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Arrest warrant to be issued for American man who attacked, paralyzed maid in Bangkok


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Great headline guys whatever happened to innocent until proven guilty.

Please remember where you are, or at least the source of the news.

SUSPECTED, is, I assume, the missing word?

The headline is 100% accurate. It is a warrant for his arrest because there is sufficient evidence, not a statement that he is quilty. English is a tricky langauge.
The headline is not accurate. Go back to school <deleted>.
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A lot of lawyers and doctors in this thread; or just a few who missed their calling and are pissed off with the world.w00t.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

Be more specific; otherwise...

One jealous person in this thread, who missed his or her calling and feels threatened by legitimate questions and opinions.

I have spent the last three weeks visiting the spinal ward. Its makes you grateful.

I don't understand your comment as legitimate questions or opinions should be decided in a court of law in a matter like this.

Some of the comments seen in this thread do not have merit or substance. If my comment makes you feel insecure, then I am sorry for your frail feelings.

At the end of the day one person walks out of the room and another is in hospital with horrific injuries. No one deserves treatment like this.

I have tried to make my comments as simple as I can so you can now understand.

Why not dispense with and come from behind the "Mother Theresa" persona before you throw fiery darts at someone? I give a hoot where you have been and how it makes you feel.

What people deserve, I have found, usually comes from being in the wrong place at the wrong time, and more than likely not paying attention to things when they find themselves there, and moreover, not knowing when to walk away: ...and that is what people deserve when they get there and behave this way.

Read my other post. The probability of that injured woman being in the room over night (unable to breathe) whilst the man slept there next to her dead body, and subsequently checked out the next day (after having his room checked by personnel for damages and used items and failing to notice the dead body on the bed), is highly unlikely. This strongly suggests that she left under her own power (limping and very very purple in the face) without making it a priority to notify anyone, and without being filmed on the hotel CCTV, or her odd behavior or appearance being observed by any one of the many Thais always within eye-shot of anyone else (and usually over-anxious to implicate a foreigner in a crime so they can mug for a camera); whereas "anyone" could have found that man in his hotel room the night before he checked out up until the time that he departed and detained him were there any credibility to what a Thai said (and so many failed to say nor even present themselves at the opportunity) and all this at what you are naive, feeble minded and gullible enough to believe.

Regarding your last sentence; I think you need to read your second sentence and suck on your own advice, hypocrite!

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If this dude injured this woman to the point where she was not breathing, where were the cops? Watching the muay Thai?

If this dude injured this woman to the point where she was not breathing, where were the cops? Watching the muay Thai?

The cops were most likely somewhere else besides where the maid was injured. What's wrong with that?

What's wrong with what?

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Not surprisingly, I just noticed there's a news item on this case in the Pattaya Daily News, which tells a markedly different account that the OP one related above.

In the PDN version, the woman is a waitress at a restaurant in the hotel who, after meeting and chatting with the hotel guest in the restaurant, later agrees to go to his room along with two of her friends.

There's also comment in the article about how her family was angry that the hotel/restaurant didn't or didn't want to report the incident to the police for fear of harming their reputation (and this article likewise still doesn't name the hotel where this occurred). Perhaps an advertiser in the various publications???

And also that the police didn't followup on a complaint the family had filed, leading them to turn to the Paweena Foundation for help.

The article is here:


So you think there is credibility in what you read on the Pattaya Daily News site? They ALWAYS have a different version of every event. Maybe their reporters are all frustratated mystery fiction writers?

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Great headline guys whatever happened to innocent until proven guilty.

Please remember where you are, or at least the source of the news.

SUSPECTED, is, I assume, the missing word?

The headline is 100% accurate. It is a warrant for his arrest because there is sufficient evidence, not a statement that he is guilty. English is a tricky language.
The headline is not accurate. Go back to school <deleted>.

Borisloosebrain, refer to my previous comment. I am sure my understanding of the English laungauge is at least equal and probably better than yours.

"Go back to school", no thanks, I have already spent many years in school. Probably far more than you.

Borisloosebrain, you have an interesting forum name. Is it meant to imply something?

Edited by aguy30
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Great headline guys whatever happened to innocent until proven guilty.

Please remember where you are, or at least the source of the news.

SUSPECTED, is, I assume, the missing word?

The headline is 100% accurate. It is a warrant for his arrest because there is sufficient evidence, not a statement that he is quilty. English is a tricky langauge.

It sure seems that way wink.png

Not accurate. No circumstantial evidence. No crime scene. It has been compromised. That means all evidence must be thrown out. No third party witnesses according to the dubious reporting.

What evidence? How do you get from the woman waking up that morning (whole and healthy) and going to sleep later that night paralyzed? How do you place the man and this woman in the room and the injury taking place? Where is the trail of evidence leading up to the injury?

It should state that he is wanted for questioning. The headline is libel. No other coverage can be found outside of TV except Coconuts and another blog. It is not even being covered in his hometown. Why is that? Is it because newspapers have enough sense to strongly suspect what myself and others believe; that this is a farce and incompetent stack of unsubstantiated accusations?

It's kind of like tag. Once yo get back to your home country, you will not be extradited until the laws of your country are satisfied with the evidence brought forth from the accusing country.

Now, do you mean to think the laws of Thailand and their half-baked excuse for evidence gathering, and the lack thereof, is going to pass the gauntlet of standards of US law? You've got another think coming.

Unless the police are withholding some absolute evidence (and they almost never do this with any foreigner) then this is a big joke, a big lie, pure incompetence on the police' part and a blight on everyone pointing a finger at this, heretofore, innocent man, who was allowed to leave the country without being detained for questioning.

Edited by cup-O-coffee
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Not too much chance of an extradition from the US, I guess and after Thailand extradited that Victor Bout fellow. He'll argue that he cannot get a fair trial here because of prejudicial press coverage.

And he looks like such a nice man too, it would be a such fun to see him defend himself in court here in Thailand for allegedly paralyzing a maid. But like elite Thais, farangs with money to stay in luxury hotels don't appear in court. And what's a maid's life worth anyway?

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Poor reporting today as there is no address of the guilty man, the reason he came to Thailand and who he was having sex with, where he stayed and so many more personal details that are important to this news report for this convict.

Oh no, my bad. Most of that is included and implied on the site. Thank goodness for that. Now everyone in his entire life, for the rest of his life, will know and be able to search of the crime he has definitely committed here.

I tried to follow the link for more information but it went to some crazy site that had no mention of this story.

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The headline is 100% accurate. It is a warrant for his arrest because there is sufficient evidence, not a statement that he is quilty. English is a tricky langauge.

It sure seems that way wink.png

Not accurate. No circumstantial evidence. No crime scene. It has been compromised. That means all evidence must be thrown out. No third party witnesses according to the dubious reporting.

What evidence? How do you get from the woman waking up that morning (whole and healthy) and going to sleep later that night paralyzed? How do you place the man and this woman in the room and the injury taking place? Where is the trail of evidence leading up to the injury?

It should state that he is wanted for questioning. The headline is libel. No other coverage can be found outside of TV except Coconuts and another blog. It is not even being covered in his hometown. Why is that? Is it because newspapers have enough sense to strongly suspect what myself and others believe; that this is a farce and incompetent stack of unsubstantiated accusations?

It's kind of like tag. Once yo get back to your home country, you will not be extradited until the laws of your country are satisfied with the evidence brought forth from the accusing country.

Now, do you mean to think the laws of Thailand and their half-baked excuse for evidence gathering, and the lack thereof, is going to pass the gauntlet of standards of US law? You've got another think coming.

Unless the police are withholding some absolute evidence (and they almost never do this with any foreigner) then this is a big joke, a big lie, pure incompetence on the police' part and a blight on everyone pointing a finger at this, heretofore, innocent man, who was allowed to leave the country without being detained for questioning.

So you have based your completely informed CSI analysis based on a report of the "factual" information posted from the Bangkok Post and the ThaiVisa forum?

Did you also happen to make any assumptions or use any psychic abilities?

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Not too much chance of an extradition from the US, I guess and after Thailand extradited that Victor Bout fellow. He'll argue that he cannot get a fair trial here because of prejudicial press coverage.

And he looks like such a nice man too, it would be a such fun to see him defend himself in court here in Thailand for allegedly paralyzing a maid. But like elite Thais, farangs with money to stay in luxury hotels don't appear in court. And what's a maid's life worth anyway?

You believe he is guilty. Why not say it and be done with your blather.

My Post...

So you have based your completely informed CSI analysis based on a report of the "factual" information posted from the Bangkok Post and the ThaiVisa forum?

Did you also happen to make any assumptions or use any psychic abilities?

I have based my opinion on inference. I am basing my opinion on known facts or evidence, and (regarding his guilt) the lack thereof for both.

I know the police are corrupt. This is supported by many articles on the same issue, whereas corruption is going on before it is found out. I believe it still exists, and more will be found out in the future.

I know Thais lie; blatantly, when they are in the hot seat, or when they have had their hat handed to them by another person.

I know Thais don't think their lies through, and calculate the factors that must contribute to their lies in order for those lies to create plausibility.

I know that I could witness something alongside another Thai and ask them what they saw. The description that would follow would make my head spin.

Hence, I am using inference. I believe that were you to do the same, then you would come up wanting as the odds are stacked heavily against you. You cannot fill in the gaps to place this man and woman together in that hotel room at the time her injury occurred. You cannot explain her miraculous disappearance from the face of the earth up until the time the man departed the Land of Smiles.

Edited by cup-O-coffee
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This attack happened on the 14th apparently after the American had been drinking with 2 female friends and he gets violent after drinking according to the Hotel Manager. ( I guess the manager knows him personally)

I would assume that this attack was in the morning hours as maids normally service apartments prior to lunch. The guy checks out the next day on the 15th so what has taken place between?

Was she left laying paralysed in pain on the floor until he checked out the next day?

Did he call for medical assistance?

Did her employer or family send out a search party and find her in his room?

If he did call for assistance or she was found prior to his checking out then I do not know why the police weren't contacted before he left. Surely she would have been asked by doctors/medical staff what had happened.

It's a bloody miracle... she evidently survived after being paralyzed and not breathing until being rescued the next day. One for the Guiness book it seems.

Yes its unheard of that conditions get worse, totally impossible.

The guy left without checking out and flew away after this either its a coincidence or he knew he was wrong and tried to escape.

My defence would be, she wasn't there when I checked out. I left an empty room.

Hard to counter, would need hard evidence to the contrary to extradite from the USA.

Do you think that if he did it, he should get away with it?

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Cup_of_coffee: This may help understand, although it is a more westernized definition: http://legal-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/Arrest+Warrant

arrest warrant (warrant of arrest) n. a judge's order to law enforcement officers to arrest and bring to jail a person charged with a crime. The warrant is issued upon a sworn declaration by the district attorney, a police officer or an alleged victim that the accused person committed a crime.

Did you see the word "accused"? I never said he was guilty of anything. I stated there was warrant because there was sufficient evidence. NEVER EVER said he was guilty. A good CSI should have picked up on that. Guess you missed that detail. I don't know what actually occurred at the crime scene, nor do you.

In summary, I would say your conclusions are based on what you think you know, speculation, inference and assumptions. I would be glad to see what real "facts" you have. Unfortunately in reality, you don't have access to anything factual. Just another ThaiVisa CSI "expert" who jumps to conclusions based on what you read here and lots of assumption, inference and speculation. I would NEVER be so foolish as to assume any one's guilt or innocence based on anything I read on this forum or from any Thai media source.

Just curious when "inference" became a basis for proving guilt or innocence?

Edited by aguy30
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Not too much chance of an extradition from the US, I guess and after Thailand extradited that Victor Bout fellow. He'll argue that he cannot get a fair trial here because of prejudicial press coverage.

And he looks like such a nice man too, it would be a such fun to see him defend himself in court here in Thailand for allegedly paralyzing a maid. But like elite Thais, farangs with money to stay in luxury hotels don't appear in court. And what's a maid's life worth anyway?

You believe he is guilty. Why not say it and be done with your blather.

My Post...

So you have based your completely informed CSI analysis based on a report of the "factual" information posted from the Bangkok Post and the ThaiVisa forum?

Did you also happen to make any assumptions or use any psychic abilities?

I have based my opinion on inference. I am basing my opinion on known facts or evidence, and (regarding his guilt) the lack thereof for both.

I know the police are corrupt. This is supported by many articles on the same issue, whereas corruption is going on before it is found out. I believe it still exists, and more will be found out in the future.

I know Thais lie; blatantly, when they are in the hot seat, or when they have had their hat handed to them by another person.

I know Thais don't think their lies through, and calculate the factors that must contribute to their lies in order for those lies to create plausibility.

I know that I could witness something alongside another Thai and ask them what they saw. The description that would follow would make my head spin.

Hence, I am using inference. I believe that were you to do the same, then you would come up wanting as the odds are stacked heavily against you. You cannot fill in the gaps to place this man and woman together in that hotel room at the time her injury occurred. You cannot explain her miraculous disappearance from the face of the earth up until the time the man departed the Land of Smiles.

Ugh! I know Thais lie therefore the guy is innocent? Non sequiteur. Forgive me vomiting while you spew this crap out. A woman, whoever she is is paralyzed. Someone should be answering questions. That someone fled the country. Guilt by association. I hope they get him, and IF he is proven guilty, then I hope he spends a long time in an unpleasant jail. Your avatar really says a lot about you, and none of it is pleasant.

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This may help understand, although it is a more westernized definition: http://legal-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/Arrest+Warrant

arrest warrant (warrant of arrest) n. a judge's order to law enforcement officers to arrest and bring to jail a person charged with a crime. The warrant is issued upon a sworn declaration by the district attorney, a police officer or an alleged victim that the accused person committed a crime.

Did you see the word "accused"? I never said he was guilty of anything. I stated there was warrant because there was sufficient evidence. NEVER EVER said he was guilty. A good CSI should have picked up on that. Guess you missed that detail. I don't know what actually occurred at the crime scene, nor do you.

In summary, I would say your conclusions are based on what you think you know, speculation and assumptions. I would be glad you see what real "facts" you have. Unfortunately in reality, you don't have access to anything factual. Just another ThaiVisa CSI "expert" who jumps to conclusions based on what you read here and lots of assumption and speculation.

I think that the whole debate about the headline is just diversionary to escape the inescapable question of why did the guy flee?. To many of the folk here, he's in the right simply because he's a white guy and they don't give a hoot about a paralyzed maid. No one this forum knows whether he is innocent or guilty, no on eon here knows what evidence the police have. Why do they pretend to know with such certainty?

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Ugh! I know Thais lie therefore the guy is innocent? Non sequiteur. Forgive me vomiting while you spew this crap out. A woman, whoever she is is paralyzed. Someone should be answering questions. That someone fled the country. Guilt by association. I hope they get him, and IF he is proven guilty, then I hope he spends a long time in an unpleasant jail. Your avatar really says a lot about you, and none of it is pleasant.

You cannot fill in the gaps to place this man and woman together in that hotel room at the time her injury occurred.

You cannot explain her miraculous disappearance from the face of the earth up until the time the man departed the Land of Smiles. To the other poster; how is it concluded that he fled? Perhaps his visa was ready to expire, yes? There is nothing to substantiate an inference, and therefore it is pure speculation. Inference supersedes speculation.

laurab74, you can't support your imagination with credence, but you are quite adept at digressing and resorting to ad hominem argumentum (without evidence and with weak inference). Beautiful, baby; just beautiful.

Edited by cup-O-coffee
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Ugh! I know Thais lie therefore the guy is innocent? Non sequiteur. Forgive me vomiting while you spew this crap out. A woman, whoever she is is paralyzed. Someone should be answering questions. That someone fled the country. Guilt by association. I hope they get him, and IF he is proven guilty, then I hope he spends a long time in an unpleasant jail. Your avatar really says a lot about you, and none of it is pleasant.

You cannot fill in the gaps to place this man and woman together in that hotel room at the time her injury occurred.

You cannot explain her miraculous disappearance from the face of the earth up until the time the man departed the Land of Smiles. To the other poster; how is it concluded that he fled? Perhaps his visa was ready to expire, yes? There is nothing to substantiate an inference, and therefore it is pure speculation. Inference supersedes speculation.

laurab74, you can't support your imagination with credence, but you are quite adept at digressing and resorting to ad hominem argumentum (without evidence and with weak inference). Beautiful, baby; just beautiful.

I can see the future: A new Television series on Fox Crime Channel.

CSI Bangkok staring the cast from ThaiVisa. Only a simple set is needed and a laboratory is not required. Just a bunch of guys sitting at their keyboards making up sh!t as they solve the crimes. Next crime please.

Edited by aguy30
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Why did he flee? Why didn't he check out of the hotel? Would be interesting to see the hotel's video.

Just curious which media report is accuarate. Anybody know for sure? Didn't think so.

BTW, what hotel was that?

I am not a court of law, but if I use speculation and assumption based on absolutely no "facts" that I/we have access to, could be, maybe he is guilty or not?

Edited by aguy30
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Why did he flee? Why didn't he check out of the hotel? Would be interesting to see the hotel's video.

Just curious which media report is accuarate. Anybody know for sure? Didn't think so.

BTW, what hotel was that?

I am not a court of law, but if I use speculation and assumption based on absolutely no "facts" that I/we have access to, could be, maybe he is guilty or not?

He checked out from the hotel and flew back to the US the next morning.
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Why did he flee? Why didn't he check out of the hotel? Would be interesting to see the hotel's video.

Just curious which media report is accuarate. Anybody know for sure? Didn't think so.

BTW, what hotel was that?

I am not a court of law, but if I use speculation and assumption based on absolutely no "facts" that I/we have access to, could be, maybe he is guilty or not?

He checked out from the hotel and flew back to the US the next morning.

Other reports said he just left the hotel without checking out. It is so difficult when I have to pick and choose what is true and which reports to base my assumptions of facts.

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Great headline guys whatever happened to innocent until proven guilty.

The headline didn't say he was guilty. The report said that he was only accused of assaulting the maid.

The headline said ' who attacked and paralyzed' Says he did it. Read it again and find the word accused in the headline. Edited by borisloosebrain
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Great headline guys whatever happened to innocent until proven guilty.

The headline didn't say he was guilty. The report said that he was only accused of assaulting the maid.

The headline said ' who attacked and paralyzed' Says he did it. Read it again and find the word accused in the headline.

<deleted> did they issued a warrant if there wasn't evidence and presumption of guilt? Come on Boris loosebrain, move on to something more important. Too many "anal" personalities here.

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Great headline guys whatever happened to innocent until proven guilty.

The headline didn't say he was guilty. The report said that he was only accused of assaulting the maid.

The headline said ' who attacked and paralyzed' Says he did it. Read it again and find the word accused in the headline.

<deleted> did they issued a warrant if there wasn't evidence and presumption of guilt? Come on Boris loosebrain, move on to something more important. Too many "anal" personalities here.

Well on the the one hand yeah, move on to something important. But honesty and accuracy in the press is very important given the power of the media. It might seem trivial however upon such trivia people's fates and futures are decided. After the initial reports in the media some people were calling for him to be strung up as if his guilt was a fait accompli And though it is pedantic and maybe anal it is however worth keeping the press to account. I've seen cases before where people have been crucified in the press and the court of public opinion only to cleared years later. . Shit what I initially said was that the headline was inaccurate and to anyone who can't actually see that we'll have to agree to disagree.

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well i just wish he would own up to his TV name and tell us all what happend, it would be fun to watch how the truth could be shot down on here....

if he has bashed her maybe he is physo as someone has posted, we have all seen the "t" shirt instant a##hole just add alachol

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Why did he flee? Why didn't he check out of the hotel? Would be interesting to see the hotel's video.

Just curious which media report is accuarate. Anybody know for sure? Didn't think so.

BTW, what hotel was that?

I am not a court of law, but if I use speculation and assumption based on absolutely no "facts" that I/we have access to, could be, maybe he is guilty or not?

He checked out from the hotel and flew back to the US the next morning.

Other reports said he just left the hotel without checking out. It is so difficult when I have to pick and choose what is true and which reports to base my assumptions of facts.

What other reports? I narrowed down the only source of this story to "manager online". It is only in the Thai language. Every other mention (three) on the entire Internet all quote this online Thai news source. That would suggest the marked errors in the English translation, as I have yet to read any Thai person's translation into English and be able to understand it. Additionally, there is no English translation available on the website, suggesting that this is a Thai exclusive information source, and I have found almost every Thai website to be riddled with errors and dead links, etc.

Now why would only one website (and a Thai website at that) in the entire world print this story and no where else can it be found?

Please correct me if I am wrong and there is another source to support the Thai version, and not quote it.

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A lot of lawyers and doctors in this thread; or just a few who missed their calling and are pissed off with the world.w00t.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

Be more specific; otherwise...

One jealous person in this thread, who missed his or her calling and feels threatened by legitimate questions and opinions.

I have spent the last three weeks visiting the spinal ward. Its makes you grateful.

I don't understand your comment as legitimate questions or opinions should be decided in a court of law in a matter like this.

Some of the comments seen in this thread do not have merit or substance. If my comment makes you feel insecure, then I am sorry for your frail feelings.

At the end of the day one person walks out of the room and another is in hospital with horrific injuries. No one deserves treatment like this.

I have tried to make my comments as simple as I can so you can now understand.

Why not dispense with and come from behind the "Mother Theresa" persona before you throw fiery darts at someone? I give a hoot where you have been and how it makes you feel.

What people deserve, I have found, usually comes from being in the wrong place at the wrong time, and more than likely not paying attention to things when they find themselves there, and moreover, not knowing when to walk away: ...and that is what people deserve when they get there and behave this way.

Read my other post. The probability of that injured woman being in the room over night (unable to breathe) whilst the man slept there next to her dead body, and subsequently checked out the next day (after having his room checked by personnel for damages and used items and failing to notice the dead body on the bed), is highly unlikely. This strongly suggests that she left under her own power (limping and very very purple in the face) without making it a priority to notify anyone, and without being filmed on the hotel CCTV, or her odd behavior or appearance being observed by any one of the many Thais always within eye-shot of anyone else (and usually over-anxious to implicate a foreigner in a crime so they can mug for a camera); whereas "anyone" could have found that man in his hotel room the night before he checked out up until the time that he departed and detained him were there any credibility to what a Thai said (and so many failed to say nor even present themselves at the opportunity) and all this at what you are naive, feeble minded and gullible enough to believe.

Regarding your last sentence; I think you need to read your second sentence and suck on your own advice, hypocrite!

What about blood clots? They can stop breathing.

I wouldn't read your other posts. What you say above is hear say. Do you know what that means in a court of law?

Maybe you are a racist, and don't like the Thai people. When you say many 'Thai's implicate a foreigner', you are making a slanderous comment which is insighting others to see Thais as being something that they are not. This is a form of racism.

All I am saying is that facts need to be presented before a court to determine what happens.

So in fact your posts are not relevant as you seem to want to parade your thoughts on the incident.

You don't have to be mother Theresa to visit a loved one in hospital. Again you stick your neck out without asking.

Having experienced a similar situation and how easy something like this can break a spine, its sad.

Now if there is evidence this yank is innocent, I have not yet read it. Just because you want me to believe your assumptions, all I can say is that I am not that gullible.

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