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another selfish bastard in the making. after all, all you are asking is the complication of what you are getting in rather than your potential victims isnt it? read it properly guys, it seems that he have no issues ripping people off if there is no implication.

have anyone ever seen how these poor retired blokes getting scammed the crap out of a boiler room?

and talk about people having master degree in bullshit rather than real intelligence, work ethic or common sense

Maybe you could read the post properly!!!.. I would be uncomfortable trying to get someone to unnecessarily switch gas supply. What my post is asking or infers is . I don't know how genuine this company is or not , I get suspicions with any telesales job . they are all just there to sell you something you could probably do without. My view is if you want something, you will find it yourself no one needs to push you on the phone... but society doesn't demonize 99% of the companies that do this. do they? , Most large organization all have a telesales teams... However reading it properly I was hoping you would understand that I ask; what if I unwittingly fly over and realize after,I am in this situation selling something illegal...... what are the consequences? can I walk away without trouble ? if the police raid will I be considered an accomplice or just an employee doing a job... Some of us do have quite high moral code. you think very low of everybody to assume anyone would be happy to rob an old lady of her savings that just wouldnt or couldnt happen its just not in me no matter what the rewards..... If my moral code wasn't so high in the 1st place I wouldn't have found myself in such a cash strapped position in the 1st place.... But you must be such a nice guy to judge people so fervently without knowing them we must have tea sometime.... urgg!

Two points. First of all, ANY telesales jobs advertised in this part of the world are almost certainly unethical and most of them are outright con-artist thievery of pensioners.

The legal ones, only less blatantly unethical, for example holiday timeshares operating for the big hotel brands hardly ever need to advertise because of the thousands of horny guys trying to stretch out their remaining time in paradise before they have to go home with their tail between their legs.

And you only stand a chance of making what you would call decent money with the outright scammer operations, the more legitimate ones you MIGHT get up to 100K THB in a good month, most people most months don't make much more than the English teachers.

Second point - some people think anyone involved in any commission sales are unethical, like some think about bankers or lawyers or politicians.

I think that might be generalizing but it is true that you implied by your posts that your concerns were practical ones more than with the morality of the situation.

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I've always been so successful at everything I've done in the past, I don't know why it so hard to get decent work in Thailand without a specialist degree..From what I've seen of the people working here most have a masters degree in bullshit,, rather than any real intelligence, work ethic or common sense.

Classic MO of a failed farang in Thailand. Blame/insult the Thais for your crappy lot in life. Take some responsibility for your life for a change. You are where you are because of decisions/actions YOU have made. No one else.

True, if a bit harsh.

Answered the OP question already in part with supply/demand issue the number of hungry applicants, people willing to work for peanuts which is why the monkeys get the jobs.

The other part is that this isn't a Thai thing - formal qualifications and being able to "BS" people land more jobs back home than real competence too. The competitive capitalist system means that the (up to 15%? of the population that are) true sociopaths are the ones that get ahead and become most "successful".

Go home and get a decent job - might not be huge money but more than you can make here regardless. Send money back to your family here and otherwise save save save and one day you can return.

Thailand is a great place to spend your money, very rarely a reasonable place to earn it.

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I've always been so successful at everything I've done in the past, I don't know why it so hard to get decent work in Thailand without a specialist degree..From what I've seen of the people working here most have a masters degree in bullshit,, rather than any real intelligence, work ethic or common sense.

Classic MO of a failed farang in Thailand. Blame/insult the Thais for your crappy lot in life. Take some responsibility for your life for a change. You are where you are because of decisions/actions YOU have made. No one else.

who rattled your cage .. ! so many that love to judge others without any facts... sad really..... Can you name one fact about me or my situation ?. anything at all other than what I've declared openly that I'm experiencing a cash flow problem? It could happen anywhere in the world, to anyone, at any time..... not everyone has mummies that will bail us out of trouble everytime you cry... and where do you see an insult anyway. . are you reading this right,? or are you one of these bullshiters i mentioned and you feel you have to defend yourself


This going off topic . but it is an observation i have made many times on Thai visa.

There does seem to be so many highly strung individuals or people that get wound up so easily.. and need to fire off insults..

I don't no about other posters but when I post, much of what said is just off cuff, maybe I'm a little frustrated because i have a question in my mind and no appropriate person to air it with; so without much thought just throw it out to Thai Visa . Its the same i real life often you just need to get something off your chest to be able to see the issues clearly... very rarely does the feed back from a post really help, but it feels good to air it anyway and say shit that isn't really serious.

.. but I surprises me how many people come back with insults and I'm better than you type comments... Everybody like a little bit of a wind up. If someone writes something stupid.. like that guy who was frustrated about the chang beer girls ,, dam I felt sorry for him, it was a stupid thing he'd done and it deserved a little piss take, but it was born from innocent naivety and lack of cultural understanding , and some guys on here really laid into him. its the same with almost all posts, somewhere one person misreads something and it looks like a war starts up slagging each of off.. whats up? why is everyone so stressed.. is it insecurity or to much yaba ???


Basically its stealing money from vulnerable people, pushing families over the edge and i am sure some to take their own lives. Your not going into it with a strong minded " i am going to do this" and you will not last 5 minutes. I hope all ex boiler room scum rot in hell, and yes you will never know on your way to work who is waiting behind the door for you every day ready to slap on the cuffs and whisk you away to paradise. Then they find another bunch of mugs, check out the movie boiler room for an insight if you have not already. Are you really ready to destroy so many lives just so you can stay here?


Put it this way, buddy; the fact that you appear to be seriously contemplating taking a job that will see you play a pivotal role in someone, somewhere being defrauded out of a significant part of his or her money sort of makes you a big target.

That you're only considering it because you're on the bones of your ass or perhaps headed that way is no justification whatsoever.

No one knows your situation but I guess you might be looked down upon as one THOSE people.

"What people?", you may ask.

The people who come here on a wing and a prayer with little or no safety net to speak of.

The people who acquire "responsibilities" that, after the tiniest of financial hiccups, can no longer be honored.

The people who are willing to reposition their moral goalposts in order to accommodate a new financial imperative that has largely come about as a result of their own ineptitude.

The people, who - even when faced with the stark economic realities of life without an income in SE Asia - still refuse to accept the undeniable truth.

That it's time to head home; the party's over.violin.gif

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another selfish bastard in the making. after all, all you are asking is the complication of what you are getting in rather than your potential victims isnt it? read it properly guys, it seems that he have no issues ripping people off if there is no implication.

have anyone ever seen how these poor retired blokes getting scammed the crap out of a boiler room?

and talk about people having master degree in bullshit rather than real intelligence, work ethic or common sense

Maybe you could read the post properly!!!.. I would be uncomfortable trying to get someone to unnecessarily switch gas supply. What my post is asking or infers is . I don't know how genuine this company is or not , I get suspicions with any telesales job . they are all just there to sell you something you could probably do without. My view is if you want something, you will find it yourself no one needs to push you on the phone... but society doesn't demonize 99% of the companies that do this. do they? , Most large organization all have a telesales teams... However reading it properly I was hoping you would understand that I ask; what if I unwittingly fly over and realize after,I am in this situation selling something illegal...... what are the consequences? can I walk away without trouble ? if the police raid will I be considered an accomplice or just an employee doing a job... Some of us do have quite high moral code. you think very low of everybody to assume anyone would be happy to rob an old lady of her savings that just wouldnt or couldnt happen its just not in me no matter what the rewards..... If my moral code wasn't so high in the 1st place I wouldn't have found myself in such a cash strapped position in the 1st place.... But you must be such a nice guy to judge people so fervently without knowing them we must have tea sometime.... urgg!

M<aybe you need to read through your OP again, you state clearly its selling investments, you prity well much know what its about reading your OP, what your main concern seems to be is what happens when you get caught. Depends who gets you local police and which outside police force has pressurized them into raiding the place but if your in the building you will go down.


another selfish bastard in the making. after all, all you are asking is the complication of what you are getting in rather than your potential victims isnt it? read it properly guys, it seems that he have no issues ripping people off if there is no implication.

have anyone ever seen how these poor retired blokes getting scammed the crap out of a boiler room?

and talk about people having master degree in bullshit rather than real intelligence, work ethic or common sense

Maybe you could read the post properly!!!.. I would be uncomfortable trying to get someone to unnecessarily switch gas supply. What my post is asking or infers is . I don't know how genuine this company is or not , I get suspicions with any telesales job . they are all just there to sell you something you could probably do without. My view is if you want something, you will find it yourself no one needs to push you on the phone... but society doesn't demonize 99% of the companies that do this. do they? , Most large organization all have a telesales teams... However reading it properly I was hoping you would understand that I ask; what if I unwittingly fly over and realize after,I am in this situation selling something illegal...... what are the consequences? can I walk away without trouble ? if the police raid will I be considered an accomplice or just an employee doing a job... Some of us do have quite high moral code. you think very low of everybody to assume anyone would be happy to rob an old lady of her savings that just wouldnt or couldnt happen its just not in me no matter what the rewards..... If my moral code wasn't so high in the 1st place I wouldn't have found myself in such a cash strapped position in the 1st place.... But you must be such a nice guy to judge people so fervently without knowing them we must have tea sometime.... urgg!

M<aybe you need to read through your OP again, you state clearly its selling investments, you prity well much know what its about reading your OP, what your main concern seems to be is what happens when you get caught. Depends who gets you local police and which outside police force has pressurized them into raiding the place but if your in the building you will go down.

I dont know why you cant understand the point. there are several shade of grey. I am not completely adverse to breaking the odd law if need be, but I do have my own set of moral values. I don't really know this world of selling investments; they told me it was all kinds from property to stocks. Its new territory for me .. I've been involved in real estate in my youth and much of that was in essence telesales.. Now as I mention so clearly, I think, I personally think all telesales is bullshit and i would rather steer clear of all of it.. But if the leads are qualified as they claim to be, maybe just maybe, it is a genuine offer and they are selling to people who are interested in investment opportunities, who are capable of deciding themselves if an investment will suit them.... Maybe these slightly dubious companies are able to offer bigger commissions because they can keep sales off shore . I don't know!!!! I dont know how these companies work.!!! and partly why I was interested to see if anyone had any real experience of working fro these out fits and could shed constructive comments. it stating the obvious to make a fuss about ripping off old ladies is wrong.

.If I really had to I would and have, put up with some shit jobs. But to stand there as say that just because I was considering a telesales job I would be happy to rip an old lady off . you are out of your mind... If you were in the army and your commander told you to run in that room and kill all the women and children in there, would you?.. some people might and say its my job, I was told to do it..... but I am sure there is an awful lot of other people who would say go to hell I'm not doing that... we guess which one I am!!!


another selfish bastard in the making. after all, all you are asking is the complication of what you are getting in rather than your potential victims isnt it? read it properly guys, it seems that he have no issues ripping people off if there is no implication.

have anyone ever seen how these poor retired blokes getting scammed the crap out of a boiler room?

and talk about people having master degree in bullshit rather than real intelligence, work ethic or common sense

Maybe you could read the post properly!!!.. I would be uncomfortable trying to get someone to unnecessarily switch gas supply. What my post is asking or infers is . I don't know how genuine this company is or not , I get suspicions with any telesales job . they are all just there to sell you something you could probably do without. My view is if you want something, you will find it yourself no one needs to push you on the phone... but society doesn't demonize 99% of the companies that do this. do they? , Most large organization all have a telesales teams... However reading it properly I was hoping you would understand that I ask; what if I unwittingly fly over and realize after,I am in this situation selling something illegal...... what are the consequences? can I walk away without trouble ? if the police raid will I be considered an accomplice or just an employee doing a job... Some of us do have quite high moral code. you think very low of everybody to assume anyone would be happy to rob an old lady of her savings that just wouldnt or couldnt happen its just not in me no matter what the rewards..... If my moral code wasn't so high in the 1st place I wouldn't have found myself in such a cash strapped position in the 1st place.... But you must be such a nice guy to judge people so fervently without knowing them we must have tea sometime.... urgg!

M<aybe you need to read through your OP again, you state clearly its selling investments, you prity well much know what its about reading your OP, what your main concern seems to be is what happens when you get caught. Depends who gets you local police and which outside police force has pressurized them into raiding the place but if your in the building you will go down.

In reply to this comment.. I think this is what the TV community should be about ,, its easy to loose touch with reality sometimes depending on your personal situation. I've been living in my own little world with my own set of problems and the world has moved on and changed. Sometimes YES.. the answer might be obvious, but at times you ask yourself am I just being paranoid. It is also probable that if I was presenting this statement in a court of law I might try ever so hard to phrase my questions more accurately. But on a community forum is it really necessary? most people got the general point. The question provoked a bunch of replies. Ok. I haven't really found out any specific answer, other than that most other people share my view that a telesales job selling investment packages is more than likely a very dubious thing ... so in that respect it has confirmed to me that perhaps I am not so paranoid and out of touch as i thought I might have been

. But was it really necessary to have to justify every statement over and over......


another selfish bastard in the making. after all, all you are asking is the complication of what you are getting in rather than your potential victims isnt it? read it properly guys, it seems that he have no issues ripping people off if there is no implication.

have anyone ever seen how these poor retired blokes getting scammed the crap out of a boiler room?

and talk about people having master degree in bullshit rather than real intelligence, work ethic or common sense

Maybe you could read the post properly!!!.. I would be uncomfortable trying to get someone to unnecessarily switch gas supply. What my post is asking or infers is . I don't know how genuine this company is or not , I get suspicions with any telesales job . they are all just there to sell you something you could probably do without. My view is if you want something, you will find it yourself no one needs to push you on the phone... but society doesn't demonize 99% of the companies that do this. do they? , Most large organization all have a telesales teams... However reading it properly I was hoping you would understand that I ask; what if I unwittingly fly over and realize after,I am in this situation selling something illegal...... what are the consequences? can I walk away without trouble ? if the police raid will I be considered an accomplice or just an employee doing a job... Some of us do have quite high moral code. you think very low of everybody to assume anyone would be happy to rob an old lady of her savings that just wouldnt or couldnt happen its just not in me no matter what the rewards..... If my moral code wasn't so high in the 1st place I wouldn't have found myself in such a cash strapped position in the 1st place.... But you must be such a nice guy to judge people so fervently without knowing them we must have tea sometime.... urgg!

M<aybe you need to read through your OP again, you state clearly its selling investments, you prity well much know what its about reading your OP, what your main concern seems to be is what happens when you get caught. Depends who gets you local police and which outside police force has pressurized them into raiding the place but if your in the building you will go down.

In reply to this comment.. I think this is what the TV community should be about ,, its easy to loose touch with reality sometimes depending on your personal situation. I've been living in my own little world with my own set of problems and the world has moved on and changed. Sometimes YES.. the answer might be obvious, but at times you ask yourself am I just being paranoid. It is also probable that if I was presenting this statement in a court of law I might try ever so hard to phrase my questions more accurately. But on a community forum is it really necessary? most people got the general point. The question provoked a bunch of replies. Ok. I haven't really found out any specific answer, other than that most other people share my view that a telesales job selling investment packages is more than likely a very dubious thing ... so in that respect it has confirmed to me that perhaps I am not so paranoid and out of touch as i thought I might have been

. But was it really necessary to have to justify every statement over and over......

Alright man I have stayed prety neutral on this and even tried to show you other avenues on where work can be obtained. Now you are trying to play dumb on what a Boiler room is. Why? In your first post you elude to the shadyness of it now you are trying to say but but but it looks legit. We know you are on hard times sure but really now you want to take someones life plan away? You are so desprate to stay here and can't go home so you are willing to wreck anothers life? Get a ticket fly back home work your ass off and try to get ahead by working for a living. Earn your money and you will feel like a man. Re read all your posts and don't come back with an ignorant answer on what they seem to mean. Go home and make your money Thailand will still be here when your done man. I am prety damn sure it's not going anywhere. And what ever you do don't go to a website with a ton of people who you have never met and have no idea what their back ground is and ask this type of question. How do you know one might not be a family member of someone who was duped into losting the family fortune or another might be interpol. Just a bit of reality for ya man, take it for what you think it's worth.

  • Like 1

I've always been so successful at everything I've done in the past, I don't know why it so hard to get decent work in Thailand without a specialist degree..From what I've seen of the people working here most have a masters degree in bullshit,, rather than any real intelligence, work ethic or common sense.

Classic MO of a failed farang in Thailand. Blame/insult the Thais for your crappy lot in life. Take some responsibility for your life for a change. You are where you are because of decisions/actions YOU have made. No one else.

who rattled your cage .. ! so many that love to judge others without any facts... sad really..... Can you name one fact about me or my situation ?. anything at all other than what I've declared openly that I'm experiencing a cash flow problem? It could happen anywhere in the world, to anyone, at any time..... not everyone has mummies that will bail us out of trouble everytime you cry... and where do you see an insult anyway. . are you reading this right,? or are you one of these bullshiters i mentioned and you feel you have to defend yourself

Reckon you should take a chill pill, step back and look at how you're speaking to people. There are indeed dolts on TV, but I don't see them in this thread, which is yours btw, so why not wind your head in a bit and heed the advice?
I was going to interject and offer up alternatives, but will hold back or now. Regards O&G, for instance, yes one needs experience to pull it out of the ground, but there are other services (which the Thais cannot do) that can be breached by mere mortals; one just needs to be in the right places and rub shoulders with the right people, without attitude.
  • Like 2

The platform guys I know all claim to make over 200K Aussie a year and that includes unskilled labor such as supply clerks.

Not a bad jig if you can get it.

This is in Aussie waters ? then yes why not....but with this pay comes big tax as well..the really "big" money these days is in Aussie, but so is the tax...but who wants to working in a place that could be taking 45%+ of your money off you..LOL


The platform guys I know all claim to make over 200K Aussie a year and that includes unskilled labor such as supply clerks.

Not a bad jig if you can get it.

This is in Aussie waters ? then yes why not....but with this pay comes big tax as well..the really "big" money these days is in Aussie, but so is the tax...but who wants to working in a place that could be taking 45%+ of your money off you..LOL


Not Aussie waters. I just gave the conversion figure.


Ok maybe playing dumb, but to emphasize a point...

I was hoping my op would generate a little debate but it seems I was lured into a topic about the mentality of people on the forum rather than. what I was perhaps hoping for.. the first few comments about go with your gut instinct were the most encouraging and positive statements. Judgments on my morality said more about the other people.. I am thinking there is not much room for humor or casual comments on this forum. I am out of step with everybody it seems or my writing style does not reflect my thoughts one or the other.. Any how it did take up quite alot of my time yesterday. And out of 40 odd comments it was hard to see a sensible debate or extrapolate any encouraging or positive feedback. some educated info about oil work but unless someone can advise how to get in without 3 years exp. or more I not sure that will apply to me...

back to the original post though..

I would like to advise others that might have applied to one of these jobs. That you should try and get the full company details. address of the accommodation you will stay and the office address. I tried and as yet I have not received a straight forward answer, which does now stress the fact that this was a very dubious company. and my gut was correct... If they had supplied me with those details I might have taken the gamble and seen for my self what was expected.. I still wouldn't have take money off an old lady or the lollipop from a child. either way....

let me get on with some constructive stuff now... over and out...


The platform guys I know all claim to make over 200K Aussie a year and that includes unskilled labor such as supply clerks.

Not a bad jig if you can get it.

This is in Aussie waters ? then yes why not....but with this pay comes big tax as well..the really "big" money these days is in Aussie, but so is the tax...but who wants to working in a place that could be taking 45%+ of your money off you..LOL

Auz was fun when the 181 day rule applied. Then they cut that number down and that ended what was one of the best places to make money.


Maybe go back home and get one of those horse shit degree's everybody has here. Then maybe you might be able to get a nice cushy officve job (legal with work permit) instead of having to look at work that may or may not be legal.

By the way how is it you are desperately short on cash yet living in Thailand. Why not get a job at a 7/11 or Tesco. Many are looking for people check out the job boards and you will find jobs all over the country.


The platform guys I know all claim to make over 200K Aussie a year and that includes unskilled labor such as supply clerks.

Not a bad jig if you can get it.

This is in Aussie waters ? then yes why not....but with this pay comes big tax as well..the really "big" money these days is in Aussie, but so is the tax...but who wants to working in a place that could be taking 45%+ of your money off you..LOL

Guys i know that go there simply adjust their day rate to cover the higher taxes.


Ok maybe playing dumb, but to emphasize a point...

I was hoping my op would generate a little debate but it seems I was lured into a topic about the mentality of people on the forum rather than. what I was perhaps hoping for.. the first few comments about go with your gut instinct were the most encouraging and positive statements. Judgments on my morality said more about the other people.. I am thinking there is not much room for humor or casual comments on this forum. I am out of step with everybody it seems or my writing style does not reflect my thoughts one or the other.. Any how it did take up quite alot of my time yesterday. And out of 40 odd comments it was hard to see a sensible debate or extrapolate any encouraging or positive feedback. some educated info about oil work but unless someone can advise how to get in without 3 years exp. or more I not sure that will apply to me...

back to the original post though..

I would like to advise others that might have applied to one of these jobs. That you should try and get the full company details. address of the accommodation you will stay and the office address. I tried and as yet I have not received a straight forward answer, which does now stress the fact that this was a very dubious company. and my gut was correct... If they had supplied me with those details I might have taken the gamble and seen for my self what was expected.. I still wouldn't have take money off an old lady or the lollipop from a child. either way....

let me get on with some constructive stuff now... over and out...

Mate look at it this way. Now your just taking the piss. Your thread title was BOLIER ROOM WORK. The defination of a boiler room goes directly agains the bolded. Remove your head and just call it a troll thread that failed. srs give this crap up.


In business, the term boiler room refers to an outbound call centre selling questionable investments by telephone. It typically refers to a room where salesmen work using unfair, dishonest sales tactics, sometimes selling penny stock, private placements or committing outright stock fraud. The term carries a negative connotation, and is often used to imply high-pressure sales tactics and, sometimes, poor working conditions.

The "night singer of shares" sold stock on the streets during the South Sea Bubble. Amsterdam, 1720.
Contents [hide]
Business structure[edit]

A boiler room usually has an undisclosed relationship with the company being promoted or undisclosed profit from the sale of the house stock they are promoting. The managers of the boiler room usually have close ties to the same owners of the company whose stock is being promoted. After the sales force of the boiler room sells their clients on the idea of the IPO, they are not allowed to sell the shares that the customer invested. This is because there is no real "market" for the shares, so any shares sold before buyers are attracted would create a large loss in the price of the stock, due to it being thinly traded with no public support. Once the insider investors are in place, a boiler room promotes (via telephone calls to brokerage clients or spam email) these thinly traded stocks where there is no actual market. The brokers of the boiler room actually "create" a market by attracting buyers, whose demand for the stock drives up the price; this gives the owners of the company enough volume to sell their shares at a profit, a form of pump and dump operation where the original investors profit at the expense of the investors taken in by the boiler room operation.

The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission paints the following picture:[1]

The brokers sat "cheek by jowl" in a room the size of a basketball court. All of their desks were lined up side by side in rows. The firm held mandatory sales meetings every morning at 8:30 a.m. at which time sales techniques were demonstrated and scripts for the firm's "house stock" . . . were distributed. Brokers were expected to follow the scripts and only give customers the information they contained.

Some traits of a boiler room include presenting only good news about the stock to be sold and discouraging outside research by customers or brokers working there.


The term is likely to have originated from the cheap, hastily arranged office space used by such firms, often just a few desks in the basement or utility room of an existing office building.

In the early 1970s (and possibly earlier), boiler room was a term used by political parties for a room with many telephones used to call prospective voters. The name came from all the telephone lines being pipelines going outside the room, similar to how a real boiler room has lots of pipes going outside the room.

Modern boiler rooms[edit]

Although many disappeared in the 90s following the burst of the "dot-com bubble", many boiler rooms still operate across the world. Advances in telecommunication technology mean that a company can viably operate in one country while calling prospective investors in another. The advantage of such an operation is that a company can operate without fear of prosecution from the investor's native legal system. For example, many boiler rooms contacting prospective investors in the UK will operate from Spanish cities such as Barcelona and Valencia.[2][3]

With the advent of the internet and the ability to easily create web sites without any regulatory involvement, as well as the ability to operate from other jurisdictions, boiler rooms have continued to operate into the 21st century. It is easy for scammers to set up a web site in one country, operate from another country and target victims in a third country, hiding their identity and making it difficult to trace them. Financial regulation varies significantly from country to country, and some countries deliberately promote low regulatory environments in order to attract financial business. This makes it easy for boiler rooms to use this to their advantage. Financial Regulatory Authorities in each country have significant difficulty enforcing rules on scammers in other countries. With low financial literacy by investors or victims (particularly in the increasingly complex ways that global financial markets operate), and without better coordination between financial regulators in different countries, boiler rooms continue to operate.


The platform guys I know all claim to make over 200K Aussie a year and that includes unskilled labor such as supply clerks.

Not a bad jig if you can get it.

This is in Aussie waters ? then yes why not....but with this pay comes big tax as well..the really "big" money these days is in Aussie, but so is the tax...but who wants to working in a place that could be taking 45%+ of your money off you..LOL

Guys i know that go there simply adjust their day rate to cover the higher taxes.

Of course thats one way of offsetting it....but not everyone goes there on day rate and it becomes a little more complicated trying to offset tax in terms of your package...


Basically its stealing money from vulnerable people, pushing families over the edge and i am sure some to take their own lives. Your not going into it with a strong minded " i am going to do this" and you will not last 5 minutes. I hope all ex boiler room scum rot in hell, and yes you will never know on your way to work who is waiting behind the door for you every day ready to slap on the cuffs and whisk you away to paradise. Then they find another bunch of mugs, check out the movie boiler room for an insight if you have not already. Are you really ready to destroy so many lives just so you can stay here?

i suspect the movie "boiler room" and the reality are quite disparate,

do you recommend private dancer as the definitive tome on thai women as well?


The platform guys I know all claim to make over 200K Aussie a year and that includes unskilled labor such as supply clerks.

Not a bad jig if you can get it.

This is in Aussie waters ? then yes why not....but with this pay comes big tax as well..the really "big" money these days is in Aussie, but so is the tax...but who wants to working in a place that could be taking 45%+ of your money off you..LOL

Guys i know that go there simply adjust their day rate to cover the higher taxes.

Of course thats one way of offsetting it....but not everyone goes there on day rate and it becomes a little more complicated trying to offset tax in terms of your package...

Yeah, i heard it can get complicated for staff positions.

I know a couple guys that got offered transfers there but it was just not worth their while once all the sums were done.

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