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Sukhumvit dildos


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Lol, ok before we go too far off topic, lets make buying porn 16+ (kids are curious do they watch when younger anyway just like not allowed to buy alcohol but most still drink it at home) and army as well as action movies 18+

Btw sorry for my confusion. Unlike most countries, in holland porn is not 21+ but always 18+.

Anyhow, also kids will most likely watch action movies before 18+. 21+ is a bit too old lol smile.png

Just tried to say (in my opinion) porn-movies and action-movies age-restrictions should be swapped smile.png

Sorry but no intentions to go into politics, just expressing my thoughts and wondering out of curiosity what people think about the sukhumvit dildos smile.png

How old are you?

Dutch/Thai - your views on sex will be fr from normal.

I remember going to Holland when 16 and loving the sex shows and drugs. Do I want my 16 y/o daughters to do the same - of course not!

Sukhumvit road dildoes - that whole area is like a zoo with pathetic specimens in it, running it and visiting it. Go to Pattaya if you want that kind of thing.

Unfortunately, I've been forced to walk through there once with 2 young daughters. Do I like being with them in an area frequented by foreign sex-addicts, pedophiles and junkies and Thai criminals? Of course not.

i live on sukhumvit soi 11.

i take my daughter to school and back every day via the bts, what we see are workers going to and from work, food vendors and the occasional stall.

she has no interest in porn videos.

does she she anything worse than she would see in downtown Vancouver, new york or montreal, most certainly not.

does she see worse on youtube mtv etc, most certainly.

as a parent you are supposed to guide how they processes what they see, not wrap them in cotton wool, that in my opinion is a recipie for later disaster

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Dirty old men that lot of ya's.. What ya do is your own business, children don't need see porn and dildos being sold on the side of the road. Blaming religion is typical stereo typing.

My wife and I took my son to Amsterdam for his 16th birthday. Red light district, ladies for sale in the windows, Brown cafes on every street corner. The sex museum - and they have at least one dildo over 6 foot tall. Snow White and the 7 dwarves movie. He loved it.

I used to take him to the pub before he was 16 too.

All this to show him about life. Not that life hidden away in secret that makes them curious and want to experiment.

He has turned out to be more worldly wise and open minded than many of his friends. Does not smoke, take drugs nor went binge drinking like many of his friends did. Now happily married with 2 daughters.

No, not dirty old men. Sex, prostitution, drugs have been around for centuries. It is how we treat these problems and how we tend to hide them away that is the problem. IMHO.

A few dildos on view at the market? No problem.

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It's because of christian dogma ingrained at birth and reinforced until adulthood. Most westerners are taught that sex is bad and must be kept behind closed doors. To submit to you carnal desires is considered a sin. The church has a lot to answer for.

No, that's universal in all ideologies. The communists banned pornos and sex toys, the Muslims do, Thailand's Buddhists, and India's Hindus.

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There's a 30 minute sweet spot when that stretch of Sukhumvit is actually quite pleasant; somewhere between the dildo merchants packing up and the hookers settling down for supper.

Still have to avoid the sexy massage brochure guys, 10 Baht tuktuk tour guides, fake students doing the fake tourist survey, ladyboy pickpockets, strolling hookers, motorbikes on the footpath and the BMA cigarette butt police.

Other than that, the 30 minute sweet spot is tolerable...

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Just curious.....can you get some good prices on sex toys on the streets of BKK? or are they rip off tourist prices??

You forgot to mention, that ofcourse you were asking on behalf of a friend! rolleyes.gif

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Sukhumvit Dildos

Now there is an idea for a new TrademarkTM.

I can already see our new designer clothes and luxury perfume label re-branded.

I think we should go big on this one!

Edited by Morakot
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