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Odd Thai Behaviour Or Is It Me


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My wife always washes new cloths before they are used. As we have a large family we keep the water full and hot in the morning and evening to make coffee, tea and noodles among other things.

I see nothing odd in the behavior you mentioned in your post..

Cultural shock, I think not! there are many other things that can be viewed as cultural shock!


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;you mean ;u DONT wash your new clothes? thats disgusting...

and we dont have 'other' knives apart from serrated cutting knives, only big kitchen knives and here, you never never hand someone a knife , u put it down and let them take it other wise it breaks up friendships (levantine bad luck)

as for sleeping in a cold airconditioned room, some people just like the feel of heavy blankets on them at ngiht, its security , not thai.

and of course u fill up the kettle most of the way, cause noone ever makes just one cup of anything, there is always someone else, and besides, who wants to drink all the calcium deposits at the bottom, and i know this is nuts, but nescafe doesnt taste the same when nuked.

besides there are a million threads about 'thai ways' of doing things try searching.

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