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4G True,how Is Speed In Test Areas?

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I read true allready starts 4g in test area like Bangkok and others

Package are more cheap 699 bath

Also existing 3 g customer can buy a 4g sim also usable with 3G signal outside lte area, with same promotion!

But how this promotion look like?

Is there any unlimited package avalible?

And how is speed?

3G you can forget in naklua Pattaya and some Bangkok area in beginning was good now the net is at limit signal on beach road ok but other area so slow that you canot watch a video same maybe happen on 4 g also!

Last question read about a discount of 3 g of 15 procent the regulator announces !

Does this affect only new customers or also existing ones?

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TrueMove H have 4G specific web pages...


Coverage: http://truemoveh.truecorp.co.th/coverage4g

Data packages: http://truemoveh.truecorp.co.th/4g/packages/inet/entry/1246

I am not sure how existing customers can transition to 4G. You may have to port in to Real Future, the new TrueMove H subsidiary offering 3G and 4G services on 2100 MHz.

I don't see any unlimited packages - 5 GB is the largest package I can see.

I think the NBTC-mandated 15% price reduction applies to customers who port in to the new 2100 MHz subsidiaries: Real Future, AWN and Tri-NET, and some published details seem to incorporate this discount.

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