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Abhisit Takes On Govt Over Rice Losses

Lite Beer

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The fallout of this vote buying scheme , is not only have they the PTP lost a considerable amount of money in the process ,they have lost their world markets , that in itself is a disaster, there is no proof that regular buyers will return in the short term , after Thailand tried to inflate the price to cover all their costs, import / exporters have long memories , so one must mention in closing , well done PTP for ruining the rice export industry of Thailand.bah.gif

Importers/exporters will buy the best value for money rice- whether that be from Thailand or anywhere else, they could not give a monkeys chaf about rice pledging/ internal politics etc etc etc 'well done PTP for ruining the rice export industry of Thailand.' hyperbole much!

The pledging scheme is a mess, which needs to be resolved one way or another, but dont start implying its ruined the Thai rice export industry long term!

What makes you think it hasn't? The Thai brand is now associated with high prices, quality issues and government mismanagement. Whilst other more competitive good quality rice is available, why would buyers come back to Thailand?

Recovering from this fiasco is going to take some doing.

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