Singapore. (Photo: Reuters)

US Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel © poses with Japan’s Defense Minister Itsunori Onodera (L) and South Korea’s Defense Minister Kim Kwan-jin at the 12th International Institute for Strategic Studies Asia Security Summit in Singapore. (Photo: Reuters)

SINGAPORE — The US military will devote more air power, ground troops and high-tech weaponry to the Asia-Pacific region as it moves ahead with a strategic rebalance, the new US defense chief said on Saturday in a speech that accused China of cyber incursions.

In remarks laying out his vision for regional security, Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel assured allies and partners at the annual Shangri-La Security Dialogue in Singapore that the United States was fully able to continue its strategic pivot to the region despite budget constraints at home.

“It would be unwise and short-sighted to conclude … that our commitment to the rebalance cannot be sustained,” he said in prepared remarks, noting the United States represented 40 percent of global defense spending even under the “most extreme budget scenarios.”

Hagel sketched out some of the region’s thorniest security issues, including North Korea’s effort to develop nuclear weapons and missiles, competing territorial claims in the seas around China and disruptive activity in space and cyberspace.

While noting US concerns about cyber intrusions linked to the Chinese government and military, Hagel underscored his belief that resolving many regional security issues would require closer cooperation between Washington and Beijing.

“Building a positive and constructive relationship with China is … an essential part of America’s rebalance to Asia,” he said. “While the US and China will have our differences … the key is for those differences to be addressed on the basis of a continuous and respectful dialogue.”

On Friday, Hagel said cyber threats posed a “quiet, stealthy, insidious” danger to the United States and other nations, and called for “rules of the road” to guide behavior and avoid conflict on global computer networks.


In questions and answers after Hagel’s speech, Chinese Major General Yao Yunzhu, an expert on US-China defense relations, asked the Pentagon chief what the United States could do to reassure China it really wants a positive relationship when it is focusing so many military resources on the region.

“That’s really the whole point behind closer military-to-military relationships,” Hagel said. “We don’t want miscalculations and misunderstandings and misinterpretations. And the only way you do that is you talk to each other, you have to be direct with each other … And I think we’re on track with that.”

Hagel outlined numerous military contacts between the two countries over the past year and said the United States encouraged the responsible rise of China and other powers because they would have a vested stake in regional stability.

The speech to the Asian security summit was Hagel’s first as defense secretary. But as a US senator he was an early supporter of the event, led the US congressional delegation to the inaugural session and has addressed the group several times.

Hagel emphasized US efforts to deepen ties with allies and partners in the region through both bilateral and multilateral engagement. He announced he was inviting defense ministers from the ASEAN grouping of nations to a first-ever US-hosted meeting in Hawaii next year.

“Relationships, trust and confidence are what matter most … in the region,” Hagel said.

The US defense chief used the speech to underscore his long experience with Asia – from his military service in Vietnam, to business travels in China as a cell phone executive to later visits to the region as a US senator.

“What I took away from all these experiences was a firm belief that the arc of the 21st century would be shaped by events here in Asia,” Hagel said, adding that was clear the United States would need to rebalance its resources toward the region once it ended its wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Hagel’s predecessor, Leon Panetta, told the Shangri-La gathering last year that the United States would commit 60 percent of its naval forces to the Asia-Pacific by 2020, a shift of about eight ships from the current deployment.

Building on that, Hagel told the conference the US Air Force would commit 60 percent of its overseas-based aircraft and airmen to the region – about the same level as now – while US Army troops and Marines would resume their Asia-Pacific roles as they draw down following the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Hagel said in the future the Pentagon would “prioritize deployments” of its most advanced weapons systems to the Pacific, including the radar-evading F-22 Raptor jet fighter, the stealth F-35 Joint Strike Fighter and the Virginia-class fast attack submarine.

He indicated the region could soon see other advanced systems as well, noting the Navy planned to deploy a directed energy laser weapon on the USS Ponce next year and last month successfully launched an experimental jet drone from an aircraft carrier for the first time.

“Combined with new concepts, doctrine and plans that integrate these new technologies and other game-changing capabilities, we will ensure freedom of action throughout the region well into the future,” Hagel said.

Source: Irrawaddy.org
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No doubt I'll need to edit this because of the huge spacing between links that always occur whenever I present two or more links. So give me a moment to edit, then I'll post a neater arrangement.

In the meantime, the below is a piece of work to assemble and a good challenge to read for anyone who has the interest, either in total or in part.

There's balance as some commentators haven't any doubt of the U.S. Pivot to Asia, while another commentator expresses doubts the U.S. has the resources to actually make the pivot and to sustain it. It appears clear however that Prez Obama is serious about the pivot and is already well into the process of seeing it through. The pivot however is more an ongoing occurrence than a single grand event.

As is pointed out, the Pivot is more than a military one, although the U.S. definitely is expanding its military commitment to the area. Beijing's recent policy of being a horrendous neighbor has driven fence sitters to the U.S. to counter the CCP-PRC's outrageous claims to sovereignty over the entire South Chine Sea, down to Malaysia and Brunei; has included Beijing's unsuccessful confrontation against Japan over disputed islands, its recent incursion into northern India in another outrageous claim that India's northernmost province actually belongs to the CCP-PRC etc etc etc.

Beijing's heavy handed aggressions against all of its neighbors the past three years shows that the CCP is not Sun Tzu, that the CCP is instead a bunch of klutzes, the bid footed and clumsy bull in the China shop.

The U.S. has responded to approaches from several previously indifferent Asean countries for closer military ties, to include Malaysia, Indonesia, Brunei. The U.S. is reopening a closed naval base and a closed air base in the Philippines, has accepted the embrace of former foe Vietnam, and helped Japan stare down Beijing's claims to islands Beijing claims belong to it. The Anzac defense alliance of the U.S., Australia, New Zealand has been renewed and reinvigorated. And the U.S. continues to sell arms to Taiwan.

I especially like Japanese PM Shinzo Abe's advocacy of an Indo-Pacific "Democracy Diamond," which recognizes the Indo-Pacific Seas as one strategic whole. Abe's Democracy Diamond extends from Japan to Hawaii to Australia on to India, through SE Asia back to Japan. It's a brilliant strategic concept which is finding favor throughout the larger Indo-Pacific region.

The Pivot includes the new Trans Pacific Partnership, TPP, of trade, commerce, economics. The TPP is a serious endeavor initiated by Prez Obama which now includes Japan as well as selected Pacific Rim countries in East Asia, North and Central America respectively, and South America, to include Oceania.

In short, the Pivot to Asia is designed to establish "America's Pacific Century," and is predicated on an all out front of activity throughout the region. It recognizes the greater Indo-Pacific Ocean area as one strategic whole area of diverse countries which have a common and serious concern, i.e., the end of the Beijing created fable of its "peaceful rise." During the past three years, throughout East Asia and the Indo-Pacific Ocean region, the CCP-PRC has become the neighbor from hell.

Obama To Confront Chinese President On Hacking Of US Networks

Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/obama-confront-china-hacking-of-us-networks-2013-6#ixzz2VJSlAHbb

The American Pivot to Asia


The US is 'in the Pacific to stay'


Center for Strategic and International Studies

U.S. Pivot To Asia Leaves China Off Balance


The U.S. Marine Corps Surges to the Asia-Pacific


Time for Airpower Diplomacy in the Asia-Pacific


Prez Obama's visit to Thailand late last year (and to Burma) occurred after Thailand had denied the NASA request to use U--Tapao naval base for scientific weather studies. The NASA request was killed by the Democrat party opposition in the House, led by Abhisit, who said the project was a part of the U.S. strategy "to contain China." Consequently, Prez Obama looks favorably on the elected Peuh Thai government rather than to Abhisit as leader of Thailand.

After Obama's Visit: The US-Thailand Alliance and China


US puts more emphasis on Southeast Asia


Asia’s Democratic Security Diamond


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Secretary Of Defense Chuck Hagel Called Out China Over Internet Thievery

Read more: http://defensetech.org/2013/06/03/hagel-calls-out-china-on-cyber-attacks/?

China's new leader is using the military to consolidate his power. But has he unleashed forces beyond his control?


The reality of the 'China Fantasy'


China State Papers Warn U.S. Strategy Risks Rifts


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Indonesia Cheers Obama on Asia Tour



U.S. President Barack Obama paid a brief visit to Jakarta, Indonesia Wednesday. He visited one of the largest mosques in Southeast Asia, and said more needs to be done to repair the United States' relationship with the Muslim world. Wild cheers for U.S. President Barack Obama who said in Bahasa, to an audience of thousands at an Indonesian university, that it was good to be home
Obama returned to Jakarta, where he spent four years as a young boy, on the second stop of his four-country tour of Asia. He visited one of the largest mosques in Southeast Asia, and pointed to Indonesia, the world's most populous Muslim country, as an example for the world of religious tolerance."Even as this land of my youth has changed in so many ways, those things that I learned to love about Indonesia, that spirit of tolerance that's written into your constitution, symbolized in mosques and churches and temples standing alongside each other – that spirit that's embodied in your people, that lives on."
Obama said he returned as a friend, but also as president, seeking a deep partnership between the U.S. and Indonesia, adding there was "much work to be done to repair the United States' relationship with the Muslim world".
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China's rise to prominence is a myth. The WSJ reported that a year ago. Link Anyone watching can see it.

Thailand's role as the Hub of SE Asia is a myth. We've had so many threads and links I won't bother. Barely is there mention (but there is some) of the real estate bubble but it's huge and will take down the banks.

China and SE Asia are flashes in the pan with the exception of Indonesia and Burma.

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China's rise to prominence is a myth. The WSJ reported that a year ago. Link Anyone watching can see it.

Thailand's role as the Hub of SE Asia is a myth. We've had so many threads and links I won't bother. Barely is there mention (but there is some) of the real estate bubble but it's huge and will take down the banks.

China and SE Asia are flashes in the pan with the exception of Indonesia and Burma.

The real estate bubble in the CCP-PRC is going to be the Second Big Bang when it bursts.

Instead of focusing on economic growth via domestic consumption, the CCP has gone almost entirely into real estate. Between corruption or mismanagement, the PRChina real estate bubble is enormous. Wild lending has occurred which will never be repaid. Wild speculation of housing developments and prices are pressuring the banks and the whole of the state owned and operated financial sector.

Additionally, underground banking has distorted the financial system to the point that it, and all regular bank lending combined, have created a national debt of almost 200% of GDP (and no one believes Beijing's data about GDP or anything else).

Check out Jim Chanos on the PRChina real estate bubble here:

Jim Chanos On China's 'Edifice Complex'


Jim Chanos was raising hell in 2004 about the U.S. subprime disaster that had been in the offing. He's right about the present state of the PRChina too.

The real estate speculation is so insane that the PRChina has well documented "ghost towns" which have been constructed but are empty, all so developers and corrupt CCP officials at the municipal and county level, not to mention the provincial level, can make quick bucks and to hell with everybody else.

This '60 Minutes' Video Of China's Ghost Cities Is More Surreal Than Anything We've Ever Seen

Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/60-minutes-chinas-ghost-cities-2013-3#ixzz2VNO8xumZ

Edited by Publicus
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No doubt I'll need to edit this because of the huge spacing between links that always occur whenever I present two or more links. So give me a moment to edit, then I'll post a neater arrangement.

In the meantime, the below is a piece of work to assemble and a good challenge to read for anyone who has the interest, either in total or in part.

There's balance as some commentators haven't any doubt of the U.S. Pivot to Asia, while another commentator expresses doubts the U.S. has the resources to actually make the pivot and to sustain it. It appears clear however that Prez Obama is serious about the pivot and is already well into the process of seeing it through. The pivot however is more an ongoing occurrence than a single grand event.

As is pointed out, the Pivot is more than a military one, although the U.S. definitely is expanding its military commitment to the area. Beijing's recent policy of being a horrendous neighbor has driven fence sitters to the U.S. to counter the CCP-PRC's outrageous claims to sovereignty over the entire South Chine Sea, down to Malaysia and Brunei; has included Beijing's unsuccessful confrontation against Japan over disputed islands, its recent incursion into northern India in another outrageous claim that India's northernmost province actually belongs to the CCP-PRC etc etc etc.

Beijing's heavy handed aggressions against all of its neighbors the past three years shows that the CCP is not Sun Tzu, that the CCP is instead a bunch of klutzes, the bid footed and clumsy bull in the China shop.

The U.S. has responded to approaches from several previously indifferent Asean countries for closer military ties, to include Malaysia, Indonesia, Brunei. The U.S. is reopening a closed naval base and a closed air base in the Philippines, has accepted the embrace of former foe Vietnam, and helped Japan stare down Beijing's claims to islands Beijing claims belong to it. The Anzac defense alliance of the U.S., Australia, New Zealand has been renewed and reinvigorated. And the U.S. continues to sell arms to Taiwan.

I especially like Japanese PM Shinzo Abe's advocacy of an Indo-Pacific "Democracy Diamond," which recognizes the Indo-Pacific Seas as one strategic whole. Abe's Democracy Diamond extends from Japan to Hawaii to Australia on to India, through SE Asia back to Japan. It's a brilliant strategic concept which is finding favor throughout the larger Indo-Pacific region.

The Pivot includes the new Trans Pacific Partnership, TPP, of trade, commerce, economics. The TPP is a serious endeavor initiated by Prez Obama which now includes Japan as well as selected Pacific Rim countries in East Asia, North and Central America respectively, and South America, to include Oceania.

In short, the Pivot to Asia is designed to establish "America's Pacific Century," and is predicated on an all out front of activity throughout the region. It recognizes the greater Indo-Pacific Ocean area as one strategic whole area of diverse countries which have a common and serious concern, i.e., the end of the Beijing created fable of its "peaceful rise." During the past three years, throughout East Asia and the Indo-Pacific Ocean region, the CCP-PRC has become the neighbor from hell.

Obama To Confront Chinese President On Hacking Of US Networks

Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/obama-confront-china-hacking-of-us-networks-2013-6#ixzz2VJSlAHbb

The American Pivot to Asia


The US is 'in the Pacific to stay'


Center for Strategic and International Studies

U.S. Pivot To Asia Leaves China Off Balance


The U.S. Marine Corps Surges to the Asia-Pacific


Time for Airpower Diplomacy in the Asia-Pacific


Prez Obama's visit to Thailand late last year (and to Burma) occurred after Thailand had denied the NASA request to use U--Tapao naval base for scientific weather studies. The NASA request was killed by the Democrat party opposition in the House, led by Abhisit, who said the project was a part of the U.S. strategy "to contain China." Consequently, Prez Obama looks favorably on the elected Peuh Thai government rather than to Abhisit as leader of Thailand.

After Obama's Visit: The US-Thailand Alliance and China


US puts more emphasis on Southeast Asia


Asia’s Democratic Security Diamond


The article you posted:

After Obama's Visit: The US-Thailand Alliance and China


Gives a hint what's happening to Thai vs US and Japan relationships, and why Japan and the US bypassed Thailand's desire to put the deep water port within reach of Thailand.

JAPAN, not China is Thailand's largest trading partner, and JAPAN, not China is providing the manufacturing and jobs in Thailand. So is the US with cars and electronics.

Japan and the US don't trust Thailand as Thailand seems to prefer China, and has Iran's leader in Chiang Mai recently for a friendly conference. That's not going to cut it.

Thailand picks the loser again (think WWII) and will get badly hurt again. Japan and the US won't put up with Thailand's chit including its corruption.

China and Thailand have both peaked, and the West will cheerfully help them go down.

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Yes, Thailand is screwing the pooch again, as always. The Thais are a gang of inbred losers because they don't ever learn. Thais don't ever learn because they can't learn.

The PRChinese are fellow Asians and we are the fahlang, which is the way Thais think. The Chinese are smart, the Thais are smart, and we are the schmuks.

The lesson of the 1997 East Asia financial meltdown was that the fahlang did it, George Soros in particular. The Thai mind hasn't any reason to look within itself, to be introspective, to think about things. Instead the Thais just follow their genes, which is a mindless recipe for disaster.

The CCP-PRC is an ancient form of government, a dictatorship of authoritarian rule, punishing rule. Look at Thailand today with its ancient institutions and attitudes, their ever fragmenting ideas of society. As the Asean Community is gearing up to come online, Thais are still thinking Thailand only, except concerning the PRChina.

When the big changes come things will only get worse.

Thailand kaput.

Not our problem.

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China to Build Larger, Alternative Panama Canal

Beijing is setting up CCP cadre by assigning them to Panama and to other Latin America countries. The CCP cadre take their families, are provided with money to set up a small, unobtrusive business, enroll their children in the schools there, become a quiet but obvious part of the community. The CCP thinks sending PRChinese to live in Latin America, work there with their families etc is subtle, which of course it is anything but.

The U.S. national security agencies, to include the CIA, are well aware of these developments and have intelligence sources present and on the ground to record the CCP's increasing presence in Panama and Latin America and to assess the extent to which Beijing is gaining influence and power there. Prez Obama just sent VP Joe Biden on a tour visit of Latin America to meet with presidents and the governing and corporate elites to get a first hand assessment of the status of the U.S. vis a vis the CCP-PRC in and throughout Latin America, Panama especially and in particular. (See link below.)

The United States is currently widening the existing Panama Canal to accommodate the larger oil tankers and even cruise ships, to include the newest class of bigger (oversized) aircraft carriers, most of which are nearing completion of their construction.

The U.S. turned control of the canal over to Panama in 1979. However, the treaty of 1979 has a provision that allows the U.S. military or any law enforcement agency of the U.S. Government to take action if the United States itself determines this vital shipping lane is in danger or under any threat. Or if any kind of foreign military action occurs affecting the canal, to include South American nations or Central American governments too.

China's New Backyard Does Washington realize how deeply Beijing has planted a flag in Latin America?


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No doubt I'll need to edit this because of the huge spacing between links that always occur whenever I present two or more links. So give me a moment to edit, then I'll post a neater arrangement.

In the meantime, the below is a piece of work to assemble and a good challenge to read for anyone who has the interest, either in total or in part.

There's balance as some commentators haven't any doubt of the U.S. Pivot to Asia, while another commentator expresses doubts the U.S. has the resources to actually make the pivot and to sustain it. It appears clear however that Prez Obama is serious about the pivot and is already well into the process of seeing it through. The pivot however is more an ongoing occurrence than a single grand event.

As is pointed out, the Pivot is more than a military one, although the U.S. definitely is expanding its military commitment to the area. Beijing's recent policy of being a horrendous neighbor has driven fence sitters to the U.S. to counter the CCP-PRC's outrageous claims to sovereignty over the entire South Chine Sea, down to Malaysia and Brunei; has included Beijing's unsuccessful confrontation against Japan over disputed islands, its recent incursion into northern India in another outrageous claim that India's northernmost province actually belongs to the CCP-PRC etc etc etc.

Beijing's heavy handed aggressions against all of its neighbors the past three years shows that the CCP is not Sun Tzu, that the CCP is instead a bunch of klutzes, the bid footed and clumsy bull in the China shop.

The U.S. has responded to approaches from several previously indifferent Asean countries for closer military ties, to include Malaysia, Indonesia, Brunei. The U.S. is reopening a closed naval base and a closed air base in the Philippines, has accepted the embrace of former foe Vietnam, and helped Japan stare down Beijing's claims to islands Beijing claims belong to it. The Anzac defense alliance of the U.S., Australia, New Zealand has been renewed and reinvigorated. And the U.S. continues to sell arms to Taiwan.

I especially like Japanese PM Shinzo Abe's advocacy of an Indo-Pacific "Democracy Diamond," which recognizes the Indo-Pacific Seas as one strategic whole. Abe's Democracy Diamond extends from Japan to Hawaii to Australia on to India, through SE Asia back to Japan. It's a brilliant strategic concept which is finding favor throughout the larger Indo-Pacific region.

The Pivot includes the new Trans Pacific Partnership, TPP, of trade, commerce, economics. The TPP is a serious endeavor initiated by Prez Obama which now includes Japan as well as selected Pacific Rim countries in East Asia, North and Central America respectively, and South America, to include Oceania.

In short, the Pivot to Asia is designed to establish "America's Pacific Century," and is predicated on an all out front of activity throughout the region. It recognizes the greater Indo-Pacific Ocean area as one strategic whole area of diverse countries which have a common and serious concern, i.e., the end of the Beijing created fable of its "peaceful rise." During the past three years, throughout East Asia and the Indo-Pacific Ocean region, the CCP-PRC has become the neighbor from hell.

Obama To Confront Chinese President On Hacking Of US Networks

Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/obama-confront-china-hacking-of-us-networks-2013-6#ixzz2VJSlAHbb

The American Pivot to Asia


The US is 'in the Pacific to stay'


Center for Strategic and International Studies

U.S. Pivot To Asia Leaves China Off Balance


The U.S. Marine Corps Surges to the Asia-Pacific


Time for Airpower Diplomacy in the Asia-Pacific


Prez Obama's visit to Thailand late last year (and to Burma) occurred after Thailand had denied the NASA request to use U--Tapao naval base for scientific weather studies. The NASA request was killed by the Democrat party opposition in the House, led by Abhisit, who said the project was a part of the U.S. strategy "to contain China." Consequently, Prez Obama looks favorably on the elected Peuh Thai government rather than to Abhisit as leader of Thailand.

After Obama's Visit: The US-Thailand Alliance and China


US puts more emphasis on Southeast Asia


Asia’s Democratic Security Diamond


The article you posted:

After Obama's Visit: The US-Thailand Alliance and China


Gives a hint what's happening to Thai vs US and Japan relationships, and why Japan and the US bypassed Thailand's desire to put the deep water port within reach of Thailand.

JAPAN, not China is Thailand's largest trading partner, and JAPAN, not China is providing the manufacturing and jobs in Thailand. So is the US with cars and electronics.

Japan and the US don't trust Thailand as Thailand seems to prefer China, and has Iran's leader in Chiang Mai recently for a friendly conference. That's not going to cut it.

Thailand picks the loser again (think WWII) and will get badly hurt again. Japan and the US won't put up with Thailand's chit including its corruption.

China and Thailand have both peaked, and the West will cheerfully help them go down.

Yes, each Thailand and the CCP have to make fundamental changes to the entire system each has. The U.S. is in the process of doing this very thing, so at least we in the U.S. recognize it's time again to remake America.

Thailand doesn't know where it's going or why. The when of it is best stated as sometime soon, in the next several years or so, but even Thais can't be sure.

The CCP, at least enough of it, knows where it needs to go starting yesterday but is facing so many vested interests and profound corruption that necessary changes to its state corporate economy have yet to make even the slightest beginning. Yes, the new leadership is new, but the structural problems of the CCP's economy are long known and established. The CCP-PRC however will continue to go nowhere because of its historical and cultural belief in that ancient form of government, dictatorship.

The PRChinese sheeple want to believe the new leadership will and can reform its dinosaur political economy, but there is a lot of doubt and absence of confidence in the PRC about itself and at the individual level. And after the massacre June 4th 1989 at Tianamen Square, the PRChinese see that the old Mandate of Heaven has transmongrified into the Rule from Hell. (Not that the Mandate of Heaven, i.e., periodic bloody rebellions over thousands of years of authoritarian rule, has anything good or positive about it.)

Thais want to believe some magical solution will drop out of the sky to save them and their country. The last thing the Thais will do is to reconcile themselves. These days power and money rule, not heavenly principles. The Thais can't save each other from themselves. Absent a Nelson Mandella or an Aung San Suu Kyi, which Thailand can't ever produce, the Thais are consigned to their dead end divisive selves.

Edited by Publicus
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