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Can any one help,iam looking for two items, Potassium Hydroxide and Chelated iron,the Potassium is to be used as. PH buffer plus nutrient and the Chelated Iron required as its missing in Aquaponic systems. Location is to the north of Chaing Rai. This is just my little Hobby,I had the koi pond already just added a few grow beds as well. Here's hoping someone can help.

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Hi Dasboot, you should be able to have them sent to you by "Wesco" in Bkk, now the type of Iron chelate will depend on the PH of the water , and because you are requesting Potassium Hydroxide suggest's you have a higher Ph than you want, so my advice is to use Iron EDDHA which is available at a broad Ph range and is stable from Ph 3 - Ph 11 it is more expensive than Iron EDTA.



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Hi Pakdee. Telephoned the gentleman and spent half a day with him,the man was a star,trouble was he teaches Hydroponics not Aquaponics and it was Hydroponics Thai style. When I asked about PH he just shock his head basically he had not or doesn't ever check,what he gets out of the ground is what he uses. Nutrients were home made and added part a 1 litre part b 1 litre to 200 litres,there were no checks done. His system was running well but some plants especially his few Tomatoes were showing signs of nutrient deficiency. The guy was a star though,nothing was a problem,running through everything, I learnt some very useful tricks from him.

Hi Scoop. The potassium hydroxide along with Calcium Hydoxide is to buffer a falling PH which is the natural process of denitrification,when I was running just the Koi I used Oyster shells,these would buffer a low ph,because of the plants involved now and iam hoping to expand,I need the potassium as a buffer and a essential nutrient for the system. Iron chelated is also now essential to source,I will make enquiries today with your suggested company. Many thanks Guys for your replies.

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Hi Dashboot, yes your are right, sorry I got a little confused, I have used Calcium Hydroxide because I am on tank water and is rather acidic Ph 5.5 and when the Hydroponic Nutrient Concentrate is mixed it drops to 4.9, but the problem is Calcium Hydroxide is not totally soluble, but that may not worry you. So Iron Chelate Fe EDTA will be fine for you and make sure you know what the percentage Fe it has, and just do a bit of checking on the Potassium Hydroxide , from memory it can be dangerous if it is not mixed in the proper way.



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Packdee, I will call them tomorrow,if they have it and can supply I owe you Beer or Dinner. many thanks.

Scoop..I hope to use a 50/50 mix of Potassium and Calcium Hydroxide to maintain my PH at 6.5 this is ideal for nutrient uptake,nitrifying bacteria and not denitrifying as I wrote before,and good for the fish,problem with EDTA at this ph is it isn't soluble so it has to be EDDHA,I emailed Wesco but as yet no reply,tomorrow will get the good lady to give them a call......Again many thanks to you both.

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Hi Dasboot, Fe EDTA is totally soluble at that Ph. I use it in my Hydroponic nutrient and have never seen it drop out of solution or have I ever seen a deficiency in any vegetable I grow, I would love to know who told you that, most hydroponic systems run at Ph 5.5 /Ph 6.5 and use Fe EDTA have a look at my last post on Tomato Cropping for some of my results using Fe EDTA, but it does not matter if you use Fe EDDHA it is just more expensive and normally has a lower percentage of Fe, what I use is Fe EDTA 13.2% and the Fe EDDHA is 6%.



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Hi Scoop,most Aquaponics systems run there PH way higher,more like 6.8 and up,when I read up on EDTA it did state that at ph above 6.3 it stopped being soluble,that doesn't mean I should imagine it stops completely,but at ph closer to 7 it's just not as good as EDDHA.

I didn't know that it was toxic to fish,many thanks for that,something else I need to research

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Hi Packdee,have you got anymore information on World chem in Chaing Rai,drawn a dead end so far with that number and as yet can't find them....

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Hi Dasboot, Potassium Hydroxide is used in Sa paper manufacturing processes.
There are many Sa paper manufacturers in Chaingrai.

The chemical supplier must be some where.

The best way visit a Sa paper maker that close to you.

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Hi Packdee,

Will start looking immediately,did find bags of Potassium Sulphate this afternoon,interestingly from Wesco in Bangkok,I have to Phone them at 10 tomorrow regard iron EDDHA , so I will enquire with them as well.

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Sorry off topic but I need a source of potassium that will be acceptable in organic cycles for my fertiliser. Any ideas?

Fertilizer formula 0-56-34 is monopotassium phosphase (MKP).

Cordyceps grower uses it to mix in grain substrate.

The local fertilizer supplier may help you to find it.

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Hi Scoop,sorry to disagree with you but further research shows that EDTA is not available to plants at PH above 6.5,several sources confirm the same,so with it's toxicity to fish as well,it has to be EDDHA for the Aquaponics.

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Hi M099 many thanks,confirms my understanding on EDTA and EDDHA,actually this guy has some very informative videos,well worth the time to watch,I love his vertical growing.

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Hi Packdee,

I am dying on my ass,I have found Potassium Hydroxide but only in large amounts,the smallest 300l barrel the largest a 25mtr container and to make things worse Wesco hasn't got Chelated Iron EDDHA or that there going to get any soon,talk last time of ships,not ordering and other things. Every other avenue has come up blank. Any last suggestions ?

I have Calcium Hydroxide,have found Potassim Sulphate,Potassium nitrate. The hydroxides calcium/ potassium I would use 50/50 to get my ph at the level I wanted,but with sulphat/nitrate how would I work out my dosage,easy with the other two through PH. Nitrate good for growth,not so favourable for friuting. As for sulphur excess not sure, or even if I would get an excess at the levels I need.

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Hi Pakdee,looks like there not in existence any more,phone numbers disconnected and the EMail address gets a failure message returned,web page is still there but my wife did a telephone number search I think with TOT and it came back with the same number. Thing is I have P/hydroxide but only in large amounts,one company in China was prepared to ship a 25 k bag for $300. Going to look now for the alternatives,Potassium Bicarbonate or Potassium Chloride,not so keen on the last one. I have tracked down,nitrate and sulphate the thing with aquaponics is with Potassium Nitrate I am adding more nitrate to a system that already produces it and with the sulphate,I could be looking at a excess of sulphur,plus it could lower the Ph,would it not make a weal sulphuric acid ??.

Anyway many thanks Packdee.

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Hi rice555, I almost owe you a beer,phoned Bangkok,they had it there but wouldn't post,the very nice lady then giving contact details for Chaing Mai. A phone call to them discovered they ddidnt have it in stock but she is phoning back on the 20th as to there order status,asked about EDDHA as well,again she will let us know on that date. Many thanks rice555

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Hi dasboot this is what i need EDDHA ...i just realized that i was using the wrong iron in my aquaponic system,and that might be the problem i have to get it going..been struggling a lot, so looking forward to here if you found the right iron..i am in CM

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Hi Wind horse good to hear from you. The company in Chaig Mai are phoning me back on the 20th,regarding potassium hydroxide and EDDHA,if they don't have it Wesco in Bangkok were expecting a delivery,I should have phoned them back,but when this came up I thought I would wait rice555 posted the pic of the company information so he is the man to thank.

Everything ok with your system ?

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