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Australian Senate vote to not recognise overseas gay marriages ...


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So now if you are legally married in one place, you might not be legally married in another place? This gets confusing. I assume that hetero couples don't have this problem?

Nope heteros dont have it and Asutralia has the Kangaroo and the Emu on the coast of arms. Do you know why?

BECAUSE Australia is supposed to be like those animals- unable to go backwards and always mnoving forwards.



Things were no better (for gays/gay marriage) under the previous administration.

.... and its actually no more "confusing" than the situation in the US where "if you are legally married in one place, you might not be legally married in another place" - if anything rather less so; gay couples in Oz already effectively have the same federal rights (pension, taxation, immigration, visas, benefits, inheritance, etc) as straight couples even if they aren't technically "married", so the difference is really only one of recognition/registration rather than one of any technical rights.

Edited by LeCharivari
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So now if you are legally married in one place, you might not be legally married in another place? This gets confusing. I assume that hetero couples don't have this problem?

Nope heteros dont have it and Asutralia has the Kangaroo and the Emu on the coast of arms. Do you know why?

BECAUSE Australia is supposed to be like those animals- unable to go backwards and always mnoving forwards.



Things were no better (for gays/gay marriage) under the previous administration.

.... and its actually no more "confusing" than the situation in the US where "if you are legally married in one place, you might not be legally married in another place" - if anything rather less so; gay couples in Oz already effectively have the same federal rights (pension, taxation, immigration, visas, benefits, inheritance, etc) as straight couples even if they aren't technically "married", so the difference is really only one of recognition/registration rather than one of any technical rights.

Sorry but that's rather a gross distortion. The MOST important legal aspects of legal marriage in the USA are available only at the federal (national) level. You're text suggests a same sex married couple who married in one state could move to another state and not be seen as married in the most important ways -- FEDERALLY. That is not the truth. Yes it is a crazy patchwork at the much less important STATE level but that very injustice is opening up legal cases to continue to push the issue forward in many states.

BTW -- I think this was supposed to be an AUSSIE topic, not yet another opening to disrespect the great progress made by American gay ACTIVISTS for MARRIAGE equality in the USA. More work to do but the end result, 50 state marriage equality, is inevitable.

Edited by Jingthing
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So back on Topic we head ...

Court ruling won't stop first gay marriage ...

SAME-SEX couples have a small window of opportunity to marry under ACT law, with the High Court due to rule on the validity of the legislation five days after it comes into effect.

After hearing a day of submissions, the court's full bench reserved its judgement until December 12.

The earliest possible date for ceremonies is Saturday, when Mr Hinton said he knows of at least 12 same-sex couples planning to marry in Canberra.

The Australian

There is a good clip on it here from the ABC

So, in a nutshell, the ACT passed a Law allowing same-sex marriage.

When a Territory or state Law conflicts with a higher Federal Law, the lower level law is set aside and the Federal Law remains.

The ACT argues that the laws don't conflict, and the Federal Government maintain that they do.

The Australian High Court is deliberating it's verdict ... and surprisingly did not place an 'Injunction Order' staying the ACT Law.

This leaves a small window of opportunity this week-end for the first legal same-sex marriages in Australia.

Should the Australian High Court determine next week that the ACT does indeed conflict, rather then sit beside the Federal Law ... the ACT Law will be overturned and the same-sex marriages conducted in the meantime will be dissolved.


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