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Thais and facebook


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I'm not a particular fan of Facebook, I don't like the blowing cheeks pictures, the 'I'm going sleep' posts and the food porn, but I have to admit that is areal 'social' network.

In my case, as some of you know, I love macro photography and I was almost alone here in Thailand. Now, thanks to FB, I have a lot of friends and photo partner with info exchange and photo trips together (Next month I'll go in Borneo with four of them from KL, Thailand and Singapore.

Or the way I still meet a lot of old friends from my home country I had lost any track before FB (school mates too!)

Ah, BTW, sometimes I admit to play a few puzzle games without be illegal copying or buying ;-)

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I really don't understand how this thread has gone on for 2 pages. The mods should have deleted the second it went up. It is obviously a racist troll disguised as an intellectual debate. He is just using "Facebook discussion" to throw racist jabs about an entire culture.

Please Mods delete this thread.

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If you've got kids who are not yet adults and they are on Facebook.

You need to be on Facebook.

I thought they had to be 18. I've always used it as my excuse for not letting them have an account anyway.

I tried it for a while but just couldn't get into it. I found it all a bit sad to be honest. It made connecting with long lost friends quite easy so it was useful for that purpose, but seeing their status updates and the way they seemed to live their lives through it made their lives seem rather pathetic and empty.

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I used to have a lot of Thai friends (ex-colleagues mainly) on FB, but got tired of seeing page after page of the most mind-numbingly, inane crap, day after day. "Good morning everyone", every god damned day or one particular bird that would post every farken thing she baked, fried, cooked with the headline "something I made in my spare times", (that "spare times" thing would have me near suicide). Another bird posts pictures of herself sitting in the exact same pose in every picture. EVERY picture! It is still etched on my memory, thumb on chin, pointed forefinger on cheek, head slightly to one side, with (what I assume she thinks is) a sophisticated, fashion model's expression. Talk about farken Groundhog day!

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I really don't understand how this thread has gone on for 2 pages. The mods should have deleted the second it went up. It is obviously a racist troll disguised as an intellectual debate. He is just using "Facebook discussion" to throw racist jabs about an entire culture.

Please Mods delete this thread.

Perhaps the OP is exposing something of his own views and attitudes which others might wish to challenge or discuss.

And therein lies the problem with your 'thought police' response.

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I am a lurker on Facebook. I seldom post anything, but it is a good way to keep up to date with those who use it (wife, kids & some friends).

You need Facebook to stay updated with your wife and kids w00t.gif

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I think it is a great thing many Thai people are on facebook,it will change Thailand forever!

Corruption appears on facebook two minutes after it happened and it is widely talked about and past on.

Surely this is already having an effect on some things,ten years ago people would never hear about issues.

Look at some things that have happened in the last month alone,facebook is a step towards heaven or a step towards hell.

I do not have a fb account myself but i will open one soon,i will just use it as a positive mean of mass communication.

One person ,one vote!

Well said wai.gif

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Perhaps the OP is exposing something of his own views and attitudes which others might wish to challenge or discuss.

And therein lies the problem with your 'thought police' response."

Well saying that an entire culture or nation are socially inept, I don't think is exposing anyone's views or attitudes other than bigotry.

I think that if the OP was referring to FB and all users generally then ok it is a valid argument, but singling out one specific country and saying all people are this or that is ignorant and racist. Which by the way is against forum rules. So it is not "thought police" it is having respect for the people of which country we are living.

Just remember facebook wasn't the first social media forum. Many Thais used Highfive, <URL Automatically Removed> and a few others geared for Thais. Texting and media socializing has been popular here since the beginning. It isn't like they are the last one to the party.

The benefit of FB is that it is the largest populated social media site, so it is easier than having 3 or 4 different social media sites to switch back and forth. So many people I know don't even do email anymore.

My issue with FB is that you have no privacy or rights to your images. I really wouldn't like my pictures being sold to someone for advertisement. or all the information that is gathered (datamining) and then sold. Why should I be making someone else wealthy when I am trying to connect with friends or family?

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Because of their general lack of social skills ? ummmm ...... probably not , it's probably because they have more social skills than you and enough friends to make it sensible to use , and skills enough to make more on Facebook than you rather than the other way around. However I'm sure you can rationalize how not having enough friends to enjoy Facebook or not having many new Facebook friends makes your social skills superior even though that would be absurd.

I've just deleted about 100 'friends' as it was ridiculous having people I haven't seen for 30 years comment on my current activities. Also, work colleagues and other acquaintances who I don't consider real friends.
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I really don't understand how this thread has gone on for 2 pages. The mods should have deleted the second it went up. It is obviously a racist troll disguised as an intellectual debate. He is just using "Facebook discussion" to throw racist jabs about an entire culture.

Please Mods delete this thread.

Perhaps the OP is exposing something of his own views and attitudes which others might wish to challenge or discuss.

And therein lies the problem with your 'thought police' response.


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FB is conplete garbage time waster, used to have a lurker account but I deleted it as I found it so useless. Keeping in touch with virtual friends doesn't interest me at all and my real friends will always be there when I go home...

....because I murdered them one by one and have set their rotting corpses up in my living room in a horrific, afternoon tea-type tableaux.

"One lump or two Nigel? And if I may be so bold as to mention you're smelling rather fruity these days" biggrin.png

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I think that if the OP was referring to FB and all users generally then ok it is a valid argument, but singling out one specific country and saying all people are this or that is ignorant and racist. Which by the way is against forum rules. So it is not "thought police" it is having respect for the people of which country we are living.

My issue with FB is that you have no privacy or rights to your images. I really wouldn't like my pictures being sold to someone for advertisement. or all the information that is gathered (datamining) and then sold. Why should I be making someone else wealthy when I am trying to connect with friends or family?

Firstly, I don't care about your issues with facebook, the thread is to about Thai people and facebook.

I am unaware of other countries as I've lived here since before facebook.

If you're not willing to discuss this then find another thread to practice your wannabe mod nonsense.

There is nothing racist about my post. Thais, in my experience find it hard to make friends, especially with foreigners or maybe don't want to make a lot of friends. Many stick to relationships with family and work colleagues. Facebook allows them to do this with great ease.

Would you say threads like - "Are Thai women jealous" racist and therefore have to be closed? This forum is about Thailand and surely we can discuss Thai things.

I have respect for Thai people, in fact I am applying for Thai citizenship.

Edited by Neeranam
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Good for socially inept people to avoid learning how to socialize normally.

I am amazed at how judgmental some people can be about what others do with their lives, i use it and have many Thai friends on it who OK post a lot of rubbish but also interesting youtube links. Each to there own, you would be surprised how critical people in Thailand would be about somebody who had made 9200+ posts on Thai visa, so what social skills did you need for that. Live and let live and get to work on hitting the 10k posts.

So Thai people post a lot of rubbish - this is judgmental.

No need to make a personal attack on my social skills.

I'm sure you know about the skills needed to post on Thai visa with your 2.42 posts/day compared to my 3.2 posts/day. Hardly a big difference is it?

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So saying all Thai people are socially inept isn't a racist comment?

Personally, I disagree 100% and find Thais to be extremely socially orientated. They work better and longer when in groups. They are very open and understanding. I have made many deep lasting friendships here.

Please when you go for your Thai citizenship bring a copy of your original post on this thread as a confirmation of your respect for Thai people. See if they agree with your comments.

Sounds like you are the one that is socially inept and very confrontational.

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I really don't understand how this thread has gone on for 2 pages. The mods should have deleted the second it went up. It is obviously a racist troll disguised as an intellectual debate. He is just using "Facebook discussion" to throw racist jabs about an entire culture.

Please Mods delete this thread.

oh how satisfying it can be to take offense

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