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I have gone through every scenario, I don't think it will work,you have absolutely no control for your plants,PH,nutrients everything,but saying that in a stocked lake if you took a 4*4 sheet of polystyrene put holes at 6 in spacing s,put lettuce seedlings in the holes then floated it on the lake,(apart from the fish eating the roots) they would grow,maybe not world beating but they would grow. How though you could turn this into something profitable god knows,it is just the lack of control,6rai of water,what you have is what you have it's not that you can buffer the ph say to the level you want or need. It would be interesting to see the ammonium levels after feeding if there is any,or what nitrate levels you have available for plant food. In a commercial system with there feeding ratio any excess ammonia is taken up within the hour,in a lake ? If you want a boost of nitrate in small system for better growth you feed heavy,in six Rai ?

I would still try on a small scale to grow for the family,free food not to be scoffed at,you could take water from one of the ponds,filter for solids,then floating raft with lettuce maybe 50 heads,started in foam cubes,then placed in the polystyrene rafts,just see what happens. My family here can't get over what is being grown so quickly in my small system, we are the first in our local,I can't wait to get the expansion up and running,we will sell straight from the growbeds and towers,people can basically pick there own,much the same as the uk,our few local shops sell lank tired veg by the end of the day,ours will be still growing.

Ok i digress i think there is no way in MY opinion it can work as a profit making expansion,but I do feel you can get to produce veg for the family and learn a lot in the process,also being one of the first. If it was me I would love the challenge. If I can help I will, i thought it was tricky with 14,500 litres,6 Rai hahaha.

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Just another 2 questions for you Gurus ...

Do anyone here produce a saleable crop from the Vegetable/Plant side of the equation?

If it produced in any quantity ...

1/ What do you produce?

2/ Where do you sell it?

3/ What price do you achieve?


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Second question ...

When you are converting the convert nitrites (NO2-) to nitrates (NO3-) ... how do you do it.

I understand that you will have a chamber which you flush the water through and a medium (I presume) upon which the beneficial bacteria grows.

How do you introduce the bacteria into that part of the cycle? (The answer maybe as simple as we pour it from the bottle)

What is the bacteria that you use?

I'll stop annoying you guys now ... laugh.png


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Another question, how many of you use EM in your systems?

I ask because I use EM in my aquarium and despite running a grow-lux type strip light for 14 hours a day, I've never seen any algae in the tank. Not good if you're growing tilapia I suppose.


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Second question ...

When you are converting the convert nitrites (NO2-) to nitrates (NO3-) ... how do you do it.

I understand that you will have a chamber which you flush the water through and a medium (I presume) upon which the beneficial bacteria grows.

How do you introduce the bacteria into that part of the cycle? (The answer maybe as simple as we pour it from the bottle)

What is the bacteria that you use?

I'll stop annoying you guys now ... Posted Image


David,for you to inoculate the necessary,bacteria all you would need to do is use your pond water,everything you need is already available,nature does the next bit for you. In your fish tank until your bacteria are fighting fit you creep up on your stocking. This the way to get the strongest colony, Or in fish less cycling add ammonia,pee in it until you get a reading on your test kit,then stop nature takes over and does the rest. Your bacteria groups are nitrosomonas and nitrobacter these convert or oxidises ammonia to nitrite,both toxic for fish,onto nitrate,toxic but only in high levels. It is the nitrate that supplies the nitrogen for plant growth along with the other micro and macro nutrients.

Your chamber is a simple media bed,I use river gravel,but there are other media available,one of the better being crouched granite,this has a large surface area for nitrifying bacteria,so you need less to do the same job.

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Another question, how many of you use EM in your systems?

I ask because I use EM in my aquarium and despite running a grow-lux type strip light for 14 hours a day, I've never seen any algae in the tank. Not good if you're growing tilapia I suppose.


The Tilapia in a Aquaponics system don't care one way or another,but algae is detrimental to the running of the system,there are different types of algae,but they cause problems by clogging growbeds,causing PH swings and utilising the nutrients we require for plant growth,in Aquaponics we avoid it.

I have Koi in my system and I have got them to eat lettuce and cabbage,the left overs from the system,some of the Tilapia have cottoned on to this and fight along side the koi for these treats, it's just another way of recycling really,any damaged leaves or the left overs from a meal goes back in the system for the fish to eat,hopefully recycling some of the nutrients back into the system.

The fish in Aquaponics are fed quite heavily really as we need to maintain our nutrient levels, for those who do Hydoponics,your nutrient reading on your pens are ?, my pond heavily fed comes out 2.8.

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Just another 2 questions for you Gurus ...

Do anyone here produce a saleable crop from the Vegetable/Plant side of the equation?

If it produced in any quantity ...

1/ What do you produce?

2/ Where do you sell it?

3/ What price do you achieve?


Not as yet,but my inspiration and it's doable,is a Hydroponic floating raft system,set in 5 polytunnels absolutely going from strength to strength. Hydroponics you say,but the system they use,get rid of the nutrient sump tanks,swap these for tanks stocked with tilapia,maybe four tanks with different age groups of fish,this would ensure constant supply of fish and nutrients,and you have a very viable system.

The problem is down to the market,if there going from strength to strength that got that side already stitched up. Iam going to start small,grow so the family get for free,hopefully with a little marketing start selling something along the lines of pick your own,the few local shops sell some really limp and poor looking stuff,a minutes walk off the main road and they can pick still growing from the towers or beds. Maybe just a dream but,I love the planning thinking building and all of that,my first system has been feeding us well with basics,the expansion has started so lets see what happens.

One problem I have got is bug control, aphids,the garlic and pepper spray sorts them,but the caterpillars are proving tougher to eradicate safely for the fish.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello Dasboot,

Thank you for this thread as it has saved me from having to ask about sources of chelated iron, etc. I have a small coffee plantation at 1200m elevation on the Bolaven Plateau which I will gradually turn into a sustainable farm and maybe have a farmstay as well. After 10 or so years of studying about aquaponics, I've begun building. My system will go a bit beyond standard aquaponics, including fairy shrimp, algae, freshwater prawns-- the greater the biodiversity, the better. Anyway, stuck in Vientiane as I am at the moment, I spent a couple of weeks putting things together on digital paper. Although it is 7,730 words, you may be interested in an article (blog) I wrote and published on my website. I try to make my blogs informative and entertaining, but it's hard to make the nuts and bolts of aquaponics entertaining, so don't expect too many laughs. It is really just me thinking out loud, but the bit about Thai fairy shrimp, especially, might come in usefull if you are planning on doing freshwater prawns. I'd love to get feedback. It's titled "From Algae to Wabbits-- A Revised Aquaponic System Design," and it's here:


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I live in Chiangrai, but I thought there may be online shops here in Thailand

Hi,iam in Chaung Rai,Meachan to be exact,if I can help with anything give me a shout.

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I live in Chiangrai, but I thought there may be online shops here in Thailand

Hi,iam in Chaung Rai,Meachan to be exact,if I can help with anything give me a shout.

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I live in Chiangrai, but I thought there may be online shops here in Thailand

Hi,iam in Chaung Rai,Meachan to be exact,if I can help with anything give me a shout.

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Hello Dasboot,

Thank you for this thread as it has saved me from having to ask about sources of chelated iron, etc. I have a small coffee plantation at 1200m elevation on the Bolaven Plateau which I will gradually turn into a sustainable farm and maybe have a farmstay as well. After 10 or so years of studying about aquaponics, I've begun building. My system will go a bit beyond standard aquaponics, including fairy shrimp, algae, freshwater prawns-- the greater the biodiversity, the better. Anyway, stuck in Vientiane as I am at the moment, I spent a couple of weeks putting things together on digital paper. Although it is 7,730 words, you may be interested in an article (blog) I wrote and published on my website. I try to make my blogs informative and entertaining, but it's hard to make the nuts and bolts of aquaponics entertaining, so don't expect too many laughs. It is really just me thinking out loud, but the bit about Thai fairy shrimp, especially, might come in usefull if you are planning on doing freshwater prawns. I'd love to get feedback. It's titled "From Algae to Wabbits-- A Revised Aquaponic System Design," and it's here:


Many thanks for this,I have been missing in action for a bit,my four month old daughter first decided to try chicken Potts,then upgrade it to Pneumonia,so we have had a short stay in our local hospital,quite an experience,still thank god she's better now and continuing to improve.

I will sit and read through this with great interest,in the mean time if I can help with anything towards your project just give me a shout.

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  • 2 months later...

A few more pics,it's pouring down with rain again here so thought I would spend some time indoors. The system was moved six weeks ago give or take a day,so am pleased at its progress, the sponge as the next set of lettuce to go in,theses are green oak,my timing is out slightly as we have eaten a lot leaving empty holes in the tube,should get slicker the more we do.

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  • 2 weeks later...

i started an aquaponics system 1 week ago, an ibc 1000l tank, 2 300l growbeds filled with gravel the kind of gravel they use for concrete 3/4. started with 5 goldfish to get the system to start planning on introducing tap tim fish next week. i just trow in seeds and after 2 days alrdy i got sprouts.

Only problem i got now is that my water is becomming green, need to make a lid on top to keep the sunlight out :D

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i started an aquaponics system 1 week ago, an ibc 1000l tank, 2 300l growbeds filled with gravel the kind of gravel they use for concrete 3/4. started with 5 goldfish to get the system to start planning on introducing tap tim fish next week. i just trow in seeds and after 2 days alrdy i got sprouts.

Only problem i got now is that my water is becomming green, need to make a lid on top to keep the sunlight out biggrin.png

Did you mean 2 x 300L growbeds? If so it's not big enough for the bio -filter to work efficiently. You need at least to have double the water volume.

To reduce the heat cover the whole area with a shade net canopy.

BTW. The green water is not a problem for tab tim but the heat could be

To clarify the growbed size, you need at least 2000L of gravel for the bio-filter to work efficiently

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thanks grimley i got a airpump in it aswell cooling the water down, i thought for a home based aquaponics system the ratio water/plants should be 1/1 where a bit less is better, thats wy alot ppl got only half an ibc and 1 growbed, for more commercial purposes u can make it up to 3x the water content etc... but i gues in a 300l growbed the total surface area that is created by the gravel should be enough no. with high density planting.

The sun only hits it in the morning, the rest of the day its in the shade, il buy some black plastic netting to cover it all up, thanks for ur imput

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  • 1 month later...

Hi Dasboot,

Thanks for sharing so much of your information and experience. Ive got the aquaponics bug and and am eager to see some fruit!!

My PH is good to go, the filtration is always a challenge but it works, I use a 200 liter buried tank with 65(ish) talapia of varying size and maturity. On top of the fish tank is a grow bed (black concrete mixing bucket) and I use golfball sized lava rock media. In the middle of it all, I have a bell siphon which gives me about a 15 minute fill and drain cycle.

Generally speaking, the system processes work properly however I just dont get much growth. Its been more than a year, loads of time and energy put into it however with these results, Im nearly ready to give it all up. Do you have any thoughts or suggestions which might turn my system from a fancy fish tank into a productive AQ system?





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Hi Dasboot,

Thanks for sharing so much of your information and experience. Ive got the aquaponics bug and and am eager to see some fruit!!

My PH is good to go, the filtration is always a challenge but it works, I use a 200 liter buried tank with 65(ish) talapia of varying size and maturity. On top of the fish tank is a grow bed (black concrete mixing bucket) and I use golfball sized lava rock media. In the middle of it all, I have a bell siphon which gives me about a 15 minute fill and drain cycle.

Generally speaking, the system processes work properly however I just dont get much growth. Its been more than a year, loads of time and energy put into it however with these results, Im nearly ready to give it all up. Do you have any thoughts or suggestions which might turn my system from a fancy fish tank into a productive AQ system?




My guess is that the media is too large. I wouldn't use anything bigger than pea gravel. You should be able to sow seed directly into the bed. With smaller media I think you will get a better root growth with more nutrient absorption that promotes growth.


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Hi Dasboot,


Generally speaking, the system processes work properly however I just dont get much growth. Its been more than a year, loads of time and energy put into it however with these results, Im nearly ready to give it all up. Do you have any thoughts or suggestions which might turn my system from a fancy fish tank into a productive AQ system?


From a Fish perspective ... the set-up could wrong.

Tilapia usually occupy the upper part of the Pond and you have put in a vertical structure (a barrel).

What is the growth from the fish? In many external commercial operation from fry to marketable adult is about 9 months.

Have many died?

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Hi Dasboot,


Generally speaking, the system processes work properly however I just dont get much growth. Its been more than a year, loads of time and energy put into it however with these results, Im nearly ready to give it all up. Do you have any thoughts or suggestions which might turn my system from a fancy fish tank into a productive AQ system?


From a Fish perspective ... the set-up could wrong.

Tilapia usually occupy the upper part of the Pond and you have put in a vertical structure (a barrel).

What is the growth from the fish? In many external commercial operation from fry to marketable adult is about 9 months.

Have many died?

Hi David48,

My fish seem to be doing fine. I try to keep them under control with my BBQ, garden salad and some cold beer Lao.

I wish my grow bed were as productive as my fish!

Any ideas?


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Hi Dasboot,

Thanks for sharing so much of your information and experience. Ive got the aquaponics bug and and am eager to see some fruit!!

My PH is good to go, the filtration is always a challenge but it works, I use a 200 liter buried tank with 65(ish) talapia of varying size and maturity. On top of the fish tank is a grow bed (black concrete mixing bucket) and I use golfball sized lava rock media. In the middle of it all, I have a bell siphon which gives me about a 15 minute fill and drain cycle.

Generally speaking, the system processes work properly however I just dont get much growth. Its been more than a year, loads of time and energy put into it however with these results, Im nearly ready to give it all up. Do you have any thoughts or suggestions which might turn my system from a fancy fish tank into a productive AQ system?




My guess is that the media is too large. I wouldn't use anything bigger than pea gravel. You should be able to sow seed directly into the bed. With smaller media I think you will get a better root growth with more nutrient absorption that promotes growth.


Hi Dasboot,

Thanks for your reply. Im able to sew directly into my media and the root system seems to be significant. In the past I had entirely way too much fish poo build up, which was starving our my garden. I think my improved filter has solved that problem.

Any other ideas?

Thanks for the input.


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  • 1 month later...

Hello All,

I live in Nakhon Sawan and with a bit of luck will be starting a system up come April. I've been researching it for a year now and plan a CHIFT system with 2000litres of fish tank a 1000litre sump and 4000Litres of growbed.

I'll let you know how it all goes!

I'll use IBC's for this one, if all goes well then I plan something larger in the future.

Robert of Aquaponics Thailand has a massive spread out Phitsanalok way, I haven't been to visit him yet but intend to soon.

All the best!

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  • 4 weeks later...

HI Everyone,

Sorry i have not been back here for a while but hoping to catch up with everyone,how are things going with Aquaponics ? there seems to be a growing interest in Thailand that i hope i can help with.

Our system here goes from strength to strength and we are just in the process of upgrading again,heres hoping to catch up with more like minded people interested in the field of Aquaponics so we can keep this thread going to everyones benefit.

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