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The corrosive vitriol in Thai politics


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The corrosive vitriol in our politics

Pravit Rojanaphruk

BANGKOK: -- One emerging aspect of Thai political polarisation since 2006, or even slightly earlier, is that many people no longer hesitate to spell out their different political opinions.

Gone are the desires to save face and maintain an ersatz sense of consensus.

That leaves a challenge, however: how to live with differing political opinions without hating those who think otherwise, wanting to shut them up, even wanting to harm them.

Three recent incidents well illustrate how serious the challenge can be for people on both sides of the political divide.

First, there is the killing of anti-Thaksin Shinawatra activist and stock-market investor Akeyuth Anchanbutr. Those who observed discussions on the Internet on the topic could not fail to notice the numerous sarcastic remarks and 'delight' taken by some of Akeyuth's opponents regarding his untimely and gruesome death.

Some red shirts not only felt Akeyuth deserved to die, they even posted harsh comments on his Facebook page. Others made fun of the fact Akeyuth had recruited his driver and alleged murderer on the Internet. Then there's the inhumane and unsympathetic jokes about inviting others to take 'a ride' to Phatthalung, where Akeyuth's naked body was discovered.

When one can take satisfaction at joking about the death of others who merely see politics in a different light, a bit of that person's humanity is probably gone.

The second case in point was the recent attack by Chiang Mai red shirts on anti-government and anti-Thaksin white-mask protesters in the North. Here's a blatant example of Chiang Mai reds' failure to respect the rights of those who think differently about the Yingluck administration and Thaksin. There is no justification whatsoever for these red shirts to approach white-mask protesters and instigate violence. Chiang Mai reds could have let the anti-government protesters have their say while peacefully holding a parallel pro-government rally at another venue.

When anti-government protesters retreated to another venue purportedly privately owned, red shirts harassed and attacked them and forced them; to disperse. While some white-mask protesters responded by using force, the blame is squarely on Chiang Mai reds, who started it all.

Last but not least is a call by some anti-government protesters to not buy any goods or services provided by pro-government red shirts. This mentality reminds me of the Jews who had to carry a tag identifying themselves as such in Nazi Germany. Political hatred must be deeply consuming people if wherever they go, they must first try to verify if a certain product or service belongs to red shirts or others holding differing political views.

The truth is, it's almost impossible for the production and service chain to 'purify' workers into belonging to only one political group.

Many companies employ staff from different walks of life who naturally hold various political opinions - and it would be disastrous to not just the Thai economy, but to Thailand, if we allowed such actions to "segregate" our society.

Such political intolerance must be roundly condemned, and the challenge is for reasonable people to cultivate political tolerance without hatred.

If we allow political hatred to consume us and reduce the humanity in us - and it appears to be happening - we will eventually turn Thailand into a fascist society, no matter which side prevails. Those who think differently and are not in power will have no place to stand in a dignified manner without fear.

Today you may boycott goods and services from those from the opposite camp. Tomorrow you may sever ties with friends and family members who think differently on politics. And the day after, you may surprisingly find yourself promoting hate speech and violence against your political opponent.

I hope this is not the way Thai society wants to go.

-- The Nation 2013-06-26

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There is no justification whatsoever for these red shirts to approach white-mask protesters and instigate violence. Chiang Mai reds could have let the anti-government protesters have their say while peacefully holding a parallel pro-government rally at another venue.

Intimidation is what they know best. My wife has stopped voting because of them, i haven't gone to the polls with her but she says they know how each person voted. She fears some sort of retaliation, given the reds record her fears may be justified.

That's truly frightening but hardly a complete shock especially in the very rural areas. I have been told that in the rural areas where I live there are the usual individual vote payments plus a large payment to village heads, supposedly for the village fund, if a 100% majority is returned. It works very well in places like Khon Kaen and Udon Thani where villages pride themselves on being totally red. If i was a Thai i'd never identify myself as a dissenting voice.

So much for a vote being between you and the ballot box.

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The author's comparison of one group of Thais boycotting another group's goods and services with Jews compelled to wear yellow Stars of David on the clothing is preposterous. The author would be better served to compare and educate Thais on Thai youth repeatedly wearing Nazi clothing and using swastikas as costumes and its hateful meaning of racial, religious and anti-Semitic discrimination.

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Many commentators on this article are either very young or have short memories. Shooting to kill, various other methods of taking out the oposition's candidate, malicious headlines and direct personal insults have beena feature of Thai poitics since long before the Phua Thai Party and the Thai Rak Thai Party existed. The fact is that Thai Politians participate in a wide range of insults and crimes in their efforts to impose their will.

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The author's comparison of one group of Thais boycotting another group's goods and services with Jews compelled to wear yellow Stars of David on the clothing is preposterous. The author would be better served to compare and educate Thais on Thai youth repeatedly wearing Nazi clothing and using swastikas as costumes and its hateful meaning of racial, religious and anti-Semitic discrimination.

The sawastika you think they are wearing is a hindu symbol related to fortune and luck ,and yes thais are uneducated in what happened to the jews but it seems your uneducated in hindu mythology .Even the word for hello here being sawasdi derives from such a word .So before sprouting of about jews get the facts straight.

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The author's comparison of one group of Thais boycotting another group's goods and services with Jews compelled to wear yellow Stars of David on the clothing is preposterous. The author would be better served to compare and educate Thais on Thai youth repeatedly wearing Nazi clothing and using swastikas as costumes and its hateful meaning of racial, religious and anti-Semitic discrimination.

Have a read about how the Nazi's started their anti-semitic program. Maybe then you'll see the basis of the comparison.

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